format('Ymd'); /** * @var array */ const UNPREFIX_CLASSES_BY_FILE = [ // make UT=1 in tests work 'packages/Testing/PHPUnit/AbstractRectorTestCase.php' => [ 'PHPUnit\Framework\ExpectationFailedException', 'PHPUnit\Framework\TestCase', ], // unprefixed ComposerJson as part of public API in ComposerRectorInterface 'rules/Composer/Contract/Rector/ComposerRectorInterface.php' => [ 'Symplify\ComposerJsonManipulator\ValueObject\ComposerJson', ], 'packages/Testing/PHPUnit/AbstractTestCase.php' => ['PHPUnit\Framework\TestCase'], ]; /** * @see * @var string */ const POLYFILL_FILE_NAME_REGEX = '#vendor\/symfony\/polyfill\-(.*)\/bootstrap(.*?)\.php#'; /** * @see * @var string */ const POLYFILL_STUBS_NAME_REGEX = '#vendor\/symfony\/polyfill\-(.*)\/Resources\/stubs#'; // see return [ ScoperOption::PREFIX => 'RectorPrefix' . $timestamp, ScoperOption::WHITELIST => StaticEasyPrefixer::getExcludedNamespacesAndClasses(), ScoperOption::PATCHERS => [ function (string $filePath, string $prefix, string $content): string { foreach (UNPREFIX_CLASSES_BY_FILE as $endFilePath => $unprefixClasses) { if (! \str_ends_with($filePath, $endFilePath)) { continue; } foreach ($unprefixClasses as $unprefixClass) { $doubleQuotedClass = preg_quote('\\' . $unprefixClass); $content = Strings::replace($content, '#' . $prefix . $doubleQuotedClass . '#', $unprefixClass); } } return $content; }, function (string $filePath, string $prefix, string $content): string { if (! \str_ends_with($filePath, 'src/Application/VersionResolver.php')) { return $content; } $releaseDateTime = VersionResolver::resolverReleaseDateTime(); return strtr( $content, [ '@package_version@' => VersionResolver::resolvePackageVersion(), '@release_date@' => $releaseDateTime->format('Y-m-d H:i:s'), ] ); }, // unprefixed SmartFileInfo fn (string $filePath, string $prefix, string $content): string => Strings::replace( $content, '#' . $prefix . '\\\\Symplify\\\\SmartFileSystem\\\\SmartFileInfo#', 'Symplify\SmartFileSystem\SmartFileInfo' ), // unprefixed Statement fn (string $filePath, string $prefix, string $content): string => Strings::replace( $content, '#' . $prefix . '\\\\Helmich\\\\TypoScriptParser\\\\Parser\\\\AST\\\\Statement#', 'Helmich\TypoScriptParser\Parser\AST\Statement' ), // unprefixed Traverser fn (string $filePath, string $prefix, string $content): string => Strings::replace( $content, '#' . $prefix . '\\\\Helmich\\\\TypoScriptParser\\\\Parser\\\\Traverser\\\\Traverser#', 'Helmich\TypoScriptParser\Parser\Traverser\Traverser' ), // unprefixed PHPUnit IsEqual fn (string $filePath, string $prefix, string $content): string => Strings::replace( $content, '#' . $prefix . '\\\\PHPUnit\\\\Framework\\\\Constraint\\\\IsEqual#', 'PHPUnit\Framework\Constraint\IsEqual' ), // fixes function (string $filePath, string $prefix, string $content): string { if (str_ends_with($filePath, 'vendor/symfony/string/ByteString.php')) { return Strings::replace($content, '#' . $prefix . '\\\\\\\\1_\\\\\\\\2#', '\\\\1_\\\\2'); } if (str_ends_with($filePath, 'vendor/symfony/string/AbstractUnicodeString.php')) { return Strings::replace($content, '#' . $prefix . '\\\\\\\\1_\\\\\\\\2#', '\\\\1_\\\\2'); } return $content; }, // unprefixed ContainerConfigurator function (string $filePath, string $prefix, string $content): string { // keep vendor prefixed the prefixed file loading; not part of public API // except @see if (str_contains($filePath, 'vendor/symfony') && ! str_ends_with( $filePath, 'vendor/symfony/dependency-injection/Loader/PhpFileLoader.php' )) { return $content; } return Strings::replace( $content, '#' . $prefix . '\\\\Symfony\\\\Component\\\\DependencyInjection\\\\Loader\\\\Configurator\\\\ContainerConfigurator#', 'Symfony\Component\DependencyInjection\Loader\Configurator\ContainerConfigurator' ); }, // get version for prefixed version function (string $filePath, string $prefix, string $content): string { if (! \str_ends_with($filePath, 'src/Configuration/Configuration.php')) { return $content; } // @see return Strings::replace($content, '#\(\'rector\/rector-src\'\)#', "('rector/rector')"); }, // un-prefix composer plugin function (string $filePath, string $prefix, string $content): string { if (! \str_ends_with($filePath, 'vendor/rector/extension-installer/src/Plugin.php')) { return $content; } // see return Strings::replace($content, '#' . $prefix . '\\\\Composer\\\\#', 'Composer\\'); }, // fixes function (string $filePath, string $prefix, string $content): string { if (! \str_contains($filePath, 'vendor/')) { return $content; } // @see $fqcnReservedPattern = sprintf('#(\\\\)?%s\\\\(parent|self|static)#m', $prefix); $matches = Strings::matchAll($content, $fqcnReservedPattern); if ($matches === []) { return $content; } foreach ($matches as $match) { $content = str_replace($match[0], $match[2], $content); } return $content; }, // unprefix string classes, as they're string on purpose - they have to be checked in original form, not prefixed function (string $filePath, string $prefix, string $content): string { // skip vendor, expect rector packages if (\str_contains($filePath, 'vendor/') && ! \str_contains($filePath, 'vendor/rector') && ! \str_contains( $filePath, 'vendor/ssch/typo3-rector' )) { return $content; } // skip bin/rector.php for composer autoload class if (\str_ends_with($filePath, 'bin/rector.php')) { return $content; } return Unprefixer::unprefixQuoted($content, $prefix); }, // scoper missed PSR-4 autodiscovery in Symfony function (string $filePath, string $prefix, string $content): string { // scoper missed PSR-4 autodiscovery in Symfony if (! \str_ends_with($filePath, 'config.php') && ! \str_ends_with($filePath, 'services.php')) { return $content; } // skip "Rector\\" namespace if (\str_contains($content, '$services->load(\'Rector')) { return $content; } // skip "Ssch\\" namespace if (\str_contains($content, '$services->load(\'Ssch')) { return $content; } return Strings::replace($content, '#services\->load\(\'#', "services->load('" . $prefix . '\\'); }, // unprefix polyfill functions // @see function (string $filePath, string $prefix, string $content): string { if (! Strings::match($filePath, POLYFILL_FILE_NAME_REGEX)) { return $content; } return Strings::replace($content, '#namespace ' . $prefix . ';#', ''); }, // remove namespace from polyfill stubs function (string $filePath, string $prefix, string $content): string { if (! Strings::match($filePath, POLYFILL_STUBS_NAME_REGEX)) { return $content; } // remove alias to class have origin PHP names - fix in $content = Strings::replace($content, '#\\\\class_alias(.*?);#', ''); return Strings::replace($content, '#namespace ' . $prefix . ';#', ''); }, ], ];