package main import ( "context" "" "" "" "" ) var cmdRebuildIndex = &cobra.Command{ Use: "rebuild-index [flags]", Short: "Build a new index file", Long: ` The "rebuild-index" command creates a new index based on the pack files in the repository. EXIT STATUS =========== Exit status is 0 if the command was successful, and non-zero if there was any error. `, DisableAutoGenTag: true, RunE: func(cmd *cobra.Command, args []string) error { return runRebuildIndex(globalOptions) }, } func init() { cmdRoot.AddCommand(cmdRebuildIndex) } func runRebuildIndex(gopts GlobalOptions) error { repo, err := OpenRepository(gopts) if err != nil { return err } lock, err := lockRepoExclusive(repo) defer unlockRepo(lock) if err != nil { return err } ctx, cancel := context.WithCancel(gopts.ctx) defer cancel() return rebuildIndex(ctx, repo, restic.NewIDSet()) } func rebuildIndex(ctx context.Context, repo restic.Repository, ignorePacks restic.IDSet) error { Verbosef("counting files in repo\n") var packs uint64 err := repo.List(ctx, restic.DataFile, func(restic.ID, int64) error { packs++ return nil }) if err != nil { return err } bar := newProgressMax(!globalOptions.Quiet, packs-uint64(len(ignorePacks)), "packs") idx, _, err := index.New(ctx, repo, ignorePacks, bar) if err != nil { return err } Verbosef("finding old index files\n") var supersedes restic.IDs err = repo.List(ctx, restic.IndexFile, func(id restic.ID, size int64) error { supersedes = append(supersedes, id) return nil }) if err != nil { return err } ids, err := idx.Save(ctx, repo, supersedes) if err != nil { return errors.Fatalf("unable to save index, last error was: %v", err) } Verbosef("saved new indexes as %v\n", ids) Verbosef("remove %d old index files\n", len(supersedes)) for _, id := range supersedes { if err := repo.Backend().Remove(ctx, restic.Handle{ Type: restic.IndexFile, Name: id.String(), }); err != nil { Warnf("error removing old index %v: %v\n", id.Str(), err) } } return nil }