*/ private const CONTEXT_AWARE_NAMES_BY_TYPE = ['Twig\\Environment' => 'twigEnvironment']; /** * @var string */ private const INTERFACE = 'Interface'; /** * @var string * @see https://regex101.com/r/U78rUF/1 */ private const I_PREFIX_REGEX = '#^I[A-Z]#'; /** * @see https://regex101.com/r/hnU5pm/2/ * @var string */ private const GET_PREFIX_REGEX = '#^get(?[A-Z].+)#'; public function __construct(RectorNamingInflector $rectorNamingInflector, NodeTypeResolver $nodeTypeResolver) { $this->rectorNamingInflector = $rectorNamingInflector; $this->nodeTypeResolver = $nodeTypeResolver; } public function getExpectedNameFromMethodName(string $methodName) : ?ExpectedName { $matches = Strings::match($methodName, self::GET_PREFIX_REGEX); if ($matches === null) { return null; } $originalName = \lcfirst((string) $matches['root_name']); return new ExpectedName($originalName, $this->rectorNamingInflector->singularize($originalName)); } public function getExpectedNameFromType(Type $type) : ?ExpectedName { // keep collections untouched if ($type instanceof ObjectType) { if ($type->isInstanceOf('Doctrine\\Common\\Collections\\Collection')->yes()) { return null; } if ($type->isInstanceOf('Illuminate\\Support\\Collection')->yes()) { return null; } } $className = $this->resolveClassNameFromType($type); if (!\is_string($className)) { return null; } foreach (self::EXCLUDED_CLASSES as $excludedClass) { if (StringUtils::isMatch($className, $excludedClass)) { return null; } } // special cases to keep context foreach (self::CONTEXT_AWARE_NAMES_BY_TYPE as $specialType => $contextAwareName) { if ($className === $specialType) { return new ExpectedName($contextAwareName, $contextAwareName); } } $shortClassName = $this->resolveShortClassName($className); $shortClassName = $this->normalizeShortClassName($shortClassName); // prolong too short generic names with one namespace up $originalName = $this->prolongIfTooShort($shortClassName, $className); return new ExpectedName($originalName, $this->rectorNamingInflector->singularize($originalName)); } /** * @param \PHPStan\Type\ThisType|\PHPStan\Type\ObjectType|string $objectType */ public function fqnToVariableName($objectType) : string { if ($objectType instanceof ThisType) { $objectType = $objectType->getStaticObjectType(); } $className = $this->resolveClassName($objectType); $shortClassName = \strpos($className, '\\') !== \false ? (string) Strings::after($className, '\\', -1) : $className; $variableName = $this->removeInterfaceSuffixPrefix($shortClassName, 'interface'); $variableName = $this->removeInterfaceSuffixPrefix($variableName, 'abstract'); $variableName = $this->fqnToShortName($variableName); $variableName = \str_replace('_', '', $variableName); // prolong too short generic names with one namespace up return $this->prolongIfTooShort($variableName, $className); } private function resolveShortClassName(string $className) : string { if (\strpos($className, '\\') !== \false) { return (string) Strings::after($className, '\\', -1); } return $className; } private function removePrefixesAndSuffixes(string $shortClassName) : string { // is SomeInterface if (\substr_compare($shortClassName, self::INTERFACE, -\strlen(self::INTERFACE)) === 0) { $shortClassName = Strings::substring($shortClassName, 0, -\strlen(self::INTERFACE)); } // is ISomeClass if ($this->isPrefixedInterface($shortClassName)) { $shortClassName = Strings::substring($shortClassName, 1); } // is AbstractClass if (\strncmp($shortClassName, 'Abstract', \strlen('Abstract')) === 0) { return Strings::substring($shortClassName, \strlen('Abstract')); } return $shortClassName; } private function normalizeUpperCase(string $shortClassName) : string { // turns $SOMEUppercase => $someUppercase for ($i = 0; $i <= \strlen($shortClassName); ++$i) { if (\ctype_upper($shortClassName[$i]) && $this->isNumberOrUpper($shortClassName[$i + 1])) { $shortClassName[$i] = \strtolower($shortClassName[$i]); } else { break; } } return $shortClassName; } private function prolongIfTooShort(string $shortClassName, string $className) : string { if (\in_array($shortClassName, ['Factory', 'Repository'], \true)) { $namespaceAbove = (string) Strings::after($className, '\\', -2); $namespaceAbove = (string) Strings::before($namespaceAbove, '\\'); return \lcfirst($namespaceAbove) . $shortClassName; } return \lcfirst($shortClassName); } /** * @param \PHPStan\Type\ObjectType|string $objectType */ private function resolveClassName($objectType) : string { if ($objectType instanceof ObjectType) { return $objectType->getClassName(); } return $objectType; } private function fqnToShortName(string $fqn) : string { if (\strpos($fqn, '\\') === \false) { return $fqn; } $lastNamePart = Strings::after($fqn, '\\', -1); if (!\is_string($lastNamePart)) { throw new ShouldNotHappenException(); } if (\substr_compare($lastNamePart, self::INTERFACE, -\strlen(self::INTERFACE)) === 0) { return Strings::substring($lastNamePart, 0, -\strlen(self::INTERFACE)); } return $lastNamePart; } private function removeInterfaceSuffixPrefix(string $className, string $category) : string { // suffix $iSuffixMatch = Strings::match($className, '#' . $category . '$#i'); if ($iSuffixMatch !== null) { return Strings::substring($className, 0, -\strlen($category)); } // prefix $iPrefixMatch = Strings::match($className, '#^' . $category . '#i'); if ($iPrefixMatch !== null) { return Strings::substring($className, \strlen($category)); } // starts with "I\W+"? if (StringUtils::isMatch($className, self::I_PREFIX_REGEX)) { return Strings::substring($className, 1); } return $className; } private function isPrefixedInterface(string $shortClassName) : bool { if (\strlen($shortClassName) <= 3) { return \false; } if (\strncmp($shortClassName, 'I', \strlen('I')) !== 0) { return \false; } if (!\ctype_upper($shortClassName[1])) { return \false; } return \ctype_lower($shortClassName[2]); } private function isNumberOrUpper(string $char) : bool { if (\ctype_upper($char)) { return \true; } return \ctype_digit($char); } private function normalizeShortClassName(string $shortClassName) : string { $shortClassName = $this->removePrefixesAndSuffixes($shortClassName); // if all is upper-cased, it should be lower-cased if ($shortClassName === \strtoupper($shortClassName)) { $shortClassName = \strtolower($shortClassName); } // remove "_" $shortClassName = Strings::replace($shortClassName, '#_#'); return $this->normalizeUpperCase($shortClassName); } private function resolveClassNameFromType(Type $type) : ?string { $type = TypeCombinator::removeNull($type); if (!$type instanceof TypeWithClassName) { return null; } if ($type instanceof SelfObjectType) { return null; } if ($type instanceof StaticType) { return null; } // generic types are usually mix of parent type and specific type - various way to handle it if ($type instanceof GenericObjectType) { return null; } return $type instanceof AliasedObjectType ? $type->getClassName() : $this->nodeTypeResolver->getFullyQualifiedClassName($type); } }