
562 lines
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declare (strict_types=1);
namespace Rector\Configuration;
use Rector\Caching\Contract\ValueObject\Storage\CacheStorageInterface;
use Rector\Config\Level\DeadCodeLevel;
use Rector\Config\Level\TypeDeclarationLevel;
use Rector\Config\RectorConfig;
use Rector\Config\RegisteredService;
use Rector\Configuration\Levels\LevelRulesResolver;
use Rector\Contract\Rector\ConfigurableRectorInterface;
use Rector\Contract\Rector\RectorInterface;
use Rector\Doctrine\Set\DoctrineSetList;
use Rector\Exception\Configuration\InvalidConfigurationException;
use Rector\Php\PhpVersionResolver\ProjectComposerJsonPhpVersionResolver;
use Rector\PHPUnit\Set\PHPUnitSetList;
use Rector\Set\ValueObject\LevelSetList;
use Rector\Set\ValueObject\SetList;
use Rector\Symfony\Set\FOSRestSetList;
use Rector\Symfony\Set\JMSSetList;
use Rector\Symfony\Set\SensiolabsSetList;
use Rector\Symfony\Set\SymfonySetList;
use Rector\ValueObject\PhpVersion;
use RectorPrefix202403\Symfony\Component\Finder\Finder;
use RectorPrefix202403\Webmozart\Assert\Assert;
* @api
final class RectorConfigBuilder
* @var string[]
private $paths = [];
* @var string[]
private $sets = [];
* @var array<mixed>
private $skip = [];
* @var array<class-string<RectorInterface>>
private $rules = [];
* @var array<class-string<ConfigurableRectorInterface>, mixed[]>
private $rulesWithConfigurations = [];
* @var string[]
private $fileExtensions = [];
* @var null|class-string<CacheStorageInterface>
private $cacheClass;
* @var string|null
private $cacheDirectory;
* @var string|null
private $containerCacheDirectory;
* @var bool|null
private $parallel;
* @var int
private $parallelTimeoutSeconds = 120;
* @var int
private $parallelMaxNumberOfProcess = 16;
* @var int
private $parallelJobSize = 16;
* @var bool
private $importNames = \false;
* @var bool
private $importDocBlockNames = \false;
* @var bool
private $importShortClasses = \true;
* @var bool
private $removeUnusedImports = \false;
* @var bool
private $noDiffs = \false;
* @var string|null
private $memoryLimit;
* @var string[]
private $autoloadPaths = [];
* @var string[]
private $bootstrapFiles = [];
* @var string
private $indentChar = ' ';
* @var int
private $indentSize = 4;
* @var string[]
private $phpstanConfigs = [];
* @var null|PhpVersion::*
private $phpVersion;
* @var string|null
private $symfonyContainerXmlFile;
* @var string|null
private $symfonyContainerPhpFile;
* To make sure type declarations set and level are not duplicated,
* as both contain same rules
* @var bool|null
private $isTypeCoverageLevelUsed;
* @var bool|null
private $isDeadCodeLevelUsed;
* @var bool|null
private $isFluentNewLine;
* @var RegisteredService[]
private $registerServices = [];
public function __invoke(RectorConfig $rectorConfig) : void
$uniqueSets = \array_unique($this->sets);
if (\in_array(SetList::TYPE_DECLARATION, $uniqueSets, \true) && $this->isTypeCoverageLevelUsed === \true) {
throw new InvalidConfigurationException(\sprintf('Your config already enables type declarations set.%sRemove "->withTypeCoverageLevel()" as it only duplicates it, or remove type declaration set.', \PHP_EOL));
if (\in_array(SetList::DEAD_CODE, $uniqueSets, \true) && $this->isDeadCodeLevelUsed === \true) {
throw new InvalidConfigurationException(\sprintf('Your config already enables dead code set.%sRemove "->withDeadCodeLevel()" as it only duplicates it, or remove dead code set.', \PHP_EOL));
if ($uniqueSets !== []) {
if ($this->paths !== []) {
// must be in upper part, as these services might be used by rule registered bellow
foreach ($this->registerServices as $registerService) {
if ($registerService->getAlias()) {
$rectorConfig->alias($registerService->getClassName(), $registerService->getAlias());
if ($registerService->getTag()) {
$rectorConfig->tag($registerService->getClassName(), $registerService->getTag());
if ($this->skip !== []) {
if ($this->rules !== []) {
foreach ($this->rulesWithConfigurations as $rectorClass => $configurations) {
foreach ($configurations as $configuration) {
$rectorConfig->ruleWithConfiguration($rectorClass, $configuration);
if ($this->fileExtensions !== []) {
if ($this->cacheClass !== null) {
if ($this->cacheDirectory !== null) {
if ($this->containerCacheDirectory !== null) {
if ($this->importNames || $this->importDocBlockNames) {
$rectorConfig->importNames($this->importNames, $this->importDocBlockNames);
if ($this->removeUnusedImports) {
if ($this->noDiffs) {
if ($this->memoryLimit !== null) {
if ($this->autoloadPaths !== []) {
if ($this->bootstrapFiles !== []) {
if ($this->indentChar !== ' ' || $this->indentSize !== 4) {
$rectorConfig->indent($this->indentChar, $this->indentSize);
if ($this->phpstanConfigs !== []) {
if ($this->phpVersion !== null) {
if ($this->parallel !== null) {
if ($this->parallel) {
$rectorConfig->parallel($this->parallelTimeoutSeconds, $this->parallelMaxNumberOfProcess, $this->parallelJobSize);
} else {
if ($this->symfonyContainerXmlFile !== null) {
if ($this->symfonyContainerPhpFile !== null) {
if ($this->isFluentNewLine !== null) {
* @param string[] $paths
public function withPaths(array $paths) : self
$this->paths = $paths;
return $this;
* @param array<mixed> $skip
public function withSkip(array $skip) : self
$this->skip = \array_merge($this->skip, $skip);
return $this;
public function withSkipPath(string $skipPath) : self
if (\strpos($skipPath, '*') === \false) {
return $this->withSkip([$skipPath]);
* Include PHP files from the root directory,
* typically ecs.php, rector.php etc.
public function withRootFiles() : self
$rootPhpFilesFinder = (new Finder())->files()->in(\getcwd())->depth(0)->name('*.php');
foreach ($rootPhpFilesFinder as $rootPhpFileFinder) {
$this->paths[] = $rootPhpFileFinder->getRealPath();
return $this;
* @param string[] $sets
public function withSets(array $sets) : self
$this->sets = \array_merge($this->sets, $sets);
return $this;
* Upgrade your annotations to attributes
public function withAttributesSets(bool $symfony = \false, bool $doctrine = \false, bool $mongoDb = \false, bool $gedmo = \false, bool $phpunit = \false, bool $fosRest = \false, bool $jms = \false, bool $sensiolabs = \false) : self
if ($symfony) {
$this->sets[] = SymfonySetList::ANNOTATIONS_TO_ATTRIBUTES;
if ($doctrine) {
$this->sets[] = DoctrineSetList::ANNOTATIONS_TO_ATTRIBUTES;
if ($mongoDb) {
$this->sets[] = DoctrineSetList::MONGODB__ANNOTATIONS_TO_ATTRIBUTES;
if ($gedmo) {
$this->sets[] = DoctrineSetList::GEDMO_ANNOTATIONS_TO_ATTRIBUTES;
if ($phpunit) {
$this->sets[] = PHPUnitSetList::ANNOTATIONS_TO_ATTRIBUTES;
if ($fosRest) {
$this->sets[] = FOSRestSetList::ANNOTATIONS_TO_ATTRIBUTES;
if ($jms) {
if ($sensiolabs) {
$this->sets[] = SensiolabsSetList::ANNOTATIONS_TO_ATTRIBUTES;
return $this;
* What PHP sets should be applied? By default the same version
* as composer.json has is used
public function withPhpSets(bool $php83 = \false, bool $php82 = \false, bool $php81 = \false, bool $php80 = \false, bool $php74 = \false, bool $php73 = \false, bool $php72 = \false, bool $php71 = \false, bool $php70 = \false, bool $php56 = \false, bool $php55 = \false, bool $php54 = \false, bool $php53 = \false, bool $php84 = \false) : self
$pickedArguments = \array_filter(\func_get_args());
if (\count($pickedArguments) > 1) {
throw new InvalidConfigurationException(\sprintf('Pick only one version target in "withPhpSets()". All rules up to this version will be used.%sTo use your composer.json PHP version, keep arguments empty.', \PHP_EOL));
if ($pickedArguments === []) {
// use composer.json PHP version
$projectComposerJsonFilePath = \getcwd() . '/composer.json';
if (\file_exists($projectComposerJsonFilePath)) {
$projectPhpVersion = ProjectComposerJsonPhpVersionResolver::resolve($projectComposerJsonFilePath);
if (\is_int($projectPhpVersion)) {
$this->sets[] = \Rector\Configuration\PhpLevelSetResolver::resolveFromPhpVersion($projectPhpVersion);
return $this;
throw new InvalidConfigurationException(\sprintf('We could not find local "composer.json" to determine your PHP version.%sPlease, fill the PHP version set in withPhpSets() manually.', \PHP_EOL));
if ($php53) {
$this->sets[] = LevelSetList::UP_TO_PHP_53;
} elseif ($php54) {
$this->sets[] = LevelSetList::UP_TO_PHP_54;
} elseif ($php55) {
$this->sets[] = LevelSetList::UP_TO_PHP_55;
} elseif ($php56) {
$this->sets[] = LevelSetList::UP_TO_PHP_56;
} elseif ($php70) {
$this->sets[] = LevelSetList::UP_TO_PHP_70;
} elseif ($php71) {
$this->sets[] = LevelSetList::UP_TO_PHP_71;
} elseif ($php72) {
$this->sets[] = LevelSetList::UP_TO_PHP_72;
} elseif ($php73) {
$this->sets[] = LevelSetList::UP_TO_PHP_73;
} elseif ($php74) {
$this->sets[] = LevelSetList::UP_TO_PHP_74;
} elseif ($php80) {
$this->sets[] = LevelSetList::UP_TO_PHP_80;
} elseif ($php81) {
$this->sets[] = LevelSetList::UP_TO_PHP_81;
} elseif ($php82) {
$this->sets[] = LevelSetList::UP_TO_PHP_82;
} elseif ($php83) {
$this->sets[] = LevelSetList::UP_TO_PHP_83;
} elseif ($php84) {
$this->sets[] = LevelSetList::UP_TO_PHP_84;
return $this;
public function withPreparedSets(bool $deadCode = \false, bool $codeQuality = \false, bool $codingStyle = \false, bool $typeDeclarations = \false, bool $privatization = \false, bool $naming = \false, bool $instanceOf = \false, bool $earlyReturn = \false, bool $strictBooleans = \false) : self
if ($deadCode) {
$this->sets[] = SetList::DEAD_CODE;
if ($codeQuality) {
$this->sets[] = SetList::CODE_QUALITY;
if ($codingStyle) {
$this->sets[] = SetList::CODING_STYLE;
if ($typeDeclarations) {
$this->sets[] = SetList::TYPE_DECLARATION;
if ($privatization) {
$this->sets[] = SetList::PRIVATIZATION;
if ($naming) {
$this->sets[] = SetList::NAMING;
if ($instanceOf) {
$this->sets[] = SetList::INSTANCEOF;
if ($earlyReturn) {
$this->sets[] = SetList::EARLY_RETURN;
if ($strictBooleans) {
$this->sets[] = SetList::STRICT_BOOLEANS;
return $this;
* @param array<class-string<RectorInterface>> $rules
public function withRules(array $rules) : self
$this->rules = \array_merge($this->rules, $rules);
return $this;
* @param string[] $fileExtensions
public function withFileExtensions(array $fileExtensions) : self
$this->fileExtensions = $fileExtensions;
return $this;
* @param class-string<CacheStorageInterface>|null $cacheClass
public function withCache(?string $cacheDirectory = null, ?string $cacheClass = null, ?string $containerCacheDirectory = null) : self
$this->cacheDirectory = $cacheDirectory;
$this->cacheClass = $cacheClass;
$this->containerCacheDirectory = $containerCacheDirectory;
return $this;
* @param class-string<ConfigurableRectorInterface> $rectorClass
* @param mixed[] $configuration
public function withConfiguredRule(string $rectorClass, array $configuration) : self
$this->rulesWithConfigurations[$rectorClass][] = $configuration;
return $this;
public function withParallel(?int $timeoutSeconds = null, ?int $maxNumberOfProcess = null, ?int $jobSize = null) : self
$this->parallel = \true;
if (\is_int($timeoutSeconds)) {
$this->parallelTimeoutSeconds = $timeoutSeconds;
if (\is_int($maxNumberOfProcess)) {
$this->parallelMaxNumberOfProcess = $maxNumberOfProcess;
if (\is_int($jobSize)) {
$this->parallelJobSize = $jobSize;
return $this;
public function withoutParallel() : self
$this->parallel = \false;
return $this;
public function withImportNames(bool $importNames = \true, bool $importDocBlockNames = \true, bool $importShortClasses = \true, bool $removeUnusedImports = \false) : self
$this->importNames = $importNames;
$this->importDocBlockNames = $importDocBlockNames;
$this->importShortClasses = $importShortClasses;
$this->removeUnusedImports = $removeUnusedImports;
return $this;
public function withNoDiffs() : self
$this->noDiffs = \true;
return $this;
public function withMemoryLimit(string $memoryLimit) : self
$this->memoryLimit = $memoryLimit;
return $this;
public function withIndent(string $indentChar = ' ', int $indentSize = 4) : self
$this->indentChar = $indentChar;
$this->indentSize = $indentSize;
return $this;
* @param string[] $autoloadPaths
public function withAutoloadPaths(array $autoloadPaths) : self
$this->autoloadPaths = $autoloadPaths;
return $this;
* @param string[] $bootstrapFiles
public function withBootstrapFiles(array $bootstrapFiles) : self
$this->bootstrapFiles = $bootstrapFiles;
return $this;
* @param string[] $phpstanConfigs
public function withPHPStanConfigs(array $phpstanConfigs) : self
$this->phpstanConfigs = $phpstanConfigs;
return $this;
* @param PhpVersion::* $phpVersion
public function withPhpVersion(int $phpVersion) : self
$this->phpVersion = $phpVersion;
return $this;
public function withSymfonyContainerXml(string $symfonyContainerXmlFile) : self
$this->symfonyContainerXmlFile = $symfonyContainerXmlFile;
return $this;
public function withSymfonyContainerPhp(string $symfonyContainerPhpFile) : self
$this->symfonyContainerPhpFile = $symfonyContainerPhpFile;
return $this;
* @experimental since 0.19.7 Raise your dead-code coverage from the safest rules
* to more affecting ones, one level at a time
public function withDeadCodeLevel(int $level) : self
$this->isDeadCodeLevelUsed = \true;
$levelRules = LevelRulesResolver::resolve($level, DeadCodeLevel::RULES, 'RectorConfig::withDeadCodeLevel()');
$this->rules = \array_merge($this->rules, $levelRules);
return $this;
* @experimental since 0.19.7 Raise your type coverage from the safest type rules
* to more affecting ones, one level at a time
public function withTypeCoverageLevel(int $level) : self
$this->isTypeCoverageLevelUsed = \true;
$levelRules = LevelRulesResolver::resolve($level, TypeDeclarationLevel::RULES, 'RectorConfig::withTypeCoverageLevel()');
$this->rules = \array_merge($this->rules, $levelRules);
return $this;
public function withFluentCallNewLine(bool $isFluentNewLine = \true) : self
$this->isFluentNewLine = $isFluentNewLine;
return $this;
public function registerService(string $className, ?string $alias = null, ?string $tag = null) : self
$this->registerServices[] = new RegisteredService($className, $alias, $tag);
return $this;