commentsMerger = $commentsMerger; $this->exprBoolCaster = $exprBoolCaster; $this->betterStandardPrinter = $betterStandardPrinter; } public function getRuleDefinition() : RuleDefinition { return new RuleDefinition('Shortens if return false/true to direct return', [new CodeSample(<<<'CODE_SAMPLE' if (strpos($docToken->getContent(), "\n") === false) { return true; } return false; CODE_SAMPLE , <<<'CODE_SAMPLE' return strpos($docToken->getContent(), "\n") === false; CODE_SAMPLE )]); } /** * @return array> */ public function getNodeTypes() : array { return [StmtsAwareInterface::class]; } /** * @param StmtsAwareInterface $node */ public function refactor(Node $node) : ?Node { if ($node->stmts === null) { return null; } foreach ($node->stmts as $key => $stmt) { if (!$stmt instanceof Return_) { continue; } $previousStmt = $node->stmts[$key - 1] ?? null; if (!$previousStmt instanceof If_) { continue; } $if = $previousStmt; if ($this->shouldSkipIfAndReturn($previousStmt, $stmt)) { continue; } $return = $stmt; /** @var Return_ $ifInnerNode */ $ifInnerNode = $if->stmts[0]; $innerIfInnerNode = $ifInnerNode->expr; if (!$innerIfInnerNode instanceof Expr) { continue; } $newReturn = $this->resolveReturn($innerIfInnerNode, $if, $return); if (!$newReturn instanceof Return_) { continue; } $this->commentsMerger->keepComments($newReturn, [$if, $return, $ifInnerNode]); // remove previous IF unset($node->stmts[$key - 1]); $node->stmts[$key] = $newReturn; return $node; } return null; } private function shouldSkipIfAndReturn(If_ $if, Return_ $return) : bool { if ($if->elseifs !== []) { return \true; } if ($this->isElseSeparatedThenIf($if)) { return \true; } if (!$this->isIfWithSingleReturnExpr($if)) { return \true; } /** @var Return_ $ifInnerNode */ $ifInnerNode = $if->stmts[0]; /** @var Expr $returnedExpr */ $returnedExpr = $ifInnerNode->expr; if (!$this->valueResolver->isTrueOrFalse($returnedExpr)) { return \true; } if (!$return->expr instanceof Expr) { return \true; } // negate + negate → skip for now if (!$this->valueResolver->isFalse($returnedExpr)) { return !$this->valueResolver->isTrueOrFalse($return->expr); } $condString = $this->betterStandardPrinter->print($if->cond); if (\strpos($condString, '!=') === \false) { return !$this->valueResolver->isTrueOrFalse($return->expr); } return !$if->cond instanceof NotIdentical; } private function processReturnTrue(If_ $if, Return_ $nextReturn) : Return_ { if ($if->cond instanceof BooleanNot && $nextReturn->expr instanceof Expr && $this->valueResolver->isTrue($nextReturn->expr)) { return new Return_($this->exprBoolCaster->boolCastOrNullCompareIfNeeded($if->cond->expr)); } return new Return_($this->exprBoolCaster->boolCastOrNullCompareIfNeeded($if->cond)); } private function processReturnFalse(If_ $if, Return_ $nextReturn) : ?Return_ { if ($if->cond instanceof Identical) { $notIdentical = new NotIdentical($if->cond->left, $if->cond->right); return new Return_($this->exprBoolCaster->boolCastOrNullCompareIfNeeded($notIdentical)); } if (!$nextReturn->expr instanceof Expr) { return null; } if (!$this->valueResolver->isTrue($nextReturn->expr)) { return null; } if ($if->cond instanceof BooleanNot) { return new Return_($this->exprBoolCaster->boolCastOrNullCompareIfNeeded($if->cond->expr)); } return new Return_($this->exprBoolCaster->boolCastOrNullCompareIfNeeded(new BooleanNot($if->cond))); } /** * Matches: "else if" */ private function isElseSeparatedThenIf(If_ $if) : bool { if (!$if->else instanceof Else_) { return \false; } if (\count($if->else->stmts) !== 1) { return \false; } $onlyStmt = $if->else->stmts[0]; return $onlyStmt instanceof If_; } private function isIfWithSingleReturnExpr(If_ $if) : bool { if (\count($if->stmts) !== 1) { return \false; } if ($if->elseifs !== []) { return \false; } $ifInnerNode = $if->stmts[0]; if (!$ifInnerNode instanceof Return_) { return \false; } // return must have value return $ifInnerNode->expr instanceof Expr; } private function resolveReturn(Expr $innerExpr, If_ $if, Return_ $return) : ?Return_ { if ($this->valueResolver->isTrue($innerExpr)) { return $this->processReturnTrue($if, $return); } if ($this->valueResolver->isFalse($innerExpr)) { /** @var Expr $expr */ $expr = $return->expr; if ($if->cond instanceof NotIdentical && $this->valueResolver->isTrue($expr)) { $if->cond = new Identical($if->cond->left, $if->cond->right); return $this->processReturnTrue($if, $return); } return $this->processReturnFalse($if, $return); } return null; } }