Tomas Votruba 9ccb6367c0 Updated Rector to commit 9b03d8367cd3c69b36b8b1aedf458b191f46655a
9b03d8367c [TypeDeclaration] Add ReturnUnionTypeRector (#4655)
2023-08-05 10:29:33 +00:00

107 lines
3.8 KiB

* This file is part of the Symfony package.
* (c) Fabien Potencier <>
* For the full copyright and license information, please view the LICENSE
* file that was distributed with this source code.
namespace RectorPrefix202308\Symfony\Component\Config\Definition\Loader;
use RectorPrefix202308\Symfony\Component\Config\Definition\Builder\TreeBuilder;
use RectorPrefix202308\Symfony\Component\Config\Definition\Configurator\DefinitionConfigurator;
use RectorPrefix202308\Symfony\Component\Config\FileLocatorInterface;
use RectorPrefix202308\Symfony\Component\Config\Loader\FileLoader;
use RectorPrefix202308\Symfony\Component\DependencyInjection\ContainerBuilder;
* DefinitionFileLoader loads config definitions from a PHP file.
* The PHP file is required.
* @author Yonel Ceruto <>
class DefinitionFileLoader extends FileLoader
* @var \Symfony\Component\Config\Definition\Builder\TreeBuilder
private $treeBuilder;
* @var \Symfony\Component\DependencyInjection\ContainerBuilder|null
private $container;
public function __construct(TreeBuilder $treeBuilder, FileLocatorInterface $locator, ?ContainerBuilder $container = null)
$this->treeBuilder = $treeBuilder;
$this->container = $container;
* @param mixed $resource
* @return mixed
public function load($resource, string $type = null)
// the loader variable is exposed to the included file below
$loader = $this;
$path = $this->locator->locate($resource);
($nullsafeVariable4 = $this->container) ? $nullsafeVariable4->fileExists($path) : null;
// the closure forbids access to the private scope in the included file
$load = \Closure::bind(static function ($file) use($loader) {
return include $file;
}, null, ProtectedDefinitionFileLoader::class);
$callback = $load($path);
if (\is_object($callback) && \is_callable($callback)) {
$this->executeCallback($callback, new DefinitionConfigurator($this->treeBuilder, $this, $path, $resource), $path);
return null;
* @param mixed $resource
public function supports($resource, string $type = null) : bool
if (!\is_string($resource)) {
return \false;
if (null === $type && 'php' === \pathinfo($resource, \PATHINFO_EXTENSION)) {
return \true;
return 'php' === $type;
private function executeCallback(callable $callback, DefinitionConfigurator $configurator, string $path) : void
$callback = \Closure::fromCallable($callback);
$arguments = [];
$r = new \ReflectionFunction($callback);
foreach ($r->getParameters() as $parameter) {
$reflectionType = $parameter->getType();
if (!$reflectionType instanceof \ReflectionNamedType) {
throw new \InvalidArgumentException(\sprintf('Could not resolve argument "$%s" for "%s". You must typehint it (for example with "%s").', $parameter->getName(), $path, DefinitionConfigurator::class));
switch ($reflectionType->getName()) {
case DefinitionConfigurator::class:
$arguments[] = $configurator;
case TreeBuilder::class:
$arguments[] = $this->treeBuilder;
case FileLoader::class:
case self::class:
$arguments[] = $this;
* @internal
final class ProtectedDefinitionFileLoader extends DefinitionFileLoader