Tomas Votruba 27fd5c38cf Updated Rector to commit 2d4ac92120
2d4ac92120 use rector as dependency, its the only way to see the bug
2021-12-13 20:54:45 +00:00

112 lines
5.7 KiB

use Rector\Core\Configuration\Option;
use Rector\Core\ValueObject\PhpVersion;
use Rector\Php55\Rector\String_\StringClassNameToClassConstantRector;
use Rector\PostRector\Rector\NameImportingPostRector;
use Ssch\TYPO3Rector\Configuration\Typo3Option;
use Ssch\TYPO3Rector\FileProcessor\Composer\Rector\ExtensionComposerRector;
use Ssch\TYPO3Rector\FileProcessor\TypoScript\Rector\FileIncludeToImportStatementTypoScriptRector;
use Ssch\TYPO3Rector\Rector\v9\v0\InjectAnnotationRector;
use Ssch\TYPO3Rector\Rector\General\ConvertImplicitVariablesToExplicitGlobalsRector;
use Ssch\TYPO3Rector\Rector\General\ExtEmConfRector;
use Ssch\TYPO3Rector\Set\Typo3LevelSetList;
use Ssch\TYPO3Rector\FileProcessor\TypoScript\Rector\ExtbasePersistenceTypoScriptRector;
use Symfony\Component\DependencyInjection\Loader\Configurator\ContainerConfigurator;
return static function (ContainerConfigurator $containerConfigurator): void {
$parameters = $containerConfigurator->parameters();
// In order to have a better analysis from phpstan we teach it here some more things
$parameters->set(Option::PHPSTAN_FOR_RECTOR_PATH, Typo3Option::PHPSTAN_FOR_RECTOR_PATH);
// FQN classes are not imported by default. If you don't do it manually after every Rector run, enable it by:
$parameters->set(Option::AUTO_IMPORT_NAMES, true);
// this will not import root namespace classes, like \DateTime or \Exception
$parameters->set(Option::IMPORT_SHORT_CLASSES, false);
// this will not import classes used in PHP DocBlocks, like in /** @var \Some\Class */
$parameters->set(Option::IMPORT_DOC_BLOCKS, false);
// Define your target version which you want to support
$parameters->set(Option::PHP_VERSION_FEATURES, PhpVersion::PHP_74);
// If you have an editorconfig and changed files should keep their format enable it here
// $parameters->set(Option::ENABLE_EDITORCONFIG, true);
// If you only want to process one/some TYPO3 extension(s), you can specify its path(s) here.
// If you use the option --config change __DIR__ to getcwd()
// $parameters->set(Option::PATHS, [
// __DIR__ . '/packages/acme_demo/',
// ]);
// If you use the option --config change __DIR__ to getcwd()
$parameters->set(Option::SKIP, [
// @see
__DIR__ . '/**/Configuration/ExtensionBuilder/*',
// We skip those directories on purpose as there might be node_modules or similar
// that include typescript which would result in false positive processing
__DIR__ . '/**/Resources/**/node_modules/*',
__DIR__ . '/**/Resources/**/NodeModules/*',
__DIR__ . '/**/Resources/**/BowerComponents/*',
__DIR__ . '/**/Resources/**/bower_components/*',
__DIR__ . '/**/Resources/**/build/*',
// This is used by the class \Ssch\TYPO3Rector\Rector\PostRector\FullQualifiedNamePostRector to force FQN in this paths and files
$parameters->set(Typo3Option::PATHS_FULL_QUALIFIED_NAMESPACES, [
# If you are targeting TYPO3 Version 11 use can now use Short namespace
# @see namespace
__DIR__ . '/**/Configuration/*.php',
__DIR__ . '/**/Configuration/**/*.php',
// If you have trouble that rector cannot run because some TYPO3 constants are not defined add an additional constants file
// @see
// @see
// $parameters->set(Option::BOOTSTRAP_FILES, [
// __DIR__ . '/typo3.constants.php'
// ]);
// get services (needed for register a single rule)
$services = $containerConfigurator->services();
// register a single rule
// $services->set(InjectAnnotationRector::class);
* Useful rule from RectorPHP itself to transform i.e. GeneralUtility::makeInstance('TYPO3\CMS\Core\Log\LogManager')
* to GeneralUtility::makeInstance(\TYPO3\CMS\Core\Log\LogManager::class) calls.
* But be warned, sometimes it produces false positives (edge cases), so watch out
// $services->set(StringClassNameToClassConstantRector::class);
// Optional non-php file functionalities:
// @see
// Adapt your composer.json dependencies to the latest available version for the defined SetList
// $containerConfigurator->import(Typo3SetList::COMPOSER_PACKAGES_104_CORE);
// $containerConfigurator->import(Typo3SetList::COMPOSER_PACKAGES_104_EXTENSIONS);
// Rewrite your extbase persistence class mapping from typoscript into php according to official docs.
// This processor will create a summarized file with all of the typoscript rewrites combined into a single file.
// The filename can be passed as argument, "Configuration_Extbase_Persistence_Classes.php" is default.
// $services->set(ExtbasePersistenceTypoScriptRector::class);
// Add some general TYPO3 rules
// Do you want to modernize your TypoScript include statements for files and move from <INCLUDE /> to @import use the FileIncludeToImportStatementVisitor
// $services->set(FileIncludeToImportStatementTypoScriptRector::class);