matchTypePropertyRenamer = $matchTypePropertyRenamer; $this->propertyRenameFactory = $propertyRenameFactory; $this->matchPropertyTypeExpectedNameResolver = $matchPropertyTypeExpectedNameResolver; $this->propertyPromotionRenamer = $propertyPromotionRenamer; } public function getRuleDefinition() : RuleDefinition { return new RuleDefinition('Rename property and method param to match its type', [new CodeSample(<<<'CODE_SAMPLE' class SomeClass { /** * @var EntityManager */ private $eventManager; public function __construct(EntityManager $eventManager) { $this->eventManager = $eventManager; } } CODE_SAMPLE , <<<'CODE_SAMPLE' class SomeClass { /** * @var EntityManager */ private $entityManager; public function __construct(EntityManager $entityManager) { $this->entityManager = $entityManager; } } CODE_SAMPLE )]); } /** * @return array> */ public function getNodeTypes() : array { return [Class_::class, Interface_::class]; } /** * @param Class_|Interface_ $node */ public function refactor(Node $node) : ?Node { $this->refactorClassProperties($node); $hasPromotedPropertyChanged = $this->propertyPromotionRenamer->renamePropertyPromotion($node); if ($this->hasChanged) { return $node; } if ($hasPromotedPropertyChanged) { return $node; } return null; } private function refactorClassProperties(ClassLike $classLike) : void { foreach ($classLike->getProperties() as $property) { $expectedPropertyName = $this->matchPropertyTypeExpectedNameResolver->resolve($property, $classLike); if ($expectedPropertyName === null) { continue; } $propertyRename = $this->propertyRenameFactory->createFromExpectedName($property, $expectedPropertyName); if (!$propertyRename instanceof PropertyRename) { continue; } $renameProperty = $this->matchTypePropertyRenamer->rename($propertyRename); if (!$renameProperty instanceof Property) { continue; } $this->hasChanged = \true; } } }