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2016-01-07 19:23:38 +00:00
* Minio Go Library for Amazon S3 Compatible Cloud Storage (C) 2015 Minio, Inc.
* Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License");
* you may not use this file except in compliance with the License.
* You may obtain a copy of the License at
* http://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0
* Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
* distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
* See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
* limitations under the License.
package minio
import (
// putObjectMultipartFromReadAt - Uploads files bigger than 5MiB. Supports reader
// of type which implements io.ReaderAt interface (ReadAt method).
// NOTE: This function is meant to be used for all readers which
// implement io.ReaderAt which allows us for resuming multipart
// uploads but reading at an offset, which would avoid re-read the
// data which was already uploaded. Internally this function uses
// temporary files for staging all the data, these temporary files are
// cleaned automatically when the caller i.e http client closes the
// stream after uploading all the contents successfully.
func (c Client) putObjectMultipartFromReadAt(bucketName, objectName string, reader io.ReaderAt, size int64, contentType string) (n int64, err error) {
// Input validation.
if err := isValidBucketName(bucketName); err != nil {
return 0, err
if err := isValidObjectName(objectName); err != nil {
return 0, err
// Get upload id for an object, initiates a new multipart request
// if it cannot find any previously partially uploaded object.
2016-01-08 20:01:06 +00:00
uploadID, isNew, err := c.getUploadID(bucketName, objectName, contentType)
2016-01-07 19:23:38 +00:00
if err != nil {
return 0, err
// Total data read and written to server. should be equal to 'size' at the end of the call.
var totalUploadedSize int64
// Complete multipart upload.
var completeMultipartUpload completeMultipartUpload
// Previous maximum part size
var prevMaxPartSize int64
2016-01-08 20:01:06 +00:00
2016-01-07 19:23:38 +00:00
// Previous part number.
var prevPartNumber int
2016-01-08 20:01:06 +00:00
// A map of all uploaded parts.
var partsInfo = make(map[int]objectPart)
// Fetch all parts info previously uploaded.
if !isNew {
partsInfo, totalUploadedSize, prevMaxPartSize, prevPartNumber, err = c.getPartsInfo(bucketName, objectName, uploadID)
if err != nil {
return 0, err
2016-01-07 19:23:38 +00:00
// Calculate the optimal part size for a given file size.
partSize := optimalPartSize(size)
// If prevMaxPartSize is set use that.
if prevMaxPartSize != 0 {
partSize = prevMaxPartSize
// MD5 and SHA256 hasher.
var hashMD5, hashSHA256 hash.Hash
// Part number always starts with prevPartNumber + 1. i.e The next part number.
partNumber := prevPartNumber + 1
// Upload each part until totalUploadedSize reaches input reader size.
for totalUploadedSize < size {
// Initialize a new temporary file.
tmpFile, err := newTempFile("multiparts$-putobject-partial")
if err != nil {
return 0, err
// Create a hash multiwriter.
hashMD5 = md5.New()
hashWriter := io.MultiWriter(hashMD5)
if c.signature.isV4() {
hashSHA256 = sha256.New()
hashWriter = io.MultiWriter(hashMD5, hashSHA256)
writer := io.MultiWriter(tmpFile, hashWriter)
// Choose totalUploadedSize as the current readAtOffset.
readAtOffset := totalUploadedSize
// Read until partSize.
var totalReadPartSize int64
// ReadAt defaults to reading at 5MiB buffer.
readAtBuffer := make([]byte, optimalReadAtBufferSize)
// Following block reads data at an offset from the input
// reader and copies data to into local temporary file.
// Temporary file data is limited to the partSize.
for totalReadPartSize < partSize {
readAtSize, rerr := reader.ReadAt(readAtBuffer, readAtOffset)
if rerr != nil {
if rerr != io.EOF {
return 0, rerr
writeSize, werr := writer.Write(readAtBuffer[:readAtSize])
if werr != nil {
return 0, werr
if readAtSize != writeSize {
return 0, errors.New("Something really bad happened here. " + reportIssue)
readAtOffset += int64(writeSize)
totalReadPartSize += int64(writeSize)
if rerr == io.EOF {
// Seek back to beginning of the temporary file.
if _, err := tmpFile.Seek(0, 0); err != nil {
return 0, err
var md5Sum, sha256Sum []byte
md5Sum = hashMD5.Sum(nil)
// Signature version '4'.
if c.signature.isV4() {
sha256Sum = hashSHA256.Sum(nil)
// Proceed to upload the part.
objPart, err := c.uploadPart(bucketName, objectName, uploadID, tmpFile, partNumber, md5Sum, sha256Sum, totalReadPartSize)
if err != nil {
// Close the read closer.
return totalUploadedSize, err
// Save successfully uploaded size.
totalUploadedSize += totalReadPartSize
// Save successfully uploaded part metadata.
partsInfo[partNumber] = objPart
// Move to next part.
// Verify if we uploaded all the data.
if totalUploadedSize != size {
return totalUploadedSize, ErrUnexpectedEOF(totalUploadedSize, size, bucketName, objectName)
// Loop over uploaded parts to save them in a Parts array before completing the multipart request.
for _, part := range partsInfo {
var complPart completePart
complPart.ETag = part.ETag
complPart.PartNumber = part.PartNumber
completeMultipartUpload.Parts = append(completeMultipartUpload.Parts, complPart)
// Sort all completed parts.
_, err = c.completeMultipartUpload(bucketName, objectName, uploadID, completeMultipartUpload)
if err != nil {
return totalUploadedSize, err
// Return final size.
return totalUploadedSize, nil