# Table of Contents {{ range . -}} * [Changelog for {{ .Version }}](#changelog-for-restic-{{ .Version | replace "." ""}}-{{ .Date | lower -}}) {{ end -}} {{- range $changes := . }}{{ with $changes -}} # Changelog for restic {{ .Version }} ({{ .Date }}) The following sections list the changes in restic {{ .Version }} relevant to restic users. The changes are ordered by importance. ## Summary {{ range $entry := .Entries }}{{ with $entry }} * {{ .TypeShort }} #{{ .PrimaryID }}: {{ .Title }} {{- end }}{{ end }} ## Details {{ range $entry := .Entries }}{{ with $entry }} * {{ .Type }} #{{ .PrimaryID }}: {{ .Title }} {{ range $par := .Paragraphs }} {{ wrapIndent $par 80 3 }} {{ end -}} {{ range $url := .IssueURLs }} {{ $url -}} {{ end -}} {{ range $url := .PRURLs }} {{ $url -}} {{ end -}} {{ range $url := .OtherURLs }} {{ $url -}} {{ end }} {{ end }}{{ end }} {{ end }}{{ end -}}