reflectionProvider = $reflectionProvider; } public function getRuleDefinition() : RuleDefinition { return new RuleDefinition('When throwing into a catch block, checks that the previous exception is passed to the new throw clause', [new CodeSample(<<<'CODE_SAMPLE' class SomeClass { public function run() { try { $someCode = 1; } catch (Throwable $throwable) { throw new AnotherException('ups'); } } } CODE_SAMPLE , <<<'CODE_SAMPLE' class SomeClass { public function run() { try { $someCode = 1; } catch (Throwable $throwable) { throw new AnotherException('ups', $throwable->getCode(), $throwable); } } } CODE_SAMPLE )]); } /** * @return array> */ public function getNodeTypes() : array { return [Catch_::class]; } /** * @param Catch_ $node */ public function refactor(Node $node) : ?Node { $caughtThrowableVariable = $node->var; if (!$caughtThrowableVariable instanceof Variable) { return null; } $isChanged = \false; $this->traverseNodesWithCallable($node->stmts, function (Node $node) use($caughtThrowableVariable, &$isChanged) : ?int { if (!$node instanceof Throw_) { return null; } $isChanged = $this->refactorThrow($node, $caughtThrowableVariable); return $isChanged; }); if (!(bool) $isChanged) { return null; } return $node; } private function refactorThrow(Throw_ $throw, Variable $catchedThrowableVariable) : ?int { if (!$throw->expr instanceof New_) { return null; } $new = $throw->expr; if (!$new->class instanceof Name) { return null; } $exceptionArgumentPosition = $this->resolveExceptionArgumentPosition($new->class); if ($exceptionArgumentPosition === null) { return null; } if ($new->isFirstClassCallable()) { return null; } // exception is bundled if (isset($new->getArgs()[$exceptionArgumentPosition])) { return null; } if (!isset($new->getArgs()[0])) { // get previous message $getMessageMethodCall = new MethodCall($catchedThrowableVariable, 'getMessage'); $new->args[0] = new Arg($getMessageMethodCall); } if (!isset($new->getArgs()[1])) { // get previous code $new->args[1] = new Arg(new MethodCall($catchedThrowableVariable, 'getCode')); } /** @var Arg $arg1 */ $arg1 = $new->args[1]; if ($arg1->name instanceof Identifier && $arg1->name->toString() === 'previous') { $new->args[1] = new Arg(new MethodCall($catchedThrowableVariable, 'getCode')); $new->args[$exceptionArgumentPosition] = $arg1; } else { $new->args[$exceptionArgumentPosition] = new Arg($catchedThrowableVariable); } // null the node, to fix broken format preserving printers, see $new->setAttribute(AttributeKey::ORIGINAL_NODE, null); // nothing more to add return NodeTraverser::DONT_TRAVERSE_CURRENT_AND_CHILDREN; } private function resolveExceptionArgumentPosition(Name $exceptionName) : ?int { $className = $this->getName($exceptionName); // is native exception? if (\strpos($className, '\\') === \false) { return self::DEFAULT_EXCEPTION_ARGUMENT_POSITION; } if (!$this->reflectionProvider->hasClass($className)) { return self::DEFAULT_EXCEPTION_ARGUMENT_POSITION; } $classReflection = $this->reflectionProvider->getClass($className); $construct = $classReflection->hasMethod(MethodName::CONSTRUCT); if (!$construct) { return self::DEFAULT_EXCEPTION_ARGUMENT_POSITION; } $extendedMethodReflection = $classReflection->getConstructor(); $parametersAcceptorWithPhpDocs = ParametersAcceptorSelector::selectSingle($extendedMethodReflection->getVariants()); foreach ($parametersAcceptorWithPhpDocs->getParameters() as $position => $parameterReflectionWithPhpDoc) { $parameterType = $parameterReflectionWithPhpDoc->getType(); if (!$parameterType instanceof TypeWithClassName) { continue; } $objectType = new ObjectType('Throwable'); if ($objectType->isSuperTypeOf($parameterType)->no()) { continue; } return $position; } return null; } }