Bugfix: Complete intermediate index upload After a user posted a comprehensive report of what he observed, we were able to find a bug and correct it: During backup, restic uploads so-called "intermediate" index files. When the backup finishes during a transfer of such an intermediate index, the upload is cancelled, but the backup is finished without an error. This leads to an inconsistent state, where the snapshot references data that is contained in the repo, but is not referenced in any index. The situation can be resolved by building a new index with `rebuild-index`, but looks very confusing at first. Since all the data got uploaded to the repo successfully, there was no risk of data loss, just minor inconvenience for our users. https://github.com/restic/restic/pull/1589 https://forum.restic.net/t/error-loading-tree-check-prune-and-forget-gives-error-b2-backend/406