exprUsedInNodeAnalyzer = $exprUsedInNodeAnalyzer; } public function getRuleDefinition() : RuleDefinition { return new RuleDefinition('Change foreach with unused $value but only $key, to array_keys()', [new CodeSample(<<<'CODE_SAMPLE' class SomeClass { public function run() { $items = []; foreach ($values as $key => $value) { $items[$key] = null; } } } CODE_SAMPLE , <<<'CODE_SAMPLE' class SomeClass { public function run() { $items = []; foreach (array_keys($values) as $key) { $items[$key] = null; } } } CODE_SAMPLE )]); } /** * @return array> */ public function getNodeTypes() : array { return [Foreach_::class]; } /** * @param Foreach_ $node */ public function refactor(Node $node) : ?Node { if (!$node->keyVar instanceof Expr) { return null; } // special case of nested array items if ($node->valueVar instanceof Array_) { $valueArray = $this->refactorArrayForeachValue($node->valueVar, $node); if ($valueArray instanceof Array_) { $node->valueVar = $valueArray; } // not sure what does this mean :) if ($node->valueVar->items !== []) { return null; } } elseif ($node->valueVar instanceof Variable) { if ($this->isVariableUsedInForeach($node->valueVar, $node)) { return null; } } else { return null; } if (!$this->isArrayType($node->expr)) { return null; } $this->removeForeachValueAndUseArrayKeys($node); return $node; } /** * @param int[] $removedKeys */ private function isArrayItemsRemovalWithoutChangingOrder(Array_ $array, array $removedKeys) : bool { $hasRemovingStarted = \false; foreach (\array_keys($array->items) as $key) { if (\in_array($key, $removedKeys, \true)) { $hasRemovingStarted = \true; } elseif ($hasRemovingStarted) { // we cannot remove the previous item, and not remove the next one, because that would change the order return \false; } } return \true; } private function refactorArrayForeachValue(Array_ $array, Foreach_ $foreach) : ?Array_ { // only last items can be removed, without changing the order $removedKeys = []; foreach ($array->items as $key => $arrayItem) { if (!$arrayItem instanceof ArrayItem) { // only known values can be processes return null; } $value = $arrayItem->value; if (!$value instanceof Variable) { // only variables can be processed return null; } if ($this->isVariableUsedInForeach($value, $foreach)) { continue; } $removedKeys[] = $key; } if (!$this->isArrayItemsRemovalWithoutChangingOrder($array, $removedKeys)) { return null; } // clear removed items foreach ($removedKeys as $removedKey) { unset($array->items[$removedKey]); } return $array; } private function isVariableUsedInForeach(Variable $variable, Foreach_ $foreach) : bool { return (bool) $this->betterNodeFinder->findFirst($foreach->stmts, function (Node $node) use($variable) : bool { return $this->exprUsedInNodeAnalyzer->isUsed($node, $variable); }); } private function removeForeachValueAndUseArrayKeys(Foreach_ $foreach) : void { // remove key value $foreach->valueVar = $foreach->keyVar; $foreach->keyVar = null; $foreach->expr = $this->nodeFactory->createFuncCall('array_keys', [$foreach->expr]); } private function isArrayType(Expr $expr) : bool { $exprType = $this->getType($expr); if ($exprType instanceof ObjectType) { return \false; } return $exprType->isArray()->yes(); } }