nodeNameResolver = $nodeNameResolver; $this->propertyNaming = $propertyNaming; $this->staticTypeMapper = $staticTypeMapper; $this->nodeTypeResolver = $nodeTypeResolver; } public function resolveForPropertyIfNotYet(Property $property): ?string { $expectedName = $this->resolveForProperty($property); if ($expectedName === null) { return null; } /** @var string $propertyName */ $propertyName = $this->nodeNameResolver->getName($property); if ($this->endsWith($propertyName, $expectedName)) { return null; } if ($this->nodeNameResolver->isName($property, $expectedName)) { return null; } return $expectedName; } public function resolveForParamIfNotYet(Param $param): ?string { $expectedName = $this->resolveForParam($param); if ($expectedName === null) { return null; } /** @var string $currentName */ $currentName = $this->nodeNameResolver->getName($param->var); if ($currentName === $expectedName) { return null; } if ($this->endsWith($currentName, $expectedName)) { return null; } return $expectedName; } public function resolveForParam(Param $param): ?string { // nothing to verify if ($param->type === null) { return null; } $staticType = $this->staticTypeMapper->mapPhpParserNodePHPStanType($param->type); return $this->propertyNaming->getExpectedNameFromType($staticType); } public function resolveForProperty(Property $property): ?string { /** @var PhpDocInfo|null $phpDocInfo */ $phpDocInfo = $property->getAttribute(AttributeKey::PHP_DOC_INFO); if ($phpDocInfo === null) { return null; } return $this->propertyNaming->getExpectedNameFromType($phpDocInfo->getVarType()); } public function resolveForAssignNonNew(Assign $assign): ?string { if ($assign->expr instanceof New_) { return null; } if (! $assign->var instanceof Variable) { return null; } /** @var Variable $variable */ $variable = $assign->var; return $this->nodeNameResolver->getName($variable); } public function resolveForAssignNew(Assign $assign): ?string { if (! $assign->expr instanceof New_) { return null; } if (! $assign->var instanceof Variable) { return null; } /** @var New_ $new */ $new = $assign->expr; if (! $new->class instanceof Name) { return null; } $className = $this->nodeNameResolver->getName($new->class); if ($className === null) { return null; } $fullyQualifiedObjectType = new FullyQualifiedObjectType($className); return $this->propertyNaming->getExpectedNameFromType($fullyQualifiedObjectType); } /** * @param MethodCall|StaticCall|FuncCall $expr */ public function resolveForCall(Expr $expr): ?string { if ($this->isDynamicNameCall($expr)) { return null; } $name = $this->nodeNameResolver->getName($expr->name); if ($name === null) { return null; } $returnedType = $this->nodeTypeResolver->getStaticType($expr); if ($returnedType instanceof ArrayType) { return null; } if ($returnedType instanceof MixedType) { return null; } $expectedName = $this->propertyNaming->getExpectedNameFromType($returnedType); if ($expectedName !== null) { return $expectedName; } // call with args can return different value, so skip there if not sure about the type if (count($expr->args) > 0) { return null; } // @see $matches = Strings::match($name, '#^get([A-Z].+)#'); if ($matches === null) { return null; } return lcfirst($matches[1]); } /** * Ends with ucname * Starts with adjective, e.g. (Post $firstPost, Post $secondPost) */ private function endsWith(string $currentName, string $expectedName): bool { $suffixNamePattern = '#\w+' . ucfirst($expectedName) . '#'; return (bool) Strings::match($currentName, $suffixNamePattern); } /** * @param MethodCall|StaticCall|FuncCall $expr */ private function isDynamicNameCall(Expr $expr): bool { if ($expr->name instanceof StaticCall) { return true; } if ($expr->name instanceof MethodCall) { return true; } return $expr->name instanceof FuncCall; } }