Instant Upgrades and Automated Refactoring of any PHP 5.3+ code
Go to file
2020-02-16 21:49:10 +01:00
.docker/php Warmup opcache in docker 2020-01-26 16:34:32 +01:00
.github Merge pull request #2840 from ikvasnica/patch-1 2020-02-13 11:47:13 +01:00
bin Fixed PHPStan issues 2020-02-08 20:00:10 +01:00
ci fix fixtures 2020-02-14 23:50:42 +01:00
compiler prelude unprefixing 2020-02-14 15:45:16 +01:00
config [SOLID] Add ChangeReadOnlyPropertyWithDefaultValueToConstantRector 2020-02-14 17:08:51 +01:00
docs fix namespaces, fixtures, add getThrowsTypes() 2020-02-14 23:35:40 +01:00
helpers rename generator to rules 2020-02-13 17:10:07 +01:00
packages skip traits in CountOnNullRector 2020-02-16 19:07:37 +01:00
rules respect parent definition in AddArrayReturnDocTypeRector 2020-02-16 19:13:41 +01:00
src apply properties to constants rule from SOLID 2020-02-16 17:47:00 +01:00
stubs make some use of TypeNodeResolver from PHPStan 2020-01-14 15:26:36 +01:00
tests move core architecture to own set 2020-02-13 14:44:36 +01:00
utils fix non-Rector locations 2020-02-13 23:44:04 +01:00
.dockerignore add .travis.yml with tag release 2020-01-20 13:34:31 +01:00
.editorconfig improve attributes, add .editorconfig 2018-12-13 17:23:24 +01:00
.gitattributes add .travis.yml with tag release 2020-01-20 13:34:31 +01:00
.gitignore use filesytem utils package name 2020-02-13 23:02:57 +01:00
.phpstorm.meta.php [CakePHPToSymfony] Add CakePHPBeforeFilterToRequestEventSubscriberRector 2020-02-03 01:42:33 +01:00
.travis.yml remove retry, breaks json 2020-02-10 18:19:10 +01:00 [SOLID] Add ChangeIfElseValueAssignToEarlyReturnRector 2020-01-06 01:42:15 +01:00
changelog-linker.yaml init CHANGELOG for 0.4.11 2019-04-13 15:16:49 +02:00 update CHANGELOG 2020-02-16 21:49:10 +01:00 Use HTTPS instead of HTTP 2018-02-14 07:23:09 -02:00
composer.json move nette to rules 2020-02-14 10:51:33 +01:00
Dockerfile Warmup opcache in docker 2020-01-26 16:34:32 +01:00
ecs-after-rector.yaml use explicit null in yaml 2020-01-05 20:00:32 +01:00
ecs.yaml Add ClassInCorrectNamespaceRector 2020-02-13 23:44:04 +01:00
LICENSE Update LICENSE year forever 2018-01-02 20:27:07 -02:00
phpstan.neon apply properties to constants rule from SOLID 2020-02-16 17:47:00 +01:00
phpunit.xml improve ParamTypeDeclarationRector complexity 2020-02-11 14:11:47 +01:00 typo 2020-02-14 10:35:46 +01:00
rector-ci.yaml apply properties to constants rule from SOLID 2020-02-16 17:47:00 +01:00
rector.yaml cleanup 2020-01-14 15:26:36 +01:00 move nette to rules 2020-02-14 10:51:33 +01:00

Rector - Upgrade Your Legacy App to a Modern Codebase

Rector is a reconstructor tool - it does instant upgrades and instant refactoring of your code. Why refactor manually if Rector can handle 80% for you?

Coverage Status Downloads SonarCube



Rector grows faster with your help, the more you help the more work it saves you. Check out Rector's Patreon. One-time donation is welcomed through PayPal.

Thank you:

Open-Source First

Rector instantly upgrades and instantly refactors the PHP code of your application. It supports all modern versions of PHP and many open-source projects:

What Can Rector Do for You?

...look at the overview of all available Rectors with before/after diffs and configuration examples. You can use them to build your own sets.

How to Apply Coding Standards?

The AST libraries that Rector uses aren't well-suited for coding standards, so it's better to let coding standard tools do that.

Don't have a coding standard tool for your project? Consider adding EasyCodingStandard, PHP CS Fixer or PHP_CodeSniffer.

Tip: If you have EasyCodingStandard, you can start your set with ecs-after-rector.yaml.

Try Rector Online

Too litle time to download?

We have online demo just for you!


composer require rector/rector --dev

Do you have conflicts during composer require or on run?

Do you need different PHP version than Rector supports?

Running Rector

A. Get Started

Try the demo and get familiar with rector

B. Prepared Sets

Featured open-source projects have prepared sets. You can find them in /config/set or by running:

vendor/bin/rector sets

Let's say you pick the symfony40 set and you want to upgrade your /src directory:

# show a list of known changes in Symfony 4.0
vendor/bin/rector process src --set symfony40 --dry-run
# apply upgrades to your code
vendor/bin/rector process src --set symfony40

Some sets, such as code-quality can be used on a regular basis. You can include them in your rector.yaml to run them by default:

# rector.yaml
        - 'code-quality'
        - 'php71'
        - 'php72'
        - 'php73'

C. Custom Sets

  1. Create a rector.yaml config file with your desired Rectors or provide another config file with --config:

            $annotation: "inject"
  2. Run Rector on your /src directory:

    vendor/bin/rector process src --dry-run
    # apply
    vendor/bin/rector process src


Extra Autoloading

Rector relies on project and autoloading of its classes by using the composer autoloader as default. To specify your own autoload file, use --autoload-file option:

vendor/bin/rector process ../project --autoload-file ../project/vendor/autoload.php

Or use a rector.yaml config file:

# rector.yaml
        - 'vendor/squizlabs/php_codesniffer/autoload.php'
        - 'vendor/project-without-composer'

Exclude Paths and Rectors

You can also exclude files or directories (with regex or fnmatch):

# rector.yaml
        - '*/src/*/Tests/*'

You can use a whole ruleset, except one rule:

# rector.yaml
        - 'Rector\CodeQuality\Rector\If_\SimplifyIfReturnBoolRector'

Do you want to skip just specific line with specific rule?

Use @noRector \FQN name annotation:

class SomeClass
     * @noRector \Rector\DeadCode\Rector\ClassMethod\RemoveEmptyClassMethodRector
    public function foo()
        /** @noRector \Rector\DeadCode\Rector\Plus\RemoveDeadZeroAndOneOperationRector */
        round(1 + 0);

Filter Rectors

If you have a configuration file for Rector including many sets and Rectors, you might want at times to run only a single Rector from them. The --only argument allows that, for example :

vendor/bin/rector process --set solid --only "Rector\SOLID\Rector\Class_\FinalizeClassesWithoutChildrenRector" src/

Will only run Rector\SOLID\Rector\Class_\FinalizeClassesWithoutChildrenRector.

Please note that the backslash in the Rector's fully-qualified class name needs to be properly escaped (by surrounding the string in double quotes).

Provide PHP Version

By default Rector uses the language features matching your system version of PHP. You can configure it for a different PHP version:

# rector.yaml
    php_version_features: '7.2' # your version is 7.3


If you're annoyed by repeating paths in arguments, you can move them to config instead:

# rector.yaml
        - 'src'
        - 'tests'

Import Use Statements

FQN classes are not imported by default. If you don't to do do it manually after every Rector run, enable it by:

# rector.yaml
    auto_import_names: true

You can also fine-tune how these imports are processed:

# rector.yaml
    # this will not import root namespace classes, like \DateTime or \Exception
    import_short_classes: false

    # this will not import classes used in PHP DocBlocks, like in /** @var \Some\Class */
    import_doc_blocks: false

Limit Execution to Changed Files

Execution can be limited to changed files using the process option --match-git-diff. This option will filter the files included by the configuration, creating an intersection with the files listed in git diff.

vendor/bin/rector process src --match-git-diff

This option is useful in CI with pull-requests that only change few files.

Symfony Container

To work with some Symfony rules, you now need to link your container XML file

# rector.yaml
    # path to load services from
    symfony_container_xml_path: 'var/cache/dev/AppKernelDevDebugContainer.xml'

3 Steps to Create Your Own Rector

First, make sure it's not covered by any existing Rectors.

Let's say we want to change method calls from set* to change*.

 $user = new User();

1. Create a New Rector and Implement Methods

Create a class that extends Rector\Core\Rector\AbstractRector. It will inherit useful methods e.g. to check node type and name. See the source (or type $this-> in an IDE) for a list of available methods.



namespace Utils\Rector;

use Nette\Utils\Strings;
use PhpParser\Node;
use PhpParser\Node\Identifier;
use PhpParser\Node\Expr\MethodCall;
use Rector\Core\Rector\AbstractRector;
use Rector\Core\RectorDefinition\CodeSample;
use Rector\Core\RectorDefinition\RectorDefinition;

final class MyFirstRector extends AbstractRector
     * @return string[]
    public function getNodeTypes(): array
        // what node types we look for?
        // pick any node from
        return [MethodCall::class];

     * @param MethodCall $node - we can add "MethodCall" type here, because only this node is in "getNodeTypes()"
    public function refactor(Node $node): ?Node
        // we only care about "set*" method names
        if (! $this->isName($node->name, 'set*')) {
            // return null to skip it
            return null;

        $methodCallName = $this->getName($node);
        $newMethodCallName = Strings::replace($methodCallName, '#^set#', 'change');

        $node->name = new Identifier($newMethodCallName);

        // return $node if you modified it
        return $node;

     * From this method documentation is generated.
    public function getDefinition(): RectorDefinition
        return new RectorDefinition(
            'Change method calls from set* to change*.', [
                new CodeSample(
                    // code before
                    // code after

This is how file structure should look like:


We also need to load Rector rules in composer.json:

    "autoload": {
        "psr-4": {
            "App\\": "src"
    "autoload-dev": {
        "psr-4": {
            "Utils\\": "utils"

After adding this to composer.json, be sure to reload composer class map:

composer dump-autoload

2. Register It

# rector.yaml
    Utils\Rector\MyFirstRector: ~

3. Let Rector Refactor Your Code

The rector.yaml config is loaded by default, so we can skip it.

# see the diff first
vendor/bin/rector process src --dry-run

# if it's ok, apply
vendor/bin/rector process src

That's it!

Generate Rector Rule

Do you want to save time with making rules and tests?

Use create command.

More Detailed Documentation

How to Contribute

Just follow 3 rules:

  • 1 feature per pull-request

  • New features need tests

  • Tests, coding standards and PHPStan checks must pass:

    composer complete-check

    Do you need to fix coding standards? Run:

    composer fix-cs

We would be happy to accept PRs that follow these guidelines.

Run Rector in Docker

You can run Rector on your project using Docker:

docker run -v $(pwd):/project rector/rector:latest process /project/src --set symfony40 --dry-run

# Note that a volume is mounted from `pwd` (the current directory) into `/project` which can be accessed later.

Using rector.yaml:

docker run -v $(pwd):/project rector/rector:latest process /project/app --config /project/rector.yaml --autoload-file /project/vendor/autoload.php --dry-run

Community Packages

Do you use Rector to upgrade your code? Add it here: