Tomas Votruba 189167959e Updated Rector to commit 701278e9882f33c2977753be99b08dd7aaf93997
701278e988 Remove node removing services, cleanup (#4093)
2023-06-06 12:07:27 +00:00

147 lines
6.2 KiB

declare (strict_types=1);
namespace Rector\ChangesReporting\Output;
use RectorPrefix202306\Nette\Utils\Strings;
use Rector\ChangesReporting\Annotation\RectorsChangelogResolver;
use Rector\ChangesReporting\Contract\Output\OutputFormatterInterface;
use Rector\Core\Contract\Console\OutputStyleInterface;
use Rector\Core\ValueObject\Configuration;
use Rector\Core\ValueObject\Error\SystemError;
use Rector\Core\ValueObject\ProcessResult;
use Rector\Core\ValueObject\Reporting\FileDiff;
final class ConsoleOutputFormatter implements OutputFormatterInterface
* @var string
public const NAME = 'console';
* @var string
* @see
private const ON_LINE_REGEX = '# on line #';
* @readonly
* @var \Rector\Core\Contract\Console\OutputStyleInterface
private $rectorOutputStyle;
* @readonly
* @var \Rector\ChangesReporting\Annotation\RectorsChangelogResolver
private $rectorsChangelogResolver;
public function __construct(OutputStyleInterface $rectorOutputStyle, RectorsChangelogResolver $rectorsChangelogResolver)
$this->rectorOutputStyle = $rectorOutputStyle;
$this->rectorsChangelogResolver = $rectorsChangelogResolver;
public function report(ProcessResult $processResult, Configuration $configuration) : void
if ($configuration->shouldShowDiffs()) {
if ($processResult->getErrors() !== []) {
// to keep space between progress bar and success message
if ($configuration->shouldShowProgressBar() && $processResult->getFileDiffs() === []) {
$message = $this->createSuccessMessage($processResult, $configuration);
public function getName() : string
return self::NAME;
* @param FileDiff[] $fileDiffs
private function reportFileDiffs(array $fileDiffs) : void
if (\count($fileDiffs) <= 0) {
// normalize
$message = \sprintf('%d file%s with changes', \count($fileDiffs), \count($fileDiffs) === 1 ? '' : 's');
$i = 0;
foreach ($fileDiffs as $fileDiff) {
$relativeFilePath = $fileDiff->getRelativeFilePath();
// append line number for faster file jump in diff
$firstLineNumber = $fileDiff->getFirstLineNumber();
if ($firstLineNumber !== null) {
$relativeFilePath .= ':' . $firstLineNumber;
$message = \sprintf('<options=bold>%d) %s</>', ++$i, $relativeFilePath);
$rectorsChangelogsLines = $this->createRectorChangelogLines($fileDiff);
if ($fileDiff->getRectorChanges() !== []) {
$this->rectorOutputStyle->writeln('<options=underscore>Applied rules:</>');
* @param SystemError[] $errors
private function reportErrors(array $errors) : void
foreach ($errors as $error) {
$errorMessage = $error->getMessage();
$errorMessage = $this->normalizePathsToRelativeWithLine($errorMessage);
$message = \sprintf('Could not process %s%s, due to: %s"%s".', $error->getFile() !== null ? '"' . $error->getFile() . '" file' : 'some files', $error->getRectorClass() !== null ? ' by "' . $error->getRectorClass() . '"' : '', \PHP_EOL, $errorMessage);
if ($error->getLine() !== null) {
$message .= ' On line: ' . $error->getLine();
private function reportRemovedFilesAndNodes(ProcessResult $processResult) : void
if ($processResult->getAddedFilesCount() !== 0) {
$message = \sprintf('%d files were added', $processResult->getAddedFilesCount());
if ($processResult->getRemovedFilesCount() !== 0) {
$message = \sprintf('%d files were removed', $processResult->getRemovedFilesCount());
private function normalizePathsToRelativeWithLine(string $errorMessage) : string
$regex = '#' . \preg_quote(\getcwd(), '#') . '/#';
$errorMessage = Strings::replace($errorMessage, $regex);
return Strings::replace($errorMessage, self::ON_LINE_REGEX);
private function createSuccessMessage(ProcessResult $processResult, Configuration $configuration) : string
$changeCount = \count($processResult->getFileDiffs()) + $processResult->getRemovedAndAddedFilesCount();
if ($changeCount === 0) {
return 'Rector is done!';
return \sprintf('%d file%s %s by Rector', $changeCount, $changeCount > 1 ? 's' : '', $configuration->isDryRun() ? 'would have changed (dry-run)' : ($changeCount === 1 ? 'has' : 'have') . ' been changed');
* @return string[]
private function createRectorChangelogLines(FileDiff $fileDiff) : array
$rectorsChangelogs = $this->rectorsChangelogResolver->resolveIncludingMissing($fileDiff->getRectorClasses());
$rectorsChangelogsLines = [];
foreach ($rectorsChangelogs as $rectorClass => $changelog) {
$rectorShortClass = (string) Strings::after($rectorClass, '\\', -1);
$rectorsChangelogsLines[] = $changelog === null ? $rectorShortClass : $rectorShortClass . ' (' . $changelog . ')';
return $rectorsChangelogsLines;