Labelstring// Specifies an identifier for the image.
LogicalSizeInGBfloat64//Specifies the size, in GB, of the image.
Namestring// Specifies the name of the operating system image. This is the name that is used when creating one or more virtual machines using the image.
OSstring// Linux || Windows
Eulastring// Specifies the End User License Agreement that is associated with the image. The value for this element is a string, but it is recommended that the value be a URL that points to a EULA.
Descriptionstring// Specifies the description of the image.
Locationstring// The geo-location in which this media is located. The Location value is derived from storage account that contains the blob in which the media is located. If the storage account belongs to an affinity group the value is NULL.
AffinityGroupstring// Specifies the affinity in which the media is located. The AffinityGroup value is derived from storage account that contains the blob in which the media is located. If the storage account does not belong to an affinity group the value is NULL and the element is not displayed in the response. This value is NULL for platform images.
MediaLinkstring// Specifies the location of the vhd file for the image. The storage account where the vhd is located must be associated with the specified subscription.
ImageFamilystring// Specifies a value that can be used to group images.
PublishedDatestring// Specifies the date when the image was added to the image repository.
IsPremiumstring// Indicates whether the image contains software or associated services that will incur charges above the core price for the virtual machine. For additional details, see the PricingDetailLink element.
PrivacyURIstring`xml:"PrivacyUri"`// Specifies the URI that points to a document that contains the privacy policy related to the image.
RecommendedVMSizestring// Specifies the size to use for the virtual machine that is created from the image.
PublisherNamestring// The name of the publisher of the image. All user images have a publisher name of User.
PricingDetailLinkstring// Specifies a URL for an image with IsPremium set to true, which contains the pricing details for a virtual machine that is created from the image.
IconURIstring`xml:"IconUri"`// Specifies the Uri to the icon that is displayed for the image in the Management Portal.
SmallIconURIstring`xml:"SmallIconUri"`// Specifies the URI to the small icon that is displayed when the image is presented in the Microsoft Azure Management Portal.
Languagestring// Specifies the language of the image.