Abdul Malik Ikhsan fc10fce13d
[Rectify] [Php81] Enable Rectify on Readonly Property only (#1384)
* re-enable rectify and ecs

* [Rectify] [Php81] Enable Rectify on Readonly Property only

* comment

* [ci-review] Rector Rectify

* [ci-review] Rector Rectify

* [ci-review] Rector Rectify

* [ci-review] Rector Rectify

* [ci-review] Rector Rectify

Co-authored-by: GitHub Action <>
2021-12-04 15:32:52 +03:00

355 lines
12 KiB

namespace Rector\BetterPhpDocParser\Printer;
use Nette\Utils\Strings;
use PhpParser\Node\Stmt\InlineHTML;
use PHPStan\PhpDocParser\Ast\PhpDoc\ParamTagValueNode;
use PHPStan\PhpDocParser\Ast\PhpDoc\PhpDocChildNode;
use PHPStan\PhpDocParser\Ast\PhpDoc\PhpDocNode;
use PHPStan\PhpDocParser\Ast\PhpDoc\PhpDocTagNode;
use PHPStan\PhpDocParser\Ast\PhpDoc\PropertyTagValueNode;
use PHPStan\PhpDocParser\Ast\PhpDoc\ReturnTagValueNode;
use PHPStan\PhpDocParser\Ast\PhpDoc\ThrowsTagValueNode;
use PHPStan\PhpDocParser\Ast\PhpDoc\VarTagValueNode;
use PHPStan\PhpDocParser\Lexer\Lexer;
use Rector\BetterPhpDocParser\PhpDoc\DoctrineAnnotationTagValueNode;
use Rector\BetterPhpDocParser\PhpDocInfo\PhpDocInfo;
use Rector\BetterPhpDocParser\PhpDocNodeTraverser\ChangedPhpDocNodeTraverserFactory;
use Rector\BetterPhpDocParser\PhpDocNodeVisitor\ChangedPhpDocNodeVisitor;
use Rector\BetterPhpDocParser\ValueObject\PhpDocAttributeKey;
use Rector\BetterPhpDocParser\ValueObject\StartAndEnd;
use Rector\Core\Exception\ShouldNotHappenException;
use Rector\Core\Util\StringUtils;
use Symplify\SimplePhpDocParser\PhpDocNodeTraverser;
* @see \Rector\Tests\BetterPhpDocParser\PhpDocInfo\PhpDocInfoPrinter\PhpDocInfoPrinterTest
final class PhpDocInfoPrinter
* @var string
* @see
public const CLOSING_DOCBLOCK_REGEX = '#\*\/(\s+)?$#';
* @var string
* @see
private const OPENING_DOCBLOCK_REGEX = '#^(/\*\*)#';
* @var string
* @see
private const CALLABLE_REGEX = '#callable(\s+)\(#';
* @var string
* @see
private const DOCBLOCK_START_REGEX = '#^(\/\/|\/\*\*|\/\*|\#)#';
* @var string Uses a hardcoded unix-newline since most codes use it (even on windows) - otherwise we would need to normalize newlines
private const NEWLINE_WITH_ASTERISK = "\n" . ' *';
* @see
* @var string
private const TAG_AND_SPACE_REGEX = '#(@.*?) \(#';
private int $tokenCount = 0;
private int $currentTokenPosition = 0;
* @var mixed[]
private array $tokens = [];
private ?PhpDocInfo $phpDocInfo = null;
private readonly PhpDocNodeTraverser $changedPhpDocNodeTraverser;
public function __construct(
private readonly EmptyPhpDocDetector $emptyPhpDocDetector,
private readonly DocBlockInliner $docBlockInliner,
private readonly RemoveNodesStartAndEndResolver $removeNodesStartAndEndResolver,
private readonly ChangedPhpDocNodeVisitor $changedPhpDocNodeVisitor,
ChangedPhpDocNodeTraverserFactory $changedPhpDocNodeTraverserFactory
) {
$this->changedPhpDocNodeTraverser = $changedPhpDocNodeTraverserFactory->create();
public function printNew(PhpDocInfo $phpDocInfo): string
$docContent = (string) $phpDocInfo->getPhpDocNode();
if ($phpDocInfo->isSingleLine()) {
return $this->docBlockInliner->inline($docContent);
if ($phpDocInfo->getNode() instanceof InlineHTML) {
return '<?php' . PHP_EOL . $docContent . PHP_EOL . '?>';
return $docContent;
* As in php-parser
* ref:
* - Tokens[node.startPos .. subnode1.startPos]
* - Print(subnode1)
* - Tokens[subnode1.endPos .. subnode2.startPos]
* - Print(subnode2)
* - Tokens[subnode2.endPos .. node.endPos]
public function printFormatPreserving(PhpDocInfo $phpDocInfo): string
if ($phpDocInfo->getTokens() === []) {
// completely new one, just print string version of it
if ($phpDocInfo->getPhpDocNode()->children === []) {
return '';
if ($phpDocInfo->getNode() instanceof InlineHTML) {
return '<?php' . PHP_EOL . $phpDocInfo->getPhpDocNode() . PHP_EOL . '?>';
return (string) $phpDocInfo->getPhpDocNode();
$phpDocNode = $phpDocInfo->getPhpDocNode();
$this->tokens = $phpDocInfo->getTokens();
$this->tokenCount = $phpDocInfo->getTokenCount();
$this->phpDocInfo = $phpDocInfo;
$this->currentTokenPosition = 0;
$phpDocString = $this->printPhpDocNode($phpDocNode);
// hotfix of extra space with callable ()
return Strings::replace($phpDocString, self::CALLABLE_REGEX, 'callable(');
public function getCurrentPhpDocInfo(): PhpDocInfo
if ($this->phpDocInfo === null) {
throw new ShouldNotHappenException();
return $this->phpDocInfo;
private function printPhpDocNode(PhpDocNode $phpDocNode): string
// no nodes were, so empty doc
if ($this->emptyPhpDocDetector->isPhpDocNodeEmpty($phpDocNode)) {
return '';
$output = '';
// node output
$nodeCount = count($phpDocNode->children);
foreach ($phpDocNode->children as $key => $phpDocChildNode) {
$output .= $this->printDocChildNode($phpDocChildNode, $key + 1, $nodeCount);
$output = $this->printEnd($output);
// fix missing start
if (! StringUtils::isMatch($output, self::DOCBLOCK_START_REGEX) && $output !== '') {
$output = '/**' . $output;
// fix missing end
if (StringUtils::isMatch(
) && ! StringUtils::isMatch($output, self::CLOSING_DOCBLOCK_REGEX)) {
$output .= ' */';
return $output;
private function printDocChildNode(
PhpDocChildNode $phpDocChildNode,
int $key = 0,
int $nodeCount = 0
): string {
$output = '';
$shouldReprintChildNode = $this->shouldReprint($phpDocChildNode);
if ($phpDocChildNode instanceof PhpDocTagNode) {
if ($shouldReprintChildNode && ($phpDocChildNode->value instanceof ParamTagValueNode || $phpDocChildNode->value instanceof ThrowsTagValueNode || $phpDocChildNode->value instanceof VarTagValueNode || $phpDocChildNode->value instanceof ReturnTagValueNode || $phpDocChildNode->value instanceof PropertyTagValueNode)) {
// the type has changed → reprint
$phpDocChildNodeStartEnd = $phpDocChildNode->getAttribute(PhpDocAttributeKey::START_AND_END);
// bump the last position of token after just printed node
if ($phpDocChildNodeStartEnd instanceof StartAndEnd) {
$this->currentTokenPosition = $phpDocChildNodeStartEnd->getEnd();
return $this->standardPrintPhpDocChildNode($phpDocChildNode);
if ($phpDocChildNode->value instanceof DoctrineAnnotationTagValueNode && $shouldReprintChildNode) {
$printedNode = (string) $phpDocChildNode;
// remove extra space between tags
$printedNode = Strings::replace($printedNode, self::TAG_AND_SPACE_REGEX, '$1(');
return self::NEWLINE_WITH_ASTERISK . ($printedNode === '' ? '' : ' ' . $printedNode);
/** @var StartAndEnd|null $startAndEnd */
$startAndEnd = $phpDocChildNode->getAttribute(PhpDocAttributeKey::START_AND_END);
if ($startAndEnd instanceof StartAndEnd && ! $shouldReprintChildNode) {
$isLastToken = $nodeCount === $key;
// correct previously changed node
$this->correctPreviouslyReprintedFirstNode($key, $startAndEnd);
$output = $this->addTokensFromTo(
$this->currentTokenPosition = $startAndEnd->getEnd();
return rtrim($output);
if ($startAndEnd instanceof StartAndEnd) {
$this->currentTokenPosition = $startAndEnd->getEnd();
$standardPrintedPhpDocChildNode = $this->standardPrintPhpDocChildNode($phpDocChildNode);
return $output . $standardPrintedPhpDocChildNode;
private function printEnd(string $output): string
$lastTokenPosition = $this->getCurrentPhpDocInfo()
if ($lastTokenPosition === null) {
$lastTokenPosition = $this->currentTokenPosition;
if ($lastTokenPosition === 0) {
$lastTokenPosition = 1;
return $this->addTokensFromTo($output, $lastTokenPosition, $this->tokenCount, true);
private function addTokensFromTo(string $output, int $from, int $to, bool $shouldSkipEmptyLinesAbove): string
// skip removed nodes
$positionJumpSet = [];
$removedStartAndEnds = $this->removeNodesStartAndEndResolver->resolve(
foreach ($removedStartAndEnds as $removedStartAndEnd) {
$positionJumpSet[$removedStartAndEnd->getStart()] = $removedStartAndEnd->getEnd();
// include also space before, in case of inlined docs
if (isset($this->tokens[$from - 1]) && $this->tokens[$from - 1][1] === Lexer::TOKEN_HORIZONTAL_WS) {
// skip extra empty lines above if this is the last one
if ($shouldSkipEmptyLinesAbove &&
\str_contains($this->tokens[$from][0], PHP_EOL) &&
\str_contains($this->tokens[$from + 1][0], PHP_EOL)
) {
return $this->appendToOutput($output, $from, $to, $positionJumpSet);
* @param array<int, int> $positionJumpSet
private function appendToOutput(string $output, int $from, int $to, array $positionJumpSet): string
for ($i = $from; $i < $to; ++$i) {
while (isset($positionJumpSet[$i])) {
$i = $positionJumpSet[$i];
$output .= $this->tokens[$i][0] ?? '';
return $output;
private function correctPreviouslyReprintedFirstNode(int $key, StartAndEnd $startAndEnd): void
if ($this->currentTokenPosition !== 0) {
if ($key === 1) {
$startTokenPosition = $startAndEnd->getStart();
$tokens = $this->getCurrentPhpDocInfo()
if (! isset($tokens[$startTokenPosition - 1])) {
$previousToken = $tokens[$startTokenPosition - 1];
if ($previousToken[1] === Lexer::TOKEN_PHPDOC_EOL) {
$this->currentTokenPosition = $startTokenPosition;
private function shouldReprint(PhpDocChildNode $phpDocChildNode): bool
return $this->changedPhpDocNodeVisitor->hasChanged();
private function standardPrintPhpDocChildNode(PhpDocChildNode $phpDocChildNode): string
$printedNode = (string) $phpDocChildNode;
if ($this->getCurrentPhpDocInfo()->isSingleLine()) {
return ' ' . $printedNode;
return self::NEWLINE_WITH_ASTERISK . ($printedNode === '' ? '' : ' ' . $printedNode);