Enhancement: Add more checks for index and pack files in the `check` command The `check` command run with the `--read-data` or `--read-data-subset` options used to only verify only the pack file content - it did not check if the blobs within the pack are correctly contained in the index. A check for the latter is now in place, which can print the following error: Blob ID is not contained in index or position is incorrect Another test is also added, which compares pack file sizes computed from the index and the pack header with the actual file size. This test is able to detect truncated pack files. If the index is not correct, it can be rebuilt by using the `rebuild-index` command. Having added these tests, `restic check` is now able to detect non-existing blobs which are wrongly referenced in the index. This situation could have lead to missing data. https://github.com/restic/restic/pull/3048 https://github.com/restic/restic/pull/3082