Tomas Votruba cd427d527e Updated Rector to commit 3ef3e35c45970bce4000f45f9c1cb651f078c5a0
3ef3e35c45 [Php71] Skip re-assign as string on AssignArrayToStringRector part 2 (#5661)
2024-02-23 19:28:49 +00:00
src Updated Rector to commit 3ef3e35c45970bce4000f45f9c1cb651f078c5a0 2024-02-23 19:28:49 +00:00
composer.json Updated Rector to commit 965b5f72045e3a94adf1eab83accafb52bfbe92a 2023-06-01 22:33:20 +00:00
LICENSE Updated Rector to commit a657258f31 2021-05-10 00:23:30 +00:00 Updated Rector to commit 965b5f72045e3a94adf1eab83accafb52bfbe92a 2023-06-01 22:33:20 +00:00

PHPDoc Parser for PHPStan

Build Status Latest Stable Version License PHPStan Enabled

This library phpstan/phpdoc-parser represents PHPDocs with an AST (Abstract Syntax Tree). It supports parsing and modifying PHPDocs.

For the complete list of supported PHPDoc features check out PHPStan documentation. PHPStan is the main (but not the only) user of this library.

This parser also supports parsing Doctrine Annotations. The AST nodes live in the PHPStan\PhpDocParser\Ast\PhpDoc\Doctrine namespace. The support needs to be turned on by setting bool $parseDoctrineAnnotations to true in Lexer and PhpDocParser class constructors.


composer require phpstan/phpdoc-parser

Basic usage


require_once __DIR__ . '/vendor/autoload.php';

use PHPStan\PhpDocParser\Ast\PhpDoc\ParamTagValueNode;
use PHPStan\PhpDocParser\Ast\PhpDoc\PhpDocNode;
use PHPStan\PhpDocParser\Ast\Type\IdentifierTypeNode;
use PHPStan\PhpDocParser\Lexer\Lexer;
use PHPStan\PhpDocParser\Parser\ConstExprParser;
use PHPStan\PhpDocParser\Parser\PhpDocParser;
use PHPStan\PhpDocParser\Parser\TokenIterator;
use PHPStan\PhpDocParser\Parser\TypeParser;

// basic setup

$lexer = new Lexer();
$constExprParser = new ConstExprParser();
$typeParser = new TypeParser($constExprParser);
$phpDocParser = new PhpDocParser($typeParser, $constExprParser);

// parsing and reading a PHPDoc string

$tokens = new TokenIterator($lexer->tokenize('/** @param Lorem $a */'));
$phpDocNode = $phpDocParser->parse($tokens); // PhpDocNode
$paramTags = $phpDocNode->getParamTagValues(); // ParamTagValueNode[]
echo $paramTags[0]->parameterName; // '$a'
echo $paramTags[0]->type; // IdentifierTypeNode - 'Lorem'

Format-preserving printer

This component can be used to modify the AST and print it again as close as possible to the original.

It's heavily inspired by format-preserving printer component in nikic/PHP-Parser.


require_once __DIR__ . '/vendor/autoload.php';

use PHPStan\PhpDocParser\Ast\NodeTraverser;
use PHPStan\PhpDocParser\Ast\NodeVisitor\CloningVisitor;
use PHPStan\PhpDocParser\Ast\PhpDoc\PhpDocNode;
use PHPStan\PhpDocParser\Ast\Type\IdentifierTypeNode;
use PHPStan\PhpDocParser\Lexer\Lexer;
use PHPStan\PhpDocParser\Parser\ConstExprParser;
use PHPStan\PhpDocParser\Parser\PhpDocParser;
use PHPStan\PhpDocParser\Parser\TokenIterator;
use PHPStan\PhpDocParser\Parser\TypeParser;
use PHPStan\PhpDocParser\Printer\Printer;

// basic setup with enabled required lexer attributes

$usedAttributes = ['lines' => true, 'indexes' => true];

$lexer = new Lexer();
$constExprParser = new ConstExprParser(true, true, $usedAttributes);
$typeParser = new TypeParser($constExprParser, true, $usedAttributes);
$phpDocParser = new PhpDocParser($typeParser, $constExprParser, true, true, $usedAttributes);

$tokens = new TokenIterator($lexer->tokenize('/** @param Lorem $a */'));
$phpDocNode = $phpDocParser->parse($tokens); // PhpDocNode

$cloningTraverser = new NodeTraverser([new CloningVisitor()]);

/** @var PhpDocNode $newPhpDocNode */
[$newPhpDocNode] = $cloningTraverser->traverse([$phpDocNode]);

// change something in $newPhpDocNode
$newPhpDocNode->getParamTagValues()[0]->type = new IdentifierTypeNode('Ipsum');

// print changed PHPDoc
$printer = new Printer();
$newPhpDoc = $printer->printFormatPreserving($newPhpDocNode, $phpDocNode, $tokens);
echo $newPhpDoc; // '/** @param Ipsum $a */'

Code of Conduct

This project adheres to a Contributor Code of Conduct. By participating in this project and its community, you are expected to uphold this code.


Initially you need to run composer install, or composer update in case you aren't working in a folder which was built before.

Afterwards you can either run the whole build including linting and coding standards using


or run only tests using

make tests