includes: - vendor/symplify/phpstan-rules/config/symplify-rules.neon parameters: level: 8 # requires exact closure types checkMissingCallableSignature: true parallel: # to prevent full thread lagging pc maximumNumberOfProcesses: 15 paths: - rector.php - bin - src - rules - packages - tests - utils # this cannot be put it, because it wipes PHPStan cache on each run :( - must run in separate #- config # to allow installing with various phsptan versions without reporting old errors here bootstrapFiles: - vendor/symfony/dependency-injection/Loader/Configurator/ContainerConfigurator.php scanDirectories: - stubs reportUnmatchedIgnoredErrors: false checkGenericClassInNonGenericObjectType: false excludePaths: # too modern code for PHPStan 0.12.2 - bin/validate-phpstan-version.php - bin/detect-rules-not-used-in-any-set.php # temporary stinrgable migration from template type provider - src/Console/Command/InitCommand.php - bin/generate-changelog.php - */config.php # broken in PHPStan - packages/BetterPhpDocParser/ValueObject/PhpDocNode/AbstractTagValueNode.php - packages/Testing/PHPUnit/*.php - rules/DowngradePhp70/Rector/FunctionLike/AbstractDowngradeParamDeclarationRector.php # demo rule - tests/Issues/AliasedImportDouble/Rector/ClassMethod/AddAliasImportRector.php # complex printer - '*tests/Rector/MethodCall/RenameMethodRector/**/SomeClass.php' # tests files - "*tests/*/Expected/*" - '*tests/*/Fixture/*' - '*tests/*/Source/*' - '*tests/Source/*' # part of composer - '*/tests/Rector/Psr4/MultipleClassFileToPsr4ClassesRector/Expected/Just*ExceptionWithoutNamespace.php' - packages-tests/BetterPhpDocPraser/PhpDocParser/TagValueNodeReprint/Fixture/SymfonyRoute/RouteName.php # tests - tests/DependencyInjection/config ignoreErrors: # PHP 7.4 1_000 support - '#Property PhpParser\\Node\\Scalar\\DNumber\:\:\$value \(float\) does not accept string#' - '#Parameter \#1 \$node of method Rector\\PostRector\\Collector\\NodesToAddCollector\:\:wrapToExpression\(\) expects PhpParser\\Node\\Expr\|PhpParser\\Node\\Stmt, PhpParser\\Node given#' - '#Cognitive complexity for "Rector\\Php80\\NodeResolver\\SwitchExprsResolver\:\:resolve\(\)" is (.*?), keep it under 10#' - message: '#Class cognitive complexity is \d+, keep it under \d+#' paths: - rules/Php70/EregToPcreTransformer.php - packages/NodeTypeResolver/NodeTypeResolver.php - rules/Renaming/NodeManipulator/ClassRenamer.php - src/Rector/AbstractRector.php - "#^Cognitive complexity for \"Rector\\\\Php70\\\\EregToPcreTransformer\\:\\:(.*?)\" is (.*?), keep it under 10$#" - '#Cognitive complexity for "Rector\\Core\\PhpParser\\Node\\Value\\ValueResolver\:\:getValue\(\)" is \d+, keep it under 10#' - '#Cognitive complexity for "Rector\\DeadCode\\NodeManipulator\\LivingCodeManipulator\:\:keepLivingCodeFromExpr\(\)" is \d+, keep it under 10#' # known value - '#Property PhpParser\\Node\\Stmt\\Foreach_\:\:\$valueVar \(PhpParser\\Node\\Expr\) does not accept PhpParser\\Node\\Expr\|null#' - '#Parameter \#1 \$variable of class Rector\\Php70\\ValueObject\\VariableAssignPair constructor expects PhpParser\\Node\\Expr\\ArrayDimFetch\|PhpParser\\Node\\Expr\\PropertyFetch\|PhpParser\\Node\\Expr\\StaticPropertyFetch\|PhpParser\\Node\\Expr\\Variable, PhpParser\\Node\\Expr given#' # is nested expr - '#Access to an undefined property PhpParser\\Node\\Expr\:\:\$expr#' # 3rd party package - message: '#Array (with keys|destruct) is not allowed\. Use value object to pass data instead#' path: rules/Php70/EregToPcreTransformer.php - message: '#Use explicit return value over magic &reference#' path: rules/Php70/EregToPcreTransformer.php # symplify 9 - '#Use another value object over array with string\-keys and objects, array#' - '#Do not use factory/method call in constructor\. Put factory in config and get service with dependency injection#' # false positives checked in another method - message: '#If condition is always false#' paths: - rules/CodeQuality/Rector/Concat/JoinStringConcatRector.php - packages/NodeNestingScope/NodeFinder/ScopeAwareNodeFinder.php - '#Method (.*?) should return array but returns array#' - '#Access to an undefined property PhpParser\\Node\\Expr\\Error\|PhpParser\\Node\\Expr\\Variable\:\:\$name#' - message: '#Comparison operation "<" between 0 and 2 is always true#' paths: - rules/Php70/Rector/FuncCall/MultiDirnameRector.php - message: '#Call to function is_string\(\) with float will always evaluate to false#' path: src/PhpParser/Printer/BetterStandardPrinter.php # class_exists is forbidden to enforce static reflection, but in a compiler pass we want runtime autoloading - message: '#Function "class_exists\(\)" cannot be used/left in the code#' paths: - src/DependencyInjection/CompilerPass/VerifyRectorServiceExistsCompilerPass.php # for config class reflection - packages/NodeTypeResolver/DependencyInjection/PHPStanServicesFactory.php - '#PhpParser\\Node\\Expr\\Error\|PhpParser\\Node\\Expr\\Variable given#' - '#Method Rector\\CodeQuality\\Rector\\Foreach_\\SimplifyForeachToCoalescingRector\:\:matchReturnOrAssignNode\(\) should return PhpParser\\Node\\Expr\\Assign\|PhpParser\\Node\\Stmt\\Return_\|null but returns PhpParser\\Node\|null#' - message: '#Unreachable statement \- code above always terminates#' paths: - bin/rector.php - rules/Php70/Rector/FuncCall/MultiDirnameRector.php - message: '#Function "class_exists\(\)" cannot be used/left in the code#' paths: - src/Bootstrap/ExtensionConfigResolver.php # @todo fix later - message: '#There should be no empty class#' paths: - packages/StaticTypeMapper/ValueObject/Type/*Type.php - */Exception/* - message: '#Namespace "Rector\\(.*?)\\Rector" is only reserved for "Rector"\. Move the class somewhere else#' paths: - */Contract/* # generics nullable bugs - '#Method (.*?) should return (.*?)\|null but returns PhpParser\\Node\|null#' - '#Method (.*?) should return array but returns array#' # fixed in php-parser master - '#Parameter \#4 \$classWithConstants of class Rector\\Privatization\\ValueObject\\ReplaceStringWithClassConstant constructor expects class\-string, string given#' # buggy phpstan clas-string - '#Method (.*?) should return class\-string but returns string#' - message: '#\$this as argument is not allowed\. Refactor method to service composition#' paths: - src/Rector/AbstractRector.php - '#Property Rector\\Core\\PhpParser\\Node\\AssignAndBinaryMap\:\:\$binaryOpToAssignClasses \(array, class\-string\>\) does not accept array#' - message: '#Function "property_exists\(\)" cannot be used/left in the code#' paths: # on PhpParser Nodes - packages/NodeNameResolver/NodeNameResolver.php # known types - '#Call to an undefined method PHPStan\\Type\\ConstantType\:\:getValue\(\)#' - '#Parameter \#1 \$stmts of method Rector\\EarlyReturn\\Rector\\Return_\\PreparedValueToEarlyReturnRector\:\:collectIfs\(\) expects array, array given#' - '#Access to an undefined property PhpParser\\Node\\FunctionLike\|PhpParser\\Node\\Stmt\\If_\:\:\$stmts#' - '#Cognitive complexity for "Rector\\CodeQuality\\Rector\\Isset_\\IssetOnPropertyObjectToPropertyExistsRector\:\:refactor\(\)" is \d+, keep it under 10#' - '#Cognitive complexity for "Rector\\DogFood\\Rector\\Closure\\UpgradeRectorConfigRector\:\:refactor\(\)" is \d+, keep it under 10#' - '#(.*?) class\-string, string given#' # part of refactor() API, node must be returned, or does bring any value - message: '#Use void instead of modify and return self object#' paths: - '*Rector.php' # PHP 7_4 literal syntax - '#Property PhpParser\\Node\\Scalar\\DNumber\:\:\$value \(float\|int\) does not accept string#' - message: '#Array destruct is not allowed\. Use value object to pass data instead#' paths: - packages/BetterPhpDocParser/PhpDocParser/StaticDoctrineAnnotationParser/ArrayParser.php - message: '#\$this as argument is not allowed\. Refactor method to service composition#' paths: - packages/BetterPhpDocParser/ValueObject/Parser/BetterTokenIterator.php - '#Cognitive complexity for "Rector\\BetterPhpDocParser\\PhpDocParser\\DoctrineAnnotationDecorator\:\:mergeNestedDoctrineAnnotations\(\)" is \d+, keep it under 10#' - '#Cognitive complexity for "Rector\\BetterPhpDocParser\\Printer\\PhpDocInfoPrinter\:\:printDocChildNode\(\)" is \d+, keep it under 10#' - '#Cognitive complexity for "Rector\\NodeTypeResolver\\NodeTypeResolver\:\:getType\(\)" is \d+, keep it under 10#' - message: '#Property with protected modifier is not allowed\. Use interface contract method instead#' path: 'packages/BetterPhpDocParser/ValueObject/PhpDoc/DoctrineAnnotation/AbstractValuesAwareNode.php' # known type - '#Parameter \#3 \$pseudoNamespaceToNamespace of method Rector\\NodeTypeResolver\\PhpDocNodeVisitor\\UnderscoreRenamePhpDocNodeVisitor\:\:shouldSkip\(\) expects Rector\\Renaming\\ValueObject\\PseudoNamespaceToNamespace, Rector\\Renaming\\ValueObject\\PseudoNamespaceToNamespace\|null given#' # known types - '#Parameter (.*?) expects PhpParser\\Node, PhpParser\\Node\|null given#' - message: '#Class cognitive complexity is \d+, keep it under \d+#' paths: - packages/PHPStanStaticTypeMapper/TypeMapper/UnionTypeMapper.php - message: '#Property with protected modifier is not allowed\. Use interface contract method instead#' paths: - src/Rector/AbstractRector.php - '#Cannot call method getSmartFileInfo\(\) on Rector\\Core\\ValueObject\\Application\\File\|null#' - message: '#Function "function_exists\(\)" cannot be used/left in the code#' paths: - src/functions/node_helper.php - '#Method Rector\\BetterPhpDocParser\\PhpDocParser\\BetterPhpDocParser\:\:parseChildAndStoreItsPositions\(\) should return PHPStan\\PhpDocParser\\Ast\\PhpDoc\\PhpDocTagNode\|PHPStan\\PhpDocParser\\Ast\\PhpDoc\\PhpDocTextNode but returns PHPStan\\PhpDocParser\\Ast\\PhpDoc\\PhpDocChildNode#' # deserves better architecture - message: '#Do not use chained method calls#' path: packages/BetterPhpDocParser/Printer/PhpDocInfoPrinter.php - message: '#Function "dump_node\(\)" cannot be used/left in the code#' path: src/functions/node_helper.php # union false positive - '#Method Rector\\Comments\\CommentRemover\:\:removeFromNode\(\) has parameter \$node with no value type specified in iterable type array#' # false positive - '#Attribute class JetBrains\\PhpStorm\\Immutable does not exist#' # class-string miss match - '#Parameter \#1 \$classes of method Rector\\BetterPhpDocParser\\PhpDocInfo\\PhpDocInfo\:\:getByAnnotationClasses\(\) expects array, array given#' - '#Parameter \#1 \$classes of method Rector\\BetterPhpDocParser\\PhpDocInfo\\PhpDocInfo\:\:getByAnnotationClasses\(\) expects array, array given#' - '#expects class\-string, string given#' # weird generics - '#Method Rector\\BetterPhpDocParser\\PhpDocInfo\\PhpDocInfo\:\:getByType\(\) should return array but returns array#' # array_index on generic types - '#Method Rector\\NodeTypeResolver\\PHPStan\\Type\\TypeFactory\:\:uniquateTypes\(\) should return array but returns array#' # resolve later - '#Method "(.*?)\(\)" only calling another method call and has no added value\. Use the inlined call instead#' - '#Method "processRenameVariable\(\)" returns bool type, so the name should start with is/has/was#' - '#Method "refactorParamType\(\)" returns bool type, so the name should start with is/has/was#' - '#Method "decorateReturnWithSpecificType\(\)" returns bool type, so the name should start with is/has/was#' - '#Method "resolveObjectType\(\)" returns bool type, so the name should start with is/has/was#' # native filesystem calls, required for performance reasons - message: '#"@\\unlink\(\$tmpPath\)" is forbidden to use#' paths: - packages/Caching/ValueObject/Storage/FileCacheStorage.php - message: '#"@\\rename\(\$tmpPath, \$path\)" is forbidden to use#' paths: - packages/Caching/ValueObject/Storage/FileCacheStorage.php - message: '#"@\\var_export\(new \\Rector\\Caching\\ValueObject\\CacheItem\(\$variableKey, \$data\), true\)" is forbidden to use#' paths: - packages/Caching/ValueObject/Storage/FileCacheStorage.php # resolve later - '#Variables "\$(.*?)" are overridden\. This can lead to unwanted bugs, please pick a different name to avoid it#' - message: '#Instead of abstract class, use specific service with composition#' paths: - packages/BetterPhpDocParser/ValueObject/PhpDoc/DoctrineAnnotation/AbstractValuesAwareNode.php - packages/PostRector/Rector/AbstractPostRector.php - src/Rector/AbstractRector.php - src/Rector/AbstractScopeAwareRector.php - message: '#This call has duplicate argument#' paths: - rules/Php72/Rector/Assign/ReplaceEachAssignmentWithKeyCurrentRector.php - message: '#foreach\(\), while\(\), for\(\) or if\(\) cannot contain a complex expression\. Extract it to a new variable on a line before#' paths: - rules/Php70/Rector/FuncCall/MultiDirnameRector.php - src/Application/FileProcessor.php - src/PhpParser/Node/BetterNodeFinder.php # find everything class, better then 10 different finders - message: '#Class cognitive complexity is \d+, keep it under 50#' paths: - src/PhpParser/Node/BetterNodeFinder.php - message: '#Parameter \#2 \$length of function str_split expects int<1, max\>, int given#' paths: - rules/Php74/Rector/LNumber/AddLiteralSeparatorToNumberRector.php - message: '#Class has a static method must so must contains "Static" in its name#' paths: - packages/FileFormatter/ValueObject/Indent.php #17 - packages/FileFormatter/ValueObject/NewLine.php #15 - src/Application/VersionResolver.php #16 - utils/compiler/src/Unprefixer.php #9 - src/Configuration/ValueObjectInliner.php # waits for phpstan upgrade to php-parser 4.13 - '#Access to an undefined property PhpParser\\Node\\Arg\|PhpParser\\Node\\VariadicPlaceholder\:\:\$value#' - '#(.*?), array given#' # share configuration to avoid duplication in 5 rules - message: '#Instead of abstract class, use specific service with composition#' path: rules/Strict/Rector/AbstractFalsyScalarRuleFixerRector.php # false positive - configured parmaeter - message: '#Property with protected modifier is not allowed\. Use interface contract method instead#' path: rules/Strict/Rector/AbstractFalsyScalarRuleFixerRector.php # internal tag - '#Unknown PHPDoc tag\: @phpstan\-rule#' # many internal cases - '#Calling (.*?) is not covered by backward compatibility promise\. The method might change in a minor PHPStan version#' # generated content - not reliable values - message: '#Offset (.*?) on array(.*?) on left side of \?\? always exists and is not nullable#' paths: - packages/NodeTypeResolver/DependencyInjection/PHPStanServicesFactory.php - path: src/Bootstrap/RectorConfigsResolver.php message: '#Method Rector\\Core\\Bootstrap\\RectorConfigsResolver\:\:resolveFromInput\(\) should return string\|null but returns string\|false#' - '#Cognitive complexity for "Rector\\Core\\NodeManipulator\\ClassMethodAssignManipulator\:\:collectReferenceVariableNames\(\)" is 13, keep it under 10#' # caching - message: '#Use separate function calls with readable variable names#' paths: - src/DependencyInjection/Loader/Configurator/RectorServiceConfigurator.php # on purpose to make use of worker paralle pattern - message: '#Instead of abstract class, use specific service with composition#' path: src/Console/Command/AbstractProcessCommand.php # known value object, nullable due to typed property - message: '#Cannot call method (.*?)\(\) on (.*?)\\ProcessPool\|null#' path: packages/Parallel/Application/ParallelFileProcessor.php # parallel complexity - '#Cognitive complexity for "Rector\\Parallel\\Application\\ParallelFileProcessor\:\:process\(\)" is \d+, keep it under 10#' - '#Argument and options "debug", "clear\-cache" got confused#' # strict rules - '#Dynamic call to static method PHPUnit\\Framework\\Assert\:\:(.*?)\(\)#' # specific generics - '#Parameter \#1 \$node (.*?) of method Rector\\(.*?)Rector\:\:refactor\(\) should be contravariant with parameter \$node \(PhpParser\\Node\) of method Rector\\Core\\Contract\\Rector\\PhpRectorInterface\:\:refactor\(\)#' - '#Return type (.*?) of method Rector\\(.*?)\\Rector\\(.*?)\\(.*?)\:\:refactor\(\) should be covariant with return type \(array\|PhpParser\\Node\|null\) of method Rector\\Core\\Contract\\Rector\\PhpRectorInterface\:\:refactor\(\)#' # only for empty ctor - '#Rector\\Core\\PhpParser\\NodeTraverser\\RectorNodeTraverser\:\:__construct\(\) does not call parent constructor from PhpParser\\NodeTraverser#' - message: '#Class has a static method must so must contains "Static" in its name#' path: src/Util/StringUtils.php # generics - '#Method Rector\\Core\\PhpParser\\NodeTraverser\\RectorNodeTraverser\:\:traverse\(\) should return array but returns array#' - '#Parameter \#1 \$stmts of class Rector\\Core\\PhpParser\\Node\\CustomNode\\FileWithoutNamespace constructor expects array, array given#' # strict - resolve later - '#Foreach overwrites \$(.*?) with its value variable#' - message: '#Strict comparison using \!\=\= between null and null will always evaluate to false#' path: rules/Renaming/Rector/FileWithoutNamespace/PseudoNamespaceToNamespaceRector.php # stricter child type on purpose - '#Parameter \#1 \$nodes \(array\) of method Rector\\PostRector\\Rector\\(.*?)\:\:beforeTraverse\(\) should be contravariant with parameter \$nodes \(array\) of method PhpParser\\NodeVisitor\:\:beforeTraverse\(\)#' # stricter child type on purpose - '#Parameter \#1 \$tokenIterator \(Rector\\BetterPhpDocParser\\ValueObject\\Parser\\BetterTokenIterator\) of method Rector\\BetterPhpDocParser\\PhpDocParser\\BetterPhpDocParser\:\:parseTagValue\(\) should be contravariant with parameter \$tokens \(PHPStan\\PhpDocParser\\Parser\\TokenIterator\) of method PHPStan\\PhpDocParser\\Parser\\PhpDocParser\:\:parseTagValue\(\)#' - '#Parameter \#1 \$nodes \(array\) of method Rector\\PostRector\\Rector\\(.*?)\:\:beforeTraverse\(\) should be contravariant with parameter \$nodes \(array\) of method PhpParser\\NodeVisitorAbstract\:\:beforeTraverse\(\)#' # property changed else-where - message: '#If condition is always false#' path: rules/TypeDeclaration/Rector/FunctionLike/ParamTypeDeclarationRector.php # on purpose, allows empty tokens - '#Rector\\BetterPhpDocParser\\ValueObject\\Parser\\BetterTokenIterator\:\:__construct\(\) does not call parent constructor from PHPStan\\PhpDocParser\\Parser\\TokenIterator#' - '#Rector\\Comments\\NodeTraverser\\CommentRemovingNodeTraverser\:\:__construct\(\) does not call parent constructor from PhpParser\\NodeTraverser#' # confused generics - '#Return type \(array\>\) of method Rector\\NodeTypeResolver\\NodeTypeResolver\\(.*?)TypeResolver\:\:getNodeClasses\(\) should be covariant with return type \(array\>\) of method Rector\\NodeTypeResolver\\Contract\\NodeTypeResolverInterface\:\:getNodeClasses\(\)#' - message: '#Class has a static method must so must contains "Static" in its name#' path: src/Validation/RectorAssert.php # parallel - message: '#Instead of array shape, use value object with specific types in constructor and getters#' paths: - src/ValueObjectFactory/ProcessResultFactory.php - src/*/*Processor.php - rules/Composer/Application/FileProcessor/ComposerFileProcessor.php - src/Contract/Processor/FileProcessorInterface.php - packages/Parallel/Application/ParallelFileProcessor.php - rules/CodeQuality/Rector/PropertyFetch/ExplicitMethodCallOverMagicGetSetRector.php # skipped on purpose, as ctor overrie - '#Rector\\StaticTypeMapper\\ValueObject\\Type\\SimpleStaticType\:\:__construct\(\) does not call parent constructor from PHPStan\\Type\\StaticType#' # complex detection - '#Cognitive complexity for "Rector\\Core\\DependencyInjection\\Collector\\ConfigureCallValuesCollector\:\:addConfigureCallValues\(\)" is \d+, keep it under 10#' - '#Cognitive complexity for "Rector\\TypeDeclaration\\Rector\\FunctionLike\\ParamTypeDeclarationRector\:\:refactorParam\(\)" is 11, keep it under 10#' # return bool on change - '#Method "(change|remove)(.*?)" returns bool type, so the name should start with is/has/was#' - message: '#Casting to float something that.{1}s already float#' path: packages/NodeTypeResolver/NodeTypeResolver/ScalarTypeResolver.php #38 - message: '#Casting to string something that.{1}s already string#' path: packages/NodeTypeResolver/NodeTypeResolver/ScalarTypeResolver.php #42 - message: '#Casting to int something that.{1}s already int#' path: packages/NodeTypeResolver/NodeTypeResolver/ScalarTypeResolver.php #46 - message: '#Cognitive complexity for "Rector\\Php80\\Rector\\Class_\\AnnotationToAttributeRector\:\:processDoctrineAnnotationClasses\(\)" is \d+, keep it under 10#' path: rules/Php80/Rector/Class_/AnnotationToAttributeRector.php - message: '#Use value object over return of values#' paths: - src/Application/ApplicationFileProcessor.php - packages/Parallel/Application/ParallelFileProcessor.php - packages/BetterPhpDocParser/PhpDocParser/StaticDoctrineAnnotationParser/ArrayParser.php - rules/EarlyReturn/Rector/If_/ChangeNestedIfsToEarlyReturnRector.php - rules/CodeQuality/Rector/PropertyFetch/ExplicitMethodCallOverMagicGetSetRector.php - rules/Php70/EregToPcreTransformer.php - rules/CodeQuality/Rector/PropertyFetch/ExplicitMethodCallOverMagicGetSetRector.php - src/Kernel/RectorKernel.php - '#Method Rector\\Core\\Application\\ApplicationFileProcessor\:\:runParallel\(\) should return array\{system_errors\: array, file_diffs\: array\} but returns array#' # Configuration value object, useful - message: '#Named arguments do not add any value here\. Use normal arguments in the same order#' paths: - tests/Application/ApplicationFileProcessor/ApplicationFileProcessorTest.php # impossible to validate json string is a class-string - '#Parameter \#1 \$rectorClass of class Rector\\ChangesReporting\\ValueObject\\RectorWithLineChange constructor expects class\-string\|Rector\\Core\\Contract\\Rector\\RectorInterface, string given#' - message: '#Only booleans are allowed in an if condition, array\|null given#' path: rules/Naming/Naming/PropertyNaming.php - path: src/Bootstrap/ExtensionConfigResolver.php message: '#Offset (.*?)includes(.*?) always exists and is not nullable#' # mapper re-use - '#Parameter \#1 \$type of method Rector\\PHPStanStaticTypeMapper\\TypeMapper\\ObjectWithoutClassTypeMapper\:\:mapToPhpParserNode\(\) expects PHPStan\\Type\\ObjectWithoutClassType, PHPStan\\Type\\Accessory\\Has(Property|Method)Type given#' # Scope vs MutatingScope interchangable false positive - '#Parameter \#3 \$nodeCallback of method PHPStan\\Analyser\\NodeScopeResolver\:\:processNodes\(\) expects callable\(PhpParser\\Node, PHPStan\\Analyser\\Scope\)\: void, (callable|Closure)\(PhpParser\\Node, PHPStan\\Analyser\\MutatingScope\)\: void given#' # internal reflection - '#Instead of "new ClassReflection\(\)" use ReflectionProvider service or "\(new PHPStan\\Reflection\\ClassReflection\(\)\)" for static reflection to work#' - '#Callable callable\(PHPStan\\Type\\Type\)\: PHPStan\\Type\\Type invoked with 2 parameters, 1 required#' # PHPStan 1.4.7 - '#Call to static method Webmozart\\Assert\\Assert\:\:allIsAOf|isAOf\(\) with .* will always evaluate to true#' - message: '#Make callable type explicit#' path: src/NodeManipulator/BinaryOpManipulator.php # resolve later - '#Complete known array shape to the method @return type#' # @todo remove from phpstan-rules for reoctr # 3rd party code without types - '#Add explicit array type to assigned "(.*?)->(args|params|items|parts|stmts)" expression#' # false positive on string type - '#Add explicit array type to assigned "\$unusedParameters" expression#' - '#Add explicit array type to assigned "\$unnamedArgs" expression#' - '#Add explicit array type to assigned "\$innerPattern" expression#' # known doc - '#Add explicit array type to assigned "\$spreadParams" expression#' - '#foreach\(\), while\(\), for\(\) or if\(\) cannot contain a complex expression\. Extract it to a new variable on a line before#' # double protection on purpose to ensure the type - message: '#Call to static method Webmozart\\Assert\\Assert\:\:allString\(\) with array will always evaluate to true#' path: packages/Config/RectorConfig.php - '#Method "processStmt\(\)" returns bool type, so the name should start with is/has/was#' - '#Method "refactorReturnAndAssign\(\)" returns bool type, so the name should start with is/has/was#' # move later in BC break release - '#Class "(Rector\\DeadCode\\Rector\\(.*?)\\(RemoveUnreachableStatementRector|RemoveDoubleAssignRector))" has invalid namespace category "(.*?)"\. Pick one of\: "(.*?)"#' # stmts refactoring - '#Cognitive complexity for "Rector\\DeadCode\\Rector\\Assign\\RemoveDoubleAssignRector\:\:refactor\(\)" is \d+, keep it under 10#' # empty parent construct - '#Rector\\Core\\PhpParser\\NodeTraverser\\FileWithoutNamespaceNodeTraverser\:\:__construct\(\) does not call parent constructor from PhpParser\\NodeTraverser#' - '#Cognitive complexity for "Rector\\TypeDeclaration\\PHPStan\\ObjectTypeSpecifier\:\:matchShortenedObjectType\(\)" is \d+, keep it under 10#' - '#Cognitive complexity for "Rector\\TypeDeclaration\\PHPStan\\ObjectTypeSpecifier\:\:narrowToFullyQualifiedOrAliasedObjectType\(\)" is \d+, keep it under 10#' - '#Parameter \#1 \$node (.*?) of method Rector\\(.*?)\:\:refactorWithScope\(\) should be contravariant with parameter \$node \(PhpParser\\Node\) of method Rector\\Core\\Contract\\Rector\\ScopeAwarePhpRectorInterface\:\:refactorWithScope\(\)#' # cleanup after merge of assing remover refactoring - '#Cognitive complexity for "Rector\\Removing\\NodeManipulator\\ComplexNodeRemover\:\:removePropertyAndUsages\(\)" is \d+, keep it under 10#' # avoid moving rule around, while re-targeting to stmt - '#Class "Rector\\(.*?)\\Rector\\(.*?) has invalid namespace category "(.*?)"\. Pick one of\: "(Expression|Class_|NodeTypeGroup)"#' - '#Class "Rector\\DeadCode\\Rector\\ConstFetch\\RemovePhpVersionIdCheckRector" has invalid namespace category "ConstFetch"\. Pick one of\: "If_"#' - message: '#Cognitive complexity for "Rector\\(.*?)Rector\:\:refactor\(\)" is \d+, keep it under 10#' paths: - rules/EarlyReturn/Rector/If_/ChangeAndIfToEarlyReturnRector.php - rules/CodingStyle/Rector/ClassMethod/MakeInheritedMethodVisibilitySameAsParentRector.php # known value - '#Method Rector\\Core\\Php\\PhpVersionProvider\:\:provide\(\) should return 50200\|50300\|50400\|50500\|50600\|70000\|70100\|70200\|70300\|70400\|80000\|80100\|80200\|100000 but returns int#' # stubs-rector directory exists on target-repository - message: '#The path "/\.\./\.\./stubs\-rector" was not found#' path: src/Autoloading/BootstrapFilesIncluder.php # 54 - message: '#PHPDoc tag @param for parameter \$node with type array\|null is incompatible with native type PhpParser\\Node#' paths: - rules/CodeQuality/Rector/FuncCall/ChangeArrayPushToArrayAssignRector.php - message: '#Method Rector\\CodeQuality\\Rector\\FuncCall\\ChangeArrayPushToArrayAssignRector\:\:refactor\(\) return type has no value type specified in iterable type array#' paths: - rules/CodeQuality/Rector/FuncCall/ChangeArrayPushToArrayAssignRector.php - message: '#Access to an undefined property PhpParser\\Node\:\:\$expr#' paths: - rules/CodeQuality/Rector/FuncCall/ChangeArrayPushToArrayAssignRector.php - '#Class "Rector\\(.*?)" has invalid namespace category "(.*?)"\. Pick one of\: "StmtsAwareInterface"#' # to be fixed in - message: '#Use separate function calls with readable variable names#' path: rules/CodingStyle/Rector/ClassMethod/OrderAttributesRector.php - '#Class "Rector\\CodeQuality\\Rector\\FunctionLike\\RemoveAlwaysTrueConditionSetInConstructorRector" has invalid namespace category "FunctionLike"\. Pick one of\: "If_"#' # doc arrays cannot be trusted - message: '#Call to static method Webmozart\\Assert\\Assert\:\:allString\(\) with array> will always evaluate to true#' path: packages/Config/RectorConfig.php # hash key - path: rules/Renaming/NodeManipulator/ClassRenamer.php message: '#Use separate function calls with readable variable names#' # doc validation - message: '#Call to function array_key_exists\(\) with (.*?) and array(.*?) will always evaluate to true#' path: packages/FileFormatter/ValueObject/Indent.php # hash key - path: rules/Renaming/NodeManipulator/ClassRenamer.php message: '#Use separate function calls with readable variable names#' - '#Cognitive complexity for "Rector\\NodeTypeResolver\\PHPStan\\Scope\\PHPStanNodeScopeResolver\:\:processNodes\(\)" is \d+, keep it under 10#' # depends on falsy docs - '#Call to static method Webmozart\\Assert\\Assert\:\:allIsInstanceOf\(\) with array and (.*?)Stmt(.*?) will always evaluate to true#' # doc validation - message: '#Call to function array_key_exists\(\) with (.*?) and array(.*?) will always evaluate to true#' path: packages/FileFormatter/ValueObject/Indent.php # autoload check in bin file - message: '#Function "class_exists\(\)" cannot be used/left in the code\: use ReflectionProvider\->has\*\(\) instead#' path: bin/rector.php - message: '#Do not compare call directly, use a variable assign#' path: bin/rector.php # use of internal phpstan classes - message: '#Creating new PHPStan\\Reflection\\BetterReflection\\SourceLocator\\Optimized(.*?)SourceLocator is not covered by backward compatibility promise\. The class might change in a minor PHPStan version#' path: packages/NodeTypeResolver/Reflection/BetterReflection/SourceLocatorProvider/DynamicSourceLocatorProvider.php - message: '#Creating new PHPStan\\Reflection\\Native\\NativeFunctionReflection is not covered by backward compatibility promise\. The class might change in a minor PHPStan version#' path: src/PHPStan/Reflection/TypeToCallReflectionResolver/ClosureTypeToCallReflectionResolver - message: '#Creating new PHPStan\\Reflection\\Php\\PhpParameterReflection is not covered by backward compatibility promise\. The class might change in a minor PHPStan version#' path: rules/DowngradePhp80/NodeAnalyzer/NamedToUnnamedArgs.php - message: '#Do not name "[a-z]", shorter than 2 chars#' paths: # override parent method named "p" - src/PhpParser/Printer/BetterStandardPrinter.php # regex - rules/Php70/EregToPcreTransformer.php # Symfony Finder filter - message: '#Instead of "Symfony\\Component\\Finder\\SplFileInfo" class/interface use "Symplify\\SmartFileSystem\\SmartFileInfo"#' path: src/FileSystem/FilesFinder.php #113 # format specifiers definition rule - message: '#Modifier "%s" is not matching passed variable type "array"\. The "string" type is expected \- see https\://dibiphp\.com/en/documentation\#toc\-modifiers\-for\-arrays#' path: rules/CodingStyle/Rector/Encapsed/EncapsedStringsToSprintfRector.php #35 # PropertyFetches inside method are different - message: '#Content of method "processGreater(Left|Right)\(\)" is duplicated with method "processGreaterOrEqual(Left|Right)\(\)" in "Rector\\DeadCode\\Rector\\ConstFetch\\RemovePhpVersionIdCheckRector" class\. Use unique content or service instead#' path: rules/DeadCode/Rector/ConstFetch/RemovePhpVersionIdCheckRector.php - message: '#Instead of "DateTime" class/interface use "Nette\\Utils\\DateTime"#' path: src/Application/VersionResolver.php - message: '#Class cognitive complexity is 55, keep it under 50#' path: src/PhpParser/Printer/BetterStandardPrinter.php #41 # trust in 3rd party api - '#Parameter \#1 \$indentStyle of method Rector\\FileFormatter\\ValueObjectFactory\\EditorConfigConfigurationBuilder\:\:withIndentStyle\(\) expects (.*?) string given#' # list() function accepts null arguments - '#Parameter \#2 \$args of class PhpParser\\Node\\Expr\\FuncCall constructor expects array, array given#' # validate class-string input - message: '#Call to static method Webmozart\\Assert\\Assert\:\:(.*?)\(\) with (.*?) will always evaluate to (false|true)#' path: packages/Config/RectorConfig.php