Tomas Votruba 9ccb6367c0 Updated Rector to commit 9b03d8367cd3c69b36b8b1aedf458b191f46655a
9b03d8367c [TypeDeclaration] Add ReturnUnionTypeRector (#4655)
2023-08-05 10:29:33 +00:00

1996 lines
92 KiB

* This file is part of the Symfony package.
* (c) Fabien Potencier <>
* For the full copyright and license information, please view the LICENSE
* file that was distributed with this source code.
namespace RectorPrefix202308\Symfony\Component\DependencyInjection\Dumper;
use RectorPrefix202308\Composer\Autoload\ClassLoader;
use RectorPrefix202308\Symfony\Component\Debug\DebugClassLoader as LegacyDebugClassLoader;
use RectorPrefix202308\Symfony\Component\DependencyInjection\Argument\AbstractArgument;
use RectorPrefix202308\Symfony\Component\DependencyInjection\Argument\ArgumentInterface;
use RectorPrefix202308\Symfony\Component\DependencyInjection\Argument\IteratorArgument;
use RectorPrefix202308\Symfony\Component\DependencyInjection\Argument\ServiceClosureArgument;
use RectorPrefix202308\Symfony\Component\DependencyInjection\Argument\ServiceLocator;
use RectorPrefix202308\Symfony\Component\DependencyInjection\Argument\ServiceLocatorArgument;
use RectorPrefix202308\Symfony\Component\DependencyInjection\Compiler\AnalyzeServiceReferencesPass;
use RectorPrefix202308\Symfony\Component\DependencyInjection\Compiler\CheckCircularReferencesPass;
use RectorPrefix202308\Symfony\Component\DependencyInjection\Compiler\ServiceReferenceGraphNode;
use RectorPrefix202308\Symfony\Component\DependencyInjection\Container;
use RectorPrefix202308\Symfony\Component\DependencyInjection\ContainerBuilder;
use RectorPrefix202308\Symfony\Component\DependencyInjection\ContainerInterface;
use RectorPrefix202308\Symfony\Component\DependencyInjection\Definition;
use RectorPrefix202308\Symfony\Component\DependencyInjection\Exception\EnvParameterException;
use RectorPrefix202308\Symfony\Component\DependencyInjection\Exception\InvalidArgumentException;
use RectorPrefix202308\Symfony\Component\DependencyInjection\Exception\LogicException;
use RectorPrefix202308\Symfony\Component\DependencyInjection\Exception\RuntimeException;
use RectorPrefix202308\Symfony\Component\DependencyInjection\Exception\ServiceCircularReferenceException;
use RectorPrefix202308\Symfony\Component\DependencyInjection\ExpressionLanguage;
use RectorPrefix202308\Symfony\Component\DependencyInjection\LazyProxy\PhpDumper\DumperInterface;
use RectorPrefix202308\Symfony\Component\DependencyInjection\LazyProxy\PhpDumper\NullDumper;
use RectorPrefix202308\Symfony\Component\DependencyInjection\Loader\FileLoader;
use RectorPrefix202308\Symfony\Component\DependencyInjection\Parameter;
use RectorPrefix202308\Symfony\Component\DependencyInjection\Reference;
use RectorPrefix202308\Symfony\Component\DependencyInjection\ServiceLocator as BaseServiceLocator;
use RectorPrefix202308\Symfony\Component\DependencyInjection\TypedReference;
use RectorPrefix202308\Symfony\Component\DependencyInjection\Variable;
use RectorPrefix202308\Symfony\Component\ErrorHandler\DebugClassLoader;
use RectorPrefix202308\Symfony\Component\ExpressionLanguage\Expression;
use RectorPrefix202308\Symfony\Component\HttpKernel\Kernel;
* PhpDumper dumps a service container as a PHP class.
* @author Fabien Potencier <>
* @author Johannes M. Schmitt <>
class PhpDumper extends Dumper
* Characters that might appear in the generated variable name as first character.
public const FIRST_CHARS = 'abcdefghijklmnopqrstuvwxyz';
* Characters that might appear in the generated variable name as any but the first character.
public const NON_FIRST_CHARS = 'abcdefghijklmnopqrstuvwxyz0123456789_';
/** @var \SplObjectStorage<Definition, Variable>|null */
private $definitionVariables;
* @var mixed[]|null
private $referenceVariables;
* @var int
private $variableCount;
* @var \SplObjectStorage|null
private $inlinedDefinitions;
* @var mixed[]|null
private $serviceCalls;
* @var mixed[]
private $reservedVariables = ['instance', 'class', 'this', 'container'];
* @var \Symfony\Component\DependencyInjection\ExpressionLanguage
private $expressionLanguage;
* @var string|null
private $targetDirRegex;
* @var int
private $targetDirMaxMatches;
* @var string
private $docStar;
* @var mixed[]
private $serviceIdToMethodNameMap;
* @var mixed[]
private $usedMethodNames;
* @var string
private $namespace;
* @var bool
private $asFiles;
* @var string
private $hotPathTag;
* @var mixed[]
private $preloadTags;
* @var bool
private $inlineFactories;
* @var bool
private $inlineRequires;
* @var mixed[]
private $inlinedRequires = [];
* @var mixed[]
private $circularReferences = [];
* @var mixed[]
private $singleUsePrivateIds = [];
* @var mixed[]
private $preload = [];
* @var bool
private $addGetService = \false;
* @var mixed[]
private $locatedIds = [];
* @var string
private $serviceLocatorTag;
* @var mixed[]
private $exportedVariables = [];
* @var string
private $baseClass;
* @var \Symfony\Component\DependencyInjection\LazyProxy\PhpDumper\DumperInterface
private $proxyDumper;
* @var bool
private $hasProxyDumper = \false;
* {@inheritdoc}
public function __construct(ContainerBuilder $container)
if (!$container->isCompiled()) {
throw new LogicException('Cannot dump an uncompiled container.');
* Sets the dumper to be used when dumping proxies in the generated container.
public function setProxyDumper(DumperInterface $proxyDumper)
$this->proxyDumper = $proxyDumper;
$this->hasProxyDumper = !$proxyDumper instanceof NullDumper;
* Dumps the service container as a PHP class.
* Available options:
* * class: The class name
* * base_class: The base class name
* * namespace: The class namespace
* * as_files: To split the container in several files
* @return string|array A PHP class representing the service container or an array of PHP files if the "as_files" option is set
* @throws EnvParameterException When an env var exists but has not been dumped
public function dump(array $options = [])
$this->locatedIds = [];
$this->targetDirRegex = null;
$this->inlinedRequires = [];
$this->exportedVariables = [];
$options = \array_merge(['class' => 'ProjectServiceContainer', 'base_class' => 'Container', 'namespace' => '', 'as_files' => \false, 'debug' => \true, 'hot_path_tag' => 'container.hot_path', 'preload_tags' => ['container.preload', 'container.no_preload'], 'inline_factories_parameter' => 'container.dumper.inline_factories', 'inline_class_loader_parameter' => 'container.dumper.inline_class_loader', 'preload_classes' => [], 'service_locator_tag' => 'container.service_locator', 'build_time' => \time()], $options);
$this->addGetService = \false;
$this->namespace = $options['namespace'];
$this->asFiles = $options['as_files'];
$this->hotPathTag = $options['hot_path_tag'];
$this->preloadTags = $options['preload_tags'];
$this->inlineFactories = $this->asFiles && $options['inline_factories_parameter'] && $this->container->hasParameter($options['inline_factories_parameter']) && $this->container->getParameter($options['inline_factories_parameter']);
$this->inlineRequires = $options['inline_class_loader_parameter'] && ($this->container->hasParameter($options['inline_class_loader_parameter']) ? $this->container->getParameter($options['inline_class_loader_parameter']) : $options['debug']);
$this->serviceLocatorTag = $options['service_locator_tag'];
if (\strncmp($baseClass = $options['base_class'], '\\', \strlen('\\')) !== 0 && 'Container' !== $baseClass) {
$baseClass = \sprintf('%s\\%s', $options['namespace'] ? '\\' . $options['namespace'] : '', $baseClass);
$this->baseClass = $baseClass;
} elseif ('Container' === $baseClass) {
$this->baseClass = Container::class;
} else {
$this->baseClass = $baseClass;
$this->initializeMethodNamesMap('Container' === $baseClass ? Container::class : $baseClass);
if (!$this->hasProxyDumper) {
(new AnalyzeServiceReferencesPass(\true, \false))->process($this->container);
try {
(new CheckCircularReferencesPass())->process($this->container);
} catch (ServiceCircularReferenceException $e) {
$path = $e->getPath();
$path[\key($path)] .= '". Try running "composer require symfony/proxy-manager-bridge';
throw new ServiceCircularReferenceException($e->getServiceId(), $path);
$this->docStar = $options['debug'] ? '*' : '';
if (!empty($options['file']) && \is_dir($dir = \dirname($options['file']))) {
// Build a regexp where the first root dirs are mandatory,
// but every other sub-dir is optional up to the full path in $dir
// Mandate at least 1 root dir and not more than 5 optional dirs.
$dir = \explode(\DIRECTORY_SEPARATOR, \realpath($dir));
$i = \count($dir);
if (2 + (int) ('\\' === \DIRECTORY_SEPARATOR) <= $i) {
$regex = '';
$lastOptionalDir = $i > 8 ? $i - 5 : 2 + (int) ('\\' === \DIRECTORY_SEPARATOR);
$this->targetDirMaxMatches = $i - $lastOptionalDir;
while (--$i >= $lastOptionalDir) {
$regex = \sprintf('(%s%s)?', \preg_quote(\DIRECTORY_SEPARATOR . $dir[$i], '#'), $regex);
do {
$regex = \preg_quote(\DIRECTORY_SEPARATOR . $dir[$i], '#') . $regex;
} while (0 < --$i);
$this->targetDirRegex = '#(^|file://|[:;, \\|\\r\\n])' . \preg_quote($dir[0], '#') . $regex . '#';
$proxyClasses = $this->inlineFactories ? $this->generateProxyClasses() : null;
if ($options['preload_classes']) {
$this->preload = \array_combine($options['preload_classes'], $options['preload_classes']);
$code = $this->startClass($options['class'], $baseClass, $this->inlineFactories && $proxyClasses) . $this->addServices($services) . $this->addDeprecatedAliases() . $this->addDefaultParametersMethod();
$proxyClasses = $proxyClasses ?? $this->generateProxyClasses();
if ($this->addGetService) {
$code = \preg_replace("/(\r?\n\r?\n public function __construct.+?\\{\r?\n)/s", "\n protected \\Closure \$getService;\$1 \$this->getService = \$this->getService(...);\n", $code, 1);
if ($this->asFiles) {
$fileTemplate = <<<EOF
use RectorPrefix202308\\Symfony\\Component\\DependencyInjection\\Argument\\RewindableGenerator;
use RectorPrefix202308\\Symfony\\Component\\DependencyInjection\\Exception\\RuntimeException;
* @internal This class has been auto-generated by the Symfony Dependency Injection Component.
class %s extends {$options['class']}
$files = [];
$preloadedFiles = [];
$ids = $this->container->getRemovedIds();
foreach ($this->container->getDefinitions() as $id => $definition) {
if (!$definition->isPublic()) {
$ids[$id] = \true;
if ($ids = \array_keys($ids)) {
$c = "<?php\n\nreturn [\n";
foreach ($ids as $id) {
$c .= ' ' . $this->doExport($id) . " => true,\n";
$files['removed-ids.php'] = $c . "];\n";
if (!$this->inlineFactories) {
foreach ($this->generateServiceFiles($services) as $file => [$c, $preload]) {
$files[$file] = \sprintf($fileTemplate, \substr($file, 0, -4), $c);
if ($preload) {
$preloadedFiles[$file] = $file;
foreach ($proxyClasses as $file => $c) {
$files[$file] = "<?php\n" . $c;
$preloadedFiles[$file] = $file;
$code .= $this->endClass();
if ($this->inlineFactories && $proxyClasses) {
$files['proxy-classes.php'] = "<?php\n\n";
foreach ($proxyClasses as $c) {
$files['proxy-classes.php'] .= $c;
$files[$options['class'] . '.php'] = $code;
$hash = \ucfirst(\strtr(ContainerBuilder::hash($files), '._', 'xx'));
$code = [];
foreach ($files as $file => $c) {
$code["Container{$hash}/{$file}"] = \substr_replace($c, "<?php\n\nnamespace Container{$hash};\n", 0, 6);
if (isset($preloadedFiles[$file])) {
$preloadedFiles[$file] = "Container{$hash}/{$file}";
$namespaceLine = $this->namespace ? "\nnamespace {$this->namespace};\n" : '';
$time = $options['build_time'];
$id = \hash('crc32', $hash . $time);
$this->asFiles = \false;
if ($this->preload && null !== ($autoloadFile = $this->getAutoloadFile())) {
$autoloadFile = \trim($this->export($autoloadFile), '()\\');
$preloadedFiles = \array_reverse($preloadedFiles);
if ('' !== ($preloadedFiles = \implode("';\nrequire __DIR__.'/", $preloadedFiles))) {
$preloadedFiles = "require __DIR__.'/{$preloadedFiles}';\n";
$code[$options['class'] . '.preload.php'] = <<<EOF
// This file has been auto-generated by the Symfony Dependency Injection Component
// You can reference it in the "opcache.preload" php.ini setting on PHP >= 7.4 when preloading is desired
use RectorPrefix202308\\Symfony\\Component\\DependencyInjection\\Dumper\\Preloader;
if (in_array(PHP_SAPI, ['cli', 'phpdbg'], true)) {
require {$autoloadFile};
(require __DIR__.'/{$options['class']}.php')->set(\\Container{$hash}\\{$options['class']}::class, null);
\$classes = [];
foreach ($this->preload as $class) {
if (!$class || \strpos($class, '$') !== \false || \in_array($class, ['int', 'float', 'string', 'bool', 'resource', 'object', 'array', 'null', 'callable', 'iterable', 'mixed', 'void'], \true)) {
if (!(\class_exists($class, \false) || \interface_exists($class, \false) || \trait_exists($class, \false)) || (new \ReflectionClass($class))->isUserDefined()) {
$code[$options['class'] . '.preload.php'] .= \sprintf("\$classes[] = '%s';\n", $class);
$code[$options['class'] . '.preload.php'] .= <<<'EOF'
$preloaded = Preloader::preload($classes);
$code[$options['class'] . '.php'] = <<<EOF
// This file has been auto-generated by the Symfony Dependency Injection Component for internal use.
if (\\class_exists(\\Container{$hash}\\{$options['class']}::class, false)) {
// no-op
} elseif (!include __DIR__.'/Container{$hash}/{$options['class']}.php') {
if (!\\class_exists({$options['class']}::class, false)) {
\\class_alias(\\Container{$hash}\\{$options['class']}::class, {$options['class']}::class, false);
return new \\Container{$hash}\\{$options['class']}([
'container.build_hash' => '{$hash}',
'container.build_id' => '{$id}',
'container.build_time' => {$time},
], __DIR__.\\DIRECTORY_SEPARATOR.'Container{$hash}');
} else {
$code .= $this->endClass();
foreach ($proxyClasses as $c) {
$code .= $c;
$this->targetDirRegex = null;
$this->inlinedRequires = [];
$this->circularReferences = [];
$this->locatedIds = [];
$this->exportedVariables = [];
$this->preload = [];
$unusedEnvs = [];
foreach ($this->container->getEnvCounters() as $env => $use) {
if (!$use) {
$unusedEnvs[] = $env;
if ($unusedEnvs) {
throw new EnvParameterException($unusedEnvs, null, 'Environment variables "%s" are never used. Please, check your container\'s configuration.');
return $code;
* Retrieves the currently set proxy dumper or instantiates one.
private function getProxyDumper() : DumperInterface
return $this->proxyDumper = $this->proxyDumper ?? new NullDumper();
private function analyzeReferences()
(new AnalyzeServiceReferencesPass(\false, $this->hasProxyDumper))->process($this->container);
$checkedNodes = [];
$this->circularReferences = [];
$this->singleUsePrivateIds = [];
foreach ($this->container->getCompiler()->getServiceReferenceGraph()->getNodes() as $id => $node) {
if (!$node->getValue() instanceof Definition) {
if ($this->isSingleUsePrivateNode($node)) {
$this->singleUsePrivateIds[$id] = $id;
$this->collectCircularReferences($id, $node->getOutEdges(), $checkedNodes);
$this->singleUsePrivateIds = \array_diff_key($this->singleUsePrivateIds, $this->circularReferences);
private function collectCircularReferences(string $sourceId, array $edges, array &$checkedNodes, array &$loops = [], array $path = [], bool $byConstructor = \true) : void
$path[$sourceId] = $byConstructor;
$checkedNodes[$sourceId] = \true;
foreach ($edges as $edge) {
$node = $edge->getDestNode();
$id = $node->getId();
if ($sourceId === $id || !$node->getValue() instanceof Definition || $edge->isWeak()) {
if (isset($path[$id])) {
$loop = null;
$loopByConstructor = $edge->isReferencedByConstructor() && !$edge->isLazy();
$pathInLoop = [$id, []];
foreach ($path as $k => $pathByConstructor) {
if (null !== $loop) {
$loop[] = $k;
$pathInLoop[1][$k] = $pathByConstructor;
$loops[$k][] =& $pathInLoop;
$loopByConstructor = $loopByConstructor && $pathByConstructor;
} elseif ($k === $id) {
$loop = [];
$this->addCircularReferences($id, $loop, $loopByConstructor);
} elseif (!isset($checkedNodes[$id])) {
$this->collectCircularReferences($id, $node->getOutEdges(), $checkedNodes, $loops, $path, $edge->isReferencedByConstructor() && !$edge->isLazy());
} elseif (isset($loops[$id])) {
// we already had detected loops for this edge
// let's check if we have a common ancestor in one of the detected loops
foreach ($loops[$id] as [$first, $loopPath]) {
if (!isset($path[$first])) {
// We have a common ancestor, let's fill the current path
$fillPath = null;
foreach ($loopPath as $k => $pathByConstructor) {
if (null !== $fillPath) {
$fillPath[$k] = $pathByConstructor;
} elseif ($k === $id) {
$fillPath = $path;
$fillPath[$k] = $pathByConstructor;
// we can now build the loop
$loop = null;
$loopByConstructor = $edge->isReferencedByConstructor() && !$edge->isLazy();
foreach ($fillPath as $k => $pathByConstructor) {
if (null !== $loop) {
$loop[] = $k;
$loopByConstructor = $loopByConstructor && $pathByConstructor;
} elseif ($k === $first) {
$loop = [];
$this->addCircularReferences($first, $loop, $loopByConstructor);
private function addCircularReferences(string $sourceId, array $currentPath, bool $byConstructor)
$currentId = $sourceId;
$currentPath = \array_reverse($currentPath);
$currentPath[] = $currentId;
foreach ($currentPath as $parentId) {
if (empty($this->circularReferences[$parentId][$currentId])) {
$this->circularReferences[$parentId][$currentId] = $byConstructor;
$currentId = $parentId;
private function collectLineage(string $class, array &$lineage)
if (isset($lineage[$class])) {
if (!($r = $this->container->getReflectionClass($class, \false))) {
if (\is_a($class, $this->baseClass, \true)) {
$file = $r->getFileName();
if (\substr_compare($file, ') : eval()\'d code', -\strlen(') : eval()\'d code')) === 0) {
$file = \substr($file, 0, \strrpos($file, '(', -17));
if (!$file || $this->doExport($file) === ($exportedFile = $this->export($file))) {
$lineage[$class] = \substr($exportedFile, 1, -1);
if ($parent = $r->getParentClass()) {
$this->collectLineage($parent->name, $lineage);
foreach ($r->getInterfaces() as $parent) {
$this->collectLineage($parent->name, $lineage);
foreach ($r->getTraits() as $parent) {
$this->collectLineage($parent->name, $lineage);
$lineage[$class] = \substr($exportedFile, 1, -1);
private function generateProxyClasses() : array
$proxyClasses = [];
$alreadyGenerated = [];
$definitions = $this->container->getDefinitions();
$strip = '' === $this->docStar && \method_exists(Kernel::class, 'stripComments');
$proxyDumper = $this->getProxyDumper();
foreach ($definitions as $definition) {
if (!$proxyDumper->isProxyCandidate($definition)) {
if (isset($alreadyGenerated[$class = $definition->getClass()])) {
$alreadyGenerated[$class] = \true;
// register class' reflector for resource tracking
if ("\n" === ($proxyCode = "\n" . $proxyDumper->getProxyCode($definition))) {
if ($this->inlineRequires) {
$lineage = [];
$this->collectLineage($class, $lineage);
$code = '';
foreach (\array_diff_key(\array_flip($lineage), $this->inlinedRequires) as $file => $class) {
if ($this->inlineFactories) {
$this->inlinedRequires[$file] = \true;
$code .= \sprintf("include_once %s;\n", $file);
$proxyCode = $code . $proxyCode;
if ($strip) {
$proxyCode = "<?php\n" . $proxyCode;
$proxyCode = \substr(Kernel::stripComments($proxyCode), 5);
$proxyClass = \explode(' ', $this->inlineRequires ? \substr($proxyCode, \strlen($code)) : $proxyCode, 3)[1];
if ($this->asFiles || $this->namespace) {
$proxyCode .= "\nif (!\\class_exists('{$proxyClass}', false)) {\n \\class_alias(__NAMESPACE__.'\\\\{$proxyClass}', '{$proxyClass}', false);\n}\n";
$proxyClasses[$proxyClass . '.php'] = $proxyCode;
return $proxyClasses;
private function addServiceInclude(string $cId, Definition $definition) : string
$code = '';
if ($this->inlineRequires && (!$this->isHotPath($definition) || $this->getProxyDumper()->isProxyCandidate($definition))) {
$lineage = [];
foreach ($this->inlinedDefinitions as $def) {
if (!$def->isDeprecated()) {
foreach ($this->getClasses($def, $cId) as $class) {
$this->collectLineage($class, $lineage);
foreach ($this->serviceCalls as $id => [$callCount, $behavior]) {
if ('service_container' !== $id && $id !== $cId && ContainerInterface::IGNORE_ON_UNINITIALIZED_REFERENCE !== $behavior && $this->container->has($id) && $this->isTrivialInstance($def = $this->container->findDefinition($id))) {
foreach ($this->getClasses($def, $cId) as $class) {
$this->collectLineage($class, $lineage);
foreach (\array_diff_key(\array_flip($lineage), $this->inlinedRequires) as $file => $class) {
$code .= \sprintf(" include_once %s;\n", $file);
foreach ($this->inlinedDefinitions as $def) {
if ($file = $def->getFile()) {
$file = $this->dumpValue($file);
$file = '(' === $file[0] ? \substr($file, 1, -1) : $file;
$code .= \sprintf(" include_once %s;\n", $file);
if ('' !== $code) {
$code .= "\n";
return $code;
* @throws InvalidArgumentException
* @throws RuntimeException
private function addServiceInstance(string $id, Definition $definition, bool $isSimpleInstance) : string
$class = $this->dumpValue($definition->getClass());
if (\strncmp($class, "'", \strlen("'")) === 0 && \strpos($class, '$') === \false && !\preg_match('/^\'(?:\\\\{2})?[a-zA-Z_\\x7f-\\xff][a-zA-Z0-9_\\x7f-\\xff]*(?:\\\\{2}[a-zA-Z_\\x7f-\\xff][a-zA-Z0-9_\\x7f-\\xff]*)*\'$/', $class)) {
throw new InvalidArgumentException(\sprintf('"%s" is not a valid class name for the "%s" service.', $class, $id));
$isProxyCandidate = $this->getProxyDumper()->isProxyCandidate($definition);
$instantiation = '';
$lastWitherIndex = null;
foreach ($definition->getMethodCalls() as $k => $call) {
if ($call[2] ?? \false) {
$lastWitherIndex = $k;
if (!$isProxyCandidate && $definition->isShared() && !isset($this->singleUsePrivateIds[$id]) && null === $lastWitherIndex) {
$instantiation = \sprintf('$this->%s[%s] = %s', $this->container->getDefinition($id)->isPublic() ? 'services' : 'privates', $this->doExport($id), $isSimpleInstance ? '' : '$instance');
} elseif (!$isSimpleInstance) {
$instantiation = '$instance';
$return = '';
if ($isSimpleInstance) {
$return = 'return ';
} else {
$instantiation .= ' = ';
return $this->addNewInstance($definition, ' ' . $return . $instantiation, $id);
private function isTrivialInstance(Definition $definition) : bool
if ($definition->hasErrors()) {
return \true;
if ($definition->isSynthetic() || $definition->getFile() || $definition->getMethodCalls() || $definition->getProperties() || $definition->getConfigurator()) {
return \false;
if ($definition->isDeprecated() || $definition->isLazy() || $definition->getFactory() || 3 < \count($definition->getArguments())) {
return \false;
foreach ($definition->getArguments() as $arg) {
if (!$arg || $arg instanceof Parameter) {
if (\is_array($arg) && 3 >= \count($arg)) {
foreach ($arg as $k => $v) {
if ($this->dumpValue($k) !== $this->dumpValue($k, \false)) {
return \false;
if (!$v || $v instanceof Parameter) {
if ($v instanceof Reference && $this->container->has($id = (string) $v) && $this->container->findDefinition($id)->isSynthetic()) {
if (!\is_scalar($v) || $this->dumpValue($v) !== $this->dumpValue($v, \false)) {
return \false;
} elseif ($arg instanceof Reference && $this->container->has($id = (string) $arg) && $this->container->findDefinition($id)->isSynthetic()) {
} elseif (!\is_scalar($arg) || $this->dumpValue($arg) !== $this->dumpValue($arg, \false)) {
return \false;
return \true;
private function addServiceMethodCalls(Definition $definition, string $variableName, ?string $sharedNonLazyId) : string
$lastWitherIndex = null;
foreach ($definition->getMethodCalls() as $k => $call) {
if ($call[2] ?? \false) {
$lastWitherIndex = $k;
$calls = '';
foreach ($definition->getMethodCalls() as $k => $call) {
$arguments = [];
foreach ($call[1] as $i => $value) {
$arguments[] = (\is_string($i) ? $i . ': ' : '') . $this->dumpValue($value);
$witherAssignation = '';
if ($call[2] ?? \false) {
if (null !== $sharedNonLazyId && $lastWitherIndex === $k && 'instance' === $variableName) {
$witherAssignation = \sprintf('$this->%s[\'%s\'] = ', $definition->isPublic() ? 'services' : 'privates', $sharedNonLazyId);
$witherAssignation .= \sprintf('$%s = ', $variableName);
$calls .= $this->wrapServiceConditionals($call[1], \sprintf(" %s\$%s->%s(%s);\n", $witherAssignation, $variableName, $call[0], \implode(', ', $arguments)));
return $calls;
private function addServiceProperties(Definition $definition, string $variableName = 'instance') : string
$code = '';
foreach ($definition->getProperties() as $name => $value) {
$code .= \sprintf(" \$%s->%s = %s;\n", $variableName, $name, $this->dumpValue($value));
return $code;
private function addServiceConfigurator(Definition $definition, string $variableName = 'instance') : string
if (!($callable = $definition->getConfigurator())) {
return '';
if (\is_array($callable)) {
if ($callable[0] instanceof Reference || $callable[0] instanceof Definition && $this->definitionVariables->contains($callable[0])) {
return \sprintf(" %s->%s(\$%s);\n", $this->dumpValue($callable[0]), $callable[1], $variableName);
$class = $this->dumpValue($callable[0]);
// If the class is a string we can optimize away
if (\strncmp($class, "'", \strlen("'")) === 0 && \strpos($class, '$') === \false) {
return \sprintf(" %s::%s(\$%s);\n", $this->dumpLiteralClass($class), $callable[1], $variableName);
if (\strncmp($class, 'new ', \strlen('new ')) === 0) {
return \sprintf(" (%s)->%s(\$%s);\n", $this->dumpValue($callable[0]), $callable[1], $variableName);
return \sprintf(" [%s, '%s'](\$%s);\n", $this->dumpValue($callable[0]), $callable[1], $variableName);
return \sprintf(" %s(\$%s);\n", $callable, $variableName);
private function addService(string $id, Definition $definition) : array
$this->definitionVariables = new \SplObjectStorage();
$this->referenceVariables = [];
$this->variableCount = 0;
$this->referenceVariables[$id] = new Variable('instance');
$return = [];
if ($class = $definition->getClass()) {
$class = $class instanceof Parameter ? '%' . $class . '%' : $this->container->resolveEnvPlaceholders($class);
$return[] = \sprintf(\strncmp($class, '%', \strlen('%')) === 0 ? '@return object A %1$s instance' : '@return \\%s', \ltrim($class, '\\'));
} elseif ($definition->getFactory()) {
$factory = $definition->getFactory();
if (\is_string($factory) && \strncmp($factory, '@=', \strlen('@=')) !== 0) {
$return[] = \sprintf('@return object An instance returned by %s()', $factory);
} elseif (\is_array($factory) && (\is_string($factory[0]) || $factory[0] instanceof Definition || $factory[0] instanceof Reference)) {
$class = $factory[0] instanceof Definition ? $factory[0]->getClass() : (string) $factory[0];
$class = $class instanceof Parameter ? '%' . $class . '%' : $this->container->resolveEnvPlaceholders($class);
$return[] = \sprintf('@return object An instance returned by %s::%s()', $class, $factory[1]);
if ($definition->isDeprecated()) {
if ($return && \strncmp($return[\count($return) - 1], '@return', \strlen('@return')) === 0) {
$return[] = '';
$deprecation = $definition->getDeprecation($id);
$return[] = \sprintf('@deprecated %s', ($deprecation['package'] || $deprecation['version'] ? "Since {$deprecation['package']} {$deprecation['version']}: " : '') . $deprecation['message']);
$return = \str_replace("\n * \n", "\n *\n", \implode("\n * ", $return));
$return = $this->container->resolveEnvPlaceholders($return);
$shared = $definition->isShared() ? ' shared' : '';
$public = $definition->isPublic() ? 'public' : 'private';
$autowired = $definition->isAutowired() ? ' autowired' : '';
$asFile = $this->asFiles && !$this->inlineFactories && !$this->isHotPath($definition);
$methodName = $this->generateMethodName($id);
if ($asFile || $definition->isLazy()) {
$lazyInitialization = '$lazyLoad = true';
} else {
$lazyInitialization = '';
$code = <<<EOF
* Gets the {$public} '{$id}'{$shared}{$autowired} service.
* {$return}
$code = \str_replace('*/', ' ', $code) . <<<EOF
protected function {$methodName}({$lazyInitialization})
if ($asFile) {
$file = $methodName . '.php';
$code = \str_replace("protected function {$methodName}(", 'public static function do($container, ', $code);
} else {
$file = null;
if ($definition->hasErrors() && ($e = $definition->getErrors())) {
$code .= \sprintf(" throw new RuntimeException(%s);\n", $this->export(\reset($e)));
} else {
$this->serviceCalls = [];
$this->inlinedDefinitions = $this->getDefinitionsFromArguments([$definition], null, $this->serviceCalls);
if ($definition->isDeprecated()) {
$deprecation = $definition->getDeprecation($id);
$code .= \sprintf(" trigger_deprecation(%s, %s, %s);\n\n", $this->export($deprecation['package']), $this->export($deprecation['version']), $this->export($deprecation['message']));
} elseif ($definition->hasTag($this->hotPathTag) || !$definition->hasTag($this->preloadTags[1])) {
foreach ($this->inlinedDefinitions as $def) {
foreach ($this->getClasses($def, $id) as $class) {
$this->preload[$class] = $class;
if (!$definition->isShared()) {
$factory = \sprintf('$this->factories%s[%s]', $definition->isPublic() ? '' : "['service_container']", $this->doExport($id));
if ($isProxyCandidate = $this->getProxyDumper()->isProxyCandidate($definition)) {
if (!$definition->isShared()) {
$code .= \sprintf(' %s = %1$s ?? ', $factory);
if ($asFile) {
$code .= "function () {\n";
$code .= " return self::do(\$container);\n";
$code .= " };\n\n";
} else {
$code .= \sprintf("\$this->%s(...);\n\n", $methodName);
$factoryCode = $asFile ? 'self::do($container, false)' : \sprintf('$this->%s(false)', $methodName);
$factoryCode = $this->getProxyDumper()->getProxyFactoryCode($definition, $id, $factoryCode);
$code .= $asFile ? \preg_replace('/function \\(([^)]*+)\\)( {|:)/', 'function (\\1) use ($container)\\2', $factoryCode) : $factoryCode;
$c = $this->addServiceInclude($id, $definition);
if ('' !== $c && $isProxyCandidate && !$definition->isShared()) {
$c = \implode("\n", \array_map(function ($line) {
return $line ? ' ' . $line : $line;
}, \explode("\n", $c)));
$code .= " static \$include = true;\n\n";
$code .= " if (\$include) {\n";
$code .= $c;
$code .= " \$include = false;\n";
$code .= " }\n\n";
} else {
$code .= $c;
$c = $this->addInlineService($id, $definition);
if (!$isProxyCandidate && !$definition->isShared()) {
$c = \implode("\n", \array_map(function ($line) {
return $line ? ' ' . $line : $line;
}, \explode("\n", $c)));
$lazyloadInitialization = $definition->isLazy() ? '$lazyLoad = true' : '';
$c = \sprintf(" %s = function (%s) {\n%s };\n\n return %1\$s();\n", $factory, $lazyloadInitialization, $c);
$code .= $c;
if ($asFile) {
$code = \str_replace('$this', '$container', $code);
$code = \preg_replace('/function \\(([^)]*+)\\)( {|:)/', 'function (\\1) use ($container)\\2', $code);
$code .= " }\n";
$this->definitionVariables = $this->inlinedDefinitions = null;
$this->referenceVariables = $this->serviceCalls = null;
return [$file, $code];
private function addInlineVariables(string $id, Definition $definition, array $arguments, bool $forConstructor) : string
$code = '';
foreach ($arguments as $argument) {
if (\is_array($argument)) {
$code .= $this->addInlineVariables($id, $definition, $argument, $forConstructor);
} elseif ($argument instanceof Reference) {
$code .= $this->addInlineReference($id, $definition, $argument, $forConstructor);
} elseif ($argument instanceof Definition) {
$code .= $this->addInlineService($id, $definition, $argument, $forConstructor);
return $code;
private function addInlineReference(string $id, Definition $definition, string $targetId, bool $forConstructor) : string
while ($this->container->hasAlias($targetId)) {
$targetId = (string) $this->container->getAlias($targetId);
[$callCount, $behavior] = $this->serviceCalls[$targetId];
if ($id === $targetId) {
return $this->addInlineService($id, $definition, $definition);
if ('service_container' === $targetId || isset($this->referenceVariables[$targetId])) {
return '';
if ($this->container->hasDefinition($targetId) && ($def = $this->container->getDefinition($targetId)) && !$def->isShared()) {
return '';
$hasSelfRef = isset($this->circularReferences[$id][$targetId]) && !isset($this->definitionVariables[$definition]) && !($this->hasProxyDumper && $definition->isLazy());
if ($hasSelfRef && !$forConstructor && !($forConstructor = !$this->circularReferences[$id][$targetId])) {
$code = $this->addInlineService($id, $definition, $definition);
} else {
$code = '';
if (isset($this->referenceVariables[$targetId]) || 2 > $callCount && (!$hasSelfRef || !$forConstructor)) {
return $code;
$name = $this->getNextVariableName();
$this->referenceVariables[$targetId] = new Variable($name);
$reference = ContainerInterface::EXCEPTION_ON_INVALID_REFERENCE >= $behavior ? new Reference($targetId, $behavior) : null;
$code .= \sprintf(" \$%s = %s;\n", $name, $this->getServiceCall($targetId, $reference));
if (!$hasSelfRef || !$forConstructor) {
return $code;
$code .= \sprintf(<<<'EOTXT'
if (isset($this->%s[%s])) {
return $this->%1$s[%2$s];
, $this->container->getDefinition($id)->isPublic() ? 'services' : 'privates', $this->doExport($id));
return $code;
private function addInlineService(string $id, Definition $definition, Definition $inlineDef = null, bool $forConstructor = \true) : string
$code = '';
if ($isSimpleInstance = $isRootInstance = null === $inlineDef) {
foreach ($this->serviceCalls as $targetId => [$callCount, $behavior, $byConstructor]) {
if ($byConstructor && isset($this->circularReferences[$id][$targetId]) && !$this->circularReferences[$id][$targetId] && !($this->hasProxyDumper && $definition->isLazy())) {
$code .= $this->addInlineReference($id, $definition, $targetId, $forConstructor);
if (isset($this->definitionVariables[$inlineDef = $inlineDef ?: $definition])) {
return $code;
$arguments = [$inlineDef->getArguments(), $inlineDef->getFactory()];
$code .= $this->addInlineVariables($id, $definition, $arguments, $forConstructor);
if ($arguments = \array_filter([$inlineDef->getProperties(), $inlineDef->getMethodCalls(), $inlineDef->getConfigurator()])) {
$isSimpleInstance = \false;
} elseif ($definition !== $inlineDef && 2 > $this->inlinedDefinitions[$inlineDef]) {
return $code;
if (isset($this->definitionVariables[$inlineDef])) {
$isSimpleInstance = \false;
} else {
$name = $definition === $inlineDef ? 'instance' : $this->getNextVariableName();
$this->definitionVariables[$inlineDef] = new Variable($name);
$code .= '' !== $code ? "\n" : '';
if ('instance' === $name) {
$code .= $this->addServiceInstance($id, $definition, $isSimpleInstance);
} else {
$code .= $this->addNewInstance($inlineDef, ' $' . $name . ' = ', $id);
if ('' !== ($inline = $this->addInlineVariables($id, $definition, $arguments, \false))) {
$code .= "\n" . $inline . "\n";
} elseif ($arguments && 'instance' === $name) {
$code .= "\n";
$code .= $this->addServiceProperties($inlineDef, $name);
$code .= $this->addServiceMethodCalls($inlineDef, $name, !$this->getProxyDumper()->isProxyCandidate($inlineDef) && $inlineDef->isShared() && !isset($this->singleUsePrivateIds[$id]) ? $id : null);
$code .= $this->addServiceConfigurator($inlineDef, $name);
if ($isRootInstance && !$isSimpleInstance) {
$code .= "\n return \$instance;\n";
return $code;
private function addServices(array &$services = null) : string
$publicServices = $privateServices = '';
$definitions = $this->container->getDefinitions();
foreach ($definitions as $id => $definition) {
if (!$definition->isSynthetic()) {
$services[$id] = $this->addService($id, $definition);
} elseif ($definition->hasTag($this->hotPathTag) || !$definition->hasTag($this->preloadTags[1])) {
$services[$id] = null;
foreach ($this->getClasses($definition, $id) as $class) {
$this->preload[$class] = $class;
foreach ($definitions as $id => $definition) {
if (!([$file, $code] = $services[$id]) || null !== $file) {
if ($definition->isPublic()) {
$publicServices .= $code;
} elseif (!$this->isTrivialInstance($definition) || isset($this->locatedIds[$id])) {
$privateServices .= $code;
return $publicServices . $privateServices;
private function generateServiceFiles(array $services) : iterable
$definitions = $this->container->getDefinitions();
foreach ($definitions as $id => $definition) {
if (([$file, $code] = $services[$id]) && null !== $file && ($definition->isPublic() || !$this->isTrivialInstance($definition) || isset($this->locatedIds[$id]))) {
(yield $file => [$code, $definition->hasTag($this->hotPathTag) || !$definition->hasTag($this->preloadTags[1]) && !$definition->isDeprecated() && !$definition->hasErrors()]);
private function addNewInstance(Definition $definition, string $return = '', string $id = null) : string
$tail = $return ? ";\n" : '';
if (BaseServiceLocator::class === $definition->getClass() && $definition->hasTag($this->serviceLocatorTag)) {
$arguments = [];
foreach ($definition->getArgument(0) as $k => $argument) {
$arguments[$k] = $argument->getValues()[0];
return $return . $this->dumpValue(new ServiceLocatorArgument($arguments)) . $tail;
$arguments = [];
foreach ($definition->getArguments() as $i => $value) {
$arguments[] = (\is_string($i) ? $i . ': ' : '') . $this->dumpValue($value);
if (null !== $definition->getFactory()) {
$callable = $definition->getFactory();
if (['Closure', 'fromCallable'] === $callable && [0] === \array_keys($definition->getArguments())) {
$callable = $definition->getArgument(0);
$arguments = ['...'];
if ($callable instanceof Reference || $callable instanceof Definition) {
$callable = [$callable, '__invoke'];
if (\is_array($callable)) {
if (!\preg_match('/^[a-zA-Z_\\x7f-\\xff][a-zA-Z0-9_\\x7f-\\xff]*$/', $callable[1])) {
throw new RuntimeException(\sprintf('Cannot dump definition because of invalid factory method (%s).', $callable[1] ?: 'n/a'));
if ($callable[0] instanceof Reference || $callable[0] instanceof Definition && $this->definitionVariables->contains($callable[0])) {
return $return . \sprintf('%s->%s(%s)', $this->dumpValue($callable[0]), $callable[1], $arguments ? \implode(', ', $arguments) : '') . $tail;
$class = $this->dumpValue($callable[0]);
// If the class is a string we can optimize away
if (\strncmp($class, "'", \strlen("'")) === 0 && \strpos($class, '$') === \false) {
if ("''" === $class) {
throw new RuntimeException(\sprintf('Cannot dump definition: "%s" service is defined to be created by a factory but is missing the service reference, did you forget to define the factory service id or class?', $id ? 'The "' . $id . '"' : 'inline'));
return $return . \sprintf('%s::%s(%s)', $this->dumpLiteralClass($class), $callable[1], $arguments ? \implode(', ', $arguments) : '') . $tail;
if (\strncmp($class, 'new ', \strlen('new ')) === 0) {
return $return . \sprintf('(%s)->%s(%s)', $class, $callable[1], $arguments ? \implode(', ', $arguments) : '') . $tail;
return $return . \sprintf("[%s, '%s'](%s)", $class, $callable[1], $arguments ? \implode(', ', $arguments) : '') . $tail;
if (\is_string($callable) && \strncmp($callable, '@=', \strlen('@=')) === 0) {
return $return . \sprintf('(($args = %s) ? (%s) : null)', $this->dumpValue(new ServiceLocatorArgument($definition->getArguments())), $this->getExpressionLanguage()->compile(\substr($callable, 2), ['this' => 'container', 'args' => 'args'])) . $tail;
return $return . \sprintf('%s(%s)', $this->dumpLiteralClass($this->dumpValue($callable)), $arguments ? \implode(', ', $arguments) : '') . $tail;
if (null === ($class = $definition->getClass())) {
throw new RuntimeException('Cannot dump definitions which have no class nor factory.');
return $return . \sprintf('new %s(%s)', $this->dumpLiteralClass($this->dumpValue($class)), \implode(', ', $arguments)) . $tail;
private function startClass(string $class, string $baseClass, bool $hasProxyClasses) : string
$namespaceLine = !$this->asFiles && $this->namespace ? "\nnamespace {$this->namespace};\n" : '';
$code = <<<EOF
use RectorPrefix202308\\Symfony\\Component\\DependencyInjection\\Argument\\RewindableGenerator;
use RectorPrefix202308\\Symfony\\Component\\DependencyInjection\\ContainerInterface;
use RectorPrefix202308\\Symfony\\Component\\DependencyInjection\\Container;
use RectorPrefix202308\\Symfony\\Component\\DependencyInjection\\Exception\\InvalidArgumentException;
use RectorPrefix202308\\Symfony\\Component\\DependencyInjection\\Exception\\LogicException;
use RectorPrefix202308\\Symfony\\Component\\DependencyInjection\\Exception\\RuntimeException;
use RectorPrefix202308\\Symfony\\Component\\DependencyInjection\\ParameterBag\\FrozenParameterBag;
use RectorPrefix202308\\Symfony\\Component\\DependencyInjection\\ParameterBag\\ParameterBagInterface;
* @internal This class has been auto-generated by the Symfony Dependency Injection Component.
class {$class} extends {$baseClass}
protected \$parameters = [];
public function __construct()
if ($this->asFiles) {
$code = \str_replace('$parameters = []', "\$containerDir;\n protected \$parameters = [];\n private \$buildParameters", $code);
$code = \str_replace('__construct()', '__construct(array $buildParameters = [], $containerDir = __DIR__)', $code);
$code .= " \$this->buildParameters = \$buildParameters;\n";
$code .= " \$this->containerDir = \$containerDir;\n";
if (null !== $this->targetDirRegex) {
$code = \str_replace('$parameters = []', "\$targetDir;\n protected \$parameters = []", $code);
$code .= ' $this->targetDir = \\dirname($containerDir);' . "\n";
if (Container::class !== $this->baseClass) {
$r = $this->container->getReflectionClass($this->baseClass, \false);
if (null !== $r && null !== ($constructor = $r->getConstructor()) && 0 === $constructor->getNumberOfRequiredParameters() && Container::class !== $constructor->getDeclaringClass()->name) {
$code .= " parent::__construct();\n";
$code .= " \$this->parameterBag = null;\n\n";
if ($this->container->getParameterBag()->all()) {
$code .= " \$this->parameters = \$this->getDefaultParameters();\n\n";
$code .= " \$this->services = \$this->privates = [];\n";
$code .= $this->addSyntheticIds();
$code .= $this->addMethodMap();
$code .= $this->asFiles && !$this->inlineFactories ? $this->addFileMap() : '';
$code .= $this->addAliases();
$code .= $this->addInlineRequires($hasProxyClasses);
$code .= <<<EOF
public function compile(): void
throw new LogicException('You cannot compile a dumped container that was already compiled.');
public function isCompiled(): bool
return true;
$code .= $this->addRemovedIds();
if ($this->asFiles && !$this->inlineFactories) {
$code .= <<<'EOF'
protected function load($file, $lazyLoad = true)
if (class_exists($class = __NAMESPACE__.'\\'.$file, false)) {
return $class::do($this, $lazyLoad);
if ('.' === $file[-4]) {
$class = substr($class, 0, -4);
} else {
$file .= '.php';
$service = require $this->containerDir.\DIRECTORY_SEPARATOR.$file;
return class_exists($class, false) ? $class::do($this, $lazyLoad) : $service;
$proxyDumper = $this->getProxyDumper();
foreach ($this->container->getDefinitions() as $definition) {
if (!$proxyDumper->isProxyCandidate($definition)) {
if ($this->asFiles && !$this->inlineFactories) {
$proxyLoader = "class_exists(\$class, false) || require __DIR__.'/'.\$class.'.php';\n\n ";
} else {
$proxyLoader = '';
$code .= <<<EOF
protected function createProxy(\$class, \\Closure \$factory)
{$proxyLoader}return \$factory();
return $code;
private function addSyntheticIds() : string
$code = '';
$definitions = $this->container->getDefinitions();
foreach ($definitions as $id => $definition) {
if ($definition->isSynthetic() && 'service_container' !== $id) {
$code .= ' ' . $this->doExport($id) . " => true,\n";
return $code ? " \$this->syntheticIds = [\n{$code} ];\n" : '';
private function addRemovedIds() : string
$ids = $this->container->getRemovedIds();
foreach ($this->container->getDefinitions() as $id => $definition) {
if (!$definition->isPublic()) {
$ids[$id] = \true;
if (!$ids) {
return '';
if ($this->asFiles) {
$code = "require \$this->containerDir.\\DIRECTORY_SEPARATOR.'removed-ids.php'";
} else {
$code = '';
$ids = \array_keys($ids);
foreach ($ids as $id) {
if (\preg_match(FileLoader::ANONYMOUS_ID_REGEXP, $id)) {
$code .= ' ' . $this->doExport($id) . " => true,\n";
$code = "[\n{$code} ]";
return <<<EOF
public function getRemovedIds(): array
return {$code};
private function addMethodMap() : string
$code = '';
$definitions = $this->container->getDefinitions();
foreach ($definitions as $id => $definition) {
if (!$definition->isSynthetic() && $definition->isPublic() && (!$this->asFiles || $this->inlineFactories || $this->isHotPath($definition))) {
$code .= ' ' . $this->doExport($id) . ' => ' . $this->doExport($this->generateMethodName($id)) . ",\n";
$aliases = $this->container->getAliases();
foreach ($aliases as $alias => $id) {
if (!$id->isDeprecated()) {
$code .= ' ' . $this->doExport($alias) . ' => ' . $this->doExport($this->generateMethodName($alias)) . ",\n";
return $code ? " \$this->methodMap = [\n{$code} ];\n" : '';
private function addFileMap() : string
$code = '';
$definitions = $this->container->getDefinitions();
foreach ($definitions as $id => $definition) {
if (!$definition->isSynthetic() && $definition->isPublic() && !$this->isHotPath($definition)) {
$code .= \sprintf(" %s => '%s',\n", $this->doExport($id), $this->generateMethodName($id));
return $code ? " \$this->fileMap = [\n{$code} ];\n" : '';
private function addAliases() : string
if (!($aliases = $this->container->getAliases())) {
return "\n \$this->aliases = [];\n";
$code = " \$this->aliases = [\n";
foreach ($aliases as $alias => $id) {
if ($id->isDeprecated()) {
$id = (string) $id;
while (isset($aliases[$id])) {
$id = (string) $aliases[$id];
$code .= ' ' . $this->doExport($alias) . ' => ' . $this->doExport($id) . ",\n";
return $code . " ];\n";
private function addDeprecatedAliases() : string
$code = '';
$aliases = $this->container->getAliases();
foreach ($aliases as $alias => $definition) {
if (!$definition->isDeprecated()) {
$public = $definition->isPublic() ? 'public' : 'private';
$id = (string) $definition;
$methodNameAlias = $this->generateMethodName($alias);
$idExported = $this->export($id);
$deprecation = $definition->getDeprecation($alias);
$packageExported = $this->export($deprecation['package']);
$versionExported = $this->export($deprecation['version']);
$messageExported = $this->export($deprecation['message']);
$code .= <<<EOF
* Gets the {$public} '{$alias}' alias.
* @return object The "{$id}" service.
protected function {$methodNameAlias}()
trigger_deprecation({$packageExported}, {$versionExported}, {$messageExported});
return \$this->get({$idExported});
return $code;
private function addInlineRequires(bool $hasProxyClasses) : string
$lineage = [];
$hotPathServices = $this->hotPathTag && $this->inlineRequires ? $this->container->findTaggedServiceIds($this->hotPathTag) : [];
foreach ($hotPathServices as $id => $tags) {
$definition = $this->container->getDefinition($id);
if ($this->getProxyDumper()->isProxyCandidate($definition)) {
$inlinedDefinitions = $this->getDefinitionsFromArguments([$definition]);
foreach ($inlinedDefinitions as $def) {
foreach ($this->getClasses($def, $id) as $class) {
$this->collectLineage($class, $lineage);
$code = '';
foreach ($lineage as $file) {
if (!isset($this->inlinedRequires[$file])) {
$this->inlinedRequires[$file] = \true;
$code .= \sprintf("\n include_once %s;", $file);
if ($hasProxyClasses) {
$code .= "\n include_once __DIR__.'/proxy-classes.php';";
return $code ? \sprintf("\n \$this->privates['service_container'] = function () {%s\n };\n", $code) : '';
private function addDefaultParametersMethod() : string
if (!$this->container->getParameterBag()->all()) {
return '';
$php = [];
$dynamicPhp = [];
foreach ($this->container->getParameterBag()->all() as $key => $value) {
if ($key !== ($resolvedKey = $this->container->resolveEnvPlaceholders($key))) {
throw new InvalidArgumentException(\sprintf('Parameter name cannot use env parameters: "%s".', $resolvedKey));
$hasEnum = \false;
$export = $this->exportParameters([$value], '', 12, $hasEnum);
$export = \explode('0 => ', \substr(\rtrim($export, " ]\n"), 2, -1), 2);
if ($hasEnum || \preg_match("/\\\$this->(?:getEnv\\('(?:[-.\\w]*+:)*+\\w++'\\)|targetDir\\.'')/", $export[1])) {
$dynamicPhp[$key] = \sprintf('%s%s => %s,', $export[0], $this->export($key), $export[1]);
} else {
$php[] = \sprintf('%s%s => %s,', $export[0], $this->export($key), $export[1]);
$parameters = \sprintf("[\n%s\n%s]", \implode("\n", $php), \str_repeat(' ', 8));
$code = <<<'EOF'
public function getParameter(string $name): array|bool|string|int|float|\UnitEnum|null
if (isset($this->buildParameters[$name])) {
return $this->buildParameters[$name];
if (!(isset($this->parameters[$name]) || isset($this->loadedDynamicParameters[$name]) || \array_key_exists($name, $this->parameters))) {
throw new InvalidArgumentException(sprintf('The parameter "%s" must be defined.', $name));
if (isset($this->loadedDynamicParameters[$name])) {
return $this->loadedDynamicParameters[$name] ? $this->dynamicParameters[$name] : $this->getDynamicParameter($name);
return $this->parameters[$name];
public function hasParameter(string $name): bool
if (isset($this->buildParameters[$name])) {
return true;
return isset($this->parameters[$name]) || isset($this->loadedDynamicParameters[$name]) || \array_key_exists($name, $this->parameters);
public function setParameter(string $name, $value): void
throw new LogicException('Impossible to call set() on a frozen ParameterBag.');
public function getParameterBag(): ParameterBagInterface
if (null === $this->parameterBag) {
$parameters = $this->parameters;
foreach ($this->loadedDynamicParameters as $name => $loaded) {
$parameters[$name] = $loaded ? $this->dynamicParameters[$name] : $this->getDynamicParameter($name);
foreach ($this->buildParameters as $name => $value) {
$parameters[$name] = $value;
$this->parameterBag = new FrozenParameterBag($parameters);
return $this->parameterBag;
if (!$this->asFiles) {
$code = \preg_replace('/^.*buildParameters.*\\n.*\\n.*\\n\\n?/m', '', $code);
if ($dynamicPhp) {
$loadedDynamicParameters = $this->exportParameters(\array_combine(\array_keys($dynamicPhp), \array_fill(0, \count($dynamicPhp), \false)), '', 8);
$getDynamicParameter = <<<'EOF'
$value = match ($name) {
default => throw new InvalidArgumentException(sprintf('The dynamic parameter "%%s" must be defined.', $name)),
$this->loadedDynamicParameters[$name] = true;
return $this->dynamicParameters[$name] = $value;
$getDynamicParameter = \sprintf($getDynamicParameter, \implode("\n", $dynamicPhp));
} else {
$loadedDynamicParameters = '[]';
$getDynamicParameter = \str_repeat(' ', 8) . 'throw new InvalidArgumentException(sprintf(\'The dynamic parameter "%s" must be defined.\', $name));';
$code .= <<<EOF
private \$loadedDynamicParameters = {$loadedDynamicParameters};
private \$dynamicParameters = [];
private function getDynamicParameter(string \$name)
protected function getDefaultParameters(): array
return {$parameters};
return $code;
* @throws InvalidArgumentException
private function exportParameters(array $parameters, string $path = '', int $indent = 12, bool &$hasEnum = \false) : string
$php = [];
foreach ($parameters as $key => $value) {
if (\is_array($value)) {
$value = $this->exportParameters($value, $path . '/' . $key, $indent + 4, $hasEnum);
} elseif ($value instanceof ArgumentInterface) {
throw new InvalidArgumentException(\sprintf('You cannot dump a container with parameters that contain special arguments. "%s" found in "%s".', \get_debug_type($value), $path . '/' . $key));
} elseif ($value instanceof Variable) {
throw new InvalidArgumentException(\sprintf('You cannot dump a container with parameters that contain variable references. Variable "%s" found in "%s".', $value, $path . '/' . $key));
} elseif ($value instanceof Definition) {
throw new InvalidArgumentException(\sprintf('You cannot dump a container with parameters that contain service definitions. Definition for "%s" found in "%s".', $value->getClass(), $path . '/' . $key));
} elseif ($value instanceof Reference) {
throw new InvalidArgumentException(\sprintf('You cannot dump a container with parameters that contain references to other services (reference to service "%s" found in "%s").', $value, $path . '/' . $key));
} elseif ($value instanceof Expression) {
throw new InvalidArgumentException(\sprintf('You cannot dump a container with parameters that contain expressions. Expression "%s" found in "%s".', $value, $path . '/' . $key));
} elseif ($value instanceof \UnitEnum) {
$hasEnum = \true;
$value = \sprintf('\\%s::%s', \get_class($value), $value->name);
} else {
$value = $this->export($value);
$php[] = \sprintf('%s%s => %s,', \str_repeat(' ', $indent), $this->export($key), $value);
return \sprintf("[\n%s\n%s]", \implode("\n", $php), \str_repeat(' ', $indent - 4));
private function endClass() : string
return <<<'EOF'
* @param mixed $value
private function wrapServiceConditionals($value, string $code) : string
if (!($condition = $this->getServiceConditionals($value))) {
return $code;
// re-indent the wrapped code
$code = \implode("\n", \array_map(function ($line) {
return $line ? ' ' . $line : $line;
}, \explode("\n", $code)));
return \sprintf(" if (%s) {\n%s }\n", $condition, $code);
* @param mixed $value
private function getServiceConditionals($value) : string
$conditions = [];
foreach (ContainerBuilder::getInitializedConditionals($value) as $service) {
if (!$this->container->hasDefinition($service)) {
return 'false';
$conditions[] = \sprintf('isset($this->%s[%s])', $this->container->getDefinition($service)->isPublic() ? 'services' : 'privates', $this->doExport($service));
foreach (ContainerBuilder::getServiceConditionals($value) as $service) {
if ($this->container->hasDefinition($service) && !$this->container->getDefinition($service)->isPublic()) {
$conditions[] = \sprintf('$this->has(%s)', $this->doExport($service));
if (!$conditions) {
return '';
return \implode(' && ', $conditions);
private function getDefinitionsFromArguments(array $arguments, \SplObjectStorage $definitions = null, array &$calls = [], bool $byConstructor = null) : \SplObjectStorage
if (null === $definitions) {
$definitions = new \SplObjectStorage();
foreach ($arguments as $argument) {
if (\is_array($argument)) {
$this->getDefinitionsFromArguments($argument, $definitions, $calls, $byConstructor);
} elseif ($argument instanceof Reference) {
$id = (string) $argument;
while ($this->container->hasAlias($id)) {
$id = (string) $this->container->getAlias($id);
if (!isset($calls[$id])) {
$calls[$id] = [0, $argument->getInvalidBehavior(), $byConstructor];
} else {
$calls[$id][1] = \min($calls[$id][1], $argument->getInvalidBehavior());
} elseif (!$argument instanceof Definition) {
// no-op
} elseif (isset($definitions[$argument])) {
$definitions[$argument] = 1 + $definitions[$argument];
} else {
$definitions[$argument] = 1;
$arguments = [$argument->getArguments(), $argument->getFactory()];
$this->getDefinitionsFromArguments($arguments, $definitions, $calls, null === $byConstructor || $byConstructor);
$arguments = [$argument->getProperties(), $argument->getMethodCalls(), $argument->getConfigurator()];
$this->getDefinitionsFromArguments($arguments, $definitions, $calls, null !== $byConstructor && $byConstructor);
return $definitions;
* @throws RuntimeException
* @param mixed $value
private function dumpValue($value, bool $interpolate = \true) : string
if (\is_array($value)) {
if ($value && $interpolate && \false !== ($param = \array_search($value, $this->container->getParameterBag()->all(), \true))) {
return $this->dumpValue("%{$param}%");
$code = [];
foreach ($value as $k => $v) {
$code[] = \sprintf('%s => %s', $this->dumpValue($k, $interpolate), $this->dumpValue($v, $interpolate));
return \sprintf('[%s]', \implode(', ', $code));
} elseif ($value instanceof ArgumentInterface) {
$scope = [$this->definitionVariables, $this->referenceVariables];
$this->definitionVariables = $this->referenceVariables = null;
try {
if ($value instanceof ServiceClosureArgument) {
$value = $value->getValues()[0];
$code = $this->dumpValue($value, $interpolate);
$returnedType = '';
if ($value instanceof TypedReference) {
$returnedType = \sprintf(': %s\\%s', ContainerInterface::EXCEPTION_ON_INVALID_REFERENCE >= $value->getInvalidBehavior() ? '' : '?', \str_replace(['|', '&'], ['|\\', '&\\'], $value->getType()));
$code = \sprintf('return %s;', $code);
$attribute = '';
if ($value instanceof Reference) {
$attribute = 'name: ' . $this->dumpValue((string) $value, $interpolate);
if ($this->container->hasDefinition($value) && ($class = $this->container->findDefinition($value)->getClass()) && $class !== (string) $value) {
$attribute .= ', class: ' . $this->dumpValue($class, $interpolate);
$attribute = \sprintf('#[\\Closure(%s)] ', $attribute);
return \sprintf("%sfunction ()%s {\n %s\n }", $attribute, $returnedType, $code);
if ($value instanceof IteratorArgument) {
$operands = [0];
$code = [];
$code[] = 'new RewindableGenerator(function () {';
if (!($values = $value->getValues())) {
$code[] = ' return new \\EmptyIterator();';
} else {
$countCode = [];
$countCode[] = 'function () {';
foreach ($values as $k => $v) {
($c = $this->getServiceConditionals($v)) ? $operands[] = "(int) ({$c})" : ++$operands[0];
$v = $this->wrapServiceConditionals($v, \sprintf(" yield %s => %s;\n", $this->dumpValue($k, $interpolate), $this->dumpValue($v, $interpolate)));
foreach (\explode("\n", $v) as $v) {
if ($v) {
$code[] = ' ' . $v;
$countCode[] = \sprintf(' return %s;', \implode(' + ', $operands));
$countCode[] = ' }';
$code[] = \sprintf(' }, %s)', \count($operands) > 1 ? \implode("\n", $countCode) : $operands[0]);
return \implode("\n", $code);
if ($value instanceof ServiceLocatorArgument) {
$serviceMap = '';
$serviceTypes = '';
foreach ($value->getValues() as $k => $v) {
if (!$v instanceof Reference) {
$serviceMap .= \sprintf("\n %s => [%s],", $this->export($k), $this->dumpValue($v));
$serviceTypes .= \sprintf("\n %s => '?',", $this->export($k));
$id = (string) $v;
while ($this->container->hasAlias($id)) {
$id = (string) $this->container->getAlias($id);
$definition = $this->container->getDefinition($id);
$load = !($definition->hasErrors() && ($e = $definition->getErrors())) ? $this->asFiles && !$this->inlineFactories && !$this->isHotPath($definition) : \reset($e);
$serviceMap .= \sprintf("\n %s => [%s, %s, %s, %s],", $this->export($k), $this->export($definition->isShared() ? $definition->isPublic() ? 'services' : 'privates' : \false), $this->doExport($id), $this->export(ContainerInterface::IGNORE_ON_UNINITIALIZED_REFERENCE !== $v->getInvalidBehavior() && !\is_string($load) ? $this->generateMethodName($id) : null), $this->export($load));
$serviceTypes .= \sprintf("\n %s => %s,", $this->export($k), $this->export($v instanceof TypedReference ? $v->getType() : '?'));
$this->locatedIds[$id] = \true;
$this->addGetService = \true;
return \sprintf('new \\%s($this->getService, [%s%s], [%s%s])', ServiceLocator::class, $serviceMap, $serviceMap ? "\n " : '', $serviceTypes, $serviceTypes ? "\n " : '');
} finally {
[$this->definitionVariables, $this->referenceVariables] = $scope;
} elseif ($value instanceof Definition) {
if ($value->hasErrors() && ($e = $value->getErrors())) {
return \sprintf('throw new RuntimeException(%s)', $this->export(\reset($e)));
if (($nullsafeVariable6 = $this->definitionVariables) ? $nullsafeVariable6->contains($value) : null) {
return $this->dumpValue($this->definitionVariables[$value], $interpolate);
if ($value->getMethodCalls()) {
throw new RuntimeException('Cannot dump definitions which have method calls.');
if ($value->getProperties()) {
throw new RuntimeException('Cannot dump definitions which have properties.');
if (null !== $value->getConfigurator()) {
throw new RuntimeException('Cannot dump definitions which have a configurator.');
return $this->addNewInstance($value);
} elseif ($value instanceof Variable) {
return '$' . $value;
} elseif ($value instanceof Reference) {
$id = (string) $value;
while ($this->container->hasAlias($id)) {
$id = (string) $this->container->getAlias($id);
if (null !== $this->referenceVariables && isset($this->referenceVariables[$id])) {
return $this->dumpValue($this->referenceVariables[$id], $interpolate);
return $this->getServiceCall($id, $value);
} elseif ($value instanceof Expression) {
return $this->getExpressionLanguage()->compile((string) $value, ['this' => 'container']);
} elseif ($value instanceof Parameter) {
return $this->dumpParameter($value);
} elseif (\true === $interpolate && \is_string($value)) {
if (\preg_match('/^%([^%]+)%$/', $value, $match)) {
// we do this to deal with non string values (Boolean, integer, ...)
// the preg_replace_callback converts them to strings
return $this->dumpParameter($match[1]);
} else {
$replaceParameters = function ($match) {
return "'." . $this->dumpParameter($match[2]) . ".'";
$code = \str_replace('%%', '%', \preg_replace_callback('/(?<!%)(%)([^%]+)\\1/', $replaceParameters, $this->export($value)));
return $code;
} elseif ($value instanceof \UnitEnum) {
return \sprintf('\\%s::%s', \get_class($value), $value->name);
} elseif ($value instanceof AbstractArgument) {
throw new RuntimeException($value->getTextWithContext());
} elseif (\is_object($value) || \is_resource($value)) {
throw new RuntimeException('Unable to dump a service container if a parameter is an object or a resource.');
return $this->export($value);
* Dumps a string to a literal (aka PHP Code) class value.
* @throws RuntimeException
private function dumpLiteralClass(string $class) : string
if (\strpos($class, '$') !== \false) {
return \sprintf('${($_ = %s) && false ?: "_"}', $class);
if (\strncmp($class, "'", \strlen("'")) !== 0 || !\preg_match('/^\'(?:\\\\{2})?[a-zA-Z_\\x7f-\\xff][a-zA-Z0-9_\\x7f-\\xff]*(?:\\\\{2}[a-zA-Z_\\x7f-\\xff][a-zA-Z0-9_\\x7f-\\xff]*)*\'$/', $class)) {
throw new RuntimeException(\sprintf('Cannot dump definition because of invalid class name (%s).', $class ?: 'n/a'));
$class = \substr(\str_replace('\\\\', '\\', $class), 1, -1);
return \strncmp($class, '\\', \strlen('\\')) === 0 ? $class : '\\' . $class;
private function dumpParameter(string $name) : string
if ($this->container->hasParameter($name)) {
$value = $this->container->getParameter($name);
$dumpedValue = $this->dumpValue($value, \false);
if (!$value || !\is_array($value)) {
return $dumpedValue;
if (!\preg_match("/\\\$this->(?:getEnv\\('(?:[-.\\w]*+:)*+\\w++'\\)|targetDir\\.'')/", $dumpedValue)) {
return \sprintf('$this->parameters[%s]', $this->doExport($name));
return \sprintf('$this->getParameter(%s)', $this->doExport($name));
private function getServiceCall(string $id, Reference $reference = null) : string
while ($this->container->hasAlias($id)) {
$id = (string) $this->container->getAlias($id);
if ('service_container' === $id) {
return '$this';
if ($this->container->hasDefinition($id) && ($definition = $this->container->getDefinition($id))) {
if ($definition->isSynthetic()) {
$code = \sprintf('$this->get(%s%s)', $this->doExport($id), null !== $reference ? ', ' . $reference->getInvalidBehavior() : '');
} elseif (null !== $reference && ContainerInterface::IGNORE_ON_UNINITIALIZED_REFERENCE === $reference->getInvalidBehavior()) {
$code = 'null';
if (!$definition->isShared()) {
return $code;
} elseif ($this->isTrivialInstance($definition)) {
if ($definition->hasErrors() && ($e = $definition->getErrors())) {
return \sprintf('throw new RuntimeException(%s)', $this->export(\reset($e)));
$code = $this->addNewInstance($definition, '', $id);
if ($definition->isShared() && !isset($this->singleUsePrivateIds[$id])) {
$code = \sprintf('$this->%s[%s] = %s', $definition->isPublic() ? 'services' : 'privates', $this->doExport($id), $code);
$code = "({$code})";
} else {
$code = $this->asFiles && !$this->inlineFactories && !$this->isHotPath($definition) ? "\$this->load('%s')" : '$this->%s()';
$code = \sprintf($code, $this->generateMethodName($id));
if (!$definition->isShared()) {
$factory = \sprintf('$this->factories%s[%s]', $definition->isPublic() ? '' : "['service_container']", $this->doExport($id));
$code = \sprintf('(isset(%s) ? %1$s() : %s)', $factory, $code);
if ($definition->isShared() && !isset($this->singleUsePrivateIds[$id])) {
$code = \sprintf('($this->%s[%s] ?? %s)', $definition->isPublic() ? 'services' : 'privates', $this->doExport($id), $code);
return $code;
if (null !== $reference && ContainerInterface::IGNORE_ON_UNINITIALIZED_REFERENCE === $reference->getInvalidBehavior()) {
return 'null';
if (null !== $reference && ContainerInterface::EXCEPTION_ON_INVALID_REFERENCE < $reference->getInvalidBehavior()) {
$code = \sprintf('$this->get(%s, ContainerInterface::NULL_ON_INVALID_REFERENCE)', $this->doExport($id));
} else {
$code = \sprintf('$this->get(%s)', $this->doExport($id));
return \sprintf('($this->services[%s] ?? %s)', $this->doExport($id), $code);
* Initializes the method names map to avoid conflicts with the Container methods.
private function initializeMethodNamesMap(string $class)
$this->serviceIdToMethodNameMap = [];
$this->usedMethodNames = [];
if ($reflectionClass = $this->container->getReflectionClass($class)) {
foreach ($reflectionClass->getMethods() as $method) {
$this->usedMethodNames[\strtolower($method->getName())] = \true;
* @throws InvalidArgumentException
private function generateMethodName(string $id) : string
if (isset($this->serviceIdToMethodNameMap[$id])) {
return $this->serviceIdToMethodNameMap[$id];
$i = \strrpos($id, '\\');
$name = Container::camelize(\false !== $i && isset($id[1 + $i]) ? \substr($id, 1 + $i) : $id);
$name = \preg_replace('/[^a-zA-Z0-9_\\x7f-\\xff]/', '', $name);
$methodName = 'get' . $name . 'Service';
$suffix = 1;
while (isset($this->usedMethodNames[\strtolower($methodName)])) {
$methodName = 'get' . $name . $suffix . 'Service';
$this->serviceIdToMethodNameMap[$id] = $methodName;
$this->usedMethodNames[\strtolower($methodName)] = \true;
return $methodName;
private function getNextVariableName() : string
$firstChars = self::FIRST_CHARS;
$firstCharsLength = \strlen($firstChars);
$nonFirstChars = self::NON_FIRST_CHARS;
$nonFirstCharsLength = \strlen($nonFirstChars);
while (\true) {
$name = '';
$i = $this->variableCount;
if ('' === $name) {
$name .= $firstChars[$i % $firstCharsLength];
$i = (int) ($i / $firstCharsLength);
while ($i > 0) {
$name .= $nonFirstChars[$i % $nonFirstCharsLength];
$i = (int) ($i / $nonFirstCharsLength);
// check that the name is not reserved
if (\in_array($name, $this->reservedVariables, \true)) {
return $name;
private function getExpressionLanguage() : ExpressionLanguage
if (!isset($this->expressionLanguage)) {
if (!\class_exists(\RectorPrefix202308\Symfony\Component\ExpressionLanguage\ExpressionLanguage::class)) {
throw new LogicException('Unable to use expressions as the Symfony ExpressionLanguage component is not installed.');
$providers = $this->container->getExpressionLanguageProviders();
$this->expressionLanguage = new ExpressionLanguage(null, $providers, function ($arg) {
$id = '""' === \substr_replace($arg, '', 1, -1) ? \stripcslashes(\substr($arg, 1, -1)) : null;
if (null !== $id && ($this->container->hasAlias($id) || $this->container->hasDefinition($id))) {
return $this->getServiceCall($id);
return \sprintf('$this->get(%s)', $arg);
if ($this->container->isTrackingResources()) {
foreach ($providers as $provider) {
return $this->expressionLanguage;
private function isHotPath(Definition $definition) : bool
return $this->hotPathTag && $definition->hasTag($this->hotPathTag) && !$definition->isDeprecated();
private function isSingleUsePrivateNode(ServiceReferenceGraphNode $node) : bool
if ($node->getValue()->isPublic()) {
return \false;
$ids = [];
foreach ($node->getInEdges() as $edge) {
if (!($value = $edge->getSourceNode()->getValue())) {
if ($edge->isLazy() || !$value instanceof Definition || !$value->isShared()) {
return \false;
$ids[$edge->getSourceNode()->getId()] = \true;
return 1 === \count($ids);
* @param mixed $value
* @return mixed
private function export($value)
if (null !== $this->targetDirRegex && \is_string($value) && \preg_match($this->targetDirRegex, $value, $matches, \PREG_OFFSET_CAPTURE)) {
$suffix = $matches[0][1] + \strlen($matches[0][0]);
$matches[0][1] += \strlen($matches[1][0]);
$prefix = $matches[0][1] ? $this->doExport(\substr($value, 0, $matches[0][1]), \true) . '.' : '';
if ('\\' === \DIRECTORY_SEPARATOR && isset($value[$suffix])) {
$cookie = '\\' . \random_int(100000, \PHP_INT_MAX);
$suffix = '.' . $this->doExport(\str_replace('\\', $cookie, \substr($value, $suffix)), \true);
$suffix = \str_replace('\\' . $cookie, "'.\\DIRECTORY_SEPARATOR.'", $suffix);
} else {
$suffix = isset($value[$suffix]) ? '.' . $this->doExport(\substr($value, $suffix), \true) : '';
$dirname = $this->asFiles ? '$this->containerDir' : '__DIR__';
$offset = 2 + $this->targetDirMaxMatches - \count($matches);
if (0 < $offset) {
$dirname = \sprintf('\\dirname(__DIR__, %d)', $offset + (int) $this->asFiles);
} elseif ($this->asFiles) {
$dirname = "\$this->targetDir.''";
// empty string concatenation on purpose
if ($prefix || $suffix) {
return \sprintf('(%s%s%s)', $prefix, $dirname, $suffix);
return $dirname;
return $this->doExport($value, \true);
* @param mixed $value
* @return mixed
private function doExport($value, bool $resolveEnv = \false)
$shouldCacheValue = $resolveEnv && \is_string($value);
if ($shouldCacheValue && isset($this->exportedVariables[$value])) {
return $this->exportedVariables[$value];
if (\is_string($value) && \strpos($value, "\n") !== \false) {
$cleanParts = \explode("\n", $value);
$cleanParts = \array_map(function ($part) {
return \var_export($part, \true);
}, $cleanParts);
$export = \implode('."\\n".', $cleanParts);
} else {
$export = \var_export($value, \true);
if ($this->asFiles) {
if (\strpos($export, '$this') !== \false) {
$export = \str_replace('$this', "\$'.'this", $export);
if (\strpos($export, 'function () {') !== \false) {
$export = \str_replace('function () {', "function ('.') {", $export);
if ($resolveEnv && "'" === $export[0] && $export !== ($resolvedExport = $this->container->resolveEnvPlaceholders($export, "'.\$this->getEnv('string:%s').'"))) {
$export = $resolvedExport;
if (\substr_compare($export, ".''", -\strlen(".''")) === 0) {
$export = \substr($export, 0, -3);
if ("'" === $export[1]) {
$export = \substr_replace($export, '', 18, 7);
if ("'" === $export[1]) {
$export = \substr($export, 3);
if ($shouldCacheValue) {
$this->exportedVariables[$value] = $export;
return $export;
private function getAutoloadFile() : ?string
$file = null;
foreach (\spl_autoload_functions() as $autoloader) {
if (!\is_array($autoloader)) {
if ($autoloader[0] instanceof DebugClassLoader || $autoloader[0] instanceof LegacyDebugClassLoader) {
$autoloader = $autoloader[0]->getClassLoader();
if (!\is_array($autoloader) || !$autoloader[0] instanceof ClassLoader || !$autoloader[0]->findFile(__CLASS__)) {
foreach (\get_declared_classes() as $class) {
if (\strncmp($class, 'ComposerAutoloaderInit', \strlen('ComposerAutoloaderInit')) === 0 && $class::getLoader() === $autoloader[0]) {
$file = \dirname((new \ReflectionClass($class))->getFileName(), 2) . '/autoload.php';
if (null !== $this->targetDirRegex && \preg_match($this->targetDirRegex . 'A', $file)) {
return $file;
return $file;
private function getClasses(Definition $definition, string $id) : array
$classes = [];
while ($definition instanceof Definition) {
foreach ($definition->getTag($this->preloadTags[0]) as $tag) {
if (!isset($tag['class'])) {
throw new InvalidArgumentException(\sprintf('Missing attribute "class" on tag "%s" for service "%s".', $this->preloadTags[0], $id));
$classes[] = \trim($tag['class'], '\\');
if ($class = $definition->getClass()) {
$classes[] = \trim($class, '\\');
$factory = $definition->getFactory();
if (!\is_array($factory)) {
$factory = [$factory];
if (\is_string($factory[0])) {
if (\false !== ($i = \strrpos($factory[0], '::'))) {
$factory[0] = \substr($factory[0], 0, $i);
$classes[] = \trim($factory[0], '\\');
$definition = $factory[0];
return $classes;