API_JSON = $(wildcard */*/*-api.json */*/*/*-api.json) # Download all API specifications and rebuild Go bindings. # All downloaded files are cached in $TMPDIR for reuse with 'cached' below. all: generator $(GOPATH)/bin/google-api-go-generator -cache=false -install -api=* # Reuse cached API specifications in $TMPDIR and rebuild Go bindings. cached: generator $(GOPATH)/bin/google-api-go-generator -cache=true -install -api=* # Only rebuild Go bindings, do not modify API specifications. # For every existing */*/*-api.json file, */*/*-gen.go will be built. local: $(API_JSON:-api.json=-gen.go) # Pattern rule for the 'local' target. # Translates otherwise unnamed targets with a -gen.go suffix into the # matching input file with a -api.json suffix. $< is the input file. %-gen.go: %-api.json generator $(GOPATH)/bin/google-api-go-generator -api_json_file=$< # Rebuild and install $(GOPATH)/bin/google-api-go-generator generator: go install google.golang.org/api/googleapi go install google.golang.org/api/google-api-go-generator .PHONY: all cached local generator