arrayTypeAnalyzer = $arrayTypeAnalyzer; $this->phpVersionProvider = $phpVersionProvider; } public function getRuleDefinition() : RuleDefinition { return new RuleDefinition('Change array_merge() to spread operator', [new CodeSample(<<<'CODE_SAMPLE' class SomeClass { public function run($iter1, $iter2) { $values = array_merge(iterator_to_array($iter1), iterator_to_array($iter2)); // Or to generalize to all iterables $anotherValues = array_merge( is_array($iter1) ? $iter1 : iterator_to_array($iter1), is_array($iter2) ? $iter2 : iterator_to_array($iter2) ); } } CODE_SAMPLE , <<<'CODE_SAMPLE' class SomeClass { public function run($iter1, $iter2) { $values = [...$iter1, ...$iter2]; // Or to generalize to all iterables $anotherValues = [...$iter1, ...$iter2]; } } CODE_SAMPLE )]); } /** * @return array> */ public function getNodeTypes() : array { return [FuncCall::class]; } /** * @param FuncCall $node */ public function refactor(Node $node) : ?Node { if ($this->isName($node, 'array_merge')) { return $this->refactorArray($node); } return null; } public function provideMinPhpVersion() : int { return PhpVersionFeature::ARRAY_SPREAD; } private function refactorArray(FuncCall $funcCall) : ?Array_ { $array = new Array_(); foreach ($funcCall->args as $arg) { if (!$arg instanceof Arg) { continue; } // cannot handle unpacked arguments if ($arg->unpack) { return null; } $value = $arg->value; if ($this->shouldSkipArrayForInvalidTypeOrKeys($value)) { return null; } if ($value instanceof Array_) { $item0Unpacked = $array->items; $item1Unpacked = $value->items; $array->items = \array_merge($item0Unpacked, $item1Unpacked); continue; } $value = $this->resolveValue($value); $array->items[] = $this->createUnpackedArrayItem($value); } return $array; } private function shouldSkipArrayForInvalidTypeOrKeys(Expr $expr) : bool { // we have no idea what it is → cannot change it if (!$this->arrayTypeAnalyzer->isArrayType($expr)) { return \true; } $arrayStaticType = $this->getType($expr); if (!$arrayStaticType instanceof ArrayType) { return \true; } return !$this->isArrayKeyTypeAllowed($arrayStaticType); } private function isArrayKeyTypeAllowed(ArrayType $arrayType) : bool { if ($arrayType->getKeyType()->isInteger()->yes()) { return \true; } if (!$this->phpVersionProvider->isAtLeastPhpVersion(PhpVersionFeature::ARRAY_SPREAD_STRING_KEYS)) { return \false; } return $arrayType->getKeyType()->isString()->yes(); } private function resolveValue(Expr $expr) : Expr { if ($expr instanceof FuncCall && $this->isIteratorToArrayFuncCall($expr)) { /** @var Arg $arg */ $arg = $expr->args[0]; /** @var FuncCall $expr */ $expr = $arg->value; } if (!$expr instanceof Ternary) { return $expr; } if (!$expr->cond instanceof FuncCall) { return $expr; } if (!$this->isName($expr->cond, 'is_array')) { return $expr; } if ($expr->if instanceof Variable && $this->isIteratorToArrayFuncCall($expr->else)) { return $expr->if; } return $expr; } private function createUnpackedArrayItem(Expr $expr) : ArrayItem { return new ArrayItem($expr, null, \false, [], \true); } private function isIteratorToArrayFuncCall(Expr $expr) : bool { if (!$expr instanceof FuncCall) { return \false; } if (!$this->nodeNameResolver->isName($expr, 'iterator_to_array')) { return \false; } if ($expr->isFirstClassCallable()) { return \false; } return isset($expr->getArgs()[0]); } }