
64 lines
1.6 KiB

declare (strict_types=1);
namespace Rector\DeadCode\Rector\Concat;
use PhpParser\Node;
use PhpParser\Node\Expr;
use PhpParser\Node\Expr\BinaryOp\Concat;
use PhpParser\Node\Expr\Cast\String_;
use Rector\Core\Rector\AbstractRector;
use Symplify\RuleDocGenerator\ValueObject\CodeSample\CodeSample;
use Symplify\RuleDocGenerator\ValueObject\RuleDefinition;
* @see \Rector\Tests\DeadCode\Rector\Concat\RemoveConcatAutocastRector\RemoveConcatAutocastRectorTest
final class RemoveConcatAutocastRector extends AbstractRector
public function getRuleDefinition() : RuleDefinition
return new RuleDefinition('Remove (string) casting when it comes to concat, that does this by default', [new CodeSample(<<<'CODE_SAMPLE'
class SomeConcatingClass
public function run($value)
return 'hi ' . (string) $value;
class SomeConcatingClass
public function run($value)
return 'hi ' . $value;
* @return array<class-string<Node>>
public function getNodeTypes() : array
return [Concat::class];
* @param Concat $node
public function refactor(Node $node) : ?Node
if (!$node->left instanceof String_ && !$node->right instanceof String_) {
return null;
$node->left = $this->removeStringCast($node->left);
$node->right = $this->removeStringCast($node->right);
return $node;
private function removeStringCast(Expr $expr) : Expr
return $expr instanceof String_ ? $expr->expr : $expr;