valueResolver = $valueResolver; } public function provideMinPhpVersion() : int { return PhpVersionFeature::STR_CONTAINS; } public function getRuleDefinition() : RuleDefinition { return new RuleDefinition('Replace strpos() !== false and strstr() with str_contains()', [new CodeSample(<<<'CODE_SAMPLE' class SomeClass { public function run() { return strpos('abc', 'a') !== false; } } CODE_SAMPLE , <<<'CODE_SAMPLE' class SomeClass { public function run() { return str_contains('abc', 'a'); } } CODE_SAMPLE )]); } /** * @return array> */ public function getNodeTypes() : array { return [Identical::class, NotIdentical::class, Equal::class, NotEqual::class]; } /** * @param Identical|NotIdentical|Equal|NotEqual $node */ public function refactor(Node $node) : ?Node { $funcCall = $this->matchIdenticalOrNotIdenticalToFalse($node); if (!$funcCall instanceof FuncCall) { return null; } if ($funcCall->isFirstClassCallable()) { return null; } if (isset($funcCall->getArgs()[2])) { $secondArg = $funcCall->getArgs()[2]; if ($this->isName($funcCall->name, 'strpos') && !$this->isIntegerZero($secondArg->value)) { $funcCall->args[0] = new Arg($this->nodeFactory->createFuncCall('substr', [$funcCall->args[0], $secondArg])); } unset($funcCall->args[2]); } $funcCall->name = new Name('str_contains'); if ($node instanceof Identical || $node instanceof Equal) { return new BooleanNot($funcCall); } return $funcCall; } public function providePolyfillPackage() : string { return PolyfillPackage::PHP_80; } /** * @param \PhpParser\Node\Expr\BinaryOp\Identical|\PhpParser\Node\Expr\BinaryOp\NotIdentical|\PhpParser\Node\Expr\BinaryOp\Equal|\PhpParser\Node\Expr\BinaryOp\NotEqual $expr */ private function matchIdenticalOrNotIdenticalToFalse($expr) : ?FuncCall { if ($this->valueResolver->isFalse($expr->left)) { if (!$expr->right instanceof FuncCall) { return null; } if (!$this->isNames($expr->right, self::OLD_STR_NAMES)) { return null; } /** @var FuncCall $funcCall */ $funcCall = $expr->right; return $funcCall; } if ($this->valueResolver->isFalse($expr->right)) { if (!$expr->left instanceof FuncCall) { return null; } if (!$this->isNames($expr->left, self::OLD_STR_NAMES)) { return null; } /** @var FuncCall $funcCall */ $funcCall = $expr->left; return $funcCall; } return null; } private function isIntegerZero(Expr $expr) : bool { if (!$expr instanceof LNumber) { return \false; } return $expr->value === 0; } }