package main import ( "context" "path/filepath" "testing" "" rtest "" ) func testRunRewriteExclude(t testing.TB, gopts GlobalOptions, excludes []string, forget bool) { opts := RewriteOptions{ excludePatternOptions: excludePatternOptions{ Excludes: excludes, }, Forget: forget, } rtest.OK(t, runRewrite(context.TODO(), opts, gopts, nil)) } func createBasicRewriteRepo(t testing.TB, env *testEnvironment) restic.ID { testSetupBackupData(t, env) // create backup testRunBackup(t, filepath.Dir(env.testdata), []string{"testdata"}, BackupOptions{}, env.gopts) snapshotIDs := testRunList(t, "snapshots", env.gopts) rtest.Assert(t, len(snapshotIDs) == 1, "expected one snapshot, got %v", snapshotIDs) testRunCheck(t, env.gopts) return snapshotIDs[0] } func TestRewrite(t *testing.T) { env, cleanup := withTestEnvironment(t) defer cleanup() createBasicRewriteRepo(t, env) // exclude some data testRunRewriteExclude(t, env.gopts, []string{"3"}, false) snapshotIDs := testRunList(t, "snapshots", env.gopts) rtest.Assert(t, len(snapshotIDs) == 2, "expected two snapshots, got %v", snapshotIDs) testRunCheck(t, env.gopts) } func TestRewriteUnchanged(t *testing.T) { env, cleanup := withTestEnvironment(t) defer cleanup() snapshotID := createBasicRewriteRepo(t, env) // use an exclude that will not exclude anything testRunRewriteExclude(t, env.gopts, []string{"3dflkhjgdflhkjetrlkhjgfdlhkj"}, false) newSnapshotIDs := testRunList(t, "snapshots", env.gopts) rtest.Assert(t, len(newSnapshotIDs) == 1, "expected one snapshot, got %v", newSnapshotIDs) rtest.Assert(t, snapshotID == newSnapshotIDs[0], "snapshot id changed unexpectedly") testRunCheck(t, env.gopts) } func TestRewriteReplace(t *testing.T) { env, cleanup := withTestEnvironment(t) defer cleanup() snapshotID := createBasicRewriteRepo(t, env) // exclude some data testRunRewriteExclude(t, env.gopts, []string{"3"}, true) newSnapshotIDs := testRunList(t, "snapshots", env.gopts) rtest.Assert(t, len(newSnapshotIDs) == 1, "expected one snapshot, got %v", newSnapshotIDs) rtest.Assert(t, snapshotID != newSnapshotIDs[0], "snapshot id should have changed") // check forbids unused blobs, thus remove them first testRunPrune(t, env.gopts, PruneOptions{MaxUnused: "0"}) testRunCheck(t, env.gopts) }