staticAnalyzer = $staticAnalyzer; $this->reflectionResolver = $reflectionResolver; } public function provideMinPhpVersion() : int { return PhpVersionFeature::STATIC_CALL_ON_NON_STATIC; } public function getRuleDefinition() : RuleDefinition { return new RuleDefinition('Changes $this->call() to static method to static call', [new CodeSample(<<<'CODE_SAMPLE' class SomeClass { public static function run() { $this->eat(); } public static function eat() { } } CODE_SAMPLE , <<<'CODE_SAMPLE' class SomeClass { public static function run() { static::eat(); } public static function eat() { } } CODE_SAMPLE )]); } /** * @return array> */ public function getNodeTypes() : array { return [Class_::class]; } /** * @param Class_ $node */ public function refactorWithScope(Node $node, Scope $scope) : ?Node { if (!$scope->isInClass()) { return null; } $classReflection = $scope->getClassReflection(); // skip PHPUnit calls, as they accept both self:: and $this-> formats if ($classReflection->isSubclassOf('PHPUnit\\Framework\\TestCase')) { return null; } $this->hasChanged = \false; $this->processThisToStatic($node, $classReflection); if ($this->hasChanged) { return $node; } return null; } private function processThisToStatic(Class_ $class, ClassReflection $classReflection) : void { $this->traverseNodesWithCallable($class, function (Node $subNode) use($class, $classReflection) { if ($subNode instanceof Encapsed) { return NodeTraverser::DONT_TRAVERSE_CURRENT_AND_CHILDREN; } if (!$subNode instanceof MethodCall) { return null; } if (!$subNode->var instanceof Variable) { return null; } if (!$this->nodeNameResolver->isName($subNode->var, 'this')) { return null; } if (!$subNode->name instanceof Identifier) { return null; } $methodName = $this->getName($subNode->name); if ($methodName === null) { return null; } $isStaticMethod = $this->staticAnalyzer->isStaticMethod($classReflection, $methodName, $class); if (!$isStaticMethod) { return null; } if ($subNode->isFirstClassCallable()) { return null; } $this->hasChanged = \true; $objectReference = $this->resolveClassSelf($classReflection, $subNode); return $this->nodeFactory->createStaticCall($objectReference, $methodName, $subNode->args); }); } /** * @return ObjectReference::STATIC|ObjectReference::SELF */ private function resolveClassSelf(ClassReflection $classReflection, MethodCall $methodCall) : string { if ($classReflection->isFinalByKeyword()) { return ObjectReference::SELF; } $methodReflection = $this->reflectionResolver->resolveMethodReflectionFromMethodCall($methodCall); if (!$methodReflection instanceof PhpMethodReflection) { return ObjectReference::STATIC; } if (!$methodReflection->isPrivate()) { return ObjectReference::STATIC; } return ObjectReference::SELF; } }