Tomas Votruba 28f5dbde13 Updated Rector to commit c14f8d45175bd4c10fef503e350d677c4a73ce29
c14f8d4517 [Php72][TypeDeclaration] Rollback tweak infinite loop handling on DeclareStrictTypesRector (#5700)
2024-03-08 06:34:02 +00:00

111 lines
3.5 KiB

declare (strict_types=1);
namespace Rector\TypeDeclaration\Rector\StmtsAwareInterface;
use PhpParser\Node;
use PhpParser\Node\Identifier;
use PhpParser\Node\Scalar\LNumber;
use PhpParser\Node\Stmt;
use PhpParser\Node\Stmt\Declare_;
use PhpParser\Node\Stmt\DeclareDeclare;
use PhpParser\Node\Stmt\Nop;
use Rector\ChangesReporting\ValueObject\RectorWithLineChange;
use Rector\Contract\PhpParser\Node\StmtsAwareInterface;
use Rector\PhpParser\Node\CustomNode\FileWithoutNamespace;
use Rector\Rector\AbstractRector;
use Symplify\RuleDocGenerator\ValueObject\CodeSample\CodeSample;
use Symplify\RuleDocGenerator\ValueObject\RuleDefinition;
* @see \Rector\Tests\TypeDeclaration\Rector\StmtsAwareInterface\DeclareStrictTypesRector\DeclareStrictTypesRectorTest
final class DeclareStrictTypesRector extends AbstractRector
public function getRuleDefinition() : RuleDefinition
return new RuleDefinition('Add declare(strict_types=1) if missing', [new CodeSample(<<<'CODE_SAMPLE'
function someFunction()
function someFunction()
* @param Node[] $nodes
* @return Node[]|null
public function beforeTraverse(array $nodes) : ?array
$filePath = $this->file->getFilePath();
if ($this->skipper->shouldSkipElementAndFilePath(self::class, $filePath)) {
return null;
$newStmts = $this->file->getNewStmts();
if ($newStmts === []) {
return null;
$rootStmt = \current($newStmts);
$stmt = $rootStmt;
if ($rootStmt instanceof FileWithoutNamespace) {
$currentStmt = \current($rootStmt->stmts);
if (!$currentStmt instanceof Stmt) {
return null;
$nodes = $rootStmt->stmts;
$stmt = $currentStmt;
if (!$stmt instanceof Stmt) {
return null;
if ($this->shouldSkip($stmt)) {
return null;
$declareDeclare = new DeclareDeclare(new Identifier('strict_types'), new LNumber(1));
$strictTypesDeclare = new Declare_([$declareDeclare]);
$rectorWithLineChange = new RectorWithLineChange(self::class, $stmt->getLine());
if ($rootStmt instanceof FileWithoutNamespace) {
/** @var Stmt[] $nodes */
$rootStmt->stmts = \array_merge([$strictTypesDeclare, new Nop()], $nodes);
return [$rootStmt];
return \array_merge([$strictTypesDeclare, new Nop()], $nodes);
* @return array<class-string<Node>>
public function getNodeTypes() : array
return [StmtsAwareInterface::class];
* @param StmtsAwareInterface $node
public function refactor(Node $node) : ?Node
// workaroudn, as Rector now only hooks to specific nodes, not arrays
return null;
private function shouldSkip(Stmt $stmt) : bool
// when first stmt is Declare_, verify if there is strict_types definition already,
// as multiple declare is allowed, with declare(strict_types=1) only allowed on very first stmt
if ($stmt instanceof Declare_) {
foreach ($stmt->declares as $declare) {
if ($declare->key->toString() === 'strict_types') {
return \true;
return \false;