Tomas Votruba 9ccb6367c0 Updated Rector to commit 9b03d8367cd3c69b36b8b1aedf458b191f46655a
9b03d8367c [TypeDeclaration] Add ReturnUnionTypeRector (#4655)
2023-08-05 10:29:33 +00:00

452 lines
18 KiB

* This file is part of the Tracy (
* Copyright (c) 2004 David Grudl (
declare (strict_types=1);
namespace RectorPrefix202308\Tracy;
use RectorPrefix202308\Nette;
* Rendering helpers for Debugger.
class Helpers
* Returns HTML link to editor.
public static function editorLink(string $file, ?int $line = null) : string
$file = \strtr($origFile = $file, Debugger::$editorMapping);
if ($editor = self::editorUri($origFile, $line)) {
$parts = \explode('/', \strtr($file, '\\', '/'));
$file = \array_pop($parts);
while ($parts && \strlen($file) < 50) {
$file = \array_pop($parts) . '/' . $file;
$file = ($parts ? '.../' : '') . $file;
$file = \strtr($file, '/', \DIRECTORY_SEPARATOR);
return self::formatHtml('<a href="%" title="%" class="tracy-editor">%<b>%</b>%</a>', $editor, $origFile . ($line ? ":{$line}" : ''), \rtrim(\dirname($file), \DIRECTORY_SEPARATOR) . \DIRECTORY_SEPARATOR, \basename($file), $line ? ":{$line}" : '');
} else {
return self::formatHtml('<span>%</span>', $file . ($line ? ":{$line}" : ''));
* Returns link to editor.
public static function editorUri(string $file, ?int $line = null, string $action = 'open', string $search = '', string $replace = '') : ?string
if (Debugger::$editor && $file && ($action === 'create' || \is_file($file))) {
$file = \strtr($file, '/', \DIRECTORY_SEPARATOR);
$file = \strtr($file, Debugger::$editorMapping);
$search = \str_replace("\n", \PHP_EOL, $search);
$replace = \str_replace("\n", \PHP_EOL, $replace);
return \strtr(Debugger::$editor, ['%action' => $action, '%file' => \rawurlencode($file), '%line' => $line ?: 1, '%search' => \rawurlencode($search), '%replace' => \rawurlencode($replace)]);
return null;
public static function formatHtml(string $mask) : string
$args = \func_get_args();
return \preg_replace_callback('#%#', function () use(&$args, &$count) : string {
return \str_replace("\n", '&#10;', self::escapeHtml($args[++$count]));
}, $mask);
* @param mixed $s
public static function escapeHtml($s) : string
return \htmlspecialchars((string) $s, \ENT_QUOTES | \ENT_SUBSTITUTE | \ENT_HTML5, 'UTF-8');
* @param mixed[]|string $method
public static function findTrace(array $trace, $method, ?int &$index = null) : ?array
$m = \is_array($method) ? $method : \explode('::', $method);
foreach ($trace as $i => $item) {
if (isset($item['function']) && $item['function'] === \end($m) && isset($item['class']) === isset($m[1]) && (!isset($item['class']) || $m[0] === '*' || \is_a($item['class'], $m[0], \true))) {
$index = $i;
return $item;
return null;
/** @internal */
public static function fixStack(\Throwable $exception) : \Throwable
if (\function_exists('xdebug_get_function_stack')) {
$stack = [];
$trace = @\xdebug_get_function_stack();
// @ xdebug compatibility warning
$trace = \array_slice(\array_reverse($trace), 2, -1);
foreach ($trace as $row) {
$frame = ['file' => $row['file'], 'line' => $row['line'], 'function' => $row['function'] ?? '*unknown*', 'args' => []];
if (!empty($row['class'])) {
$frame['type'] = isset($row['type']) && $row['type'] === 'dynamic' ? '->' : '::';
$frame['class'] = $row['class'];
$stack[] = $frame;
$ref = new \ReflectionProperty('Exception', 'trace');
$ref->setValue($exception, $stack);
return $exception;
/** @internal */
public static function errorTypeToString(int $type) : string
$types = [\E_ERROR => 'Fatal Error', \E_USER_ERROR => 'User Error', \E_RECOVERABLE_ERROR => 'Recoverable Error', \E_CORE_ERROR => 'Core Error', \E_COMPILE_ERROR => 'Compile Error', \E_PARSE => 'Parse Error', \E_WARNING => 'Warning', \E_CORE_WARNING => 'Core Warning', \E_COMPILE_WARNING => 'Compile Warning', \E_USER_WARNING => 'User Warning', \E_NOTICE => 'Notice', \E_USER_NOTICE => 'User Notice', \E_STRICT => 'Strict standards', \E_DEPRECATED => 'Deprecated', \E_USER_DEPRECATED => 'User Deprecated'];
return $types[$type] ?? 'Unknown error';
/** @internal */
public static function getSource() : string
if (self::isCli()) {
return 'CLI (PID: ' . \getmypid() . ')' . (isset($_SERVER['argv']) ? ': ' . \implode(' ', \array_map([self::class, 'escapeArg'], $_SERVER['argv'])) : '');
} elseif (isset($_SERVER['REQUEST_URI'])) {
return (!empty($_SERVER['HTTPS']) && \strcasecmp($_SERVER['HTTPS'], 'off') ? 'https://' : 'http://') . ($_SERVER['HTTP_HOST'] ?? '') . $_SERVER['REQUEST_URI'];
} else {
return \PHP_SAPI;
/** @internal */
public static function improveException(\Throwable $e) : void
$message = $e->getMessage();
if (!$e instanceof \Error && !$e instanceof \ErrorException || $e instanceof Nette\MemberAccessException || \strpos($e->getMessage(), 'did you mean')) {
// do nothing
} elseif (\preg_match('#^Call to undefined function (\\S+\\\\)?(\\w+)\\(#', $message, $m)) {
$funcs = \array_merge(\get_defined_functions()['internal'], \get_defined_functions()['user']);
$hint = self::getSuggestion($funcs, $m[1] . $m[2]) ?: self::getSuggestion($funcs, $m[2]);
$message = "Call to undefined function {$m[2]}(), did you mean {$hint}()?";
$replace = ["{$m[2]}(", "{$hint}("];
} elseif (\preg_match('#^Call to undefined method ([\\w\\\\]+)::(\\w+)#', $message, $m)) {
$hint = self::getSuggestion(\get_class_methods($m[1]) ?: [], $m[2]);
$message .= ", did you mean {$hint}()?";
$replace = ["{$m[2]}(", "{$hint}("];
} elseif (\preg_match('#^Undefined property: ([\\w\\\\]+)::\\$(\\w+)#', $message, $m)) {
$rc = new \ReflectionClass($m[1]);
$items = \array_filter($rc->getProperties(\ReflectionProperty::IS_PUBLIC), function ($prop) {
return !$prop->isStatic();
$hint = self::getSuggestion($items, $m[2]);
$message .= ", did you mean \${$hint}?";
$replace = ["->{$m[2]}", "->{$hint}"];
} elseif (\preg_match('#^Access to undeclared static property:? ([\\w\\\\]+)::\\$(\\w+)#', $message, $m)) {
$rc = new \ReflectionClass($m[1]);
$items = \array_filter($rc->getProperties(\ReflectionProperty::IS_STATIC), function ($prop) {
return $prop->isPublic();
$hint = self::getSuggestion($items, $m[2]);
$message .= ", did you mean \${$hint}?";
$replace = ["::\${$m[2]}", "::\${$hint}"];
if (isset($hint)) {
$loc = Debugger::mapSource($e->getFile(), $e->getLine()) ?? ['file' => $e->getFile(), 'line' => $e->getLine()];
$ref = new \ReflectionProperty($e, 'message');
$ref->setValue($e, $message);
@($e->tracyAction = [
// dynamic properties are deprecated since PHP 8.2
'link' => self::editorUri($loc['file'], $loc['line'], 'fix', $replace[0], $replace[1]),
'label' => 'fix it',
/** @internal */
public static function improveError(string $message) : string
if (\preg_match('#^Undefined property: ([\\w\\\\]+)::\\$(\\w+)#', $message, $m)) {
$rc = new \ReflectionClass($m[1]);
$items = \array_filter($rc->getProperties(\ReflectionProperty::IS_PUBLIC), function ($prop) {
return !$prop->isStatic();
$hint = self::getSuggestion($items, $m[2]);
return $hint ? $message . ", did you mean \${$hint}?" : $message;
return $message;
/** @internal */
public static function guessClassFile(string $class) : ?string
$segments = \explode('\\', $class);
$res = null;
$max = 0;
foreach (\get_declared_classes() as $class) {
$parts = \explode('\\', $class);
foreach ($parts as $i => $part) {
if ($part !== ($segments[$i] ?? null)) {
if ($i > $max && $i < \count($segments) && ($file = (new \ReflectionClass($class))->getFileName())) {
$max = $i;
$res = \array_merge(\array_slice(\explode(\DIRECTORY_SEPARATOR, $file), 0, $i - \count($parts)), \array_slice($segments, $i));
$res = \implode(\DIRECTORY_SEPARATOR, $res) . '.php';
return $res;
* Finds the best suggestion.
* @internal
public static function getSuggestion(array $items, string $value) : ?string
$best = null;
$min = (\strlen($value) / 4 + 1) * 10 + 0.1;
$items = \array_map(function ($item) {
return $item instanceof \Reflector ? $item->getName() : (string) $item;
}, $items);
foreach (\array_unique($items) as $item) {
if (($len = \levenshtein($item, $value, 10, 11, 10)) > 0 && $len < $min) {
$min = $len;
$best = $item;
return $best;
/** @internal */
public static function isHtmlMode() : bool
return empty($_SERVER['HTTP_X_REQUESTED_WITH']) && empty($_SERVER['HTTP_X_TRACY_AJAX']) && isset($_SERVER['HTTP_HOST']) && !self::isCli() && !\preg_match('#^Content-Type: *+(?!text/html)#im', \implode("\n", \headers_list()));
/** @internal */
public static function isAjax() : bool
return isset($_SERVER['HTTP_X_TRACY_AJAX']) && \preg_match('#^\\w{10,15}$#D', $_SERVER['HTTP_X_TRACY_AJAX']);
/** @internal */
public static function isRedirect() : bool
return (bool) \preg_match('#^Location:#im', \implode("\n", \headers_list()));
/** @internal */
public static function createId() : string
return \bin2hex(\random_bytes(5));
/** @internal */
public static function isCli() : bool
return \PHP_SAPI === 'cli' || \PHP_SAPI === 'phpdbg';
/** @internal */
public static function getNonce() : ?string
return \preg_match('#^Content-Security-Policy(?:-Report-Only)?:.*\\sscript-src\\s+(?:[^;]+\\s)?\'nonce-([\\w+/]+=*)\'#mi', \implode("\n", \headers_list()), $m) ? $m[1] : null;
* Escape a string to be used as a shell argument.
private static function escapeArg(string $s) : string
if (\preg_match('#^[a-z0-9._=/:-]+$#Di', $s)) {
return $s;
return \defined('PHP_WINDOWS_VERSION_BUILD') ? '"' . \str_replace('"', '""', $s) . '"' : \escapeshellarg($s);
* Captures PHP output into a string.
public static function capture(callable $func) : string
\ob_start(function () {
return null;
try {
return \ob_get_clean();
} catch (\Throwable $e) {
throw $e;
/** @internal */
public static function encodeString(string $s, ?int $maxLength = null, bool $showWhitespaces = \true) : string
$utf8 = self::isUtf8($s);
$len = $utf8 ? self::utf8Length($s) : \strlen($s);
return $maxLength && $len > $maxLength + 20 ? self::doEncodeString(self::truncateString($s, $maxLength, $utf8), $utf8, $showWhitespaces) . ' <span>…</span> ' . self::doEncodeString(self::truncateString($s, -10, $utf8), $utf8, $showWhitespaces) : self::doEncodeString($s, $utf8, $showWhitespaces);
private static function doEncodeString(string $s, bool $utf8, bool $showWhitespaces) : string
$specials = [\true => ["\r" => '<i>\\r</i>', "\n" => "<i>\\n</i>\n", "\t" => '<i>\\t</i> ', "\x1b" => '<i>\\e</i>', '<' => '&lt;', '&' => '&amp;'], \false => ["\r" => "\r", "\n" => "\n", "\t" => "\t", "\x1b" => '<i>\\e</i>', '<' => '&lt;', '&' => '&amp;']];
$special = $specials[$showWhitespaces];
$s = \preg_replace_callback($utf8 ? '#[\\p{C}<&]#u' : '#[\\x00-\\x1F\\x7F-\\xFF<&]#', function ($m) use($special) {
return $special[$m[0]] ?? (\strlen($m[0]) === 1 ? '<i>\\x' . \str_pad(\strtoupper(\dechex(\ord($m[0]))), 2, '0', \STR_PAD_LEFT) . '</i>' : '<i>\\u{' . \strtoupper(\ltrim(\dechex(self::utf8Ord($m[0])), '0')) . '}</i>');
}, $s);
$s = \str_replace('</i><i>', '', $s);
$s = \preg_replace('~\\n$~D', '', $s);
return $s;
private static function utf8Ord(string $c) : int
$ord0 = \ord($c[0]);
if ($ord0 < 0x80) {
return $ord0;
} elseif ($ord0 < 0xe0) {
return ($ord0 << 6) + \ord($c[1]) - 0x3080;
} elseif ($ord0 < 0xf0) {
return ($ord0 << 12) + (\ord($c[1]) << 6) + \ord($c[2]) - 0xe2080;
} else {
return ($ord0 << 18) + (\ord($c[1]) << 12) + (\ord($c[2]) << 6) + \ord($c[3]) - 0x3c82080;
/** @internal */
public static function utf8Length(string $s) : int
return \function_exists('mb_strlen') ? \mb_strlen($s, 'UTF-8') : \strlen(\utf8_decode($s));
/** @internal */
public static function isUtf8(string $s) : bool
return (bool) \preg_match('##u', $s);
/** @internal */
public static function truncateString(string $s, int $len, bool $utf) : string
if (!$utf) {
return $len < 0 ? \substr($s, $len) : \substr($s, 0, $len);
} elseif (\function_exists('mb_substr')) {
return $len < 0 ? \mb_substr($s, $len, -$len, 'UTF-8') : \mb_substr($s, 0, $len, 'UTF-8');
} else {
$len < 0 ? \preg_match('#.{0,' . -$len . '}\\z#us', $s, $m) : \preg_match("#^.{0,{$len}}#us", $s, $m);
return $m[0];
/** @internal */
public static function minifyJs(string $s) : string
// author: Jakub Vrana
$last = '';
return \preg_replace_callback(<<<'XX'
(^|[-+\([{}=,:;!%^&*|?~]|/(?![/*])|return|throw) # context before regexp
(?:\s|//[^\n]*+\n|/\*(?:[^*]|\*(?!/))*+\*/)* # optional space
(/(?![/*])(?:\\[^\n]|[^[\n/\\]|\[(?:\\[^\n]|[^]])++)+/) # regexp
)(?:\s|//[^\n]*+\n|/\*(?:[^*]|\*(?!/))*+\*/)* # optional space
, function ($match) use(&$last) {
[, $context, $regexp, $result, $word, $operator] = $match;
if ($word !== '') {
$result = ($last === 'word' ? ' ' : ($last === 'return' ? ' ' : '')) . $result;
$last = $word === 'return' || $word === 'throw' || $word === 'break' ? 'return' : 'word';
} elseif ($operator) {
$result = ($last === $operator[0] ? ' ' : '') . $result;
$last = $operator[0];
} else {
if ($regexp) {
$result = $context . ($context === '/' ? ' ' : '') . $regexp;
$last = '';
return $result;
}, $s . "\n");
/** @internal */
public static function minifyCss(string $s) : string
$last = '';
return \preg_replace_callback(<<<'XX'
)(?:\s|/\*(?:[^*]|\*(?!/))*+\*/)* # optional space
, function ($match) use(&$last) {
[, $result, $word] = $match;
if ($last === ';') {
$result = $result === '}' ? '}' : ';' . $result;
$last = '';
if ($word !== '') {
$result = ($last === 'word' ? ' ' : '') . $result;
$last = 'word';
} elseif ($result === ';') {
$last = ';';
$result = '';
} else {
$last = '';
return $result;
}, $s . "\n");
public static function detectColors() : bool
return self::isCli() && \getenv('NO_COLOR') === \false && (\getenv('FORCE_COLOR') || (\function_exists('sapi_windows_vt100_support') ? \sapi_windows_vt100_support(\STDOUT) : @\stream_isatty(\STDOUT)));
public static function getExceptionChain(\Throwable $ex) : array
$res = [$ex];
while (($ex = $ex->getPrevious()) && !\in_array($ex, $res, \true)) {
$res[] = $ex;
return $res;
* @param mixed $val
public static function traverseValue($val, callable $callback, array &$skip = [], ?string $refId = null) : void
if (\is_object($val)) {
$id = \spl_object_id($val);
if (!isset($skip[$id])) {
$skip[$id] = \true;
self::traverseValue((array) $val, $callback, $skip);
} elseif (\is_array($val)) {
if ($refId) {
if (isset($skip[$refId])) {
$skip[$refId] = \true;
foreach ($val as $k => $v) {
$refId = ($nullsafeVariable10 = \ReflectionReference::fromArrayElement($val, $k)) ? $nullsafeVariable10->getId() : null;
self::traverseValue($v, $callback, $skip, $refId);
/** @internal */
public static function decomposeFlags(int $flags, bool $set, array $constants) : ?array
$res = null;
foreach ($constants as $constant) {
if (\defined($constant)) {
$v = \constant($constant);
if ($set) {
if ($v && ($flags & $v) === $v) {
$res[] = $constant;
$flags &= ~$v;
} elseif ($flags === $v) {
return [$constant];
if ($flags && $res && $set) {
$res[] = (string) $flags;
return $res;