Tomas Votruba 8f92523b3a Updated Rector to commit 965b5f72045e3a94adf1eab83accafb52bfbe92a
965b5f7204 [CodeQuality] Exclude first class callable from IntvalToTypeCastRector (#7962) (#4040)
2023-06-01 22:33:20 +00:00

634 lines
31 KiB

declare (strict_types=1);
namespace PHPStan\PhpDocParser\Printer;
use LogicException;
use PHPStan\PhpDocParser\Ast\Attribute;
use PHPStan\PhpDocParser\Ast\ConstExpr\ConstExprArrayNode;
use PHPStan\PhpDocParser\Ast\ConstExpr\ConstExprNode;
use PHPStan\PhpDocParser\Ast\Node;
use PHPStan\PhpDocParser\Ast\PhpDoc\AssertTagMethodValueNode;
use PHPStan\PhpDocParser\Ast\PhpDoc\AssertTagPropertyValueNode;
use PHPStan\PhpDocParser\Ast\PhpDoc\AssertTagValueNode;
use PHPStan\PhpDocParser\Ast\PhpDoc\Doctrine\DoctrineAnnotation;
use PHPStan\PhpDocParser\Ast\PhpDoc\Doctrine\DoctrineArgument;
use PHPStan\PhpDocParser\Ast\PhpDoc\Doctrine\DoctrineArray;
use PHPStan\PhpDocParser\Ast\PhpDoc\Doctrine\DoctrineArrayItem;
use PHPStan\PhpDocParser\Ast\PhpDoc\Doctrine\DoctrineTagValueNode;
use PHPStan\PhpDocParser\Ast\PhpDoc\ExtendsTagValueNode;
use PHPStan\PhpDocParser\Ast\PhpDoc\ImplementsTagValueNode;
use PHPStan\PhpDocParser\Ast\PhpDoc\MethodTagValueNode;
use PHPStan\PhpDocParser\Ast\PhpDoc\MethodTagValueParameterNode;
use PHPStan\PhpDocParser\Ast\PhpDoc\MixinTagValueNode;
use PHPStan\PhpDocParser\Ast\PhpDoc\ParamOutTagValueNode;
use PHPStan\PhpDocParser\Ast\PhpDoc\ParamTagValueNode;
use PHPStan\PhpDocParser\Ast\PhpDoc\PhpDocChildNode;
use PHPStan\PhpDocParser\Ast\PhpDoc\PhpDocNode;
use PHPStan\PhpDocParser\Ast\PhpDoc\PhpDocTagNode;
use PHPStan\PhpDocParser\Ast\PhpDoc\PhpDocTagValueNode;
use PHPStan\PhpDocParser\Ast\PhpDoc\PhpDocTextNode;
use PHPStan\PhpDocParser\Ast\PhpDoc\PropertyTagValueNode;
use PHPStan\PhpDocParser\Ast\PhpDoc\ReturnTagValueNode;
use PHPStan\PhpDocParser\Ast\PhpDoc\SelfOutTagValueNode;
use PHPStan\PhpDocParser\Ast\PhpDoc\TemplateTagValueNode;
use PHPStan\PhpDocParser\Ast\PhpDoc\ThrowsTagValueNode;
use PHPStan\PhpDocParser\Ast\PhpDoc\TypeAliasImportTagValueNode;
use PHPStan\PhpDocParser\Ast\PhpDoc\TypeAliasTagValueNode;
use PHPStan\PhpDocParser\Ast\PhpDoc\UsesTagValueNode;
use PHPStan\PhpDocParser\Ast\PhpDoc\VarTagValueNode;
use PHPStan\PhpDocParser\Ast\Type\ArrayShapeItemNode;
use PHPStan\PhpDocParser\Ast\Type\ArrayShapeNode;
use PHPStan\PhpDocParser\Ast\Type\ArrayTypeNode;
use PHPStan\PhpDocParser\Ast\Type\CallableTypeNode;
use PHPStan\PhpDocParser\Ast\Type\CallableTypeParameterNode;
use PHPStan\PhpDocParser\Ast\Type\ConditionalTypeForParameterNode;
use PHPStan\PhpDocParser\Ast\Type\ConditionalTypeNode;
use PHPStan\PhpDocParser\Ast\Type\ConstTypeNode;
use PHPStan\PhpDocParser\Ast\Type\GenericTypeNode;
use PHPStan\PhpDocParser\Ast\Type\IdentifierTypeNode;
use PHPStan\PhpDocParser\Ast\Type\IntersectionTypeNode;
use PHPStan\PhpDocParser\Ast\Type\InvalidTypeNode;
use PHPStan\PhpDocParser\Ast\Type\NullableTypeNode;
use PHPStan\PhpDocParser\Ast\Type\ObjectShapeItemNode;
use PHPStan\PhpDocParser\Ast\Type\ObjectShapeNode;
use PHPStan\PhpDocParser\Ast\Type\OffsetAccessTypeNode;
use PHPStan\PhpDocParser\Ast\Type\ThisTypeNode;
use PHPStan\PhpDocParser\Ast\Type\TypeNode;
use PHPStan\PhpDocParser\Ast\Type\UnionTypeNode;
use PHPStan\PhpDocParser\Lexer\Lexer;
use PHPStan\PhpDocParser\Parser\TokenIterator;
use function array_keys;
use function array_map;
use function count;
use function get_class;
use function get_object_vars;
use function implode;
use function in_array;
use function is_array;
use function preg_match_all;
use function sprintf;
use function strlen;
use function strpos;
use function trim;
use const PREG_SET_ORDER;
* Inspired by
* Copyright (c) 2011, Nikita Popov
* All rights reserved.
final class Printer
/** @var Differ<Node> */
private $differ;
* Map From "{$class}->{$subNode}" to string that should be inserted
* between elements of this list subnode
* @var array<string, string>
private $listInsertionMap = [PhpDocNode::class . '->children' => "\n * ", UnionTypeNode::class . '->types' => '|', IntersectionTypeNode::class . '->types' => '&', ArrayShapeNode::class . '->items' => ', ', ObjectShapeNode::class . '->items' => ', ', CallableTypeNode::class . '->parameters' => ', ', GenericTypeNode::class . '->genericTypes' => ', ', ConstExprArrayNode::class . '->items' => ', ', MethodTagValueNode::class . '->parameters' => ', ', DoctrineArray::class . '->items' => ', ', DoctrineAnnotation::class . '->arguments' => ', '];
* [$find, $extraLeft, $extraRight]
* @var array<string, array{string|null, string, string}>
private $emptyListInsertionMap = [CallableTypeNode::class . '->parameters' => ['(', '', ''], ArrayShapeNode::class . '->items' => ['{', '', ''], ObjectShapeNode::class . '->items' => ['{', '', ''], DoctrineArray::class . '->items' => ['{', '', ''], DoctrineAnnotation::class . '->arguments' => ['(', '', '']];
/** @var array<string, list<class-string<TypeNode>>> */
private $parenthesesMap = [CallableTypeNode::class . '->returnType' => [CallableTypeNode::class, UnionTypeNode::class, IntersectionTypeNode::class], ArrayTypeNode::class . '->type' => [CallableTypeNode::class, UnionTypeNode::class, IntersectionTypeNode::class, ConstTypeNode::class, NullableTypeNode::class], OffsetAccessTypeNode::class . '->type' => [CallableTypeNode::class, UnionTypeNode::class, IntersectionTypeNode::class, ConstTypeNode::class, NullableTypeNode::class]];
/** @var array<string, list<class-string<TypeNode>>> */
private $parenthesesListMap = [IntersectionTypeNode::class . '->types' => [IntersectionTypeNode::class, UnionTypeNode::class, NullableTypeNode::class], UnionTypeNode::class . '->types' => [IntersectionTypeNode::class, UnionTypeNode::class, NullableTypeNode::class]];
public function printFormatPreserving(PhpDocNode $node, PhpDocNode $originalNode, TokenIterator $originalTokens) : string
$this->differ = new \PHPStan\PhpDocParser\Printer\Differ(static function ($a, $b) {
if ($a instanceof Node && $b instanceof Node) {
return $a === $b->getAttribute(Attribute::ORIGINAL_NODE);
return \false;
$tokenIndex = 0;
$result = $this->printArrayFormatPreserving($node->children, $originalNode->children, $originalTokens, $tokenIndex, PhpDocNode::class, 'children');
if ($result !== null) {
return $result . $originalTokens->getContentBetween($tokenIndex, $originalTokens->getTokenCount());
return $this->print($node);
public function print(Node $node) : string
if ($node instanceof PhpDocNode) {
return "/**\n *" . implode("\n *", array_map(function (PhpDocChildNode $child) : string {
$s = $this->print($child);
return $s === '' ? '' : ' ' . $s;
}, $node->children)) . "\n */";
if ($node instanceof PhpDocTextNode) {
return $node->text;
if ($node instanceof PhpDocTagNode) {
if ($node->value instanceof DoctrineTagValueNode) {
return $this->print($node->value);
return trim(sprintf('%s %s', $node->name, $this->print($node->value)));
if ($node instanceof PhpDocTagValueNode) {
return $this->printTagValue($node);
if ($node instanceof TypeNode) {
return $this->printType($node);
if ($node instanceof ConstExprNode) {
return $this->printConstExpr($node);
if ($node instanceof MethodTagValueParameterNode) {
$type = $node->type !== null ? $this->print($node->type) . ' ' : '';
$isReference = $node->isReference ? '&' : '';
$isVariadic = $node->isVariadic ? '...' : '';
$default = $node->defaultValue !== null ? ' = ' . $this->print($node->defaultValue) : '';
return "{$type}{$isReference}{$isVariadic}{$node->parameterName}{$default}";
if ($node instanceof CallableTypeParameterNode) {
$type = $this->print($node->type) . ' ';
$isReference = $node->isReference ? '&' : '';
$isVariadic = $node->isVariadic ? '...' : '';
$isOptional = $node->isOptional ? '=' : '';
return trim("{$type}{$isReference}{$isVariadic}{$node->parameterName}") . $isOptional;
if ($node instanceof DoctrineAnnotation) {
return (string) $node;
if ($node instanceof DoctrineArgument) {
return (string) $node;
if ($node instanceof DoctrineArray) {
return (string) $node;
if ($node instanceof DoctrineArrayItem) {
return (string) $node;
throw new LogicException(sprintf('Unknown node type %s', get_class($node)));
private function printTagValue(PhpDocTagValueNode $node) : string
// only nodes that contain another node are handled here
// the rest falls back on (string) $node
if ($node instanceof AssertTagMethodValueNode) {
$isNegated = $node->isNegated ? '!' : '';
$isEquality = $node->isEquality ? '=' : '';
$type = $this->printType($node->type);
return trim("{$isNegated}{$isEquality}{$type} {$node->parameter}->{$node->method}() {$node->description}");
if ($node instanceof AssertTagPropertyValueNode) {
$isNegated = $node->isNegated ? '!' : '';
$isEquality = $node->isEquality ? '=' : '';
$type = $this->printType($node->type);
return trim("{$isNegated}{$isEquality}{$type} {$node->parameter}->{$node->property} {$node->description}");
if ($node instanceof AssertTagValueNode) {
$isNegated = $node->isNegated ? '!' : '';
$isEquality = $node->isEquality ? '=' : '';
$type = $this->printType($node->type);
return trim("{$isNegated}{$isEquality}{$type} {$node->parameter} {$node->description}");
if ($node instanceof ExtendsTagValueNode || $node instanceof ImplementsTagValueNode) {
$type = $this->printType($node->type);
return trim("{$type} {$node->description}");
if ($node instanceof MethodTagValueNode) {
$static = $node->isStatic ? 'static ' : '';
$returnType = $node->returnType !== null ? $this->printType($node->returnType) . ' ' : '';
$parameters = implode(', ', array_map(function (MethodTagValueParameterNode $parameter) : string {
return $this->print($parameter);
}, $node->parameters));
$description = $node->description !== '' ? " {$node->description}" : '';
$templateTypes = count($node->templateTypes) > 0 ? '<' . implode(', ', array_map(function (TemplateTagValueNode $templateTag) : string {
return $this->print($templateTag);
}, $node->templateTypes)) . '>' : '';
return "{$static}{$returnType}{$node->methodName}{$templateTypes}({$parameters}){$description}";
if ($node instanceof MixinTagValueNode) {
$type = $this->printType($node->type);
return trim("{$type} {$node->description}");
if ($node instanceof ParamOutTagValueNode) {
$type = $this->printType($node->type);
return trim("{$type} {$node->parameterName} {$node->description}");
if ($node instanceof ParamTagValueNode) {
$reference = $node->isReference ? '&' : '';
$variadic = $node->isVariadic ? '...' : '';
$type = $this->printType($node->type);
return trim("{$type} {$reference}{$variadic}{$node->parameterName} {$node->description}");
if ($node instanceof PropertyTagValueNode) {
$type = $this->printType($node->type);
return trim("{$type} {$node->propertyName} {$node->description}");
if ($node instanceof ReturnTagValueNode) {
$type = $this->printType($node->type);
return trim("{$type} {$node->description}");
if ($node instanceof SelfOutTagValueNode) {
$type = $this->printType($node->type);
return trim($type . ' ' . $node->description);
if ($node instanceof TemplateTagValueNode) {
$bound = $node->bound !== null ? ' of ' . $this->printType($node->bound) : '';
$default = $node->default !== null ? ' = ' . $this->printType($node->default) : '';
return trim("{$node->name}{$bound}{$default} {$node->description}");
if ($node instanceof ThrowsTagValueNode) {
$type = $this->printType($node->type);
return trim("{$type} {$node->description}");
if ($node instanceof TypeAliasImportTagValueNode) {
return trim("{$node->importedAlias} from " . $this->printType($node->importedFrom) . ($node->importedAs !== null ? " as {$node->importedAs}" : ''));
if ($node instanceof TypeAliasTagValueNode) {
$type = $this->printType($node->type);
return trim("{$node->alias} {$type}");
if ($node instanceof UsesTagValueNode) {
$type = $this->printType($node->type);
return trim("{$type} {$node->description}");
if ($node instanceof VarTagValueNode) {
$type = $this->printType($node->type);
return trim("{$type} " . trim("{$node->variableName} {$node->description}"));
return (string) $node;
private function printType(TypeNode $node) : string
if ($node instanceof ArrayShapeNode) {
$items = array_map(function (ArrayShapeItemNode $item) : string {
return $this->printType($item);
}, $node->items);
if (!$node->sealed) {
$items[] = '...';
return $node->kind . '{' . implode(', ', $items) . '}';
if ($node instanceof ArrayShapeItemNode) {
if ($node->keyName !== null) {
return sprintf('%s%s: %s', $this->print($node->keyName), $node->optional ? '?' : '', $this->printType($node->valueType));
return $this->printType($node->valueType);
if ($node instanceof ArrayTypeNode) {
return $this->printOffsetAccessType($node->type) . '[]';
if ($node instanceof CallableTypeNode) {
if ($node->returnType instanceof CallableTypeNode || $node->returnType instanceof UnionTypeNode || $node->returnType instanceof IntersectionTypeNode) {
$returnType = $this->wrapInParentheses($node->returnType);
} else {
$returnType = $this->printType($node->returnType);
$parameters = implode(', ', array_map(function (CallableTypeParameterNode $parameterNode) : string {
return $this->print($parameterNode);
}, $node->parameters));
return "{$node->identifier}({$parameters}): {$returnType}";
if ($node instanceof ConditionalTypeForParameterNode) {
return sprintf('(%s %s %s ? %s : %s)', $node->parameterName, $node->negated ? 'is not' : 'is', $this->printType($node->targetType), $this->printType($node->if), $this->printType($node->else));
if ($node instanceof ConditionalTypeNode) {
return sprintf('(%s %s %s ? %s : %s)', $this->printType($node->subjectType), $node->negated ? 'is not' : 'is', $this->printType($node->targetType), $this->printType($node->if), $this->printType($node->else));
if ($node instanceof ConstTypeNode) {
return $this->printConstExpr($node->constExpr);
if ($node instanceof GenericTypeNode) {
$genericTypes = [];
foreach ($node->genericTypes as $index => $type) {
$variance = $node->variances[$index] ?? GenericTypeNode::VARIANCE_INVARIANT;
if ($variance === GenericTypeNode::VARIANCE_INVARIANT) {
$genericTypes[] = $this->printType($type);
} elseif ($variance === GenericTypeNode::VARIANCE_BIVARIANT) {
$genericTypes[] = '*';
} else {
$genericTypes[] = sprintf('%s %s', $variance, $this->print($type));
return $node->type . '<' . implode(', ', $genericTypes) . '>';
if ($node instanceof IdentifierTypeNode) {
return $node->name;
if ($node instanceof IntersectionTypeNode || $node instanceof UnionTypeNode) {
$items = [];
foreach ($node->types as $type) {
if ($type instanceof IntersectionTypeNode || $type instanceof UnionTypeNode || $type instanceof NullableTypeNode) {
$items[] = $this->wrapInParentheses($type);
$items[] = $this->printType($type);
return implode($node instanceof IntersectionTypeNode ? '&' : '|', $items);
if ($node instanceof InvalidTypeNode) {
return (string) $node;
if ($node instanceof NullableTypeNode) {
if ($node->type instanceof IntersectionTypeNode || $node->type instanceof UnionTypeNode) {
return '?(' . $this->printType($node->type) . ')';
return '?' . $this->printType($node->type);
if ($node instanceof ObjectShapeNode) {
$items = array_map(function (ObjectShapeItemNode $item) : string {
return $this->printType($item);
}, $node->items);
return 'object{' . implode(', ', $items) . '}';
if ($node instanceof ObjectShapeItemNode) {
if ($node->keyName !== null) {
return sprintf('%s%s: %s', $this->print($node->keyName), $node->optional ? '?' : '', $this->printType($node->valueType));
return $this->printType($node->valueType);
if ($node instanceof OffsetAccessTypeNode) {
return $this->printOffsetAccessType($node->type) . '[' . $this->printType($node->offset) . ']';
if ($node instanceof ThisTypeNode) {
return (string) $node;
throw new LogicException(sprintf('Unknown node type %s', get_class($node)));
private function wrapInParentheses(TypeNode $node) : string
return '(' . $this->printType($node) . ')';
private function printOffsetAccessType(TypeNode $type) : string
if ($type instanceof CallableTypeNode || $type instanceof UnionTypeNode || $type instanceof IntersectionTypeNode || $type instanceof ConstTypeNode || $type instanceof NullableTypeNode) {
return $this->wrapInParentheses($type);
return $this->printType($type);
private function printConstExpr(ConstExprNode $node) : string
// this is fine - ConstExprNode classes do not contain nodes that need smart printer logic
return (string) $node;
* @param Node[] $nodes
* @param Node[] $originalNodes
private function printArrayFormatPreserving(array $nodes, array $originalNodes, TokenIterator $originalTokens, int &$tokenIndex, string $parentNodeClass, string $subNodeName) : ?string
$diff = $this->differ->diffWithReplacements($originalNodes, $nodes);
$mapKey = $parentNodeClass . '->' . $subNodeName;
$insertStr = $this->listInsertionMap[$mapKey] ?? null;
$result = '';
$beforeFirstKeepOrReplace = \true;
$delayedAdd = [];
$insertNewline = \false;
[$isMultiline, $beforeAsteriskIndent, $afterAsteriskIndent] = $this->isMultiline($tokenIndex, $originalNodes, $originalTokens);
if ($insertStr === "\n * ") {
$insertStr = sprintf("\n%s*%s", $beforeAsteriskIndent, $afterAsteriskIndent);
foreach ($diff as $i => $diffElem) {
$diffType = $diffElem->type;
$newNode = $diffElem->new;
$originalNode = $diffElem->old;
if ($diffType === \PHPStan\PhpDocParser\Printer\DiffElem::TYPE_KEEP || $diffType === \PHPStan\PhpDocParser\Printer\DiffElem::TYPE_REPLACE) {
$beforeFirstKeepOrReplace = \false;
if (!$newNode instanceof Node || !$originalNode instanceof Node) {
return null;
$itemStartPos = $originalNode->getAttribute(Attribute::START_INDEX);
$itemEndPos = $originalNode->getAttribute(Attribute::END_INDEX);
if ($itemStartPos < 0 || $itemEndPos < 0 || $itemStartPos < $tokenIndex) {
throw new LogicException();
$result .= $originalTokens->getContentBetween($tokenIndex, $itemStartPos);
if (count($delayedAdd) > 0) {
foreach ($delayedAdd as $delayedAddNode) {
$parenthesesNeeded = isset($this->parenthesesListMap[$mapKey]) && in_array(get_class($delayedAddNode), $this->parenthesesListMap[$mapKey], \true);
if ($parenthesesNeeded) {
$result .= '(';
$result .= $this->printNodeFormatPreserving($delayedAddNode, $originalTokens);
if ($parenthesesNeeded) {
$result .= ')';
if ($insertNewline) {
$result .= $insertStr . sprintf("\n%s*%s", $beforeAsteriskIndent, $afterAsteriskIndent);
} else {
$result .= $insertStr;
$delayedAdd = [];
$parenthesesNeeded = isset($this->parenthesesListMap[$mapKey]) && in_array(get_class($newNode), $this->parenthesesListMap[$mapKey], \true) && !in_array(get_class($originalNode), $this->parenthesesListMap[$mapKey], \true);
$addParentheses = $parenthesesNeeded && !$originalTokens->hasParentheses($itemStartPos, $itemEndPos);
if ($addParentheses) {
$result .= '(';
$result .= $this->printNodeFormatPreserving($newNode, $originalTokens);
if ($addParentheses) {
$result .= ')';
$tokenIndex = $itemEndPos + 1;
} elseif ($diffType === \PHPStan\PhpDocParser\Printer\DiffElem::TYPE_ADD) {
if ($insertStr === null) {
return null;
if (!$newNode instanceof Node) {
return null;
if ($insertStr === ', ' && $isMultiline) {
$insertStr = ',';
$insertNewline = \true;
if ($beforeFirstKeepOrReplace) {
// Will be inserted at the next "replace" or "keep" element
$delayedAdd[] = $newNode;
$itemEndPos = $tokenIndex - 1;
if ($insertNewline) {
$result .= $insertStr . sprintf("\n%s*%s", $beforeAsteriskIndent, $afterAsteriskIndent);
} else {
$result .= $insertStr;
$parenthesesNeeded = isset($this->parenthesesListMap[$mapKey]) && in_array(get_class($newNode), $this->parenthesesListMap[$mapKey], \true);
if ($parenthesesNeeded) {
$result .= '(';
$result .= $this->printNodeFormatPreserving($newNode, $originalTokens);
if ($parenthesesNeeded) {
$result .= ')';
$tokenIndex = $itemEndPos + 1;
} elseif ($diffType === \PHPStan\PhpDocParser\Printer\DiffElem::TYPE_REMOVE) {
if (!$originalNode instanceof Node) {
return null;
$itemStartPos = $originalNode->getAttribute(Attribute::START_INDEX);
$itemEndPos = $originalNode->getAttribute(Attribute::END_INDEX);
if ($itemStartPos < 0 || $itemEndPos < 0) {
throw new LogicException();
if ($i === 0) {
// If we're removing from the start, keep the tokens before the node and drop those after it,
// instead of the other way around.
$originalTokensArray = $originalTokens->getTokens();
for ($j = $tokenIndex; $j < $itemStartPos; $j++) {
if ($originalTokensArray[$j][Lexer::TYPE_OFFSET] === Lexer::TOKEN_PHPDOC_EOL) {
$result .= $originalTokensArray[$j][Lexer::VALUE_OFFSET];
$tokenIndex = $itemEndPos + 1;
if (count($delayedAdd) > 0) {
if (!isset($this->emptyListInsertionMap[$mapKey])) {
return null;
[$findToken, $extraLeft, $extraRight] = $this->emptyListInsertionMap[$mapKey];
if ($findToken !== null) {
$originalTokensArray = $originalTokens->getTokens();
for (; $tokenIndex < count($originalTokensArray); $tokenIndex++) {
$result .= $originalTokensArray[$tokenIndex][Lexer::VALUE_OFFSET];
if ($originalTokensArray[$tokenIndex][Lexer::VALUE_OFFSET] !== $findToken) {
$first = \true;
$result .= $extraLeft;
foreach ($delayedAdd as $delayedAddNode) {
if (!$first) {
$result .= $insertStr;
if ($insertNewline) {
$result .= sprintf("\n%s*%s", $beforeAsteriskIndent, $afterAsteriskIndent);
$result .= $this->printNodeFormatPreserving($delayedAddNode, $originalTokens);
$first = \false;
$result .= $extraRight;
return $result;
* @param Node[] $nodes
* @return array{bool, string, string}
private function isMultiline(int $initialIndex, array $nodes, TokenIterator $originalTokens) : array
$isMultiline = count($nodes) > 1;
$pos = $initialIndex;
$allText = '';
/** @var Node|null $node */
foreach ($nodes as $node) {
if (!$node instanceof Node) {
$endPos = $node->getAttribute(Attribute::END_INDEX) + 1;
$text = $originalTokens->getContentBetween($pos, $endPos);
$allText .= $text;
if (strpos($text, "\n") === \false) {
// We require that a newline is present between *every* item. If the formatting
// is inconsistent, with only some items having newlines, we don't consider it
// as multiline
$isMultiline = \false;
$pos = $endPos;
$c = preg_match_all('~\\n(?<before>[\\x09\\x20]*)\\*(?<after>\\x20*)~', $allText, $matches, PREG_SET_ORDER);
if ($c === 0) {
return [$isMultiline, '', ''];
$before = '';
$after = '';
foreach ($matches as $match) {
if (strlen($match['before']) > strlen($before)) {
$before = $match['before'];
if (strlen($match['after']) <= strlen($after)) {
$after = $match['after'];
return [$isMultiline, $before, $after];
private function printNodeFormatPreserving(Node $node, TokenIterator $originalTokens) : string
/** @var Node|null $originalNode */
$originalNode = $node->getAttribute(Attribute::ORIGINAL_NODE);
if ($originalNode === null) {
return $this->print($node);
$class = get_class($node);
if ($class !== get_class($originalNode)) {
throw new LogicException();
$startPos = $originalNode->getAttribute(Attribute::START_INDEX);
$endPos = $originalNode->getAttribute(Attribute::END_INDEX);
if ($startPos < 0 || $endPos < 0) {
throw new LogicException();
$result = '';
$pos = $startPos;
$subNodeNames = array_keys(get_object_vars($node));
foreach ($subNodeNames as $subNodeName) {
$subNode = $node->{$subNodeName};
$origSubNode = $originalNode->{$subNodeName};
if (!$subNode instanceof Node && $subNode !== null || !$origSubNode instanceof Node && $origSubNode !== null) {
if ($subNode === $origSubNode) {
// Unchanged, can reuse old code
if (is_array($subNode) && is_array($origSubNode)) {
// Array subnode changed, we might be able to reconstruct it
$listResult = $this->printArrayFormatPreserving($subNode, $origSubNode, $originalTokens, $pos, $class, $subNodeName);
if ($listResult === null) {
return $this->print($node);
$result .= $listResult;
return $this->print($node);
if ($origSubNode === null) {
if ($subNode === null) {
// Both null, nothing to do
return $this->print($node);
$subStartPos = $origSubNode->getAttribute(Attribute::START_INDEX);
$subEndPos = $origSubNode->getAttribute(Attribute::END_INDEX);
if ($subStartPos < 0 || $subEndPos < 0) {
throw new LogicException();
if ($subNode === null) {
return $this->print($node);
$result .= $originalTokens->getContentBetween($pos, $subStartPos);
$mapKey = get_class($node) . '->' . $subNodeName;
$parenthesesNeeded = isset($this->parenthesesMap[$mapKey]) && in_array(get_class($subNode), $this->parenthesesMap[$mapKey], \true);
if ($subNode->getAttribute(Attribute::ORIGINAL_NODE) !== null) {
$parenthesesNeeded = $parenthesesNeeded && !in_array(get_class($subNode->getAttribute(Attribute::ORIGINAL_NODE)), $this->parenthesesMap[$mapKey], \true);
$addParentheses = $parenthesesNeeded && !$originalTokens->hasParentheses($subStartPos, $subEndPos);
if ($addParentheses) {
$result .= '(';
$result .= $this->printNodeFormatPreserving($subNode, $originalTokens);
if ($addParentheses) {
$result .= ')';
$pos = $subEndPos + 1;
return $result . $originalTokens->getContentBetween($pos, $endPos + 1);