symfonyStyle = $symfonyStyle; parent::__construct(); } protected function configure() : void { $this->setName('setup-ci'); $this->setDescription('Add CI workflow to let Rector work for you'); } protected function execute(InputInterface $input, OutputInterface $output) : int { // detect current CI $ci = $this->resolveCurrentCI(); if ($ci === CiDetector::CI_GITLAB) { return $this->handleGitlabCi(); } if ($ci === CiDetector::CI_GITHUB_ACTIONS) { return $this->handleGithubActions(); } $noteMessage = sprintf('Only Github and GitLab are currently supported.%s Contribute your CI template to Rector to make this work: %s', \PHP_EOL, ''); $this->symfonyStyle->note($noteMessage); return self::SUCCESS; } /** * @return CiDetector::CI_*|null */ private function resolveCurrentCI() : ?string { if (\file_exists(\getcwd() . '/.github')) { return CiDetector::CI_GITHUB_ACTIONS; } if (\file_exists(\getcwd() . '/.gitlab-ci.yml')) { return CiDetector::CI_GITLAB; } return null; } private function addGithubActionsWorkflow(string $currentRepository, string $targetWorkflowFilePath) : void { $workflowTemplate = FileSystem::read(__DIR__ . '/../../../templates/rector-github-action-check.yaml'); $workflowContents = \strtr($workflowTemplate, ['__CURRENT_REPOSITORY__' => $currentRepository]); FileSystem::write($targetWorkflowFilePath, $workflowContents); $this->symfonyStyle->newLine(); $this->symfonyStyle->success('The ".github/workflows/rector.yaml" file was added'); $this->symfonyStyle->writeln('2 more steps to run Rector in CI:'); $this->symfonyStyle->newLine(); $this->symfonyStyle->writeln('1) Generate token with "repo" scope:' . \PHP_EOL . ''); $this->symfonyStyle->newLine(); $repositoryNewSecretsLink = sprintf('', $currentRepository); $this->symfonyStyle->writeln('2) Add the token to Action secrets as "ACCESS_TOKEN":' . \PHP_EOL . $repositoryNewSecretsLink); } private function addGitlabFile(string $targetGitlabFilePath) : void { $gitlabTemplate = FileSystem::read(__DIR__ . '/../../../templates/rector-gitlab-check.yaml'); FileSystem::write($targetGitlabFilePath, $gitlabTemplate); $this->symfonyStyle->newLine(); $this->symfonyStyle->success('The "gitlab/rector.yaml" file was added'); $this->symfonyStyle->newLine(); $this->symfonyStyle->writeln('1) Register it in your ".gitlab-ci.yml" file:' . \PHP_EOL . 'include:' . \PHP_EOL . ' - local: gitlab/rector.yaml'); } /** * @return self::SUCCESS */ private function handleGitlabCi() : int { // add snippet in the end of file or include it? $ciRectorFilePath = \getcwd() . '/gitlab/rector.yaml'; if (\file_exists($ciRectorFilePath)) { $response = $this->symfonyStyle->ask('The "gitlab/rector.yaml" workflow already exists. Overwrite it?', 'Yes'); if (!\in_array($response, ['y', 'yes', 'Yes'], \true)) { $this->symfonyStyle->note('Nothing changed'); return self::SUCCESS; } } $this->addGitlabFile($ciRectorFilePath); return self::SUCCESS; } /** * @return self::SUCCESS|self::FAILURE */ private function handleGithubActions() : int { $rectorWorkflowFilePath = \getcwd() . '/.github/workflows/rector.yaml'; if (\file_exists($rectorWorkflowFilePath)) { $response = $this->symfonyStyle->ask('The "rector.yaml" workflow already exists. Overwrite it?', 'Yes'); if (!\in_array($response, ['y', 'yes', 'Yes'], \true)) { $this->symfonyStyle->note('Nothing changed'); return self::SUCCESS; } } $currentRepository = RepositoryHelper::resolveGithubRepositoryName(\getcwd()); if ($currentRepository === null) { $this->symfonyStyle->error('Current repository name could not be resolved'); return self::FAILURE; } $this->addGithubActionsWorkflow($currentRepository, $rectorWorkflowFilePath); return self::SUCCESS; } }