value; $this->snapshot = $model->snapshot; if ($this->lazy === \false) { // no lazy-loading $html = $this->renderVar($value); $json = $snapshot = null; } elseif ($this->lazy && (\is_array($value) && $value || \is_object($value))) { // full lazy-loading $html = ''; $snapshot = $this->collectingMode ? null : $this->snapshot; $json = $value; } else { // lazy-loading of collapsed parts $html = $this->renderVar($value); $snapshot = $this->snapshotSelection; $json = null; } } finally { $this->parents = $this->snapshot = $this->above = []; $this->snapshotSelection = null; } $location = null; if ($model->location && $this->sourceLocation) { [$file, $line, $code] = $model->location; $uri = Helpers::editorUri($file, $line); $location = Helpers::formatHtml('', $uri ?? '#', $file, $line, $uri ? "\nClick to open in editor" : '') . Helpers::encodeString($code, 50) . " 📍"; } return '
 100 ? "\n" : '') . '>' . $location . $html . "
\n"; } public function renderAsText(\stdClass $model, array $colors = []) : string { try { $this->snapshot = $model->snapshot; $this->lazy = \false; $s = $this->renderVar($model->value); } finally { $this->parents = $this->snapshot = $this->above = []; } $s = $colors ? self::htmlToAnsi($s, $colors) : $s; $s = \htmlspecialchars_decode(\strip_tags($s), \ENT_QUOTES | \ENT_HTML5); $s = \str_replace('…', '...', $s); $s .= \substr($s, -1) === "\n" ? '' : "\n"; if ($this->sourceLocation && ([$file, $line] = $model->location)) { $s .= "in {$file}:{$line}\n"; } return $s; } /** * @param mixed $value * @param string|int|null $keyType */ private function renderVar($value, int $depth = 0, $keyType = null) : string { switch (\true) { case $value === null: return 'null'; case \is_bool($value): return '' . ($value ? 'true' : 'false') . ''; case \is_int($value): return '' . $value . ''; case \is_float($value): return '' . self::jsonEncode($value) . ''; case \is_string($value): return $this->renderString($value, $depth, $keyType); case \is_array($value): case $value->type === Value::TypeArray: return $this->renderArray($value, $depth); case $value->type === Value::TypeRef: return $this->renderVar($this->snapshot[$value->value], $depth, $keyType); case $value->type === Value::TypeObject: return $this->renderObject($value, $depth); case $value->type === Value::TypeNumber: return '' . Helpers::escapeHtml($value->value) . ''; case $value->type === Value::TypeText: return '' . Helpers::escapeHtml($value->value) . ''; case $value->type === Value::TypeStringHtml: case $value->type === Value::TypeBinaryHtml: return $this->renderString($value, $depth, $keyType); case $value->type === Value::TypeResource: return $this->renderResource($value, $depth); default: throw new \Exception('Unknown type'); } } /** * @param string|Value $str * @param string|int|null $keyType */ private function renderString($str, int $depth, $keyType) : string { if ($keyType === self::TypeArrayKey) { $indent = ' ' . \str_repeat('| ', $depth - 1) . ' '; return '' . "'" . (\is_string($str) ? Helpers::escapeHtml($str) : \str_replace("\n", "\n" . $indent, $str->value)) . "'" . ''; } elseif ($keyType !== null) { $classes = [Value::PropertyPublic => 'tracy-dump-public', Value::PropertyProtected => 'tracy-dump-protected', Value::PropertyDynamic => 'tracy-dump-dynamic', Value::PropertyVirtual => 'tracy-dump-virtual']; $indent = ' ' . \str_repeat('| ', $depth - 1) . ' '; $title = \is_string($keyType) ? ' title="declared in ' . Helpers::escapeHtml($keyType) . '"' : null; return '' . (\is_string($str) ? Helpers::escapeHtml($str) : "'" . \str_replace("\n", "\n" . $indent, $str->value) . "'") . ''; } elseif (\is_string($str)) { $len = Helpers::utf8Length($str); return ' 1 ? ' title="' . $len . ' characters"' : '') . '>' . "'" . Helpers::escapeHtml($str) . "'" . ''; } else { $unit = $str->type === Value::TypeStringHtml ? 'characters' : 'bytes'; $count = \substr_count($str->value, "\n"); if ($count) { $collapsed = $indent1 = $toggle = null; $indent = ' '; if ($depth) { $collapsed = $count >= $this->collapseSub; $indent1 = ' ' . \str_repeat('| ', $depth) . ''; $indent = ' ' . \str_repeat('| ', $depth) . ' '; $toggle = 'string' . "\n"; } return $toggle . '
' . $indent1 . ''" . \str_replace("\n", "\n" . $indent, $str->value) . "'" . ($depth ? "\n" : '') . '
'; } return 'length > 1 ? " title=\"{$str->length} {$unit}\"" : '') . '>' . "'" . $str->value . "'" . ''; } } /** * @param array|Value $array */ private function renderArray($array, int $depth) : string { $out = 'array ('; if (\is_array($array)) { $items = $array; $count = \count($items); $out .= $count . ')'; } elseif ($array->items === null) { return $out . $array->length . ') …'; } else { $items = $array->items; $count = $array->length ?? \count($items); $out .= $count . ')'; if ($array->id && isset($this->parents[$array->id])) { return $out . ' RECURSION'; } elseif ($array->id && ($array->depth < $depth || isset($this->above[$array->id]))) { if ($this->lazy !== \false) { $ref = new Value(Value::TypeRef, $array->id); $this->copySnapshot($ref); return '" . $out . ''; } elseif ($this->hash) { return $out . (isset($this->above[$array->id]) ? ' see above' : ' see below'); } } } if (!$count) { return $out; } $collapsed = $depth ? $this->lazy === \false || $depth === 1 ? $count >= $this->collapseSub : \true : (\is_int($this->collapseTop) ? $count >= $this->collapseTop : $this->collapseTop); $span = 'lazy !== \false) { $array = isset($array->id) ? new Value(Value::TypeRef, $array->id) : $array; $this->copySnapshot($array); return $span . " data-tracy-dump='" . self::jsonEncode($array) . "'>" . $out . ''; } $out = $span . '>' . $out . "\n" . ''; $indent = ' ' . \str_repeat('| ', $depth) . ''; $this->parents[$array->id ?? null] = $this->above[$array->id ?? null] = \true; foreach ($items as $info) { [$k, $v, $ref] = $info + [2 => null]; $out .= $indent . $this->renderVar($k, $depth + 1, self::TypeArrayKey) . ' => ' . ($ref && $this->hash ? '&' . $ref . ' ' : '') . ($tmp = $this->renderVar($v, $depth + 1)) . (\substr($tmp, -6) === '' ? '' : "\n"); } if ($count > \count($items)) { $out .= $indent . "…\n"; } unset($this->parents[$array->id ?? null]); return $out . ''; } private function renderObject(Value $object, int $depth) : string { $editorAttributes = ''; if ($this->classLocation && $object->editor) { $editorAttributes = Helpers::formatHtml(' title="Declared in file % on line %%%" data-tracy-href="%"', $object->editor->file, $object->editor->line, $object->editor->url ? "\nCtrl-Click to open in editor" : '', "\nAlt-Click to expand/collapse all child nodes", $object->editor->url); } $pos = \strrpos($object->value, '\\'); $out = '' . ($pos ? Helpers::escapeHtml(\substr($object->value, 0, $pos + 1)) . '' . Helpers::escapeHtml(\substr($object->value, $pos + 1)) . '' : Helpers::escapeHtml($object->value)) . '' . ($object->id && $this->hash ? ' #' . $object->id . '' : ''); if ($object->items === null) { return $out . ' …'; } elseif (!$object->items) { return $out; } elseif ($object->id && isset($this->parents[$object->id])) { return $out . ' RECURSION'; } elseif ($object->id && ($object->depth < $depth || isset($this->above[$object->id]))) { if ($this->lazy !== \false) { $ref = new Value(Value::TypeRef, $object->id); $this->copySnapshot($ref); return '" . $out . ''; } elseif ($this->hash) { return $out . (isset($this->above[$object->id]) ? ' see above' : ' see below'); } } $collapsed = $object->collapsed ?? ($depth ? $this->lazy === \false || $depth === 1 ? \count($object->items) >= $this->collapseSub : \true : (\is_int($this->collapseTop) ? \count($object->items) >= $this->collapseTop : $this->collapseTop)); $span = 'lazy !== \false) { $value = $object->id ? new Value(Value::TypeRef, $object->id) : $object; $this->copySnapshot($value); return $span . " data-tracy-dump='" . self::jsonEncode($value) . "'>" . $out . ''; } $out = $span . '>' . $out . "\n" . ''; $indent = ' ' . \str_repeat('| ', $depth) . ''; $this->parents[$object->id] = $this->above[$object->id] = \true; foreach ($object->items as $info) { [$k, $v, $type, $ref] = $info + [2 => Value::PropertyVirtual, null]; $out .= $indent . $this->renderVar($k, $depth + 1, $type) . ': ' . ($ref && $this->hash ? '&' . $ref . ' ' : '') . ($tmp = $this->renderVar($v, $depth + 1)) . (\substr($tmp, -6) === '' ? '' : "\n"); } if ($object->length > \count($object->items)) { $out .= $indent . "…\n"; } unset($this->parents[$object->id]); return $out . ''; } private function renderResource(Value $resource, int $depth) : string { $out = '' . Helpers::escapeHtml($resource->value) . ' ' . ($this->hash ? '@' . \substr($resource->id, 1) . '' : ''); if (!$resource->items) { return $out; } elseif (isset($this->above[$resource->id])) { if ($this->lazy !== \false) { $ref = new Value(Value::TypeRef, $resource->id); $this->copySnapshot($ref); return '" . $out . ''; } return $out . ' see above'; } else { $this->above[$resource->id] = \true; $out = "{$out}\n
"; foreach ($resource->items as [$k, $v]) { $out .= ' ' . \str_repeat('| ', $depth) . '' . $this->renderVar($k, $depth + 1, Value::PropertyVirtual) . ': ' . ($tmp = $this->renderVar($v, $depth + 1)) . (\substr($tmp, -6) === '
' ? '' : "\n"); } return $out . ''; } } private function copySnapshot($value) : void { if ($this->collectingMode) { return; } if ($this->snapshotSelection === null) { $this->snapshotSelection = []; } if (\is_array($value)) { foreach ($value as [, $v]) { $this->copySnapshot($v); } } elseif ($value instanceof Value && $value->type === Value::TypeRef) { if (!isset($this->snapshotSelection[$value->value])) { $ref = $this->snapshotSelection[$value->value] = $this->snapshot[$value->value]; $this->copySnapshot($ref); } } elseif ($value instanceof Value && $value->items) { foreach ($value->items as [, $v]) { $this->copySnapshot($v); } } } public static function jsonEncode($snapshot) : string { $old = @\ini_set('serialize_precision', '-1'); // @ may be disabled try { return \json_encode($snapshot, \JSON_HEX_APOS | \JSON_HEX_AMP | \JSON_UNESCAPED_UNICODE | \JSON_UNESCAPED_SLASHES); } finally { if ($old !== \false) { \ini_set('serialize_precision', $old); } } } private static function htmlToAnsi(string $s, array $colors) : string { $stack = ['0']; $s = \preg_replace_callback('#<\\w+(?: class="tracy-dump-(\\w+)")?[^>]*>|#', function ($m) use($colors, &$stack) : string { if ($m[0][1] === '/') { \array_pop($stack); } else { $stack[] = isset($m[1], $colors[$m[1]]) ? $colors[$m[1]] : '0'; } return "\x1b[" . \end($stack) . 'm'; }, $s); $s = \preg_replace('/\\e\\[0m(\\n*)(?=\\e)/', '$1', $s); return $s; } }