Tomas Votruba 045db2fd56 Updated Rector to commit f254215a5ac2877d4fb99dbf7f7ab44c070f1333
f254215a5a [Scope] Fix resolve Scope from fluent call (#5743)
2024-03-26 19:25:47 +00:00

581 lines
21 KiB

* This file is part of composer/xdebug-handler.
* (c) Composer <>
* For the full copyright and license information, please view
* the LICENSE file that was distributed with this source code.
declare (strict_types=1);
namespace RectorPrefix202403\Composer\XdebugHandler;
use RectorPrefix202403\Composer\Pcre\Preg;
use RectorPrefix202403\Psr\Log\LoggerInterface;
* @author John Stevenson <>
* @phpstan-import-type restartData from PhpConfig
class XdebugHandler
const RESTART_ID = 'internal';
/** @var string|null */
protected $tmpIni;
/** @var bool */
private static $inRestart;
/** @var string */
private static $name;
/** @var string|null */
private static $skipped;
/** @var bool */
private static $xdebugActive;
/** @var string|null */
private static $xdebugMode;
/** @var string|null */
private static $xdebugVersion;
/** @var bool */
private $cli;
/** @var string|null */
private $debug;
/** @var string */
private $envAllowXdebug;
/** @var string */
private $envOriginalInis;
/** @var bool */
private $persistent;
/** @var string|null */
private $script;
/** @var Status */
private $statusWriter;
* Constructor
* The $envPrefix is used to create distinct environment variables. It is
* uppercased and prepended to the default base values. For example 'myapp'
* @param string $envPrefix Value used in environment variables
* @throws \RuntimeException If the parameter is invalid
public function __construct(string $envPrefix)
if ($envPrefix === '') {
throw new \RuntimeException('Invalid constructor parameter');
self::$name = \strtoupper($envPrefix);
$this->envAllowXdebug = self::$name . self::SUFFIX_ALLOW;
$this->envOriginalInis = self::$name . self::SUFFIX_INIS;
self::$inRestart = \false;
if ($this->cli = \PHP_SAPI === 'cli') {
$this->debug = (string) \getenv(self::DEBUG);
$this->statusWriter = new Status($this->envAllowXdebug, (bool) $this->debug);
* Activates status message output to a PSR3 logger
public function setLogger(LoggerInterface $logger) : self
return $this;
* Sets the main script location if it cannot be called from argv
public function setMainScript(string $script) : self
$this->script = $script;
return $this;
* Persist the settings to keep Xdebug out of sub-processes
public function setPersistent() : self
$this->persistent = \true;
return $this;
* Checks if Xdebug is loaded and the process needs to be restarted
* This behaviour can be disabled by setting the MYAPP_ALLOW_XDEBUG
* environment variable to 1. This variable is used internally so that
* the restarted process is created only once.
public function check() : void
$this->notify(Status::CHECK, self::$xdebugVersion . '|' . self::$xdebugMode);
$envArgs = \explode('|', (string) \getenv($this->envAllowXdebug));
if (!(bool) $envArgs[0] && $this->requiresRestart(self::$xdebugActive)) {
// Restart required
$command = $this->prepareRestart();
if ($command !== null) {
if (self::RESTART_ID === $envArgs[0] && \count($envArgs) === 5) {
// Restarted, so unset environment variable and use saved values
self::$inRestart = \true;
if (self::$xdebugVersion === null) {
// Skipped version is only set if Xdebug is not loaded
self::$skipped = $envArgs[1];
// Put restart settings in the environment
$settings = self::getRestartSettings();
if ($settings !== null) {
// Called with existing settings, so sync our settings
* Returns an array of php.ini locations with at least one entry
* The equivalent of calling php_ini_loaded_file then php_ini_scanned_files.
* The loaded ini location is the first entry and may be an empty string.
* @return non-empty-list<string>
public static function getAllIniFiles() : array
if (self::$name !== null) {
$env = \getenv(self::$name . self::SUFFIX_INIS);
if (\false !== $env) {
return \explode(\PATH_SEPARATOR, $env);
$paths = [(string) \php_ini_loaded_file()];
$scanned = \php_ini_scanned_files();
if ($scanned !== \false) {
$paths = \array_merge($paths, \array_map('trim', \explode(',', $scanned)));
return $paths;
* Returns an array of restart settings or null
* Settings will be available if the current process was restarted, or
* called with the settings from an existing restart.
* @phpstan-return restartData|null
public static function getRestartSettings() : ?array
$envArgs = \explode('|', (string) \getenv(self::RESTART_SETTINGS));
if (\count($envArgs) !== 6 || !self::$inRestart && \php_ini_loaded_file() !== $envArgs[0]) {
return null;
return ['tmpIni' => $envArgs[0], 'scannedInis' => (bool) $envArgs[1], 'scanDir' => '*' === $envArgs[2] ? \false : $envArgs[2], 'phprc' => '*' === $envArgs[3] ? \false : $envArgs[3], 'inis' => \explode(\PATH_SEPARATOR, $envArgs[4]), 'skipped' => $envArgs[5]];
* Returns the Xdebug version that triggered a successful restart
public static function getSkippedVersion() : string
return (string) self::$skipped;
* Returns whether Xdebug is loaded and active
* true: if Xdebug is loaded and is running in an active mode.
* false: if Xdebug is not loaded, or it is running with xdebug.mode=off.
public static function isXdebugActive() : bool
return self::$xdebugActive;
* Allows an extending class to decide if there should be a restart
* The default is to restart if Xdebug is loaded and its mode is not "off".
protected function requiresRestart(bool $default) : bool
return $default;
* Allows an extending class to access the tmpIni
* @param non-empty-list<string> $command
protected function restart(array $command) : void
* Executes the restarted command then deletes the tmp ini
* @param non-empty-list<string> $command
* @phpstan-return never
private function doRestart(array $command) : void
if (\PHP_VERSION_ID >= 70400) {
$cmd = $command;
$displayCmd = \sprintf('[%s]', \implode(', ', $cmd));
} else {
$cmd = Process::escapeShellCommand($command);
if (\defined('PHP_WINDOWS_VERSION_BUILD')) {
// Outer quotes required on cmd string below PHP 8
$cmd = '"' . $cmd . '"';
$displayCmd = $cmd;
$this->notify(Status::RESTARTING, $displayCmd);
$process = \proc_open(\is_array($cmd) ? \implode(' ', \array_map('escapeshellarg', $cmd)) : $cmd, [], $pipes);
if (\is_resource($process)) {
$exitCode = \proc_close($process);
if (!isset($exitCode)) {
// Unlikely that php or the default shell cannot be invoked
$this->notify(Status::ERROR, 'Unable to restart process');
$exitCode = -1;
} else {
$this->notify(Status::INFO, 'Restarted process exited ' . $exitCode);
if ($this->debug === '2') {
$this->notify(Status::INFO, 'Temp ini saved: ' . $this->tmpIni);
} else {
@\unlink((string) $this->tmpIni);
* Returns the command line array if everything was written for the restart
* If any of the following fails (however unlikely) we must return false to
* stop potential recursion:
* - tmp ini file creation
* - environment variable creation
* @return non-empty-list<string>|null
private function prepareRestart() : ?array
if (!$this->cli) {
$this->notify(Status::ERROR, 'Unsupported SAPI: ' . \PHP_SAPI);
return null;
if (($argv = $this->checkServerArgv()) === null) {
$this->notify(Status::ERROR, '$_SERVER[argv] is not as expected');
return null;
if (!$this->checkConfiguration($info)) {
$this->notify(Status::ERROR, $info);
return null;
$mainScript = (string) $this->script;
if (!$this->checkMainScript($mainScript, $argv)) {
$this->notify(Status::ERROR, 'Unable to access main script: ' . $mainScript);
return null;
$tmpDir = \sys_get_temp_dir();
$iniError = 'Unable to create temp ini file at: ' . $tmpDir;
if (($tmpfile = @\tempnam($tmpDir, '')) === \false) {
$this->notify(Status::ERROR, $iniError);
return null;
$error = null;
$iniFiles = self::getAllIniFiles();
$scannedInis = \count($iniFiles) > 1;
if (!$this->writeTmpIni($tmpfile, $iniFiles, $error)) {
$this->notify(Status::ERROR, $error ?? $iniError);
return null;
if (!$this->setEnvironment($scannedInis, $iniFiles, $tmpfile)) {
$this->notify(Status::ERROR, 'Unable to set environment variables');
return null;
$this->tmpIni = $tmpfile;
return $this->getCommand($argv, $tmpfile, $mainScript);
* Returns true if the tmp ini file was written
* @param non-empty-list<string> $iniFiles All ini files used in the current process
private function writeTmpIni(string $tmpFile, array $iniFiles, ?string &$error) : bool
// $iniFiles has at least one item and it may be empty
if ($iniFiles[0] === '') {
$content = '';
$sectionRegex = '/^\\s*\\[(?:PATH|HOST)\\s*=/mi';
$xdebugRegex = '/^\\s*(zend_extension\\s*=.*xdebug.*)$/mi';
foreach ($iniFiles as $file) {
// Check for inaccessible ini files
if (($data = @\file_get_contents($file)) === \false) {
$error = 'Unable to read ini: ' . $file;
return \false;
// Check and remove directives after HOST and PATH sections
if (Preg::isMatchWithOffsets($sectionRegex, $data, $matches)) {
$data = \substr($data, 0, $matches[0][1]);
$content .= Preg::replace($xdebugRegex, ';$1', $data) . \PHP_EOL;
// Merge loaded settings into our ini content, if it is valid
$config = \parse_ini_string($content);
$loaded = \ini_get_all(null, \false);
if (\false === $config || \false === $loaded) {
$error = 'Unable to parse ini data';
return \false;
$content .= $this->mergeLoadedConfig($loaded, $config);
// Work-around for
$content .= 'opcache.enable_cli=0' . \PHP_EOL;
return (bool) @\file_put_contents($tmpFile, $content);
* Returns the command line arguments for the restart
* @param non-empty-list<string> $argv
* @return non-empty-list<string>
private function getCommand(array $argv, string $tmpIni, string $mainScript) : array
$php = [\PHP_BINARY];
$args = \array_slice($argv, 1);
if (!$this->persistent) {
// Use command-line options
\array_push($php, '-n', '-c', $tmpIni);
return \array_merge($php, [$mainScript], $args);
* Returns true if the restart environment variables were set
* No need to update $_SERVER since this is set in the restarted process.
* @param non-empty-list<string> $iniFiles All ini files used in the current process
private function setEnvironment(bool $scannedInis, array $iniFiles, string $tmpIni) : bool
$scanDir = \getenv('PHP_INI_SCAN_DIR');
$phprc = \getenv('PHPRC');
// Make original inis available to restarted process
if (!\putenv($this->envOriginalInis . '=' . \implode(\PATH_SEPARATOR, $iniFiles))) {
return \false;
if ($this->persistent) {
// Use the environment to persist the settings
if (!\putenv('PHP_INI_SCAN_DIR=') || !\putenv('PHPRC=' . $tmpIni)) {
return \false;
// Flag restarted process and save values for it to use
$envArgs = [self::RESTART_ID, self::$xdebugVersion, (int) $scannedInis, \false === $scanDir ? '*' : $scanDir, \false === $phprc ? '*' : $phprc];
return \putenv($this->envAllowXdebug . '=' . \implode('|', $envArgs));
* Logs status messages
private function notify(string $op, ?string $data = null) : void
$this->statusWriter->report($op, $data);
* Returns default, changed and command-line ini settings
* @param mixed[] $loadedConfig All current ini settings
* @param mixed[] $iniConfig Settings from user ini files
private function mergeLoadedConfig(array $loadedConfig, array $iniConfig) : string
$content = '';
foreach ($loadedConfig as $name => $value) {
// Value will either be null, string or array (HHVM only)
if (!\is_string($value) || \strpos($name, 'xdebug') === 0 || $name === 'apc.mmap_file_mask') {
if (!isset($iniConfig[$name]) || $iniConfig[$name] !== $value) {
// Double-quote escape each value
$content .= $name . '="' . \addcslashes($value, '\\"') . '"' . \PHP_EOL;
return $content;
* Returns true if the script name can be used
* @param non-empty-list<string> $argv
private function checkMainScript(string &$mainScript, array $argv) : bool
if ($mainScript !== '') {
// Allow an application to set -- for standard input
return \file_exists($mainScript) || '--' === $mainScript;
if (\file_exists($mainScript = $argv[0])) {
return \true;
// Use a backtrace to resolve Phar and chdir issues.
$trace = \debug_backtrace(\DEBUG_BACKTRACE_IGNORE_ARGS);
$main = \end($trace);
if ($main !== \false && isset($main['file'])) {
return \file_exists($mainScript = $main['file']);
return \false;
* Adds restart settings to the environment
* @param non-empty-list<string> $envArgs
private function setEnvRestartSettings(array $envArgs) : void
$settings = [\php_ini_loaded_file(), $envArgs[2], $envArgs[3], $envArgs[4], \getenv($this->envOriginalInis), self::$skipped];
Process::setEnv(self::RESTART_SETTINGS, \implode('|', $settings));
* Syncs settings and the environment if called with existing settings
* @phpstan-param restartData $settings
private function syncSettings(array $settings) : void
if (\false === \getenv($this->envOriginalInis)) {
// Called by another app, so make original inis available
Process::setEnv($this->envOriginalInis, \implode(\PATH_SEPARATOR, $settings['inis']));
self::$skipped = $settings['skipped'];
$this->notify(Status::INFO, 'Process called with existing restart settings');
* Returns true if there are no known configuration issues
private function checkConfiguration(?string &$info) : bool
if (!\function_exists('proc_open')) {
$info = 'proc_open function is disabled';
return \false;
if (\extension_loaded('uopz') && !(bool) \ini_get('uopz.disable')) {
// uopz works at opcode level and disables exit calls
if (\function_exists('uopz_allow_exit')) {
} else {
$info = 'uopz extension is not compatible';
return \false;
// Check UNC paths when using cmd.exe
if (\defined('PHP_WINDOWS_VERSION_BUILD') && \PHP_VERSION_ID < 70400) {
$workingDir = \getcwd();
if ($workingDir === \false) {
$info = 'unable to determine working directory';
return \false;
if (0 === \strpos($workingDir, '\\\\')) {
$info = 'cmd.exe does not support UNC paths: ' . $workingDir;
return \false;
return \true;
* Enables async signals and control interrupts in the restarted process
* Available on Unix PHP 7.1+ with the pcntl extension and Windows PHP 7.4+.
private function tryEnableSignals() : void
if (\function_exists('pcntl_async_signals') && \function_exists('pcntl_signal')) {
$message = 'Async signals enabled';
if (!self::$inRestart) {
// Restarting, so ignore SIGINT in parent
\pcntl_signal(\SIGINT, \SIG_IGN);
} elseif (\is_int(\pcntl_signal_get_handler(\SIGINT))) {
// Restarted, no handler set so force default action
\pcntl_signal(\SIGINT, \SIG_DFL);
if (!self::$inRestart && \function_exists('sapi_windows_set_ctrl_handler')) {
// Restarting, so set a handler to ignore CTRL events in the parent.
// This ensures that CTRL+C events will be available in the child
// process without having to enable them there, which is unreliable.
\sapi_windows_set_ctrl_handler(function ($evt) {
* Returns $_SERVER['argv'] if it is as expected
* @return non-empty-list<string>|null
private function checkServerArgv() : ?array
$result = [];
if (isset($_SERVER['argv']) && \is_array($_SERVER['argv'])) {
foreach ($_SERVER['argv'] as $value) {
if (!\is_string($value)) {
return null;
$result[] = $value;
return \count($result) > 0 ? $result : null;
* Sets static properties $xdebugActive, $xdebugVersion and $xdebugMode
private static function setXdebugDetails() : void
if (self::$xdebugActive !== null) {
self::$xdebugActive = \false;
if (!\extension_loaded('xdebug')) {
$version = \phpversion('xdebug');
self::$xdebugVersion = $version !== \false ? $version : 'unknown';
if (\version_compare(self::$xdebugVersion, '3.1', '>=')) {
$modes = \xdebug_info('mode');
self::$xdebugMode = \count($modes) === 0 ? 'off' : \implode(',', $modes);
self::$xdebugActive = self::$xdebugMode !== 'off';
// See if xdebug.mode is supported in this version
$iniMode = \ini_get('xdebug.mode');
if ($iniMode === \false) {
self::$xdebugActive = \true;
// Environment value wins but cannot be empty
$envMode = (string) \getenv('XDEBUG_MODE');
if ($envMode !== '') {
self::$xdebugMode = $envMode;
} else {
self::$xdebugMode = $iniMode !== '' ? $iniMode : 'off';
// An empty comma-separated list is treated as mode 'off'
if (Preg::isMatch('/^,+$/', \str_replace(' ', '', self::$xdebugMode))) {
self::$xdebugMode = 'off';
self::$xdebugActive = self::$xdebugMode !== 'off';