getMessage()}\n" . (isset($e) ? 'Unable to log error. You may try enable debug mode to inspect the problem.' : 'Check log to see more info.') . "\n"); } } public function handleError(int $severity, string $message, string $file, int $line, array $context = null) : void { if ($severity & Debugger::$logSeverity) { $err = new ErrorException($message, 0, $severity, $file, $line); @($err->context = $context); // dynamic properties are deprecated since PHP 8.2 Helpers::improveException($err); } else { $err = 'PHP ' . Helpers::errorTypeToString($severity) . ': ' . Helpers::improveError($message, (array) $context) . " in {$file}:{$line}"; } try { Debugger::log($err, Debugger::ERROR); } catch (\Throwable $e) { } } public function sendAssets() : bool { return \false; } public function renderLoader() : void { } public function renderBar() : void { } }