************ REST Backend ************ Restic can interact with HTTP Backend that respects the following REST API. The following values are valid for ``{type}``: * ``data`` * ``keys`` * ``locks`` * ``snapshots`` * ``index`` * ``config`` The API version is selected via the ``Accept`` HTTP header in the request. The following values are defined: * ``application/vnd.x.restic.rest.v1`` or empty: Select API version 1 * ``application/vnd.x.restic.rest.v2``: Select API version 2 The server will respond with the value of the highest version it supports in the ``Content-Type`` HTTP response header for the HTTP requests which should return JSON. Any different value for this header means API version 1. The placeholder ``{path}`` in this document is a path to the repository, so that multiple different repositories can be accessed. The default path is ``/``. The path must end with a slash. POST {path}?create=true ======================= This request is used to initially create a new repository. The server responds with "200 OK" if the repository structure was created successfully or already exists, otherwise an error is returned. DELETE {path} ============= Deletes the repository on the server side. The server responds with "200 OK" if the repository was successfully removed. If this function is not implemented the server returns "501 Not Implemented", if this it is denied by the server it returns "403 Forbidden". HEAD {path}/config ================== Returns "200 OK" if the repository has a configuration, an HTTP error otherwise. GET {path}/config ================= Returns the content of the configuration file if the repository has a configuration, an HTTP error otherwise. Response format: binary/octet-stream POST {path}/config ================== Returns "200 OK" if the configuration of the request body has been saved, an HTTP error otherwise. GET {path}/{type}/ ================== API version 1 ------------- Returns a JSON array containing the names of all the blobs stored for a given type, example: .. code:: json [ "245bc4c430d393f74fbe7b13325e30dbde9fb0745e50caad57c446c93d20096b", "85b420239efa1132c41cea0065452a40ebc20c6f8e0b132a5b2f5848360973ec", "8e2006bb5931a520f3c7009fe278d1ebb87eb72c3ff92a50c30e90f1b8cf3e60", "e75c8c407ea31ba399ab4109f28dd18c4c68303d8d86cc275432820c42ce3649" ] API version 2 ------------- Returns a JSON array containing an object for each file of the given type. The objects have two keys: ``name`` for the file name, and ``size`` for the size in bytes. .. code:: json [ { "name": "245bc4c430d393f74fbe7b13325e30dbde9fb0745e50caad57c446c93d20096b", "size": 2341058 }, { "name": "85b420239efa1132c41cea0065452a40ebc20c6f8e0b132a5b2f5848360973ec", "size": 2908900 }, { "name": "8e2006bb5931a520f3c7009fe278d1ebb87eb72c3ff92a50c30e90f1b8cf3e60", "size": 3030712 }, { "name": "e75c8c407ea31ba399ab4109f28dd18c4c68303d8d86cc275432820c42ce3649", "size": 2804 } ] HEAD {path}/{type}/{name} ========================= Returns "200 OK" if the blob with the given name and type is stored in the repository, "404 not found" otherwise. If the blob exists, the HTTP header ``Content-Length`` is set to the file size. GET {path}/{type}/{name} ======================== Returns the content of the blob with the given name and type if it is stored in the repository, "404 not found" otherwise. If the request specifies a partial read with a Range header field, then the status code of the response is 206 instead of 200 and the response only contains the specified range. Response format: binary/octet-stream POST {path}/{type}/{name} ========================= Saves the content of the request body as a blob with the given name and type, an HTTP error otherwise. Request format: binary/octet-stream DELETE {path}/{type}/{name} =========================== Returns "200 OK" if the blob with the given name and type has been deleted from the repository, an HTTP error otherwise.