# All 234 Rectors Overview - [Projects](#projects) - [General](#general) ## Projects - [CakePHP](#cakephp) - [Celebrity](#celebrity) - [CodeQuality](#codequality) - [CodingStyle](#codingstyle) - [DeadCode](#deadcode) - [Doctrine](#doctrine) - [DomainDrivenDesign](#domaindrivendesign) - [Guzzle](#guzzle) - [Jms](#jms) - [Laravel](#laravel) - [MysqlToMysqli](#mysqltomysqli) - [NetteToSymfony](#nettetosymfony) - [PHPStan](#phpstan) - [PHPUnit](#phpunit) - [Php](#php) - [PhpParser](#phpparser) - [Sensio](#sensio) - [Silverstripe](#silverstripe) - [Sylius](#sylius) - [Symfony](#symfony) - [Twig](#twig) ## CakePHP ### `ModalToGetSetRector` - class: `Rector\CakePHP\Rector\MethodCall\ModalToGetSetRector` Changes combined set/get `value()` to specific `getValue()` or `setValue(x)`. ```diff $object = new InstanceConfigTrait; -$config = $object->config(); -$config = $object->config('key'); +$config = $object->getConfig(); +$config = $object->getConfig('key'); -$object->config('key', 'value'); -$object->config(['key' => 'value']); +$object->setConfig('key', 'value'); +$object->setConfig(['key' => 'value']); ```
## Celebrity ### `SetTypeToCastRector` - class: `Rector\Celebrity\Rector\FuncCall\SetTypeToCastRector` Changes settype() to (type) where possible ```diff class SomeClass { - public function run($foo) + public function run(array $items) { - settype($foo, 'string'); + $foo = (string) $foo; - return settype($foo, 'integer'); + return (int) $foo; } } ```
### `CommonNotEqualRector` - class: `Rector\Celebrity\Rector\NotEqual\CommonNotEqualRector` Use common != instead of less known <> with same meaning ```diff final class SomeClass { public function run($one, $two) { - return $one <> $two; + return $one != $two; } } ```
### `LogicalToBooleanRector` - class: `Rector\Celebrity\Rector\BooleanOp\LogicalToBooleanRector` Change OR, AND to ||, && with more common understanding ```diff -if ($f = false or true) { +if (($f = false) || true) { return $f; } ```
## CodeQuality ### `CombinedAssignRector` - class: `Rector\CodeQuality\Rector\Assign\CombinedAssignRector` Simplify $value = $value + 5; assignments to shorter ones ```diff -$value = $value + 5; +$value += 5; ```
### `UseIdenticalOverEqualWithSameTypeRector` - class: `Rector\CodeQuality\Rector\Equal\UseIdenticalOverEqualWithSameTypeRector` Use ===/!== over ==/!=, it values have the same type ```diff class SomeClass { public function run(int $firstValue, int $secondValue) { - $isSame = $firstValue == $secondValue; - $isDiffernt = $firstValue != $secondValue; + $isSame = $firstValue === $secondValue; + $isDiffernt = $firstValue !== $secondValue; } } ```
### `SimplifyDuplicatedTernaryRector` - class: `Rector\CodeQuality\Rector\Ternary\SimplifyDuplicatedTernaryRector` Remove ternary that duplicated return value of true : false ```diff class SomeClass { public function run(bool $value, string $name) { - $isTrue = $value ? true : false; + $isTrue = $value; $isName = $name ? true : false; } } ```
### `TernaryToElvisRector` - class: `Rector\CodeQuality\Rector\Ternary\TernaryToElvisRector` Use ?: instead of ?, where useful ```diff function elvis() { - $value = $a ? $a : false; + $value = $a ?: false; } ```
### `SimplifyTautologyTernaryRector` - class: `Rector\CodeQuality\Rector\Ternary\SimplifyTautologyTernaryRector` Simplify tautology ternary to value ```diff -$value = ($fullyQualifiedTypeHint !== $typeHint) ? $fullyQualifiedTypeHint : $typeHint; +$value = $fullyQualifiedTypeHint; ```
### `UnnecessaryTernaryExpressionRector` - class: `Rector\CodeQuality\Rector\Ternary\UnnecessaryTernaryExpressionRector` Remove unnecessary ternary expressions. ```diff -$foo === $bar ? true : false; +$foo === $bar; ```
### `ForeachToInArrayRector` - class: `Rector\CodeQuality\Rector\Foreach_\ForeachToInArrayRector` Simplify `foreach` loops into `in_array` when possible ```diff -foreach ($items as $item) { - if ($item === "something") { - return true; - } -} - -return false; +in_array("something", $items, true); ```
### `SimplifyForeachToArrayFilterRector` - class: `Rector\CodeQuality\Rector\Foreach_\SimplifyForeachToArrayFilterRector` Simplify foreach with function filtering to array filter ```diff -$directories = []; $possibleDirectories = []; -foreach ($possibleDirectories as $possibleDirectory) { - if (file_exists($possibleDirectory)) { - $directories[] = $possibleDirectory; - } -} +$directories = array_filter($possibleDirectories, 'file_exists'); ```
### `SimplifyForeachToCoalescingRector` - class: `Rector\CodeQuality\Rector\Foreach_\SimplifyForeachToCoalescingRector` Changes foreach that returns set value to ?? ```diff -foreach ($this->oldToNewFunctions as $oldFunction => $newFunction) { - if ($currentFunction === $oldFunction) { - return $newFunction; - } -} - -return null; +return $this->oldToNewFunctions[$currentFunction] ?? null; ```
### `SimplifyUselessVariableRector` - class: `Rector\CodeQuality\Rector\Return_\SimplifyUselessVariableRector` Removes useless variable assigns ```diff function () { - $a = true; - return $a; + return true; }; ```
### `InArrayAndArrayKeysToArrayKeyExistsRector` - class: `Rector\CodeQuality\Rector\FuncCall\InArrayAndArrayKeysToArrayKeyExistsRector` Simplify `in_array` and `array_keys` functions combination into `array_key_exists` when `array_keys` has one argument only ```diff -in_array("key", array_keys($array), true); +array_key_exists("key", $array); ```
### `SimplifyInArrayValuesRector` - class: `Rector\CodeQuality\Rector\FuncCall\SimplifyInArrayValuesRector` Removes unneeded array_values() in in_array() call ```diff -in_array("key", array_values($array), true); +in_array("key", $array, true); ```
### `SimplifyFuncGetArgsCountRector` - class: `Rector\CodeQuality\Rector\FuncCall\SimplifyFuncGetArgsCountRector` Simplify count of func_get_args() to fun_num_args() ```diff -count(func_get_args()); +func_num_args(); ```
### `SingleInArrayToCompareRector` - class: `Rector\CodeQuality\Rector\FuncCall\SingleInArrayToCompareRector` Changes in_array() with single element to === ```diff class SomeClass { public function run() { - if (in_array(strtolower($type), ['$this'], true)) { + if (strtolower($type) === '$this') { return strtolower($type); } } } ```
### `SimplifyStrposLowerRector` - class: `Rector\CodeQuality\Rector\FuncCall\SimplifyStrposLowerRector` Simplify strpos(strtolower(), "...") calls ```diff -strpos(strtolower($var), "...")" +stripos($var, "...")" ```
### `SimplifyIfNotNullReturnRector` - class: `Rector\CodeQuality\Rector\If_\SimplifyIfNotNullReturnRector` Changes redundant null check to instant return ```diff $newNode = 'something ; -if ($newNode !== null) { - return $newNode; -} - -return null; +return $newNode; ```
### `ExplicitBoolCompareRector` - class: `Rector\CodeQuality\Rector\If_\ExplicitBoolCompareRector` Make if conditions more explicit ```diff final class SomeController { public function run($items) { - if (!count($items)) { + if (count($items) < 0) { return 'no items'; } } } ```
### `SimplifyIfElseToTernaryRector` - class: `Rector\CodeQuality\Rector\If_\SimplifyIfElseToTernaryRector` Changes if/else for same value as assign to ternary ```diff class SomeClass { public function run() { - if (empty($value)) { - $this->arrayBuilt[][$key] = true; - } else { - $this->arrayBuilt[][$key] = $value; - } + $this->arrayBuilt[][$key] = empty($value) ? true : $value; } } ```
### `SimplifyIfReturnBoolRector` - class: `Rector\CodeQuality\Rector\If_\SimplifyIfReturnBoolRector` Shortens if return false/true to direct return ```diff -if (strpos($docToken->getContent(), "\n") === false) { - return true; -} - -return false; +return strpos($docToken->getContent(), "\n") === false; ```
### `SimplifyIfIssetToNullCoalescingRector` - class: `Rector\CodeQuality\Rector\If_\SimplifyIfIssetToNullCoalescingRector` Simplify binary if to null coalesce ```diff final class SomeController { public function run($possibleStatieYamlFile) { - if (isset($possibleStatieYamlFile['import'])) { - $possibleStatieYamlFile['import'] = array_merge($possibleStatieYamlFile['import'], $filesToImport); - } else { - $possibleStatieYamlFile['import'] = $filesToImport; - } + $possibleStatieYamlFile['import'] = array_merge($possibleStatieYamlFile['import'] ?? [], $filesToImport); } } ```
### `ConsecutiveNullCompareReturnsToNullCoalesceQueueRector` - class: `Rector\CodeQuality\Rector\If_\ConsecutiveNullCompareReturnsToNullCoalesceQueueRector` Change multiple null compares to ?? queue ```diff class SomeClass { public function run() { - if (null !== $this->orderItem) { - return $this->orderItem; - } - - if (null !== $this->orderItemUnit) { - return $this->orderItemUnit; - } - - return null; + return $this->orderItem ?? $this->orderItemUnit; } } ```
### `SimplifyDeMorganBinaryRector` - class: `Rector\CodeQuality\Rector\BinaryOp\SimplifyDeMorganBinaryRector` Simplify negated conditions with de Morgan theorem ```diff 20 || $b <= 50); +$result = $a <= 20 && $b > 50; ```
### `SimplifyEmptyArrayCheckRector` - class: `Rector\CodeQuality\Rector\BooleanAnd\SimplifyEmptyArrayCheckRector` Simplify `is_array` and `empty` functions combination into a simple identical check for an empty array ```diff -is_array($values) && empty($values) +$values === [] ```
### `GetClassToInstanceOfRector` - class: `Rector\CodeQuality\Rector\Identical\GetClassToInstanceOfRector` Changes comparison with get_class to instanceof ```diff -if (EventsListener::class === get_class($event->job)) { } +if ($event->job instanceof EventsListener) { } ```
### `SimplifyBoolIdenticalTrueRector` - class: `Rector\CodeQuality\Rector\Identical\SimplifyBoolIdenticalTrueRector` Symplify bool value compare to true or false ```diff class SomeClass { public function run(bool $value, string $items) { - $match = in_array($value, $items, TRUE) === TRUE; - $match = in_array($value, $items, TRUE) !== FALSE; + $match = in_array($value, $items, TRUE); + $match = in_array($value, $items, TRUE); } } ```
### `SimplifyConditionsRector` - class: `Rector\CodeQuality\Rector\Identical\SimplifyConditionsRector` Simplify conditions ```diff -if (! ($foo !== 'bar')) {... +if ($foo === 'bar') {... ```
### `SimplifyArraySearchRector` - class: `Rector\CodeQuality\Rector\Identical\SimplifyArraySearchRector` Simplify array_search to in_array ```diff -array_search("searching", $array) !== false; +in_array("searching", $array, true); ``` ```diff -array_search("searching", $array) != false; +in_array("searching", $array); ```
### `JoinStringConcatRector` - class: `Rector\CodeQuality\Rector\Concat\JoinStringConcatRector` Joins concat of 2 strings ```diff class SomeClass { public function run() { - $name = 'Hi' . ' Tom'; + $name = 'Hi Tom'; } } ```
## CodingStyle ### `ReturnArrayClassMethodToYieldRector` - class: `Rector\CodingStyle\Rector\ClassMethod\ReturnArrayClassMethodToYieldRector` Turns yield return to array return in specific type and method ```yaml services: Rector\CodingStyle\Rector\ClassMethod\ReturnArrayClassMethodToYieldRector: EventSubscriberInterface: - getSubscribedEvents ``` ↓ ```diff class SomeEventSubscriber implements EventSubscriberInterface { public static function getSubscribedEvents() { - yield 'event' => 'callback'; + return ['event' => 'callback']; } } ```
### `YieldClassMethodToArrayClassMethodRector` - class: `Rector\CodingStyle\Rector\ClassMethod\YieldClassMethodToArrayClassMethodRector` Turns yield return to array return in specific type and method ```yaml services: Rector\CodingStyle\Rector\ClassMethod\YieldClassMethodToArrayClassMethodRector: EventSubscriberInterface: - getSubscribedEvents ``` ↓ ```diff class SomeEventSubscriber implements EventSubscriberInterface { public static function getSubscribedEvents() { - yield 'event' => 'callback'; + return ['event' => 'callback']; } } ```
### `SymplifyQuoteEscapeRector` - class: `Rector\CodingStyle\Rector\String_\SymplifyQuoteEscapeRector` Prefer quote that not inside the string ```diff class SomeClass { public function run() { - $name = "\" Tom"; - $name = '\' Sara'; + $name = '" Tom'; + $name = "' Sara"; } } ```
### `RemoveUnusedAliasRector` - class: `Rector\CodingStyle\Rector\Use_\RemoveUnusedAliasRector` Removes unused use aliases ```diff -use Symfony\Kernel as BaseKernel; +use Symfony\Kernel; -class SomeClass extends BaseKernel +class SomeClass extends Kernel { } ```
### `ConsistentImplodeRector` - class: `Rector\CodingStyle\Rector\FuncCall\ConsistentImplodeRector` Changes various implode forms to consistent one ```diff class SomeClass { public function run(array $items) { - $itemsAsStrings = implode($items); - $itemsAsStrings = implode($items, '|'); + $itemsAsStrings = implode('', $items); + $itemsAsStrings = implode('|', $items); $itemsAsStrings = implode('|', $items); } } ```
### `SimpleArrayCallableToStringRector` - class: `Rector\CodingStyle\Rector\FuncCall\SimpleArrayCallableToStringRector` Changes redundant anonymous bool functions to simple calls ```diff -$paths = array_filter($paths, function ($path): bool { - return is_dir($path); -}); +array_filter($paths, "is_dir"); ```
### `NullableCompareToNullRector` - class: `Rector\CodingStyle\Rector\If_\NullableCompareToNullRector` Changes negate of empty comparison of nullable value to explicit === or !== compare ```diff /** @var stdClass|null $value */ -if ($value) { +if ($value !== null) { } -if (!$value) { +if ($value === null) { } ```
### `CompleteVarDocTypeConstantRector` - class: `Rector\CodingStyle\Rector\ClassConst\CompleteVarDocTypeConstantRector` Complete constant `@var` annotations for missing one, yet known. ```diff final class SomeClass { + /** + * @var int + */ private const NUMBER = 5; } ```
### `IdenticalFalseToBooleanNotRector` - class: `Rector\CodingStyle\Rector\Identical\IdenticalFalseToBooleanNotRector` Changes === false to negate ! ```diff -if ($something === false) {} +if (! $something) {} ```
### `BinarySwitchToIfElseRector` - class: `Rector\CodingStyle\Rector\Switch_\BinarySwitchToIfElseRector` Changes switch with 2 options to if-else ```diff -switch ($foo) { - case 'my string': - $result = 'ok'; - break; - - default: - $result = 'not ok'; +if ($foo == 'my string') { + $result = 'ok; +} else { + $result = 'not ok'; } ```
## DeadCode ### `RemoveDoubleAssignRector` - class: `Rector\DeadCode\Rector\Assign\RemoveDoubleAssignRector` Simplify useless double assigns ```diff -$value = 1; $value = 1; ```
### `RemoveUnusedForeachKeyRector` - class: `Rector\DeadCode\Rector\Foreach_\RemoveUnusedForeachKeyRector` Remove unused key in foreach ```diff $items = []; -foreach ($items as $key => $value) { +foreach ($items as $value) { $result = $value; } ```
### `RemoveDuplicatedArrayKeyRector` - class: `Rector\DeadCode\Rector\Array_\RemoveDuplicatedArrayKeyRector` Remove duplicated key in defined arrays. ```diff $item = [ 1 => 'A', - 1 => 'A' ]; ```
### `RemoveParentCallWithoutParentRector` - class: `Rector\DeadCode\Rector\StaticCall\RemoveParentCallWithoutParentRector` Remove unused parent call with no parent class ```diff class OrphanClass { public function __construct() { - parent::__construct(); } } ```
### `RemoveEmptyClassMethodRector` - class: `Rector\DeadCode\Rector\ClassMethod\RemoveEmptyClassMethodRector` Remove empty method calls not required by parents ```diff class OrphanClass { - public function __construct() - { - } } ```
### `RemoveUnusedParameterRector` - class: `Rector\DeadCode\Rector\ClassMethod\RemoveUnusedParameterRector` Remove unused parameter, if not required by interface or parent class ```diff class SomeClass { - public function __construct($value, $value2) + public function __construct($value) { $this->value = $value; } } ```
### `RemoveDeadConstructorRector` - class: `Rector\DeadCode\Rector\ClassMethod\RemoveDeadConstructorRector` Remove empty constructor ```diff class SomeClass { - public function __construct() - { - } } ```
### `RemoveUnusedPrivateMethodRector` - class: `Rector\DeadCode\Rector\ClassMethod\RemoveUnusedPrivateMethodRector` Remove unused private method ```diff final class SomeController { public function run() { return 5; } - - private function skip() - { - return 10; - } } ```
### `RemoveOverriddenValuesRector` - class: `Rector\DeadCode\Rector\ClassMethod\RemoveOverriddenValuesRector` Remove initial assigns of overridden values ```diff final class SomeController { public function run() { - $directories = []; $possibleDirectories = []; $directories = array_filter($possibleDirectories, 'file_exists'); } } ```
### `RemoveUnusedPrivatePropertyRector` - class: `Rector\DeadCode\Rector\Property\RemoveUnusedPrivatePropertyRector` Remove unused private properties ```diff class SomeClass { - private $property; } ```
### `RemoveDeadStmtRector` - class: `Rector\DeadCode\Rector\Stmt\RemoveDeadStmtRector` Removes dead code statements ```diff -$value = 5; -$value; +$value = 5; ```
### `RemoveUnusedPrivateConstantRector` - class: `Rector\DeadCode\Rector\ClassConst\RemoveUnusedPrivateConstantRector` Remove unused private constant ```diff final class SomeController { - private const SOME_CONSTANT = 5; public function run() { return 5; } } ```
### `RemoveCodeAfterReturnRector` - class: `Rector\DeadCode\Rector\FunctionLike\RemoveCodeAfterReturnRector` Remove dead code after return statement ```diff class SomeClass { public function run(int $a) { return $a; - $a++; } } ```
### `SimplifyMirrorAssignRector` - class: `Rector\DeadCode\Rector\Expression\SimplifyMirrorAssignRector` Removes unneeded $a = $a assigns ```diff -$a = $a; ```
## Doctrine ### `AliasToClassRector` - class: `Rector\Doctrine\Rector\AliasToClassRector` Replaces doctrine alias with class. ```diff $entityManager = new Doctrine\ORM\EntityManager(); -$entityManager->getRepository("AppBundle:Post"); +$entityManager->getRepository(\App\Entity\Post::class); ```
## DomainDrivenDesign ### `ObjectToScalarDocBlockRector` - class: `Rector\DomainDrivenDesign\Rector\ObjectToScalar\ObjectToScalarDocBlockRector` Turns defined value object to simple types in doc blocks ```yaml services: Rector\DomainDrivenDesign\Rector\ObjectToScalar\ObjectToScalarDocBlockRector: $valueObjectsToSimpleTypes: ValueObject: string ``` ↓ ```diff /** - * @var ValueObject|null + * @var string|null */ private $name; -/** @var ValueObject|null */ +/** @var string|null */ $name; ```
### `ObjectToScalarRector` - class: `Rector\DomainDrivenDesign\Rector\ObjectToScalar\ObjectToScalarRector` Remove values objects and use directly the value. ```yaml services: Rector\DomainDrivenDesign\Rector\ObjectToScalar\ObjectToScalarRector: $valueObjectsToSimpleTypes: ValueObject: string ``` ↓ ```diff -$name = new ValueObject("name"); +$name = "name"; -function someFunction(ValueObject $name): ?ValueObject { +function someFunction(string $name): ?string { } ```
## Guzzle ### `MessageAsArrayRector` - class: `Rector\Guzzle\Rector\MethodCall\MessageAsArrayRector` Changes getMessage(..., true) to getMessageAsArray() ```diff /** @var GuzzleHttp\Message\MessageInterface */ -$value = $message->getMessage('key', true); +$value = $message->getMessageAsArray('key'); ```
## Jms ### `JmsInjectAnnotationRector` - class: `Rector\Jms\Rector\Property\JmsInjectAnnotationRector` Changes properties with `@JMS\DiExtraBundle\Annotation\Inject` to constructor injection ```diff use JMS\DiExtraBundle\Annotation as DI; class SomeController { /** - * @DI\Inject("entity.manager") + * @var EntityManager */ private $entityManager; + + public function __construct(EntityManager $entityManager) + { + $this->entityManager = entityManager; + } } ```
## Laravel ### `MinutesToSecondsInCacheRector` - class: `Rector\Laravel\Rector\StaticCall\MinutesToSecondsInCacheRector` Change minutes argument to seconds in Illuminate\Contracts\Cache\Store and Illuminate\Support\Facades\Cache ```diff class SomeClass { public function run() { - Illuminate\Support\Facades\Cache::put('key', 'value', 60); + Illuminate\Support\Facades\Cache::put('key', 'value', 60 * 60); } } ```
### `FacadeStaticCallToConstructorInjectionRector` - class: `Rector\Laravel\Rector\StaticCall\FacadeStaticCallToConstructorInjectionRector` Move Illuminate\Support\Facades\* static calls to constructor injection ```diff use Illuminate\Support\Facades\Response; class ExampleController extends Controller { + /** + * @var \Illuminate\Contracts\Routing\ResponseFactory + */ + private $responseFactory; + + public function __construct(\Illuminate\Contracts\Routing\ResponseFactory $responseFactory) + { + $this->responseFactory = $responseFactory; + } + public function store() { - return Response::view('example', ['new_example' => 123]); + return $this->responseFactory->view('example', ['new_example' => 123]); } } ```
### `Redirect301ToPermanentRedirectRector` - class: `Rector\Laravel\Rector\StaticCall\Redirect301ToPermanentRedirectRector` Change "redirect" call with 301 to "permanentRedirect" ```diff class SomeClass { public function run() { - Illuminate\Routing\Route::redirect('/foo', '/bar', 301); + Illuminate\Routing\Route::permanentRedirect('/foo', '/bar'); } } ```
### `RequestStaticValidateToInjectRector` - class: `Rector\Laravel\Rector\StaticCall\RequestStaticValidateToInjectRector` Change static validate() method to $request->validate() ```diff use Illuminate\Http\Request; class SomeClass { - public function store() + public function store(\Illuminate\Http\Request $request) { - $validatedData = Request::validate(['some_attribute' => 'required']); + $validatedData = $request->validate(['some_attribute' => 'required']); } } ```
## MysqlToMysqli ### `MysqlAssignToMysqliRector` - class: `Rector\MysqlToMysqli\Rector\Assign\MysqlAssignToMysqliRector` Converts more complex mysql functions to mysqli ```diff -$data = mysql_db_name($result, $row); +mysqli_data_seek($result, $row); +$fetch = mysql_fetch_row($result); +$data = $fetch[0]; ```
### `MysqlFuncCallToMysqliRector` - class: `Rector\MysqlToMysqli\Rector\FuncCall\MysqlFuncCallToMysqliRector` Converts more complex mysql functions to mysqli ```diff -mysql_drop_db($database); +mysqli_query('DROP DATABASE ' . $database); ```
### `MysqlPConnectToMysqliConnectRector` - class: `Rector\MysqlToMysqli\Rector\FuncCall\MysqlPConnectToMysqliConnectRector` Replace mysql_pconnect() with mysqli_connect() with host p: prefix ```diff final class SomeClass { public function run($host, $username, $password) { - return mysql_pconnect($host, $username, $password); + return mysqli_connect('p:' . $host, $username, $password); } } ```
## NetteToSymfony ### `RouterListToControllerAnnotationsRector` - class: `Rector\NetteToSymfony\Rector\ClassMethod\RouterListToControllerAnnotationsRector` Change new Route() from RouteFactory to @Route annotation above controller method ```diff final class RouterFactory { public function create(): RouteList { $routeList = new RouteList(); + + // case of single action controller, usually get() or __invoke() method $routeList[] = new Route('some-path', SomePresenter::class); return $routeList; } } final class SomePresenter { + /** + * @Symfony\Component\Routing\Annotation\Route(path="some-path") + */ public function run() { } } ```
### `RenameEventNamesInEventSubscriberRector` - class: `Rector\NetteToSymfony\Rector\ClassMethod\RenameEventNamesInEventSubscriberRector` Changes event names from Nette ones to Symfony ones ```diff use Symfony\Component\EventDispatcher\EventSubscriberInterface; final class SomeClass implements EventSubscriberInterface { public static function getSubscribedEvents() { - return ['nette.application' => 'someMethod']; + return [\SymfonyEvents::KERNEL => 'someMethod']; } } ```
### `FromRequestGetParameterToAttributesGetRector` - class: `Rector\NetteToSymfony\Rector\MethodCall\FromRequestGetParameterToAttributesGetRector` Changes "getParameter()" to "attributes->get()" from Nette to Symfony ```diff use Nette\Request; final class SomeController { public static function someAction(Request $request) { - $value = $request->getParameter('abz'); + $value = $request->attribute->get('abz'); } } ```
### `FromHttpRequestGetHeaderToHeadersGetRector` - class: `Rector\NetteToSymfony\Rector\MethodCall\FromHttpRequestGetHeaderToHeadersGetRector` Changes getHeader() to $request->headers->get() ```diff use Nette\Request; final class SomeController { public static function someAction(Request $request) { - $header = $this->httpRequest->getHeader('x'); + $header = $request->headers->get('x'); } } ```
### `WrapTransParameterNameRector` - class: `Rector\NetteToSymfony\Rector\MethodCall\WrapTransParameterNameRector` Adds %% to placeholder name of trans() method if missing ```diff use Symfony\Component\Translation\Translator; final class SomeController { public function run() { $translator = new Translator(''); $translated = $translator->trans( 'Hello %name%', - ['name' => $name] + ['%name%' => $name] ); } } ```
## PHPStan ### `PHPStormVarAnnotationRector` - class: `Rector\PHPStan\Rector\Assign\PHPStormVarAnnotationRector` Change various @var annotation formats to one PHPStorm understands ```diff -$config = 5; -/** @var \Shopsys\FrameworkBundle\Model\Product\Filter\ProductFilterConfig $config */ +/** @var \Shopsys\FrameworkBundle\Model\Product\Filter\ProductFilterConfig $config */ +$config = 5; ```
### `RecastingRemovalRector` - class: `Rector\PHPStan\Rector\Cast\RecastingRemovalRector` Removes recasting of the same type ```diff $string = ''; -$string = (string) $string; +$string = $string; $array = []; -$array = (array) $array; +$array = $array; ```
## PHPUnit ### `SimplifyForeachInstanceOfRector` - class: `Rector\PHPUnit\Rector\Foreach_\SimplifyForeachInstanceOfRector` Simplify unnecessary foreach check of instances ```diff -foreach ($foos as $foo) { - $this->assertInstanceOf(\SplFileInfo::class, $foo); -} +$this->assertContainsOnlyInstancesOf(\SplFileInfo::class, $foos); ```
### `AssertEqualsParameterToSpecificMethodsTypeRector` - class: `Rector\PHPUnit\Rector\MethodCall\AssertEqualsParameterToSpecificMethodsTypeRector` Change assertEquals()/assertNotEquals() method parameters to new specific alternatives ```diff final class SomeTest extends \PHPUnit\Framework\TestCase { public function test() { $value = 'value'; - $this->assertEquals('string', $value, 'message', 5.0); + $this->assertEqualsWithDelta('string', $value, 5.0, 'message'); - $this->assertEquals('string', $value, 'message', 0.0, 20); + $this->assertEquals('string', $value, 'message', 0.0); - $this->assertEquals('string', $value, 'message', 0.0, 10, true); + $this->assertEqualsCanonicalizing('string', $value, 'message'); - $this->assertEquals('string', $value, 'message', 0.0, 10, false, true); + $this->assertEqualsIgnoringCase('string', $value, 'message'); } } ```
### `SpecificAssertContainsRector` - class: `Rector\PHPUnit\Rector\MethodCall\SpecificAssertContainsRector` Change assertContains()/assertNotContains() method to new string and iterable alternatives ```diff assertContains('foo', 'foo bar'); - $this->assertNotContains('foo', 'foo bar'); - $this->assertContains('foo', ['foo', 'bar']); - $this->assertNotContains('foo', ['foo', 'bar']); + $this->assertStringContains('foo', 'foo bar'); + $this->assertStringNotContains('foo', 'foo bar'); + $this->assertIterableContains('foo', ['foo', 'bar']); + $this->assertIterableNotContains('foo', ['foo', 'bar']); } } ```
### `UseSpecificWillMethodRector` - class: `Rector\PHPUnit\Rector\MethodCall\UseSpecificWillMethodRector` Changes ->will($this->xxx()) to one specific method ```diff class SomeClass extends PHPUnit\Framework\TestCase { public function test() { $translator = $this->getMockBuilder('Symfony\Component\Translation\TranslatorInterface')->getMock(); $translator->expects($this->any()) ->method('trans') - ->with($this->equalTo('old max {{ max }}!')) - ->will($this->returnValue('translated max {{ max }}!')); + ->with('old max {{ max }}!') + ->willReturnValue('translated max {{ max }}!'); } } ```
### `SpecificAssertInternalTypeRector` - class: `Rector\PHPUnit\Rector\MethodCall\SpecificAssertInternalTypeRector` Change assertInternalType()/assertNotInternalType() method to new specific alternatives ```diff final class SomeTest extends \PHPUnit\Framework\TestCase { public function test() { $value = 'value'; - $this->assertInternalType('string', $value); - $this->assertNotInternalType('array', $value); + $this->assertIsString($value); + $this->assertIsNotArray($value); } } ```
### `ExceptionAnnotationRector` - class: `Rector\PHPUnit\Rector\ExceptionAnnotationRector` Takes `setExpectedException()` 2nd and next arguments to own methods in PHPUnit. ```diff -/** - * @expectedException Exception - * @expectedExceptionMessage Message - */ public function test() { + $this->expectException('Exception'); + $this->expectExceptionMessage('Message'); // tested code } ```
### `AssertNotOperatorRector` - class: `Rector\PHPUnit\Rector\SpecificMethod\AssertNotOperatorRector` Turns not-operator comparisons to their method name alternatives in PHPUnit TestCase ```diff -$this->assertTrue(!$foo, "message"); +$this->assertFalse($foo, "message"); ``` ```diff -$this->assertFalse(!$foo, "message"); +$this->assertTrue($foo, "message"); ```
### `AssertComparisonToSpecificMethodRector` - class: `Rector\PHPUnit\Rector\SpecificMethod\AssertComparisonToSpecificMethodRector` Turns comparison operations to their method name alternatives in PHPUnit TestCase ```diff -$this->assertTrue($foo === $bar, "message"); +$this->assertSame($bar, $foo, "message"); ``` ```diff -$this->assertFalse($foo >= $bar, "message"); +$this->assertLessThanOrEqual($bar, $foo, "message"); ```
### `AssertPropertyExistsRector` - class: `Rector\PHPUnit\Rector\SpecificMethod\AssertPropertyExistsRector` Turns `property_exists` comparisons to their method name alternatives in PHPUnit TestCase ```diff -$this->assertTrue(property_exists(new Class, "property"), "message"); +$this->assertClassHasAttribute("property", "Class", "message"); ``` ```diff -$this->assertFalse(property_exists(new Class, "property"), "message"); +$this->assertClassNotHasAttribute("property", "Class", "message"); ```
### `AssertTrueFalseInternalTypeToSpecificMethodRector` - class: `Rector\PHPUnit\Rector\SpecificMethod\AssertTrueFalseInternalTypeToSpecificMethodRector` Turns true/false with internal type comparisons to their method name alternatives in PHPUnit TestCase ```diff -$this->assertTrue(is_{internal_type}($anything), "message"); +$this->assertInternalType({internal_type}, $anything, "message"); ``` ```diff -$this->assertFalse(is_{internal_type}($anything), "message"); +$this->assertNotInternalType({internal_type}, $anything, "message"); ```
### `AssertIssetToSpecificMethodRector` - class: `Rector\PHPUnit\Rector\SpecificMethod\AssertIssetToSpecificMethodRector` Turns isset comparisons to their method name alternatives in PHPUnit TestCase ```diff -$this->assertTrue(isset($anything->foo)); +$this->assertFalse(isset($anything["foo"]), "message"); ``` ```diff -$this->assertObjectHasAttribute("foo", $anything); +$this->assertArrayNotHasKey("foo", $anything, "message"); ```
### `AssertFalseStrposToContainsRector` - class: `Rector\PHPUnit\Rector\SpecificMethod\AssertFalseStrposToContainsRector` Turns `strpos`/`stripos` comparisons to their method name alternatives in PHPUnit TestCase ```diff -$this->assertFalse(strpos($anything, "foo"), "message"); +$this->assertNotContains("foo", $anything, "message"); ``` ```diff -$this->assertNotFalse(stripos($anything, "foo"), "message"); +$this->assertContains("foo", $anything, "message"); ```
### `AssertSameBoolNullToSpecificMethodRector` - class: `Rector\PHPUnit\Rector\SpecificMethod\AssertSameBoolNullToSpecificMethodRector` Turns same bool and null comparisons to their method name alternatives in PHPUnit TestCase ```diff -$this->assertSame(null, $anything); +$this->assertNull($anything); ``` ```diff -$this->assertNotSame(false, $anything); +$this->assertNotFalse($anything); ```
### `AssertCompareToSpecificMethodRector` - class: `Rector\PHPUnit\Rector\SpecificMethod\AssertCompareToSpecificMethodRector` Turns vague php-only method in PHPUnit TestCase to more specific ```diff -$this->assertSame(10, count($anything), "message"); +$this->assertCount(10, $anything, "message"); ``` ```diff -$this->assertSame($value, {function}($anything), "message"); +$this->assert{function}($value, $anything, "message\"); ``` ```diff -$this->assertEquals($value, {function}($anything), "message"); +$this->assert{function}($value, $anything, "message\"); ``` ```diff -$this->assertNotSame($value, {function}($anything), "message"); +$this->assertNot{function}($value, $anything, "message") ``` ```diff -$this->assertNotEquals($value, {function}($anything), "message"); +$this->assertNot{function}($value, $anything, "message") ```
### `AssertRegExpRector` - class: `Rector\PHPUnit\Rector\SpecificMethod\AssertRegExpRector` Turns `preg_match` comparisons to their method name alternatives in PHPUnit TestCase ```diff -$this->assertSame(1, preg_match("/^Message for ".*"\.$/", $string), $message); +$this->assertRegExp("/^Message for ".*"\.$/", $string, $message); ``` ```diff -$this->assertEquals(false, preg_match("/^Message for ".*"\.$/", $string), $message); +$this->assertNotRegExp("/^Message for ".*"\.$/", $string, $message); ```
### `AssertInstanceOfComparisonRector` - class: `Rector\PHPUnit\Rector\SpecificMethod\AssertInstanceOfComparisonRector` Turns instanceof comparisons to their method name alternatives in PHPUnit TestCase ```diff -$this->assertTrue($foo instanceof Foo, "message"); +$this->assertFalse($foo instanceof Foo, "message"); ``` ```diff -$this->assertInstanceOf("Foo", $foo, "message"); +$this->assertNotInstanceOf("Foo", $foo, "message"); ```
### `AssertTrueFalseToSpecificMethodRector` - class: `Rector\PHPUnit\Rector\SpecificMethod\AssertTrueFalseToSpecificMethodRector` Turns true/false comparisons to their method name alternatives in PHPUnit TestCase when possible ```diff -$this->assertTrue(is_readable($readmeFile), "message"); +$this->assertIsReadable($readmeFile, "message"); ```
### `DelegateExceptionArgumentsRector` - class: `Rector\PHPUnit\Rector\DelegateExceptionArgumentsRector` Takes `setExpectedException()` 2nd and next arguments to own methods in PHPUnit. ```diff -$this->setExpectedException(Exception::class, "Message", "CODE"); +$this->setExpectedException(Exception::class); +$this->expectExceptionMessage("Message"); +$this->expectExceptionCode("CODE"); ```
### `TryCatchToExpectExceptionRector` - class: `Rector\PHPUnit\Rector\TryCatchToExpectExceptionRector` Turns try/catch to expectException() call ```diff -try { - $someService->run(); -} catch (Throwable $exception) { - $this->assertInstanceOf(RuntimeException::class, $e); - $this->assertContains('There was an error executing the following script', $e->getMessage()); -} +$this->expectException(RuntimeException::class); +$this->expectExceptionMessage('There was an error executing the following script'); +$someService->run(); ```
### `GetMockRector` - class: `Rector\PHPUnit\Rector\GetMockRector` Turns getMock*() methods to createMock() ```diff -$this->getMock("Class"); +$this->createMock("Class"); ``` ```diff -$this->getMockWithoutInvokingTheOriginalConstructor("Class"); +$this->createMock("Class"); ```
## Php ### `AssignArrayToStringRector` - class: `Rector\Php\Rector\Assign\AssignArrayToStringRector` String cannot be turned into array by assignment anymore ```diff -$string = ''; +$string = []; $string[] = 1; ```
### `NullCoalescingOperatorRector` - class: `Rector\Php\Rector\Assign\NullCoalescingOperatorRector` Use null coalescing operator ??= ```diff $array = []; -$array['user_id'] = $array['user_id'] ?? 'value'; +$array['user_id'] ??= 'value'; ```
### `MysqlAssignToMysqliRector` - class: `Rector\Php\Rector\Assign\MysqlAssignToMysqliRector` Converts more complex mysql functions to mysqli ```diff -$data = mysql_db_name($result, $row); +mysqli_data_seek($result, $row); +$fetch = mysql_fetch_row($result); +$data = $fetch[0]; ```
### `TernaryToSpaceshipRector` - class: `Rector\Php\Rector\Ternary\TernaryToSpaceshipRector` Use <=> spaceship instead of ternary with same effect ```diff function order_func($a, $b) { - return ($a < $b) ? -1 : (($a > $b) ? 1 : 0); + return $a <=> $b; } ```
### `TernaryToNullCoalescingRector` - class: `Rector\Php\Rector\Ternary\TernaryToNullCoalescingRector` Changes unneeded null check to ?? operator ```diff -$value === null ? 10 : $value; +$value ?? 10; ``` ```diff -isset($value) ? $value : 10; +$value ?? 10; ```
### `StaticCallOnNonStaticToInstanceCallRector` - class: `Rector\Php\Rector\StaticCall\StaticCallOnNonStaticToInstanceCallRector` Changes static call to instance call, where not useful ```diff class Something { public function doWork() { } } class Another { public function run() { - return Something::doWork(); + return (new Something)->doWork(); } } ```
### `ExportToReflectionFunctionRector` - class: `Rector\Php\Rector\StaticCall\ExportToReflectionFunctionRector` Change export() to ReflectionFunction alternatives ```diff -$reflectionFunction = ReflectionFunction::export('foo'); -$reflectionFunctionAsString = ReflectionFunction::export('foo', true); +$reflectionFunction = new ReflectionFunction('foo'); +$reflectionFunctionAsString = (string) new ReflectionFunction('foo'); ```
### `ThisCallOnStaticMethodToStaticCallRector` - class: `Rector\Php\Rector\MethodCall\ThisCallOnStaticMethodToStaticCallRector` Changes $this->call() to static method to static call ```diff class SomeClass { public static function run() { - $this->eat(); + self::eat(); } public static function eat() { } } ```
### `PreferThisOrSelfMethodCallRector` - class: `Rector\Php\Rector\MethodCall\PreferThisOrSelfMethodCallRector` Changes $this->... to self:: or vise versa for specific types ```yaml services: Rector\Php\Rector\MethodCall\PreferThisOrSelfMethodCallRector: PHPUnit\TestCase: self ``` ↓ ```diff class SomeClass extends PHPUnit\TestCase { public function run() { - $this->assertThis(); + self::assertThis(); } } ```
### `UnsetCastRector` - class: `Rector\Php\Rector\Unset_\UnsetCastRector` Removes (unset) cast ```diff -$value = (unset) $value; +$value = null; ```
### `ReservedObjectRector` - class: `Rector\Php\Rector\Name\ReservedObjectRector` Changes reserved "Object" name to "Object" where can be configured ```diff -class Object +class SmartObject { } ```
### `SensitiveHereNowDocRector` - class: `Rector\Php\Rector\String_\SensitiveHereNowDocRector` Changes heredoc/nowdoc that contains closing word to safe wrapper name ```diff -$value = << ### `SensitiveConstantNameRector` - class: `Rector\Php\Rector\ConstFetch\SensitiveConstantNameRector` Changes case insensitive constants to sensitive ones. ```diff define('FOO', 42, true); var_dump(FOO); -var_dump(foo); +var_dump(FOO); ```
### `BarewordStringRector` - class: `Rector\Php\Rector\ConstFetch\BarewordStringRector` Changes unquoted non-existing constants to strings ```diff -var_dump(VAR); +var_dump("VAR"); ```
### `RenameConstantRector` - class: `Rector\Php\Rector\ConstFetch\RenameConstantRector` Replace constant by new ones ```diff final class SomeClass { public function run() { - return MYSQL_ASSOC; + return MYSQLI_ASSOC; } } ```
### `MultiExceptionCatchRector` - class: `Rector\Php\Rector\TryCatch\MultiExceptionCatchRector` Changes multi catch of same exception to single one | separated. ```diff try { // Some code... -} catch (ExceptionType1 $exception) { - $sameCode; -} catch (ExceptionType2 $exception) { +} catch (ExceptionType1 | ExceptionType2 $exception) { $sameCode; } ```
### `CompleteVarDocTypePropertyRector` - class: `Rector\Php\Rector\Property\CompleteVarDocTypePropertyRector` Complete property `@var` annotations for missing one, yet known. ```diff final class SomeClass { + /** + * @var EventDispatcher + */ private $eventDispatcher; public function __construct(EventDispatcher $eventDispatcher) { $this->eventDispatcher = $eventDispatcher; } } ```
### `TypedPropertyRector` - class: `Rector\Php\Rector\Property\TypedPropertyRector` Changes property `@var` annotations from annotation to type. ```diff final class SomeClass { - /** - * @var int - */ - private count; + private int count; } ```
### `VarToPublicPropertyRector` - class: `Rector\Php\Rector\Property\VarToPublicPropertyRector` Remove unused private method ```diff final class SomeController { - var $name = 'Tom'; + public $name = 'Tom'; } ```
### `ClassConstantToSelfClassRector` - class: `Rector\Php\Rector\MagicConstClass\ClassConstantToSelfClassRector` Change __CLASS__ to self::class ```diff class SomeClass { public function callOnMe() { - var_dump(__CLASS__); + var_dump(self::class); } } ```
### `RealToFloatTypeCastRector` - class: `Rector\Php\Rector\Double\RealToFloatTypeCastRector` Change deprecated (real) to (float) ```diff class SomeClass { public function run() { - $number = (real) 5; + $number = (float) 5; $number = (float) 5; $number = (double) 5; } } ```
### `CreateFunctionToAnonymousFunctionRector` - class: `Rector\Php\Rector\FuncCall\CreateFunctionToAnonymousFunctionRector` Use anonymous functions instead of deprecated create_function() ```diff class ClassWithCreateFunction { public function run() { - $callable = create_function('$matches', "return '$delimiter' . strtolower(\$matches[1]);"); + $callable = function($matches) use ($delimiter) { + return $delimiter . strtolower($matches[1]); + }; } } ```
### `RandomFunctionRector` - class: `Rector\Php\Rector\FuncCall\RandomFunctionRector` Changes rand, srand and getrandmax by new md_* alternatives. ```diff -rand(); +mt_rand(); ```
### `PregReplaceEModifierRector` - class: `Rector\Php\Rector\FuncCall\PregReplaceEModifierRector` The /e modifier is no longer supported, use preg_replace_callback instead ```diff class SomeClass { public function run() { - $comment = preg_replace('~\b(\w)(\w+)~e', '"$1".strtolower("$2")', $comment); + $comment = preg_replace_callback('~\b(\w)(\w+)~', function ($matches) { + return($matches[1].strtolower($matches[2])); + }, , $comment); } } ```
### `FilterVarToAddSlashesRector` - class: `Rector\Php\Rector\FuncCall\FilterVarToAddSlashesRector` Change filter_var() with slash escaping to addslashes() ```diff $var= "Satya's here!"; -filter_var($var, FILTER_SANITIZE_MAGIC_QUOTES); +addslashes($var); ```
### `GetClassOnNullRector` - class: `Rector\Php\Rector\FuncCall\GetClassOnNullRector` Null is no more allowed in get_class() ```diff final class SomeClass { public function getItem() { $value = null; - return get_class($value); + return $value !== null ? get_class($value) : self::class; } } ```
### `ArrayKeyExistsOnPropertyRector` - class: `Rector\Php\Rector\FuncCall\ArrayKeyExistsOnPropertyRector` Change array_key_exists() on property to property_exists() ```diff class SomeClass { public $value; } $someClass = new SomeClass; -array_key_exists('value', $someClass); +property_exists($someClass, 'value'); ```
### `ArrayKeyFirstLastRector` - class: `Rector\Php\Rector\FuncCall\ArrayKeyFirstLastRector` Make use of array_key_first() and array_key_last() ```diff -reset($items); -$firstKey = key($items); +$firstKey = array_key_first($items); ``` ```diff -end($items); -$lastKey = key($items); +$lastKey = array_key_last($items); ```
### `CallUserMethodRector` - class: `Rector\Php\Rector\FuncCall\CallUserMethodRector` Changes call_user_method()/call_user_method_array() to call_user_func()/call_user_func_array() ```diff -call_user_method($method, $obj, "arg1", "arg2"); +call_user_func(array(&$obj, "method"), "arg1", "arg2"); ```
### `StringifyStrNeedlesRector` - class: `Rector\Php\Rector\FuncCall\StringifyStrNeedlesRector` Makes needles explicit strings ```diff $needle = 5; -$fivePosition = strpos('725', $needle); +$fivePosition = strpos('725', (string) $needle); ```
### `StringsAssertNakedRector` - class: `Rector\Php\Rector\FuncCall\StringsAssertNakedRector` String asserts must be passed directly to assert() ```diff function nakedAssert() { - assert('true === true'); - assert("true === true"); + assert(true === true); + assert(true === true); } ```
### `ParseStrWithResultArgumentRector` - class: `Rector\Php\Rector\FuncCall\ParseStrWithResultArgumentRector` Use $result argument in parse_str() function ```diff -parse_str($this->query); -$data = get_defined_vars(); +parse_str($this->query, $result); +$data = $result; ```
### `RemoveReferenceFromCallRector` - class: `Rector\Php\Rector\FuncCall\RemoveReferenceFromCallRector` Remove & from function and method calls ```diff final class SomeClass { public function run($one) { - return strlen(&$one); + return strlen($one); } } ```
### `IsObjectOnIncompleteClassRector` - class: `Rector\Php\Rector\FuncCall\IsObjectOnIncompleteClassRector` Incomplete class returns inverted bool on is_object() ```diff $incompleteObject = new __PHP_Incomplete_Class; -$isObject = is_object($incompleteObject); +$isObject = ! is_object($incompleteObject); ```
### `RemoveExtraParametersRector` - class: `Rector\Php\Rector\FuncCall\RemoveExtraParametersRector` Remove extra parameters ```diff -strlen("asdf", 1); +strlen("asdf"); ```
### `GetCalledClassToStaticClassRector` - class: `Rector\Php\Rector\FuncCall\GetCalledClassToStaticClassRector` Change __CLASS__ to self::class ```diff class SomeClass -{ - public function callOnMe() - { - var_dump( get_called_class()); - } -} + { + public function callOnMe() + { + var_dump( static::class); + } + } ```
### `CountOnNullRector` - class: `Rector\Php\Rector\FuncCall\CountOnNullRector` Changes count() on null to safe ternary check ```diff $values = null; -$count = count($values); +$count = is_array($values) || $values instanceof Countable ? count($values) : 0; ```
### `SensitiveDefineRector` - class: `Rector\Php\Rector\FuncCall\SensitiveDefineRector` Changes case insensitive constants to sensitive ones. ```diff -define('FOO', 42, true); +define('FOO', 42); ```
### `RegexDashEscapeRector` - class: `Rector\Php\Rector\FuncCall\RegexDashEscapeRector` Escape - in some cases ```diff -preg_match("#[\w-()]#", 'some text'); +preg_match("#[\w\-()]#", 'some text'); ```
### `MultiDirnameRector` - class: `Rector\Php\Rector\FuncCall\MultiDirnameRector` Changes multiple dirname() calls to one with nesting level ```diff -dirname(dirname($path)); +dirname($path, 2); ```
### `JsonThrowOnErrorRector` - class: `Rector\Php\Rector\FuncCall\JsonThrowOnErrorRector` Adds JSON_THROW_ON_ERROR to json_encode() and json_decode() to throw JsonException on error ```diff -json_encode($content); -json_decode($json); +json_encode($content, JSON_THROW_ON_ERROR +json_decode($json, null, null, JSON_THROW_ON_ERROR);); ```
### `StringifyDefineRector` - class: `Rector\Php\Rector\FuncCall\StringifyDefineRector` Make first argument of define() string ```diff class SomeClass { public function run(int $a) { - define(CONSTANT_2, 'value'); + define('CONSTANT_2', 'value'); define('CONSTANT', 'value'); } } ```
### `SwapFuncCallArgumentsRector` - class: `Rector\Php\Rector\FuncCall\SwapFuncCallArgumentsRector` Swap arguments in function calls ```diff final class SomeClass { public function run($one, $two) { - return some_function($one, $two); + return some_function($two, $one); } } ```
### `EregToPregMatchRector` - class: `Rector\Php\Rector\FuncCall\EregToPregMatchRector` Changes ereg*() to preg*() calls ```diff -ereg("hi") +preg_match("#hi#"); ```
### `MbStrrposEncodingArgumentPositionRector` - class: `Rector\Php\Rector\FuncCall\MbStrrposEncodingArgumentPositionRector` Change mb_strrpos() encoding argument position ```diff -mb_strrpos($text, "abc", "UTF-8"); +mb_strrpos($text, "abc", 0, "UTF-8"); ```
### `PowToExpRector` - class: `Rector\Php\Rector\FuncCall\PowToExpRector` Changes pow(val, val2) to ** (exp) parameter ```diff -pow(1, 2); +1**2; ```
### `IfToSpaceshipRector` - class: `Rector\Php\Rector\If_\IfToSpaceshipRector` Changes if/else to spaceship <=> where useful ```diff class SomeClass { public function run() { usort($languages, function ($a, $b) { - if ($a[0] === $b[0]) { - return 0; - } - - return ($a[0] < $b[0]) ? 1 : -1; + return $b[0] <=> $a[0]; }); } } ```
### `IsCountableRector` - class: `Rector\Php\Rector\BinaryOp\IsCountableRector` Changes is_array + Countable check to is_countable ```diff -is_array($foo) || $foo instanceof Countable; +is_countable($foo); ```
### `IsIterableRector` - class: `Rector\Php\Rector\BinaryOp\IsIterableRector` Changes is_array + Traversable check to is_iterable ```diff -is_array($foo) || $foo instanceof Traversable; +is_iterable($foo); ```
### `PublicConstantVisibilityRector` - class: `Rector\Php\Rector\ClassConst\PublicConstantVisibilityRector` Add explicit public constant visibility. ```diff class SomeClass { - const HEY = 'you'; + public const HEY = 'you'; } ```
### `ExceptionHandlerTypehintRector` - class: `Rector\Php\Rector\FunctionLike\ExceptionHandlerTypehintRector` Changes property `@var` annotations from annotation to type. ```diff -function handler(Exception $exception) { ... } +function handler(Throwable $exception) { ... } set_exception_handler('handler'); ```
### `ReturnTypeDeclarationRector` - class: `Rector\Php\Rector\FunctionLike\ReturnTypeDeclarationRector` Change @return types and type from static analysis to type declarations if not a BC-break ```diff ### `ParamTypeDeclarationRector` - class: `Rector\Php\Rector\FunctionLike\ParamTypeDeclarationRector` Change @param types to type declarations if not a BC-break ```diff ### `Php4ConstructorRector` - class: `Rector\Php\Rector\FunctionLike\Php4ConstructorRector` Changes PHP 4 style constructor to __construct. ```diff class SomeClass { - public function SomeClass() + public function __construct() { } } ```
### `WhileEachToForeachRector` - class: `Rector\Php\Rector\Each\WhileEachToForeachRector` each() function is deprecated, use foreach() instead. ```diff -while (list($key, $callback) = each($callbacks)) { +foreach ($callbacks as $key => $callback) { // ... } ``` ```diff -while (list($key) = each($callbacks)) { +foreach (array_keys($callbacks) as $key) { // ... } ```
### `ListEachRector` - class: `Rector\Php\Rector\Each\ListEachRector` each() function is deprecated, use foreach() instead. ```diff -list($key, $callback) = each($callbacks); +$key = key($opt->option); +$val = current($opt->option); ```
### `ListSplitStringRector` - class: `Rector\Php\Rector\List_\ListSplitStringRector` list() cannot split string directly anymore, use str_split() ```diff -list($foo) = "string"; +list($foo) = str_split("string"); ```
### `EmptyListRector` - class: `Rector\Php\Rector\List_\EmptyListRector` list() cannot be empty ```diff -list() = $values; +list($generated) = $values; ```
### `ListSwapArrayOrderRector` - class: `Rector\Php\Rector\List_\ListSwapArrayOrderRector` list() assigns variables in reverse order - relevant in array assign ```diff -list($a[], $a[]) = [1, 2]; +list($a[], $a[]) = array_reverse([1, 2])]; ```
### `ReduceMultipleDefaultSwitchRector` - class: `Rector\Php\Rector\Switch_\ReduceMultipleDefaultSwitchRector` Remove first default switch, that is ignored ```diff switch ($expr) { default: - echo "Hello World"; - - default: echo "Goodbye Moon!"; break; } ```
### `ContinueToBreakInSwitchRector` - class: `Rector\Php\Rector\Switch_\ContinueToBreakInSwitchRector` Use break instead of continue in switch statements ```diff function some_run($value) { switch ($value) { case 1: echo 'Hi'; - continue; + break; case 2: echo 'Hello'; break; } } ```
## PhpParser ### `RemoveNodeRector` - class: `Rector\PhpParser\Rector\RemoveNodeRector` Turns integer return to remove node to constant in NodeVisitor of PHP-Parser ```diff public function leaveNode() { - return false; + return NodeTraverser::REMOVE_NODE; } ```
### `ParamAndStaticVarNameRector` - class: `Rector\PhpParser\Rector\ParamAndStaticVarNameRector` Turns old string `var` to `var->name` sub-variable in Node of PHP-Parser ```diff -$paramNode->name; +$paramNode->var->name; ``` ```diff -$staticVarNode->name; +$staticVarNode->var->name; ```
### `IdentifierRector` - class: `Rector\PhpParser\Rector\IdentifierRector` Turns node string names to Identifier object in php-parser ```diff $constNode = new PhpParser\Node\Const_; -$name = $constNode->name; +$name = $constNode->name->toString();' ```
### `CatchAndClosureUseNameRector` - class: `Rector\PhpParser\Rector\CatchAndClosureUseNameRector` Turns `$catchNode->var` to its new `name` property in php-parser ```diff -$catchNode->var; +$catchNode->var->name ```
### `SetLineRector` - class: `Rector\PhpParser\Rector\SetLineRector` Turns standalone line method to attribute in Node of PHP-Parser ```diff -$node->setLine(5); +$node->setAttribute("line", 5); ```
### `UseWithAliasRector` - class: `Rector\PhpParser\Rector\UseWithAliasRector` Turns use property to method and `$node->alias` to last name in UseAlias Node of PHP-Parser ```diff -$node->alias; +$node->getAlias(); ``` ```diff -$node->name->getLast(); +$node->alias ```
## Sensio ### `TemplateAnnotationRector` - class: `Rector\Sensio\Rector\FrameworkExtraBundle\TemplateAnnotationRector` Turns `@Template` annotation to explicit method call in Controller of FrameworkExtraBundle in Symfony ```diff -/** - * @Template() - */ public function indexAction() { + return $this->render("index.html.twig"); } ```
## Silverstripe ### `ConstantToStaticCallRector` - class: `Rector\Silverstripe\Rector\ConstantToStaticCallRector` Turns defined constant to static method call. ```diff -SS_DATABASE_NAME; +Environment::getEnv("SS_DATABASE_NAME"); ```
### `DefineConstantToStaticCallRector` - class: `Rector\Silverstripe\Rector\DefineConstantToStaticCallRector` Turns defined function call to static method call. ```diff -defined("SS_DATABASE_NAME"); +Environment::getEnv("SS_DATABASE_NAME"); ```
## Sylius ### `ReplaceCreateMethodWithoutReviewerRector` - class: `Rector\Sylius\Rector\Review\ReplaceCreateMethodWithoutReviewerRector` Turns `createForSubjectWithReviewer()` with null review to standalone method in Sylius ```diff -$this->createForSubjectWithReviewer($subject, null) +$this->createForSubject($subject) ```
## Symfony ### `GetRequestRector` - class: `Rector\Symfony\Rector\HttpKernel\GetRequestRector` Turns fetching of dependencies via `$this->get()` to constructor injection in Command and Controller in Symfony ```diff +use Symfony\Component\HttpFoundation\Request; + class SomeController { - public function someAction() + public action(Request $request) { - $this->getRequest()->...(); + $request->...(); } } ```
### `AddFlashRector` - class: `Rector\Symfony\Rector\Controller\AddFlashRector` Turns long flash adding to short helper method in Controller in Symfony ```diff class SomeController extends Controller { public function some(Request $request) { - $request->getSession()->getFlashBag()->add("success", "something"); + $this->addFlash("success", "something"); } } ```
### `RedirectToRouteRector` - class: `Rector\Symfony\Rector\Controller\RedirectToRouteRector` Turns redirect to route to short helper method in Controller in Symfony ```diff -$this->redirect($this->generateUrl("homepage")); +$this->redirectToRoute("homepage"); ```
### `ActionSuffixRemoverRector` - class: `Rector\Symfony\Rector\Controller\ActionSuffixRemoverRector` Removes Action suffixes from methods in Symfony Controllers ```diff class SomeController { - public function indexAction() + public function index() { } } ```
### `CascadeValidationFormBuilderRector` - class: `Rector\Symfony\Rector\MethodCall\CascadeValidationFormBuilderRector` Change "cascade_validation" option to specific node attribute ```diff class SomeController { public function someMethod() { - $form = $this->createFormBuilder($article, ['cascade_validation' => true]) - ->add('author', new AuthorType()) + $form = $this->createFormBuilder($article) + ->add('author', new AuthorType(), [ + 'constraints' => new \Symfony\Component\Validator\Constraints\Valid(), + ]) ->getForm(); } protected function createFormBuilder() { return new FormBuilder(); } } ```
### `ReadOnlyOptionToAttributeRector` - class: `Rector\Symfony\Rector\MethodCall\ReadOnlyOptionToAttributeRector` Change "read_only" option in form to attribute ```diff use Symfony\Component\Form\FormBuilderInterface; function buildForm(FormBuilderInterface $builder, array $options) { - $builder->add('cuid', TextType::class, ['read_only' => true]); + $builder->add('cuid', TextType::class, ['attr' => [read_only' => true]]); } ```
### `FormTypeInstanceToClassConstRector` - class: `Rector\Symfony\Rector\MethodCall\FormTypeInstanceToClassConstRector` Changes createForm(new FormType), add(new FormType) to ones with "FormType::class" ```diff class SomeController { public function action() { - $form = $this->createForm(new TeamType, $entity, [ + $form = $this->createForm(TeamType::class, $entity, [ 'action' => $this->generateUrl('teams_update', ['id' => $entity->getId()]), 'method' => 'PUT', - ]); + )); } } ```
### `ConstraintUrlOptionRector` - class: `Rector\Symfony\Rector\Validator\ConstraintUrlOptionRector` Turns true value to `Url::CHECK_DNS_TYPE_ANY` in Validator in Symfony. ```diff -$constraint = new Url(["checkDNS" => true]); +$constraint = new Url(["checkDNS" => Url::CHECK_DNS_TYPE_ANY]); ```
### `ConsoleExceptionToErrorEventConstantRector` - class: `Rector\Symfony\Rector\Console\ConsoleExceptionToErrorEventConstantRector` Turns old event name with EXCEPTION to ERROR constant in Console in Symfony ```diff -"console.exception" +Symfony\Component\Console\ConsoleEvents::ERROR ``` ```diff -Symfony\Component\Console\ConsoleEvents::EXCEPTION +Symfony\Component\Console\ConsoleEvents::ERROR ```
### `StringToArrayArgumentProcessRector` - class: `Rector\Symfony\Rector\New_\StringToArrayArgumentProcessRector` Changes Process string argument to an array ```diff use Symfony\Component\Process\Process; -$process = new Process('ls -l'); +$process = new Process(['ls', '-l']); ```
### `RootNodeTreeBuilderRector` - class: `Rector\Symfony\Rector\New_\RootNodeTreeBuilderRector` Changes Process string argument to an array ```diff use Symfony\Component\Config\Definition\Builder\TreeBuilder; -$treeBuilder = new TreeBuilder(); -$rootNode = $treeBuilder->root('acme_root'); +$treeBuilder = new TreeBuilder('acme_root'); +$rootNode = $treeBuilder->getRootNode(); $rootNode->someCall(); ```
### `ParseFileRector` - class: `Rector\Symfony\Rector\Yaml\ParseFileRector` session > use_strict_mode is true by default and can be removed ```diff -session > use_strict_mode: true +session: ```
### `ContainerBuilderCompileEnvArgumentRector` - class: `Rector\Symfony\Rector\DependencyInjection\ContainerBuilderCompileEnvArgumentRector` Turns old default value to parameter in ContinerBuilder->build() method in DI in Symfony ```diff -$containerBuilder = new Symfony\Component\DependencyInjection\ContainerBuilder(); $containerBuilder->compile(); +$containerBuilder = new Symfony\Component\DependencyInjection\ContainerBuilder(); $containerBuilder->compile(true); ```
### `VarDumperTestTraitMethodArgsRector` - class: `Rector\Symfony\Rector\VarDumper\VarDumperTestTraitMethodArgsRector` Adds new `$format` argument in `VarDumperTestTrait->assertDumpEquals()` in Validator in Symfony. ```diff -$varDumperTestTrait->assertDumpEquals($dump, $data, $mesage = ""); +$varDumperTestTrait->assertDumpEquals($dump, $data, $context = null, $mesage = ""); ``` ```diff -$varDumperTestTrait->assertDumpMatchesFormat($dump, $format, $mesage = ""); +$varDumperTestTrait->assertDumpMatchesFormat($dump, $format, $context = null, $mesage = ""); ```
### `GetParameterToConstructorInjectionRector` - class: `Rector\Symfony\Rector\FrameworkBundle\GetParameterToConstructorInjectionRector` Turns fetching of parameters via `getParameter()` in ContainerAware to constructor injection in Command and Controller in Symfony ```diff -class MyCommand extends ContainerAwareCommand +class MyCommand extends Command { + private $someParameter; + + public function __construct($someParameter) + { + $this->someParameter = $someParameter; + } + public function someMethod() { - $this->getParameter('someParameter'); + $this->someParameter; } } ```
### `GetToConstructorInjectionRector` - class: `Rector\Symfony\Rector\FrameworkBundle\GetToConstructorInjectionRector` Turns fetching of dependencies via `$this->get()` to constructor injection in Command and Controller in Symfony ```diff -class MyCommand extends ContainerAwareCommand +class MyCommand extends Command { + public function __construct(SomeService $someService) + { + $this->someService = $someService; + } + public function someMethod() { - // ... - $this->get('some_service'); + $this->someService; } } ```
### `ContainerGetToConstructorInjectionRector` - class: `Rector\Symfony\Rector\FrameworkBundle\ContainerGetToConstructorInjectionRector` Turns fetching of dependencies via `$container->get()` in ContainerAware to constructor injection in Command and Controller in Symfony ```diff -final class SomeCommand extends ContainerAwareCommand +final class SomeCommand extends Command { + public function __construct(SomeService $someService) + { + $this->someService = $someService; + } + public function someMethod() { // ... - $this->getContainer()->get('some_service'); - $this->container->get('some_service'); + $this->someService; + $this->someService; } } ```
### `FormIsValidRector` - class: `Rector\Symfony\Rector\Form\FormIsValidRector` Adds `$form->isSubmitted()` validatoin to all `$form->isValid()` calls in Form in Symfony ```diff -if ($form->isValid()) { +if ($form->isSubmitted() && $form->isValid()) { } ```
### `OptionNameRector` - class: `Rector\Symfony\Rector\Form\OptionNameRector` Turns old option names to new ones in FormTypes in Form in Symfony ```diff $builder = new FormBuilder; -$builder->add("...", ["precision" => "...", "virtual" => "..."]; +$builder->add("...", ["scale" => "...", "inherit_data" => "..."]; ```
### `StringFormTypeToClassRector` - class: `Rector\Symfony\Rector\Form\StringFormTypeToClassRector` Turns string Form Type references to their CONSTANT alternatives in FormTypes in Form in Symfony ```diff $formBuilder = new Symfony\Component\Form\FormBuilder; -$formBuilder->add('name', 'form.type.text'); +$form->add('name', \Symfony\Component\Form\Extension\Core\Type\TextType::class); ```
### `FormTypeGetParentRector` - class: `Rector\Symfony\Rector\Form\FormTypeGetParentRector` Turns string Form Type references to their CONSTANT alternatives in `getParent()` and `getExtendedType()` methods in Form in Symfony ```diff -function getParent() { return "collection"; } +function getParent() { return CollectionType::class; } ``` ```diff -function getExtendedType() { return "collection"; } +function getExtendedType() { return CollectionType::class; } ```
### `ProcessBuilderGetProcessRector` - class: `Rector\Symfony\Rector\Process\ProcessBuilderGetProcessRector` Removes `$processBuilder->getProcess()` calls to $processBuilder in Process in Symfony, because ProcessBuilder was removed. This is part of multi-step Rector and has very narrow focus. ```diff $processBuilder = new Symfony\Component\Process\ProcessBuilder; -$process = $processBuilder->getProcess(); -$commamdLine = $processBuilder->getProcess()->getCommandLine(); +$process = $processBuilder; +$commamdLine = $processBuilder->getCommandLine(); ```
### `ProcessBuilderInstanceRector` - class: `Rector\Symfony\Rector\Process\ProcessBuilderInstanceRector` Turns `ProcessBuilder::instance()` to new ProcessBuilder in Process in Symfony. Part of multi-step Rector. ```diff -$processBuilder = Symfony\Component\Process\ProcessBuilder::instance($args); +$processBuilder = new Symfony\Component\Process\ProcessBuilder($args); ```
## Twig ### `SimpleFunctionAndFilterRector` - class: `Rector\Twig\Rector\SimpleFunctionAndFilterRector` Changes Twig_Function_Method to Twig_SimpleFunction calls in TwigExtension. ```diff class SomeExtension extends Twig_Extension { public function getFunctions() { return [ - 'is_mobile' => new Twig_Function_Method($this, 'isMobile'), + new Twig_SimpleFunction('is_mobile', [$this, 'isMobile']), ]; } - public function getFilters() + public function getFilteres() { return [ - 'is_mobile' => new Twig_Filter_Method($this, 'isMobile'), + new Twig_SimpleFilter('is_mobile', [$this, 'isMobile']), ]; } } ```
--- ## General - [Core](#core) ## Core ### `PropertyAssignToMethodCallRector` - class: `Rector\Rector\Assign\PropertyAssignToMethodCallRector` Turns property assign of specific type and property name to method call ```yaml services: Rector\Rector\Assign\PropertyAssignToMethodCallRector: $oldPropertiesToNewMethodCallsByType: SomeClass: oldPropertyName: oldProperty newMethodName: newMethodCall ``` ↓ ```diff -$someObject = new SomeClass; -$someObject->oldProperty = false; +$someObject = new SomeClass; +$someObject->newMethodCall(false); ```
### `MultipleClassFileToPsr4ClassesRector` - class: `Rector\Rector\Psr4\MultipleClassFileToPsr4ClassesRector` Turns namespaced classes in one file to standalone PSR-4 classes. ```diff +// new file: "app/Exceptions/FirstException.php" namespace App\Exceptions; use Exception; final class FirstException extends Exception { } + +// new file: "app/Exceptions/SecondException.php" +namespace App\Exceptions; + +use Exception; final class SecondException extends Exception { } ```
### `StaticCallToFunctionRector` - class: `Rector\Rector\StaticCall\StaticCallToFunctionRector` Turns static call to function call. ```yaml services: Rector\Rector\StaticCall\StaticCallToFunctionRector: $staticCallToFunction: OldClass: oldMethod: new_function ``` ↓ ```diff -OldClass::oldMethod("args"); +new_function("args"); ```
### `WrapReturnRector` - class: `Rector\Rector\ClassMethod\WrapReturnRector` Wrap return value of specific method ```yaml services: Rector\Rector\ClassMethod\WrapReturnRector: SomeClass: getItem: array ``` ↓ ```diff final class SomeClass { public function getItem() { - return 1; + return [1]; } } ```
### `AddReturnTypeDeclarationRector` - class: `Rector\Rector\ClassMethod\AddReturnTypeDeclarationRector` Changes defined return typehint of method and class. ```yaml services: Rector\Rector\ClassMethod\AddReturnTypeDeclarationRector: SomeClass: getData: array ``` ↓ ```diff class SomeClass { - public getData(); + public getData(): array; } ```
### `MethodCallToAnotherMethodCallWithArgumentsRector` - class: `Rector\Rector\MethodCall\MethodCallToAnotherMethodCallWithArgumentsRector` Turns old method call with specfici type to new one with arguments ```yaml services: Rector\Rector\MethodCall\MethodCallToAnotherMethodCallWithArgumentsRector: Nette\DI\ServiceDefinition: setInject: - - addTag - - inject ``` ↓ ```diff $serviceDefinition = new Nette\DI\ServiceDefinition; -$serviceDefinition->setInject(); +$serviceDefinition->addTag('inject'); ```
### `RenameMethodRector` - class: `Rector\Rector\MethodCall\RenameMethodRector` Turns method names to new ones. ```yaml services: Rector\Rector\MethodCall\RenameMethodRector: SomeExampleClass: oldMethod: newMethod ``` ↓ ```diff $someObject = new SomeExampleClass; -$someObject->oldMethod(); +$someObject->newMethod(); ```
### `RenameStaticMethodRector` - class: `Rector\Rector\MethodCall\RenameStaticMethodRector` Turns method names to new ones. ```yaml services: Rector\Rector\MethodCall\RenameStaticMethodRector: SomeClass: oldMethod: - AnotherExampleClass - newStaticMethod ``` ↓ ```diff -SomeClass::oldStaticMethod(); +AnotherExampleClass::newStaticMethod(); ``` ```yaml services: Rector\Rector\MethodCall\RenameStaticMethodRector: $oldToNewMethodByClasses: SomeClass: oldMethod: newStaticMethod ``` ↓ ```diff -SomeClass::oldStaticMethod(); +SomeClass::newStaticMethod(); ```
### `FluentReplaceRector` - class: `Rector\Rector\MethodBody\FluentReplaceRector` Turns fluent interface calls to classic ones. ```yaml services: Rector\Rector\MethodBody\FluentReplaceRector: - - SomeExampleClass ``` ↓ ```diff $someClass = new SomeClass(); -$someClass->someFunction() - ->otherFunction(); +$someClass->someFunction(); +$someClass->otherFunction(); ```
### `NormalToFluentRector` - class: `Rector\Rector\MethodBody\NormalToFluentRector` Turns fluent interface calls to classic ones. ```yaml services: Rector\Rector\MethodBody\NormalToFluentRector: SomeClass: - someFunction - otherFunction ``` ↓ ```diff $someObject = new SomeClass(); -$someObject->someFunction(); -$someObject->otherFunction(); +$someObject->someFunction() + ->otherFunction(); ```
### `ReturnThisRemoveRector` - class: `Rector\Rector\MethodBody\ReturnThisRemoveRector` Removes "return $this;" from *fluent interfaces* for specified classes. ```yaml services: Rector\Rector\MethodBody\ReturnThisRemoveRector: - - SomeExampleClass ``` ↓ ```diff class SomeClass { public function someFunction() { - return $this; } public function otherFunction() { - return $this; } } ```
### `ToStringToMethodCallRector` - class: `Rector\Rector\MagicDisclosure\ToStringToMethodCallRector` Turns defined code uses of "__toString()" method to specific method calls. ```yaml services: Rector\Rector\MagicDisclosure\ToStringToMethodCallRector: SomeObject: getPath ``` ↓ ```diff $someValue = new SomeObject; -$result = (string) $someValue; -$result = $someValue->__toString(); +$result = $someValue->getPath(); +$result = $someValue->getPath(); ```
### `GetAndSetToMethodCallRector` - class: `Rector\Rector\MagicDisclosure\GetAndSetToMethodCallRector` Turns defined `__get`/`__set` to specific method calls. ```yaml services: Rector\Rector\MagicDisclosure\GetAndSetToMethodCallRector: SomeContainer: set: addService ``` ↓ ```diff $container = new SomeContainer; -$container->someService = $someService; +$container->setService("someService", $someService); ``` ```yaml services: Rector\Rector\MagicDisclosure\GetAndSetToMethodCallRector: $typeToMethodCalls: SomeContainer: get: getService ``` ↓ ```diff $container = new SomeContainer; -$someService = $container->someService; +$someService = $container->getService("someService"); ```
### `UnsetAndIssetToMethodCallRector` - class: `Rector\Rector\MagicDisclosure\UnsetAndIssetToMethodCallRector` Turns defined `__isset`/`__unset` calls to specific method calls. ```yaml services: Rector\Rector\MagicDisclosure\UnsetAndIssetToMethodCallRector: SomeContainer: isset: hasService ``` ↓ ```diff $container = new SomeContainer; -isset($container["someKey"]); +$container->hasService("someKey"); ``` ```yaml services: Rector\Rector\MagicDisclosure\UnsetAndIssetToMethodCallRector: SomeContainer: unset: removeService ``` ↓ ```diff $container = new SomeContainer; -unset($container["someKey"]); +$container->removeService("someKey"); ```
### `ParentTypehintedArgumentRector` - class: `Rector\Rector\Typehint\ParentTypehintedArgumentRector` Changes defined parent class typehints. ```yaml services: Rector\Rector\Typehint\ParentTypehintedArgumentRector: SomeInterface: read: $content: string ``` ↓ ```diff interface SomeInterface { public read(string $content); } class SomeClass implements SomeInterface { - public read($content); + public read(string $content); } ```
### `StringToClassConstantRector` - class: `Rector\Rector\String_\StringToClassConstantRector` Changes strings to specific constants ```yaml services: Rector\Rector\String_\StringToClassConstantRector: compiler.post_dump: - Yet\AnotherClass - CONSTANT ``` ↓ ```diff final class SomeSubscriber { public static function getSubscribedEvents() { - return ['compiler.post_dump' => 'compile']; + return [\Yet\AnotherClass::CONSTANT => 'compile']; } } ```
### `ArgumentAdderRector` - class: `Rector\Rector\Argument\ArgumentAdderRector` This Rector adds new default arguments in calls of defined methods and class types. ```yaml services: Rector\Rector\Argument\ArgumentAdderRector: SomeExampleClass: someMethod: - name: someArgument default_value: 'true' type: SomeType ``` ↓ ```diff $someObject = new SomeExampleClass; -$someObject->someMethod(); +$someObject->someMethod(true); ``` ```yaml services: Rector\Rector\Argument\ArgumentAdderRector: SomeExampleClass: someMethod: - name: someArgument default_value: 'true' type: SomeType ``` ↓ ```diff class MyCustomClass extends SomeExampleClass { - public function someMethod() + public function someMethod($value = true) { } } ```
### `ArgumentRemoverRector` - class: `Rector\Rector\Argument\ArgumentRemoverRector` Removes defined arguments in defined methods and their calls. ```yaml services: Rector\Rector\Argument\ArgumentRemoverRector: ExampleClass: someMethod: - value: 'true' ``` ↓ ```diff $someObject = new SomeClass; -$someObject->someMethod(true); +$someObject->someMethod();' ```
### `ArgumentDefaultValueReplacerRector` - class: `Rector\Rector\Argument\ArgumentDefaultValueReplacerRector` Replaces defined map of arguments in defined methods and their calls. ```yaml services: Rector\Rector\Argument\ArgumentDefaultValueReplacerRector: SomeExampleClass: someMethod: - - before: 'SomeClass::OLD_CONSTANT' after: 'false' ``` ↓ ```diff $someObject = new SomeClass; -$someObject->someMethod(SomeClass::OLD_CONSTANT); +$someObject->someMethod(false);' ```
### `NewToStaticCallRector` - class: `Rector\Rector\New_\NewToStaticCallRector` Change new Object to static call ```yaml services: Rector\Rector\New_\NewToStaticCallRector: Cookie: - - Cookie - create ``` ↓ ```diff class SomeClass { public function run() { - new Cookie($name); + Cookie::create($name); } } ```
### `PseudoNamespaceToNamespaceRector` - class: `Rector\Rector\Namespace_\PseudoNamespaceToNamespaceRector` Replaces defined Pseudo_Namespaces by Namespace\Ones. ```yaml services: Rector\Rector\Namespace_\PseudoNamespaceToNamespaceRector: - Some_: { } ``` ↓ ```diff -$someService = new Some_Object; +$someService = new Some\Object; ``` ```yaml services: Rector\Rector\Namespace_\PseudoNamespaceToNamespaceRector: - Some_: - Some_Class_To_Keep ``` ↓ ```diff -$someService = new Some_Object; +$someService = new Some\Object; $someClassToKeep = new Some_Class_To_Keep; ```
### `RenameNamespaceRector` - class: `Rector\Rector\Namespace_\RenameNamespaceRector` Replaces old namespace by new one. ```yaml services: Rector\Rector\Namespace_\RenameNamespaceRector: $oldToNewNamespaces: SomeOldNamespace: SomeNewNamespace ``` ↓ ```diff -$someObject = new SomeOldNamespace\SomeClass; +$someObject = new SomeNewNamespace\SomeClass; ```
### `FunctionToMethodCallRector` - class: `Rector\Rector\Function_\FunctionToMethodCallRector` Turns defined function calls to local method calls. ```yaml services: Rector\Rector\Function_\FunctionToMethodCallRector: view: - this - render ``` ↓ ```diff -view("...", []); +$this->render("...", []); ```
### `FunctionToStaticCallRector` - class: `Rector\Rector\Function_\FunctionToStaticCallRector` Turns defined function call to static method call. ```yaml services: Rector\Rector\Function_\FunctionToStaticCallRector: view: - SomeStaticClass - render ``` ↓ ```diff -view("...", []); +SomeClass::render("...", []); ```
### `RenameFunctionRector` - class: `Rector\Rector\Function_\RenameFunctionRector` Turns defined function call new one. ```yaml services: Rector\Rector\Function_\RenameFunctionRector: view: Laravel\Templating\render ``` ↓ ```diff -view("...", []); +Laravel\Templating\render("...", []); ```
### `PropertyToMethodRector` - class: `Rector\Rector\Property\PropertyToMethodRector` Replaces properties assign calls be defined methods. ```yaml services: Rector\Rector\Property\PropertyToMethodRector: $perClassPropertyToMethods: SomeObject: property: get: getProperty set: setProperty ``` ↓ ```diff -$result = $object->property; -$object->property = $value; +$result = $object->getProperty(); +$object->setProperty($value); ``` ```yaml services: Rector\Rector\Property\PropertyToMethodRector: $perClassPropertyToMethods: SomeObject: property: get: method: getConfig arguments: - someArg ``` ↓ ```diff -$result = $object->property; +$result = $object->getProperty('someArg'); ```
### `RenamePropertyRector` - class: `Rector\Rector\Property\RenamePropertyRector` Replaces defined old properties by new ones. ```yaml services: Rector\Rector\Property\RenamePropertyRector: $oldToNewPropertyByTypes: SomeClass: someOldProperty: someNewProperty ``` ↓ ```diff -$someObject->someOldProperty; +$someObject->someNewProperty; ```
### `AnnotatedPropertyInjectToConstructorInjectionRector` - class: `Rector\Rector\Architecture\DependencyInjection\AnnotatedPropertyInjectToConstructorInjectionRector` Turns non-private properties with `@annotation` to private properties and constructor injection ```yaml services: Rector\Rector\Architecture\DependencyInjection\AnnotatedPropertyInjectToConstructorInjectionRector: $annotation: inject ``` ↓ ```diff /** * @var SomeService - * @inject */ -public $someService; +private $someService; + +public function __construct(SomeService $someService) +{ + $this->someService = $someService; +} ```
### `ReplaceVariableByPropertyFetchRector` - class: `Rector\Rector\Architecture\DependencyInjection\ReplaceVariableByPropertyFetchRector` Turns variable in controller action to property fetch, as follow up to action injection variable to property change. ```diff final class SomeController { /** * @var ProductRepository */ private $productRepository; public function __construct(ProductRepository $productRepository) { $this->productRepository = $productRepository; } public function default() { - $products = $productRepository->fetchAll(); + $products = $this->productRepository->fetchAll(); } } ```
### `ActionInjectionToConstructorInjectionRector` - class: `Rector\Rector\Architecture\DependencyInjection\ActionInjectionToConstructorInjectionRector` Turns action injection in Controllers to constructor injection ```diff final class SomeController { - public function default(ProductRepository $productRepository) + /** + * @var ProductRepository + */ + private $productRepository; + public function __construct(ProductRepository $productRepository) { - $products = $productRepository->fetchAll(); + $this->productRepository = $productRepository; + } + + public function default() + { + $products = $this->productRepository->fetchAll(); } } ```
### `NewObjectToFactoryCreateRector` - class: `Rector\Rector\Architecture\Factory\NewObjectToFactoryCreateRector` Replaces creating object instances with "new" keyword with factory method. ```yaml services: Rector\Rector\Architecture\Factory\NewObjectToFactoryCreateRector: MyClass: class: MyClassFactory method: create ``` ↓ ```diff class SomeClass { + /** + * @var \MyClassFactory + */ + private $myClassFactory; + public function example() { - new MyClass($argument); + $this->myClassFactory->create($argument); } } ```
### `ReplaceParentRepositoryCallsByRepositoryPropertyRector` - class: `Rector\Rector\Architecture\RepositoryAsService\ReplaceParentRepositoryCallsByRepositoryPropertyRector` Handles method calls in child of Doctrine EntityRepository and moves them to "$this->repository" property. ```diff findAll(); + return $this->repository->findAll(); } } ```
### `ServiceLocatorToDIRector` - class: `Rector\Rector\Architecture\RepositoryAsService\ServiceLocatorToDIRector` Turns "$this->getRepository()" in Symfony Controller to constructor injection and private property access. ```diff class ProductController extends Controller { + /** + * @var ProductRepository + */ + private $productRepository; + + public function __construct(ProductRepository $productRepository) + { + $this->productRepository = $productRepository; + } + public function someAction() { $entityManager = $this->getDoctrine()->getManager(); - $entityManager->getRepository('SomethingBundle:Product')->findSomething(...); + $this->productRepository->findSomething(...); } } ```
### `MoveRepositoryFromParentToConstructorRector` - class: `Rector\Rector\Architecture\RepositoryAsService\MoveRepositoryFromParentToConstructorRector` Turns parent EntityRepository class to constructor dependency ```yaml services: Rector\Rector\Architecture\RepositoryAsService\MoveRepositoryFromParentToConstructorRector: $entityRepositoryClass: Doctrine\ORM\EntityRepository $entityManagerClass: Doctrine\ORM\EntityManager ``` ↓ ```diff namespace App\Repository; +use App\Entity\Post; use Doctrine\ORM\EntityRepository; -final class PostRepository extends EntityRepository +final class PostRepository { + /** + * @var \Doctrine\ORM\EntityRepository + */ + private $repository; + public function __construct(\Doctrine\ORM\EntityManager $entityManager) + { + $this->repository = $entityManager->getRepository(\App\Entity\Post::class); + } } ```
### `RemoveInterfacesRector` - class: `Rector\Rector\Interface_\RemoveInterfacesRector` Removes interfaces usage from class. ```yaml services: Rector\Rector\Interface_\RemoveInterfacesRector: - SomeInterface ``` ↓ ```diff -class SomeClass implements SomeInterface +class SomeClass { } ```
### `MergeInterfacesRector` - class: `Rector\Rector\Interface_\MergeInterfacesRector` Merges old interface to a new one, that already has its methods ```yaml services: Rector\Rector\Interface_\MergeInterfacesRector: SomeOldInterface: SomeInterface ``` ↓ ```diff -class SomeClass implements SomeInterface, SomeOldInterface +class SomeClass implements SomeInterface { } ```
### `ChangeMethodVisibilityRector` - class: `Rector\Rector\Visibility\ChangeMethodVisibilityRector` Change visibility of method from parent class. ```yaml services: Rector\Rector\Visibility\ChangeMethodVisibilityRector: FrameworkClass: someMethod: protected ``` ↓ ```diff class FrameworkClass { protected someMethod() { } } class MyClass extends FrameworkClass { - public someMethod() + protected someMethod() { } } ```
### `ChangePropertyVisibilityRector` - class: `Rector\Rector\Visibility\ChangePropertyVisibilityRector` Change visibility of property from parent class. ```yaml services: Rector\Rector\Visibility\ChangePropertyVisibilityRector: FrameworkClass: someProperty: protected ``` ↓ ```diff class FrameworkClass { protected $someProperty; } class MyClass extends FrameworkClass { - public $someProperty; + protected $someProperty; } ```
### `ChangeConstantVisibilityRector` - class: `Rector\Rector\Visibility\ChangeConstantVisibilityRector` Change visibility of constant from parent class. ```yaml services: Rector\Rector\Visibility\ChangeConstantVisibilityRector: ParentObject: SOME_CONSTANT: protected ``` ↓ ```diff class FrameworkClass { protected const SOME_CONSTANT = 1; } class MyClass extends FrameworkClass { - public const SOME_CONSTANT = 1; + protected const SOME_CONSTANT = 1; } ```
### `RenameAnnotationRector` - class: `Rector\Rector\Annotation\RenameAnnotationRector` Turns defined annotations above properties and methods to their new values. ```yaml services: Rector\Rector\Annotation\RenameAnnotationRector: PHPUnit\Framework\TestCase: test: scenario ``` ↓ ```diff class SomeTest extends PHPUnit\Framework\TestCase { - /** - * @test + /** + * @scenario */ public function someMethod() { } } ```
### `RenameClassConstantRector` - class: `Rector\Rector\Constant\RenameClassConstantRector` Replaces defined class constants in their calls. ```yaml services: Rector\Rector\Constant\RenameClassConstantRector: SomeClass: OLD_CONSTANT: NEW_CONSTANT OTHER_OLD_CONSTANT: 'DifferentClass::NEW_CONSTANT' ``` ↓ ```diff -$value = SomeClass::OLD_CONSTANT; -$value = SomeClass::OTHER_OLD_CONSTANT; +$value = SomeClass::NEW_CONSTANT; +$value = DifferentClass::NEW_CONSTANT; ```
### `RenameClassConstantsUseToStringsRector` - class: `Rector\Rector\Constant\RenameClassConstantsUseToStringsRector` Replaces constant by value ```yaml services: Rector\Rector\Constant\RenameClassConstantsUseToStringsRector: Nette\Configurator: DEVELOPMENT: development PRODUCTION: production ``` ↓ ```diff -$value === Nette\Configurator::DEVELOPMENT +$value === "development" ```
### `RenameClassRector` - class: `Rector\Rector\Class_\RenameClassRector` Replaces defined classes by new ones. ```yaml services: Rector\Rector\Class_\RenameClassRector: SomeOldClass: SomeNewClass ``` ↓ ```diff -use SomeOldClass; +use SomeNewClass; -function (SomeOldClass $someOldClass): SomeOldClass +function (SomeNewClass $someOldClass): SomeNewClass { - if ($someOldClass instanceof SomeOldClass) { - return new SomeOldClass; + if ($someOldClass instanceof SomeNewClass) { + return new SomeNewClass; } } ```
### `ParentClassToTraitsRector` - class: `Rector\Rector\Class_\ParentClassToTraitsRector` Replaces parent class to specific traits ```yaml services: Rector\Rector\Class_\ParentClassToTraitsRector: Nette\Object: - Nette\SmartObject ``` ↓ ```diff -class SomeClass extends Nette\Object +class SomeClass { + use Nette\SmartObject; } ```