"description":"Fetches analytics stats of a short Dynamic Link for a given\nduration. Metrics include number of clicks, redirects, installs,\napp first opens, and app reopens.",
"description":"Dynamic Link URL. e.g. https://abcd.app.goo.gl/wxyz",
"description":"The span of time requested in days.",
"description":"Get iOS strong/weak-match info for post-install attribution.",
"description":"Creates a short Dynamic Link given either a valid long Dynamic Link or\ndetails such as Dynamic Link domain, Android and iOS app information.\nThe created short Dynamic Link will not expire.\n\nRepeated calls with the same long Dynamic Link or Dynamic Link information\nwill produce the same short Dynamic Link.\n\nThe Dynamic Link domain in the request must be owned by requester's\nFirebase project.",
"description":"Upload protocol for media (e.g. \"raw\", \"multipart\").",
"description":"Returns response with indentations and line breaks.",
"description":"Selector specifying which fields to include in a partial response.",
"description":"Legacy upload protocol for media (e.g. \"media\", \"multipart\").",
"description":"V1 error format.",
"v1 error format",
"v2 error format"
"Responses with Content-Type of application/json",
"Media download with context-dependent Content-Type",
"Responses with Content-Type of application/x-protobuf"
"description":"Data format for response.",
"description":"OAuth access token.",
"description":"API key. Your API key identifies your project and provides you with API access, quota, and reports. Required unless you provide an OAuth 2.0 token.",
"description":"Available to use for quota purposes for server-side applications. Can be any arbitrary string assigned to a user, but should not exceed 40 characters.",
"description":"Pretty-print response.",
"description":"OAuth 2.0 token for the current user.",
"description":"Custom (destination) scheme to use for iOS. By default, we’ll use the\nbundle ID as the custom scheme. Developer can override this behavior using\nthis param.",
"description":"Information about the Dynamic Link to be shortened.\n[Learn more](https://firebase.google.com/docs/dynamic-links/android#create-a-dynamic-link-programmatically)."
"description":"Full long Dynamic Link URL with desired query parameters specified.\nFor example,\n\"https://sample.app.goo.gl/?link=http://www.google.com&apn=com.sample\",\n[Learn more](https://firebase.google.com/docs/dynamic-links/android#create-a-dynamic-link-programmatically).",
"description":"Request for iSDK to execute strong match flow for post-install attribution.\nThis is meant for iOS requests only. Requests from other platforms will\nnot be honored.",
"description":"Strong match page information. Disambiguates between default UI and\ncustom page to present when strong match succeeds/fails to find cookie.",
"description":"App post install attribution retrieval information. Disambiguates\nmechanism (iSDK or developer invoked) to retrieve payload from\nclicked link.",
"Unknown method.",
"iSDK performs a server lookup by device fingerprint in the background\nwhen app is first-opened; no API called by developer.",
"iSDK performs a server lookup by device fingerprint upon a dev API call.",
"iSDK performs a strong match only if weak match is found upon a dev\nAPI call."
"description":"Possible unique matched link that server need to check before performing\nfingerprint match. If passed link is short server need to expand the link.\nIf link is long server need to vslidate the link.",
"The suffix option is not specified, performs as NOT_GUESSABLE .",
"Short Dynamic Link suffix is a base62 [0-9A-Za-z] encoded string of\na random generated 96 bit random number, which has a length of 17 chars.\nFor example, \"nlAR8U4SlKRZw1cb2\".\nIt prevents other people from guessing and crawling short Dynamic Links\nthat contain personal identifiable information.",
"Short Dynamic Link suffix is a base62 [0-9A-Za-z] string starting with a\nlength of 4 chars. the length will increase when all the space is\noccupied."
"description":"[AdWords autotagging parameter](https://support.google.com/analytics/answer/1033981?hl=en);\nused to measure Google AdWords ads. This value is generated dynamically\nand should never be modified.",
"description":"Parameters for Google Play Campaign Measurements.\n[Learn more](https://developers.google.com/analytics/devguides/collection/android/v4/campaigns#campaign-params)",
"description":"Parameters used for tracking. See all tracking parameters in the\n[documentation](https://firebase.google.com/docs/dynamic-links/create-manually)."
"description":"Dynamic Links domain that the project owns, e.g. abcd.app.goo.gl\n[Learn more](https://firebase.google.com/docs/dynamic-links/android/receive)\non how to set up Dynamic Link domain associated with your Firebase project.\n\nRequired.",
"description":"Desktop related information. See desktop related parameters in the\n[documentation](https://firebase.google.com/docs/dynamic-links/create-manually)."
"description":"The link your app will open, You can specify any URL your app can handle.\nThis link must be a well-formatted URL, be properly URL-encoded, and use\nthe HTTP or HTTPS scheme. See 'link' parameters in the\n[documentation](https://firebase.google.com/docs/dynamic-links/create-manually).\n\nRequired.",
"description":"iOS related information. See iOS related parameters in the\n[documentation](https://firebase.google.com/docs/dynamic-links/create-manually)."
"description":"Parameters for social meta tag params.\nUsed to set meta tag data for link previews on social sites."
"description":"Android related information. See Android related parameters in the\n[documentation](https://firebase.google.com/docs/dynamic-links/create-manually)."
"description":"Device language code setting obtained by executing JavaScript code in\nWebView.",
"description":"Device language code raw setting.\niOS does returns language code in different format than iOS WebView.\nFor example WebView returns en_US, but iOS returns en-US.\nField below will return raw value returned by iOS.",
"description":"The link to navigate to update the app if min version is not met.\nThis is either (in order): 1) fallback link (from ?ifl= parameter, if\nspecified by developer) or 2) AppStore URL (from ?isi= parameter, if\nspecified), or 3) the payload link (from required link= parameter).",
"description":"Entire FDL (short or long) attributed post-install via one of several\ntechniques (fingerprint, copy unique).",
"description":"Scion medium value to be propagated by iSDK to Scion at post-install.",
"description":"Scion source value to be propagated by iSDK to Scion at post-install.",
"description":"Instruction for iSDK to attemmpt to perform strong match. For instance,\nif browser does not support/allow cookie or outside of support browsers,\nthis will be false.",
"description":"The minimum version for app, specified by dev through ?imv= parameter.\nReturn to iSDK to allow app to evaluate if current version meets this.",
"description":"Invitation ID attributed post-install via one of several techniques\n(fingerprint, copy unique).",
"description":"The deep-link attributed post-install via one of several techniques\n(fingerprint, copy unique).",
"description":"User-agent specific custom-scheme URIs for iSDK to open. This will be set\naccording to the user-agent tha the click was originally made in. There is\nno Safari-equivalent custom-scheme open URLs.\nie: googlechrome://www.example.com\nie: firefox://open-url?url=http://www.example.com\nie: opera-http://example.com",
"description":"The entire FDL, expanded from a short link. It is the same as the\nrequested_link, if it is long. Parameters from this should not be\nused directly (ie: server can default utm_[campaign|medium|source]\nto a value when requested_link lack them, server determine the best\nfallback_link when requested_link specifies \u003e1 fallback links).",