
369 lines
11 KiB

* Minio Go Library for Amazon S3 Compatible Cloud Storage (C) 2015 Minio, Inc.
* Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License");
* you may not use this file except in compliance with the License.
* You may obtain a copy of the License at
* Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
* distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
* See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
* limitations under the License.
package minio
import (
// Comprehensive put object operation involving multipart resumable uploads.
// Following code handles these types of readers.
// - *os.File
// - *minio.Object
// - Any reader which has a method 'ReadAt()'
// If we exhaust all the known types, code proceeds to use stream as
// is where each part is re-downloaded, checksummed and verified
// before upload.
func (c Client) putObjectMultipart(bucketName, objectName string, reader io.Reader, size int64, contentType string) (n int64, err error) {
if size > 0 && size >= minimumPartSize {
// Verify if reader is *os.File, then use file system functionalities.
if isFile(reader) {
return c.putObjectMultipartFromFile(bucketName, objectName, reader.(*os.File), size, contentType)
// Verify if reader is *minio.Object or io.ReaderAt.
// NOTE: Verification of object is kept for a specific purpose
// while it is going to be duck typed similar to io.ReaderAt.
// It is to indicate that *minio.Object implements io.ReaderAt.
// and such a functionality is used in the subsequent code
// path.
if isObject(reader) || isReadAt(reader) {
return c.putObjectMultipartFromReadAt(bucketName, objectName, reader.(io.ReaderAt), size, contentType)
// For any other data size and reader type we do generic multipart
// approach by staging data in temporary files and uploading them.
return c.putObjectMultipartStream(bucketName, objectName, reader, size, contentType)
// putObjectStream uploads files bigger than 5MiB, and also supports
// special case where size is unknown i.e '-1'.
func (c Client) putObjectMultipartStream(bucketName, objectName string, reader io.Reader, size int64, contentType string) (n int64, err error) {
// Input validation.
if err := isValidBucketName(bucketName); err != nil {
return 0, err
if err := isValidObjectName(objectName); err != nil {
return 0, err
// getUploadID for an object, initiates a new multipart request
// if it cannot find any previously partially uploaded object.
uploadID, isNew, err := c.getUploadID(bucketName, objectName, contentType)
if err != nil {
return 0, err
// Total data read and written to server. should be equal to 'size' at the end of the call.
var totalUploadedSize int64
// Complete multipart upload.
var completeMultipartUpload completeMultipartUpload
// Previous maximum part size
var prevMaxPartSize int64
// A map of all previously uploaded parts.
var partsInfo = make(map[int]objectPart)
// If This session is a continuation of a previous session fetch all
// previously uploaded parts info.
if !isNew {
// Fetch previously uploaded parts and maximum part size.
partsInfo, _, prevMaxPartSize, _, err = c.getPartsInfo(bucketName, objectName, uploadID)
if err != nil {
return 0, err
// Calculate the optimal part size for a given size.
partSize := optimalPartSize(size)
// Use prevMaxPartSize if available.
if prevMaxPartSize != 0 {
partSize = prevMaxPartSize
// Part number always starts with '0'.
partNumber := 0
// Upload each part until EOF.
for {
// Increment part number.
// Initialize a new temporary file.
tmpFile, err := newTempFile("multiparts$-putobject-stream")
if err != nil {
return 0, err
// Calculates MD5 and SHA256 sum while copying partSize bytes into tmpFile.
md5Sum, sha256Sum, size, rErr := c.hashCopyN(tmpFile, reader, partSize)
if rErr != nil {
if rErr != io.EOF {
return 0, rErr
// Verify if part was not uploaded.
if !isPartUploaded(objectPart{
ETag: hex.EncodeToString(md5Sum),
PartNumber: partNumber,
}, partsInfo) {
// Proceed to upload the part.
objPart, err := c.uploadPart(bucketName, objectName, uploadID, tmpFile, partNumber, md5Sum, sha256Sum, size)
if err != nil {
// Close the temporary file upon any error.
return 0, err
// Save successfully uploaded part metadata.
partsInfo[partNumber] = objPart
// Close the temporary file.
// Save successfully uploaded size.
totalUploadedSize += size
// If read error was an EOF, break out of the loop.
if rErr == io.EOF {
// Verify if we uploaded all the data.
if size > 0 {
if totalUploadedSize != size {
return totalUploadedSize, ErrUnexpectedEOF(totalUploadedSize, size, bucketName, objectName)
// Loop over uploaded parts to save them in a Parts array before completing the multipart request.
for _, part := range partsInfo {
var complPart completePart
complPart.ETag = part.ETag
complPart.PartNumber = part.PartNumber
completeMultipartUpload.Parts = append(completeMultipartUpload.Parts, complPart)
// Verify if partNumber is different than total list of parts.
if partNumber != len(completeMultipartUpload.Parts) {
return totalUploadedSize, ErrInvalidParts(partNumber, len(completeMultipartUpload.Parts))
// Sort all completed parts.
_, err = c.completeMultipartUpload(bucketName, objectName, uploadID, completeMultipartUpload)
if err != nil {
return totalUploadedSize, err
// Return final size.
return totalUploadedSize, nil
// initiateMultipartUpload - Initiates a multipart upload and returns an upload ID.
func (c Client) initiateMultipartUpload(bucketName, objectName, contentType string) (initiateMultipartUploadResult, error) {
// Input validation.
if err := isValidBucketName(bucketName); err != nil {
return initiateMultipartUploadResult{}, err
if err := isValidObjectName(objectName); err != nil {
return initiateMultipartUploadResult{}, err
// Initialize url queries.
urlValues := make(url.Values)
urlValues.Set("uploads", "")
if contentType == "" {
contentType = "application/octet-stream"
// Set ContentType header.
customHeader := make(http.Header)
customHeader.Set("Content-Type", contentType)
reqMetadata := requestMetadata{
bucketName: bucketName,
objectName: objectName,
queryValues: urlValues,
customHeader: customHeader,
// Instantiate the request.
req, err := c.newRequest("POST", reqMetadata)
if err != nil {
return initiateMultipartUploadResult{}, err
// Execute the request.
resp, err :=
defer closeResponse(resp)
if err != nil {
return initiateMultipartUploadResult{}, err
if resp != nil {
if resp.StatusCode != http.StatusOK {
return initiateMultipartUploadResult{}, HTTPRespToErrorResponse(resp, bucketName, objectName)
// Decode xml for new multipart upload.
initiateMultipartUploadResult := initiateMultipartUploadResult{}
err = xmlDecoder(resp.Body, &initiateMultipartUploadResult)
if err != nil {
return initiateMultipartUploadResult, err
return initiateMultipartUploadResult, nil
// uploadPart - Uploads a part in a multipart upload.
func (c Client) uploadPart(bucketName, objectName, uploadID string, reader io.ReadCloser, partNumber int, md5Sum, sha256Sum []byte, size int64) (objectPart, error) {
// Input validation.
if err := isValidBucketName(bucketName); err != nil {
return objectPart{}, err
if err := isValidObjectName(objectName); err != nil {
return objectPart{}, err
if size > maxPartSize {
return objectPart{}, ErrEntityTooLarge(size, bucketName, objectName)
if size <= -1 {
return objectPart{}, ErrEntityTooSmall(size, bucketName, objectName)
if partNumber <= 0 {
return objectPart{}, ErrInvalidArgument("Part number cannot be negative or equal to zero.")
if uploadID == "" {
return objectPart{}, ErrInvalidArgument("UploadID cannot be empty.")
// Get resources properly escaped and lined up before using them in http request.
urlValues := make(url.Values)
// Set part number.
urlValues.Set("partNumber", strconv.Itoa(partNumber))
// Set upload id.
urlValues.Set("uploadId", uploadID)
reqMetadata := requestMetadata{
bucketName: bucketName,
objectName: objectName,
queryValues: urlValues,
contentBody: reader,
contentLength: size,
contentMD5Bytes: md5Sum,
contentSHA256Bytes: sha256Sum,
// Instantiate a request.
req, err := c.newRequest("PUT", reqMetadata)
if err != nil {
return objectPart{}, err
// Execute the request.
resp, err :=
defer closeResponse(resp)
if err != nil {
return objectPart{}, err
if resp != nil {
if resp.StatusCode != http.StatusOK {
return objectPart{}, HTTPRespToErrorResponse(resp, bucketName, objectName)
// Once successfully uploaded, return completed part.
objPart := objectPart{}
objPart.Size = size
objPart.PartNumber = partNumber
// Trim off the odd double quotes from ETag in the beginning and end.
objPart.ETag = strings.TrimPrefix(resp.Header.Get("ETag"), "\"")
objPart.ETag = strings.TrimSuffix(objPart.ETag, "\"")
return objPart, nil
// completeMultipartUpload - Completes a multipart upload by assembling previously uploaded parts.
func (c Client) completeMultipartUpload(bucketName, objectName, uploadID string, complete completeMultipartUpload) (completeMultipartUploadResult, error) {
// Input validation.
if err := isValidBucketName(bucketName); err != nil {
return completeMultipartUploadResult{}, err
if err := isValidObjectName(objectName); err != nil {
return completeMultipartUploadResult{}, err
// Initialize url queries.
urlValues := make(url.Values)
urlValues.Set("uploadId", uploadID)
// Marshal complete multipart body.
completeMultipartUploadBytes, err := xml.Marshal(complete)
if err != nil {
return completeMultipartUploadResult{}, err
// Instantiate all the complete multipart buffer.
completeMultipartUploadBuffer := bytes.NewBuffer(completeMultipartUploadBytes)
reqMetadata := requestMetadata{
bucketName: bucketName,
objectName: objectName,
queryValues: urlValues,
contentBody: ioutil.NopCloser(completeMultipartUploadBuffer),
contentLength: int64(completeMultipartUploadBuffer.Len()),
contentSHA256Bytes: sum256(completeMultipartUploadBuffer.Bytes()),
// Instantiate the request.
req, err := c.newRequest("POST", reqMetadata)
if err != nil {
return completeMultipartUploadResult{}, err
// Execute the request.
resp, err :=
defer closeResponse(resp)
if err != nil {
return completeMultipartUploadResult{}, err
if resp != nil {
if resp.StatusCode != http.StatusOK {
return completeMultipartUploadResult{}, HTTPRespToErrorResponse(resp, bucketName, objectName)
// Decode completed multipart upload response on success.
completeMultipartUploadResult := completeMultipartUploadResult{}
err = xmlDecoder(resp.Body, &completeMultipartUploadResult)
if err != nil {
return completeMultipartUploadResult, err
return completeMultipartUploadResult, nil