
224 lines
9.0 KiB

declare (strict_types=1);
namespace Rector\DowngradePhp81\NodeFactory;
use PhpParser\Node;
use PhpParser\Node\Arg;
use PhpParser\Node\Expr\Array_;
use PhpParser\Node\Expr\ArrayItem;
use PhpParser\Node\Expr\Assign;
use PhpParser\Node\Expr\FuncCall;
use PhpParser\Node\Expr\Ternary;
use PhpParser\Node\Expr\Variable;
use PhpParser\Node\Name;
use PHPStan\Analyser\MutatingScope;
use PHPStan\Analyser\Scope;
use PHPStan\Type\ArrayType;
use PHPStan\Type\IterableType;
use PHPStan\Type\ObjectType;
use PHPStan\Type\Type;
use Rector\Core\Exception\ShouldNotHappenException;
use Rector\Core\PhpParser\Node\BetterNodeFinder;
use Rector\Core\ValueObject\Application\File;
use Rector\DowngradePhp81\NodeAnalyzer\ArraySpreadAnalyzer;
use Rector\Naming\Naming\VariableNaming;
use Rector\NodeNameResolver\NodeNameResolver;
use Rector\NodeTypeResolver\Node\AttributeKey;
use Rector\PostRector\Collector\NodesToAddCollector;
final class ArrayMergeFromArraySpreadFactory
* @var bool
private $shouldIncrement = \false;
* Handle different result in CI
* @var array<string, int>
private $lastPositionCurrentFile = [];
* @readonly
* @var \Rector\Naming\Naming\VariableNaming
private $variableNaming;
* @readonly
* @var \Rector\Core\PhpParser\Node\BetterNodeFinder
private $betterNodeFinder;
* @readonly
* @var \Rector\PostRector\Collector\NodesToAddCollector
private $nodesToAddCollector;
* @readonly
* @var \Rector\NodeNameResolver\NodeNameResolver
private $nodeNameResolver;
* @readonly
* @var \Rector\DowngradePhp81\NodeAnalyzer\ArraySpreadAnalyzer
private $arraySpreadAnalyzer;
public function __construct(VariableNaming $variableNaming, BetterNodeFinder $betterNodeFinder, NodesToAddCollector $nodesToAddCollector, NodeNameResolver $nodeNameResolver, ArraySpreadAnalyzer $arraySpreadAnalyzer)
$this->variableNaming = $variableNaming;
$this->betterNodeFinder = $betterNodeFinder;
$this->nodesToAddCollector = $nodesToAddCollector;
$this->nodeNameResolver = $nodeNameResolver;
$this->arraySpreadAnalyzer = $arraySpreadAnalyzer;
public function createFromArray(Array_ $array, MutatingScope $mutatingScope, File $file, ?bool $shouldIncrement = null) : ?Node
if (!$this->arraySpreadAnalyzer->isArrayWithUnpack($array)) {
return null;
if ($shouldIncrement !== null) {
$this->shouldIncrement = $shouldIncrement;
} else {
$this->shouldIncrement = (bool) $this->betterNodeFinder->findFirstNext($array, function (Node $subNode) : bool {
if (!$subNode instanceof Array_) {
return \false;
return $this->arraySpreadAnalyzer->isArrayWithUnpack($subNode);
$newArrayItems = $this->disolveArrayItems($array, $mutatingScope, $file);
return $this->createArrayMergeFuncCall($newArrayItems, $mutatingScope);
* Iterate all array items:
* 1. If they use the spread, remove it
* 2. If not, make the item part of an accumulating array,
* to be added once the next spread is found, or at the end
* @return ArrayItem[]
private function disolveArrayItems(Array_ $array, MutatingScope $mutatingScope, File $file) : array
$newItems = [];
$accumulatedItems = [];
foreach ($array->items as $position => $item) {
if ($item !== null && $item->unpack) {
// Spread operator found
if (!$item->value instanceof Variable) {
// If it is a not variable, transform it to a variable
$item->value = $this->createVariableFromNonVariable($array, $item, $position, $mutatingScope, $file);
if ($accumulatedItems !== []) {
// If previous items were in the new array, add them first
$newItems[] = $this->createArrayItemFromArray($accumulatedItems);
// Reset the accumulated items
$accumulatedItems = [];
// Add the current item, still with "unpack = true" (it will be removed later on)
$newItems[] = $item;
// Normal item, it goes into the accumulated array
$accumulatedItems[] = $item;
// Add the remaining accumulated items
if ($accumulatedItems !== []) {
$newItems[] = $this->createArrayItemFromArray($accumulatedItems);
return $newItems;
* @param ArrayItem[] $arrayItems
private function createArrayMergeFuncCall(array $arrayItems, MutatingScope $mutatingScope) : FuncCall
$args = \array_map(function (ArrayItem $arrayItem) use($mutatingScope) : Arg {
if ($arrayItem->unpack) {
// Do not unpack anymore
$arrayItem->unpack = \false;
return $this->createArgFromSpreadArrayItem($mutatingScope, $arrayItem);
return new Arg($arrayItem);
}, $arrayItems);
return new FuncCall(new Name('array_merge'), $args);
* If it is a variable, we add it directly
* Otherwise it could be a function, method, ternary, traversable, etc
* We must then first extract it into a variable,
* as to invoke it only once and avoid potential bugs,
* such as a method executing some side-effect
private function createVariableFromNonVariable(Array_ $array, ArrayItem $arrayItem, int $position, MutatingScope $mutatingScope, File $file) : Variable
// The variable name will be item0Unpacked, item1Unpacked, etc,
// depending on their position.
// The number can't be at the end of the var name, or it would
// conflict with the counter (for if that name is already taken)
$filePath = $file->getFilePath();
$position = $this->lastPositionCurrentFile[$filePath] ?? $position;
$variableName = $this->variableNaming->resolveFromNodeWithScopeCountAndFallbackName($array, $mutatingScope, 'item' . $position . 'Unpacked');
if ($this->shouldIncrement) {
$this->lastPositionCurrentFile[$filePath] = ++$position;
// Assign the value to the variable, and replace the element with the variable
$newVariable = new Variable($variableName);
$newVariableAssign = new Assign($newVariable, $arrayItem->value);
$this->nodesToAddCollector->addNodeBeforeNode($newVariableAssign, $array);
return $newVariable;
* @param array<ArrayItem|null> $items
private function createArrayItemFromArray(array $items) : ArrayItem
$array = new Array_($items);
return new ArrayItem($array);
private function createArgFromSpreadArrayItem(MutatingScope $mutatingScope, ArrayItem $arrayItem) : Arg
// By now every item is a variable
/** @var Variable $variable */
$variable = $arrayItem->value;
$variableName = $this->nodeNameResolver->getName($variable) ?? '';
// If the variable is not in scope, it's one we just added.
// Then get the type from the attribute
if ($mutatingScope->hasVariableType($variableName)->yes()) {
$type = $mutatingScope->getVariableType($variableName);
} else {
$originalNode = $arrayItem->getAttribute(AttributeKey::ORIGINAL_NODE);
if ($originalNode instanceof ArrayItem) {
$type = $mutatingScope->getType($originalNode->value);
} else {
throw new ShouldNotHappenException();
$iteratorToArrayFuncCall = new FuncCall(new Name('iterator_to_array'), [new Arg($arrayItem)]);
// If we know it is an array, then print it directly
// Otherwise PHPStan throws an error:
// "Else branch is unreachable because ternary operator condition is always true."
if ($type instanceof ArrayType) {
return new Arg($arrayItem);
// If it is iterable, then directly return `iterator_to_array`
if ($this->isIterableType($type)) {
return new Arg($iteratorToArrayFuncCall);
// Print a ternary, handling either an array or an iterator
$inArrayFuncCall = new FuncCall(new Name('is_array'), [new Arg($arrayItem)]);
return new Arg(new Ternary($inArrayFuncCall, $arrayItem, $iteratorToArrayFuncCall));
* Iterables: objects declaring the interface Traversable,
* For "iterable" type, it can be array
private function isIterableType(Type $type) : bool
if ($type instanceof IterableType) {
return \false;
$traversableObjectType = new ObjectType('Traversable');
return $traversableObjectType->isSuperTypeOf($type)->yes();