package restic import ( "context" "" "" "" "" ) func ParallelList(ctx context.Context, r Lister, t FileType, parallelism uint, fn func(context.Context, ID, int64) error) error { type FileIDInfo struct { ID Size int64 } // track spawned goroutines using wg, create a new context which is // cancelled as soon as an error occurs. wg, ctx := errgroup.WithContext(ctx) ch := make(chan FileIDInfo) // send list of index files through ch, which is closed afterwards wg.Go(func() error { defer close(ch) return r.List(ctx, t, func(id ID, size int64) error { select { case <-ctx.Done(): return nil case ch <- FileIDInfo{id, size}: } return nil }) }) // a worker receives an index ID from ch, loads the index, and sends it to indexCh worker := func() error { for fi := range ch { debug.Log("worker got file %v/%v", t, fi.ID.Str()) err := fn(ctx, fi.ID, fi.Size) if err != nil { return err } } return nil } // run workers on ch for i := uint(0); i < parallelism; i++ { wg.Go(worker) } return wg.Wait() } // ParallelRemove deletes the given fileList of fileType in parallel // if callback returns an error, then it will abort. func ParallelRemove(ctx context.Context, repo Repository, fileList IDSet, fileType FileType, report func(id ID, err error) error, bar *progress.Counter) error { fileChan := make(chan ID) wg, ctx := errgroup.WithContext(ctx) wg.Go(func() error { defer close(fileChan) for id := range fileList { select { case fileChan <- id: case <-ctx.Done(): return ctx.Err() } } return nil }) bar.SetMax(uint64(len(fileList))) // deleting files is IO-bound workerCount := repo.Connections() for i := 0; i < int(workerCount); i++ { wg.Go(func() error { for id := range fileChan { h := backend.Handle{Type: fileType, Name: id.String()} err := repo.Backend().Remove(ctx, h) if report != nil { err = report(id, err) } if err != nil { return err } bar.Add(1) } return nil }) } return wg.Wait() }