$insertionMap */ final class BetterStandardPrinter extends Standard { /** * @var string * @see https://regex101.com/r/DrsMY4/1 */ private const QUOTED_SLASH_REGEX = "#'|\\\\(?=[\\\\']|\$)#"; /** * Remove extra spaces before new Nop_ nodes * @see https://regex101.com/r/iSvroO/1 * @var string */ private const EXTRA_SPACE_BEFORE_NOP_REGEX = '#^[ \\t]+$#m'; /** * @see https://regex101.com/r/qZiqGo/13 * @var string */ private const REPLACE_COLON_WITH_SPACE_REGEX = '#(^.*function .*\\(.*\\)) : #'; public function __construct() { parent::__construct(['shortArraySyntax' => \true]); // print return type double colon right after the bracket "function(): string" $this->initializeInsertionMap(); $this->insertionMap['Stmt_ClassMethod->returnType'] = [')', \false, ': ', null]; $this->insertionMap['Stmt_Function->returnType'] = [')', \false, ': ', null]; $this->insertionMap['Expr_Closure->returnType'] = [')', \false, ': ', null]; $this->insertionMap['Expr_ArrowFunction->returnType'] = [')', \false, ': ', null]; } /** * @param Node[] $stmts * @param Node[] $origStmts * @param mixed[] $origTokens */ public function printFormatPreserving(array $stmts, array $origStmts, array $origTokens) : string { $newStmts = $this->resolveNewStmts($stmts); $content = parent::printFormatPreserving($newStmts, $origStmts, $origTokens); // add new line in case of added stmts if (\count($newStmts) !== \count($origStmts) && \substr_compare($content, "\n", -\strlen("\n")) !== 0) { $content .= $this->nl; } return $content; } /** * @param Node|Node[]|null $node */ public function print($node) : string { if ($node === null) { $node = []; } if (!\is_array($node)) { $node = [$node]; } return $this->prettyPrint($node); } /** * @param Node[] $stmts */ public function prettyPrintFile(array $stmts) : string { // to keep indexes from 0 $stmts = \array_values($stmts); return parent::prettyPrintFile($stmts) . \PHP_EOL; } /** * @api magic method in parent */ public function pFileWithoutNamespace(FileWithoutNamespace $fileWithoutNamespace) : string { $content = $this->pStmts($fileWithoutNamespace->stmts, \false); return \ltrim($content); } protected function p(Node $node, $parentFormatPreserved = \false) : string { while ($node instanceof AlwaysRememberedExpr) { $node = $node->getExpr(); } $content = parent::p($node, $parentFormatPreserved); return $node->getAttribute(AttributeKey::WRAPPED_IN_PARENTHESES) === \true ? '(' . $content . ')' : $content; } protected function pExpr_ArrowFunction(ArrowFunction $arrowFunction) : string { if (!$arrowFunction->hasAttribute(AttributeKey::COMMENT_CLOSURE_RETURN_MIRRORED)) { return parent::pExpr_ArrowFunction($arrowFunction); } $expr = $arrowFunction->expr; /** @var Comment[] $comments */ $comments = $expr->getAttribute(AttributeKey::COMMENTS) ?? []; if ($comments === []) { return parent::pExpr_ArrowFunction($arrowFunction); } $indentSize = SimpleParameterProvider::provideIntParameter(Option::INDENT_SIZE); $indent = \str_repeat($this->getIndentCharacter(), $this->indentLevel) . \str_repeat($this->getIndentCharacter(), $indentSize); $text = "\n" . $indent; foreach ($comments as $key => $comment) { $commentText = $key > 0 ? $indent . $comment->getText() : $comment->getText(); $text .= $commentText . "\n"; } return $this->pAttrGroups($arrowFunction->attrGroups, \true) . ($arrowFunction->static ? 'static ' : '') . 'fn' . ($arrowFunction->byRef ? '&' : '') . '(' . $this->pCommaSeparated($arrowFunction->params) . ')' . ($arrowFunction->returnType !== null ? ': ' . $this->p($arrowFunction->returnType) : '') . ' =>' . $text . $indent . $this->p($arrowFunction->expr); } /** * This allows to use both spaces and tabs vs. original space-only */ protected function setIndentLevel(int $level) : void { $level = \max($level, 0); $this->indentLevel = $level; $this->nl = "\n" . \str_repeat($this->getIndentCharacter(), $level); } /** * This allows to use both spaces and tabs vs. original space-only */ protected function indent() : void { $indentSize = SimpleParameterProvider::provideIntParameter(Option::INDENT_SIZE); $this->indentLevel += $indentSize; $this->nl .= \str_repeat($this->getIndentCharacter(), $indentSize); } /** * This allows to use both spaces and tabs vs. original space-only */ protected function outdent() : void { if ($this->getIndentCharacter() === ' ') { // - 4 spaces \assert($this->indentLevel >= 4); $this->indentLevel -= 4; } else { // - 1 tab \assert($this->indentLevel >= 1); --$this->indentLevel; } $this->nl = "\n" . \str_repeat($this->getIndentCharacter(), $this->indentLevel); } /** * @param mixed[] $nodes * @param mixed[] $origNodes * @param int|null $fixup */ protected function pArray(array $nodes, array $origNodes, int &$pos, int $indentAdjustment, string $parentNodeType, string $subNodeName, $fixup) : ?string { // reindex positions for printer $nodes = \array_values($nodes); $content = parent::pArray($nodes, $origNodes, $pos, $indentAdjustment, $parentNodeType, $subNodeName, $fixup); if ($content === null) { return $content; } if (!$this->containsNop($nodes)) { return $content; } return Strings::replace($content, self::EXTRA_SPACE_BEFORE_NOP_REGEX); } /** * Do not preslash all slashes (parent behavior), but only those: * * - followed by "\" * - by "'" * - or the end of the string * * Prevents `Vendor\Class` => `Vendor\\Class`. */ protected function pSingleQuotedString(string $string) : string { return "'" . Strings::replace($string, self::QUOTED_SLASH_REGEX, '\\\\$0') . "'"; } /** * Emulates 1_000 in PHP 7.3- version */ protected function pScalar_DNumber(DNumber $dNumber) : string { if ($this->shouldPrintNewRawValue($dNumber)) { return (string) $dNumber->getAttribute(AttributeKey::RAW_VALUE); } return parent::pScalar_DNumber($dNumber); } /** * Add space: * "use(" * ↓ * "use (" */ protected function pExpr_Closure(Closure $closure) : string { $closureContent = parent::pExpr_Closure($closure); if ($closure->uses === []) { return $closureContent; } return \str_replace(' use(', ' use (', (string) $closureContent); } /** * Do not add "()" on Expressions * @see https://github.com/rectorphp/rector/pull/401#discussion_r181487199 */ protected function pExpr_Yield(Yield_ $yield) : string { if (!$yield->value instanceof Expr) { return 'yield'; } // brackets are needed only in case of assign, @see https://www.php.net/manual/en/language.generators.syntax.php $shouldAddBrackets = (bool) $yield->getAttribute(AttributeKey::IS_ASSIGNED_TO); return \sprintf('%syield %s%s%s', $shouldAddBrackets ? '(' : '', $yield->key instanceof Expr ? $this->p($yield->key) . ' => ' : '', $this->p($yield->value), $shouldAddBrackets ? ')' : ''); } /** * Print arrays in short [] by default, * to prevent manual explicit array shortening. */ protected function pExpr_Array(Array_ $array) : string { if (!$array->hasAttribute(AttributeKey::KIND)) { $array->setAttribute(AttributeKey::KIND, Array_::KIND_SHORT); } if ($array->getAttribute(AttributeKey::NEWLINED_ARRAY_PRINT) === \true) { $printedArray = '['; $printedArray .= $this->pCommaSeparatedMultiline($array->items, \true); return $printedArray . ($this->nl . ']'); } return parent::pExpr_Array($array); } /** * Fixes escaping of regular patterns */ protected function pScalar_String(String_ $string) : string { $isRegularPattern = (bool) $string->getAttribute(AttributeKey::IS_REGULAR_PATTERN, \false); if (!$isRegularPattern) { return parent::pScalar_String($string); } $kind = $string->getAttribute(AttributeKey::KIND, String_::KIND_SINGLE_QUOTED); if ($kind === String_::KIND_DOUBLE_QUOTED) { return $this->wrapValueWith($string, '"'); } if ($kind === String_::KIND_SINGLE_QUOTED) { return $this->wrapValueWith($string, "'"); } return parent::pScalar_String($string); } /** * "...$params) : ReturnType" * ↓ * "...$params): ReturnType" */ protected function pStmt_ClassMethod(ClassMethod $classMethod) : string { $content = parent::pStmt_ClassMethod($classMethod); if (!$classMethod->returnType instanceof Node) { return $content; } // this approach is chosen, to keep changes in parent pStmt_ClassMethod() updated return Strings::replace($content, self::REPLACE_COLON_WITH_SPACE_REGEX, '$1: '); } /** * It remove all spaces extra to parent */ protected function pStmt_Declare(Declare_ $declare) : string { $declareString = parent::pStmt_Declare($declare); return Strings::replace($declareString, '#\\s+#'); } protected function pExpr_Ternary(Ternary $ternary) : string { $kind = $ternary->getAttribute(AttributeKey::KIND); if ($kind === 'wrapped_with_brackets') { $pExprTernary = parent::pExpr_Ternary($ternary); return '(' . $pExprTernary . ')'; } return parent::pExpr_Ternary($ternary); } /** * Remove extra \\ from FQN use imports, for easier use in the code */ protected function pStmt_Use(Use_ $use) : string { if ($use->type !== Use_::TYPE_NORMAL) { return parent::pStmt_Use($use); } foreach ($use->uses as $useUse) { if (!$useUse->name instanceof FullyQualified) { continue; } $useUse->name = new Name($useUse->name->toString()); } return parent::pStmt_Use($use); } protected function pScalar_EncapsedStringPart(EncapsedStringPart $encapsedStringPart) : string { // parent throws exception, but we need to compare string return '`' . $encapsedStringPart->value . '`'; } protected function pCommaSeparated(array $nodes) : string { $result = parent::pCommaSeparated($nodes); $last = \end($nodes); if ($last instanceof Node) { $trailingComma = $last->getAttribute(AttributeKey::FUNC_ARGS_TRAILING_COMMA); if ($trailingComma === \false) { $result = \rtrim($result, ','); } } return $result; } /** * Override parent pModifiers to set position of final and abstract modifier early, so instead of * * public final const MY_CONSTANT = "Hello world!"; * * it should be * * final public const MY_CONSTANT = "Hello world!"; * * @see https://github.com/rectorphp/rector/issues/6963 * @see https://github.com/nikic/PHP-Parser/pull/826 */ protected function pModifiers(int $modifiers) : string { return (($modifiers & Class_::MODIFIER_FINAL) !== 0 ? 'final ' : '') . (($modifiers & Class_::MODIFIER_ABSTRACT) !== 0 ? 'abstract ' : '') . (($modifiers & Class_::MODIFIER_PUBLIC) !== 0 ? 'public ' : '') . (($modifiers & Class_::MODIFIER_PROTECTED) !== 0 ? 'protected ' : '') . (($modifiers & Class_::MODIFIER_PRIVATE) !== 0 ? 'private ' : '') . (($modifiers & Class_::MODIFIER_STATIC) !== 0 ? 'static ' : '') . (($modifiers & Class_::MODIFIER_READONLY) !== 0 ? 'readonly ' : ''); } /** * Invoke re-print even if only raw value was changed. * That allows PHPStan to use int strict types, while changing the value with literal "_" * @return string|int */ protected function pScalar_LNumber(LNumber $lNumber) { if ($this->shouldPrintNewRawValue($lNumber)) { return (string) $lNumber->getAttribute(AttributeKey::RAW_VALUE); } return parent::pScalar_LNumber($lNumber); } /** * Keep attributes on newlines */ protected function pParam(Param $param) : string { return $this->pAttrGroups($param->attrGroups) . $this->pModifiers($param->flags) . ($param->type instanceof Node ? $this->p($param->type) . ' ' : '') . ($param->byRef ? '&' : '') . ($param->variadic ? '...' : '') . $this->p($param->var) . ($param->default instanceof Expr ? ' = ' . $this->p($param->default) : ''); } /** * Must be a method to be able to react to changed parameter in tests */ private function getIndentCharacter() : string { return SimpleParameterProvider::provideStringParameter(Option::INDENT_CHAR, ' '); } /** * @param \PhpParser\Node\Scalar\LNumber|\PhpParser\Node\Scalar\DNumber $lNumber */ private function shouldPrintNewRawValue($lNumber) : bool { return $lNumber->getAttribute(AttributeKey::REPRINT_RAW_VALUE) === \true; } /** * @param Node[] $stmts * @return Node[]|mixed[] */ private function resolveNewStmts(array $stmts) : array { $stmts = \array_values($stmts); if (\count($stmts) === 1 && $stmts[0] instanceof FileWithoutNamespace) { return $stmts[0]->stmts; } return $stmts; } /** * @param Node[] $nodes */ private function containsNop(array $nodes) : bool { foreach ($nodes as $node) { if ($node instanceof Nop) { return \true; } } return \false; } private function wrapValueWith(String_ $string, string $wrap) : string { return $wrap . $string->value . $wrap; } }