package main import ( "" "" ) // DeleteFiles deletes the given fileList of fileType in parallel // it will print a warning if there is an error, but continue deleting the remaining files func DeleteFiles(gopts GlobalOptions, repo restic.Repository, fileList restic.IDSet, fileType restic.FileType) { deleteFiles(gopts, true, repo, fileList, fileType) } // DeleteFilesChecked deletes the given fileList of fileType in parallel // if an error occurs, it will cancel and return this error func DeleteFilesChecked(gopts GlobalOptions, repo restic.Repository, fileList restic.IDSet, fileType restic.FileType) error { return deleteFiles(gopts, false, repo, fileList, fileType) } const numDeleteWorkers = 8 // deleteFiles deletes the given fileList of fileType in parallel // if ignoreError=true, it will print a warning if there was an error, else it will abort. func deleteFiles(gopts GlobalOptions, ignoreError bool, repo restic.Repository, fileList restic.IDSet, fileType restic.FileType) error { totalCount := len(fileList) fileChan := make(chan restic.ID) go func() { for id := range fileList { fileChan <- id } close(fileChan) }() bar := newProgressMax(!gopts.JSON && !gopts.Quiet, uint64(totalCount), "files deleted") wg, ctx := errgroup.WithContext(gopts.ctx) bar.Start() for i := 0; i < numDeleteWorkers; i++ { wg.Go(func() error { for id := range fileChan { h := restic.Handle{Type: fileType, Name: id.String()} err := repo.Backend().Remove(ctx, h) if err != nil { if !gopts.JSON { Warnf("unable to remove %v from the repository\n", h) } if !ignoreError { return err } } if !gopts.JSON && gopts.verbosity >= 2 { Verbosef("removed %v\n", h) } bar.Report(restic.Stat{Blobs: 1}) } return nil }) } err := wg.Wait() bar.Done() return err }