#!/bin/bash # This shell script sets open-editor.sh as handler for editor:// protocol matches=0 while read -r line do if [ "editor=" == "${line:0:7}" ]; then matches=1 break fi done < "open-editor.sh" if [ "$matches" == "0" ]; then echo -e "\e[31;1mError: it seems like you have not set command to run your editor." echo -e "Before install, set variable \`\$editor\` in file \`open-editor.sh\`.\e[0m" exit 1 fi # -------------------------------------------------------------- echo "[Desktop Entry] Name=Tracy Open Editor Exec=tracy-openeditor.sh %u Terminal=false NoDisplay=true Type=Application MimeType=x-scheme-handler/editor;" > tracy-openeditor.desktop chmod +x open-editor.sh chmod +x tracy-openeditor.desktop sudo cp open-editor.sh /usr/bin/tracy-openeditor.sh sudo xdg-desktop-menu install tracy-openeditor.desktop sudo update-desktop-database rm tracy-openeditor.desktop echo -e "\e[32;1mDone.\e[0m"