Tomas Votruba 7ba32aac1f Updated Rector to commit e12c73eb339a847bcd717025abf5bc43f1cd0e4c
e12c73eb33 [psr-4] Move tests to main namespace, as part of /src and /packages merge - step 2 (#5407)
2024-01-01 00:20:45 +00:00

164 lines
5.7 KiB

declare (strict_types=1);
namespace Rector\CodingStyle\Rector\Encapsed;
use RectorPrefix202401\Nette\Utils\Strings;
use PhpParser\Node;
use PhpParser\Node\Arg;
use PhpParser\Node\Expr;
use PhpParser\Node\Expr\BinaryOp\Concat;
use PhpParser\Node\Expr\ConstFetch;
use PhpParser\Node\Expr\FuncCall;
use PhpParser\Node\Expr\Variable;
use PhpParser\Node\Name;
use PhpParser\Node\Scalar\Encapsed;
use PhpParser\Node\Scalar\EncapsedStringPart;
use PhpParser\Node\Scalar\String_;
use PHPStan\Type\Type;
use Rector\Core\Rector\AbstractRector;
use Rector\NodeTypeResolver\Node\AttributeKey;
use Symplify\RuleDocGenerator\ValueObject\CodeSample\CodeSample;
use Symplify\RuleDocGenerator\ValueObject\RuleDefinition;
* @see \Rector\Tests\CodingStyle\Rector\Encapsed\EncapsedStringsToSprintfRector\EncapsedStringsToSprintfRectorTest
final class EncapsedStringsToSprintfRector extends AbstractRector
* @var array<string, array<class-string<Type>>>
private const FORMAT_SPECIFIERS = ['%s' => ['PHPStan\\Type\\StringType'], '%d' => ['PHPStan\\Type\\Constant\\ConstantIntegerType', 'PHPStan\\Type\\IntegerRangeType', 'PHPStan\\Type\\IntegerType']];
* @var string
private $sprintfFormat = '';
* @var Expr[]
private $argumentVariables = [];
public function getRuleDefinition() : RuleDefinition
return new RuleDefinition('Convert enscaped {$string} to more readable sprintf or concat, if no mask is used', [new CodeSample(<<<'CODE_SAMPLE'
echo "Unsupported format {$format} - use another";
echo "Try {$allowed}";
echo sprintf('Unsupported format %s - use another', $format);
echo 'Try ' . $allowed;
* @return array<class-string<Node>>
public function getNodeTypes() : array
return [Encapsed::class];
* @param Encapsed $node
public function refactor(Node $node) : ?Node
if ($this->shouldSkip($node)) {
return null;
$this->sprintfFormat = '';
$this->argumentVariables = [];
foreach ($node->parts as $part) {
if ($part instanceof EncapsedStringPart) {
} else {
return $this->createSprintfFuncCallOrConcat($this->sprintfFormat, $this->argumentVariables);
private function shouldSkip(Encapsed $encapsed) : bool
return $encapsed->hasAttribute(AttributeKey::DOC_LABEL);
private function collectEncapsedStringPart(EncapsedStringPart $encapsedStringPart) : void
$stringValue = $encapsedStringPart->value;
if ($stringValue === "\n") {
$this->argumentVariables[] = new ConstFetch(new Name('PHP_EOL'));
$this->sprintfFormat .= '%s';
$this->sprintfFormat .= Strings::replace($stringValue, '#%#', '%%');
private function collectExpr(Expr $expr) : void
$type = $this->nodeTypeResolver->getType($expr);
$found = \false;
foreach (self::FORMAT_SPECIFIERS as $key => $types) {
if (\in_array(\get_class($type), $types, \true)) {
$this->sprintfFormat .= $key;
$found = \true;
if (!$found) {
$this->sprintfFormat .= '%s';
// remove: ${wrap} → $wrap
if ($expr instanceof Variable) {
$expr->setAttribute(AttributeKey::ORIGINAL_NODE, null);
$this->argumentVariables[] = $expr;
* @param Expr[] $argumentVariables
* @return \PhpParser\Node\Expr\BinaryOp\Concat|\PhpParser\Node\Expr\FuncCall|\PhpParser\Node\Expr|null
private function createSprintfFuncCallOrConcat(string $mask, array $argumentVariables)
$bareMask = \str_repeat('%s', \count($argumentVariables));
if ($mask === $bareMask) {
if (\count($argumentVariables) === 1) {
return $argumentVariables[0];
return $this->nodeFactory->createConcat($argumentVariables);
$singleValueConcat = $this->createSingleValueEdgeConcat($argumentVariables, $mask);
if ($singleValueConcat instanceof Concat) {
return $singleValueConcat;
// checks for windows or linux line ending. \n is contained in both.
if (\strpos($mask, "\n") !== \false) {
return null;
$arguments = [new Arg(new String_($mask))];
foreach ($argumentVariables as $argumentVariable) {
$arguments[] = new Arg($argumentVariable);
return new FuncCall(new Name('sprintf'), $arguments);
* @param Expr[] $argumentVariables
private function createSingleValueEdgeConcat(array $argumentVariables, string $mask) : ?Concat
if (\count($argumentVariables) !== 1) {
return null;
if (\substr_count($mask, '%s') !== 1 && \substr_count($mask, '%d') !== 1) {
return null;
$cleanMask = Strings::replace($mask, '#\\%\\%#', '%');
if (\substr_compare($mask, '%s', -\strlen('%s')) === 0 || \substr_compare($mask, '%d', -\strlen('%d')) === 0) {
$bareString = new String_(\substr($cleanMask, 0, -2));
return new Concat($bareString, $argumentVariables[0]);
if (\strncmp($mask, '%s', \strlen('%s')) === 0 || \strncmp($mask, '%d', \strlen('%d')) === 0) {
$bareString = new String_(\substr($cleanMask, 2));
return new Concat($argumentVariables[0], $bareString);
return null;