Enhancement: Use config file permissions to control file group access Previously files in a local/SFTP repository would always end up with very restrictive access permissions, allowing access only to the owner. This prevented a number of valid use-cases involving groups and ACLs. We now use the permissions of the config file in the repository to decide whether group access should be given to newly created repository files or not. We arrange for repository files to be created group readable exactly when the repository config file is group readable. To opt-in to group readable repositories, a simple `chmod -R g+r` or equivalent on the config file can be used. For repositories that should be writable by group members a tad more setup is required, see the docs. Posix ACLs can also be used now that the group permissions being forced to zero no longer masks the effect of ACL entries. https://github.com/restic/restic/issues/2351 https://github.com/restic/restic/pull/3419 https://forum.restic.net/t/1391