mirror of https://github.com/octoleo/restic.git synced 2024-06-18 08:42:22 +00:00
2017-01-22 22:23:30 +01:00

989 lines
26 KiB

package main
import (
. "restic/test"
func parseIDsFromReader(t testing.TB, rd io.Reader) restic.IDs {
IDs := restic.IDs{}
sc := bufio.NewScanner(rd)
for sc.Scan() {
id, err := restic.ParseID(sc.Text())
if err != nil {
t.Logf("parse id %v: %v", sc.Text(), err)
IDs = append(IDs, id)
return IDs
func testRunInit(t testing.TB, opts GlobalOptions) {
restic.TestSetLockTimeout(t, 0)
OK(t, runInit(opts, nil))
t.Logf("repository initialized at %v", opts.Repo)
func testRunBackup(t testing.TB, target []string, opts BackupOptions, gopts GlobalOptions) {
t.Logf("backing up %v", target)
OK(t, runBackup(opts, gopts, target))
func testRunList(t testing.TB, tpe string, opts GlobalOptions) restic.IDs {
buf := bytes.NewBuffer(nil)
globalOptions.stdout = buf
defer func() {
globalOptions.stdout = os.Stdout
OK(t, runList(opts, []string{tpe}))
return parseIDsFromReader(t, buf)
func testRunRestore(t testing.TB, opts GlobalOptions, dir string, snapshotID restic.ID) {
testRunRestoreExcludes(t, opts, dir, snapshotID, nil)
func testRunRestoreLatest(t testing.TB, gopts GlobalOptions, dir string, paths []string, host string) {
opts := RestoreOptions{
Target: dir,
Host: host,
Paths: paths,
OK(t, runRestore(opts, gopts, []string{"latest"}))
func testRunRestoreExcludes(t testing.TB, gopts GlobalOptions, dir string, snapshotID restic.ID, excludes []string) {
opts := RestoreOptions{
Target: dir,
Exclude: excludes,
OK(t, runRestore(opts, gopts, []string{snapshotID.String()}))
func testRunRestoreIncludes(t testing.TB, gopts GlobalOptions, dir string, snapshotID restic.ID, includes []string) {
opts := RestoreOptions{
Target: dir,
Include: includes,
OK(t, runRestore(opts, gopts, []string{snapshotID.String()}))
func testRunCheck(t testing.TB, gopts GlobalOptions) {
opts := CheckOptions{
ReadData: true,
CheckUnused: true,
OK(t, runCheck(opts, gopts, nil))
func testRunCheckOutput(gopts GlobalOptions) (string, error) {
buf := bytes.NewBuffer(nil)
globalOptions.stdout = buf
defer func() {
globalOptions.stdout = os.Stdout
opts := CheckOptions{
ReadData: true,
err := runCheck(opts, gopts, nil)
return string(buf.Bytes()), err
func testRunRebuildIndex(t testing.TB, gopts GlobalOptions) {
globalOptions.stdout = ioutil.Discard
defer func() {
globalOptions.stdout = os.Stdout
OK(t, runRebuildIndex(gopts))
func testRunLs(t testing.TB, gopts GlobalOptions, snapshotID string) []string {
buf := bytes.NewBuffer(nil)
globalOptions.stdout = buf
quiet := globalOptions.Quiet
globalOptions.Quiet = true
defer func() {
globalOptions.stdout = os.Stdout
globalOptions.Quiet = quiet
OK(t, runLs(gopts, []string{snapshotID}))
return strings.Split(string(buf.Bytes()), "\n")
func testRunFind(t testing.TB, gopts GlobalOptions, pattern string) []string {
buf := bytes.NewBuffer(nil)
globalOptions.stdout = buf
defer func() {
globalOptions.stdout = os.Stdout
opts := FindOptions{}
OK(t, runFind(opts, gopts, []string{pattern}))
return strings.Split(string(buf.Bytes()), "\n")
func testRunForget(t testing.TB, gopts GlobalOptions, args ...string) {
opts := ForgetOptions{}
OK(t, runForget(opts, gopts, args))
func testRunPrune(t testing.TB, gopts GlobalOptions) {
OK(t, runPrune(gopts))
func TestBackup(t *testing.T) {
withTestEnvironment(t, func(env *testEnvironment, gopts GlobalOptions) {
datafile := filepath.Join("testdata", "backup-data.tar.gz")
fd, err := os.Open(datafile)
if os.IsNotExist(errors.Cause(err)) {
t.Skipf("unable to find data file %q, skipping", datafile)
OK(t, err)
OK(t, fd.Close())
testRunInit(t, gopts)
SetupTarTestFixture(t, env.testdata, datafile)
opts := BackupOptions{}
// first backup
testRunBackup(t, []string{env.testdata}, opts, gopts)
snapshotIDs := testRunList(t, "snapshots", gopts)
Assert(t, len(snapshotIDs) == 1,
"expected one snapshot, got %v", snapshotIDs)
testRunCheck(t, gopts)
stat1 := dirStats(env.repo)
// second backup, implicit incremental
testRunBackup(t, []string{env.testdata}, opts, gopts)
snapshotIDs = testRunList(t, "snapshots", gopts)
Assert(t, len(snapshotIDs) == 2,
"expected two snapshots, got %v", snapshotIDs)
stat2 := dirStats(env.repo)
if stat2.size > stat1.size+stat1.size/10 {
t.Error("repository size has grown by more than 10 percent")
t.Logf("repository grown by %d bytes", stat2.size-stat1.size)
testRunCheck(t, gopts)
// third backup, explicit incremental
opts.Parent = snapshotIDs[0].String()
testRunBackup(t, []string{env.testdata}, opts, gopts)
snapshotIDs = testRunList(t, "snapshots", gopts)
Assert(t, len(snapshotIDs) == 3,
"expected three snapshots, got %v", snapshotIDs)
stat3 := dirStats(env.repo)
if stat3.size > stat1.size+stat1.size/10 {
t.Error("repository size has grown by more than 10 percent")
t.Logf("repository grown by %d bytes", stat3.size-stat2.size)
// restore all backups and compare
for i, snapshotID := range snapshotIDs {
restoredir := filepath.Join(env.base, fmt.Sprintf("restore%d", i))
t.Logf("restoring snapshot %v to %v", snapshotID.Str(), restoredir)
testRunRestore(t, gopts, restoredir, snapshotIDs[0])
Assert(t, directoriesEqualContents(env.testdata, filepath.Join(restoredir, "testdata")),
"directories are not equal")
testRunCheck(t, gopts)
func TestBackupNonExistingFile(t *testing.T) {
withTestEnvironment(t, func(env *testEnvironment, gopts GlobalOptions) {
datafile := filepath.Join("testdata", "backup-data.tar.gz")
fd, err := os.Open(datafile)
if os.IsNotExist(errors.Cause(err)) {
t.Skipf("unable to find data file %q, skipping", datafile)
OK(t, err)
OK(t, fd.Close())
SetupTarTestFixture(t, env.testdata, datafile)
testRunInit(t, gopts)
globalOptions.stderr = ioutil.Discard
defer func() {
globalOptions.stderr = os.Stderr
p := filepath.Join(env.testdata, "0", "0")
dirs := []string{
filepath.Join(p, "0"),
filepath.Join(p, "1"),
filepath.Join(p, "nonexisting"),
filepath.Join(p, "5"),
opts := BackupOptions{}
testRunBackup(t, dirs, opts, gopts)
func TestBackupMissingFile1(t *testing.T) {
withTestEnvironment(t, func(env *testEnvironment, gopts GlobalOptions) {
datafile := filepath.Join("testdata", "backup-data.tar.gz")
fd, err := os.Open(datafile)
if os.IsNotExist(errors.Cause(err)) {
t.Skipf("unable to find data file %q, skipping", datafile)
OK(t, err)
OK(t, fd.Close())
SetupTarTestFixture(t, env.testdata, datafile)
testRunInit(t, gopts)
globalOptions.stderr = ioutil.Discard
defer func() {
globalOptions.stderr = os.Stderr
ranHook := false
debug.Hook("pipe.walk1", func(context interface{}) {
pathname := context.(string)
if pathname != filepath.Join("testdata", "0", "0", "9") {
t.Logf("in hook, removing test file testdata/0/0/9/37")
ranHook = true
OK(t, os.Remove(filepath.Join(env.testdata, "0", "0", "9", "37")))
opts := BackupOptions{}
testRunBackup(t, []string{env.testdata}, opts, gopts)
testRunCheck(t, gopts)
Assert(t, ranHook, "hook did not run")
func TestBackupMissingFile2(t *testing.T) {
withTestEnvironment(t, func(env *testEnvironment, gopts GlobalOptions) {
datafile := filepath.Join("testdata", "backup-data.tar.gz")
fd, err := os.Open(datafile)
if os.IsNotExist(errors.Cause(err)) {
t.Skipf("unable to find data file %q, skipping", datafile)
OK(t, err)
OK(t, fd.Close())
SetupTarTestFixture(t, env.testdata, datafile)
testRunInit(t, gopts)
globalOptions.stderr = ioutil.Discard
defer func() {
globalOptions.stderr = os.Stderr
ranHook := false
debug.Hook("pipe.walk2", func(context interface{}) {
pathname := context.(string)
if pathname != filepath.Join("testdata", "0", "0", "9", "37") {
t.Logf("in hook, removing test file testdata/0/0/9/37")
ranHook = true
OK(t, os.Remove(filepath.Join(env.testdata, "0", "0", "9", "37")))
opts := BackupOptions{}
testRunBackup(t, []string{env.testdata}, opts, gopts)
testRunCheck(t, gopts)
Assert(t, ranHook, "hook did not run")
func TestBackupChangedFile(t *testing.T) {
withTestEnvironment(t, func(env *testEnvironment, gopts GlobalOptions) {
datafile := filepath.Join("testdata", "backup-data.tar.gz")
fd, err := os.Open(datafile)
if os.IsNotExist(errors.Cause(err)) {
t.Skipf("unable to find data file %q, skipping", datafile)
OK(t, err)
OK(t, fd.Close())
SetupTarTestFixture(t, env.testdata, datafile)
testRunInit(t, gopts)
globalOptions.stderr = ioutil.Discard
defer func() {
globalOptions.stderr = os.Stderr
modFile := filepath.Join(env.testdata, "0", "0", "6", "18")
ranHook := false
debug.Hook("archiver.SaveFile", func(context interface{}) {
pathname := context.(string)
if pathname != modFile {
t.Logf("in hook, modifying test file %v", modFile)
ranHook = true
OK(t, ioutil.WriteFile(modFile, []byte("modified"), 0600))
opts := BackupOptions{}
testRunBackup(t, []string{env.testdata}, opts, gopts)
testRunCheck(t, gopts)
Assert(t, ranHook, "hook did not run")
func TestBackupDirectoryError(t *testing.T) {
withTestEnvironment(t, func(env *testEnvironment, gopts GlobalOptions) {
datafile := filepath.Join("testdata", "backup-data.tar.gz")
fd, err := os.Open(datafile)
if os.IsNotExist(errors.Cause(err)) {
t.Skipf("unable to find data file %q, skipping", datafile)
OK(t, err)
OK(t, fd.Close())
SetupTarTestFixture(t, env.testdata, datafile)
testRunInit(t, gopts)
globalOptions.stderr = ioutil.Discard
defer func() {
globalOptions.stderr = os.Stderr
ranHook := false
testdir := filepath.Join(env.testdata, "0", "0", "9")
// install hook that removes the dir right before readdirnames()
debug.Hook("pipe.readdirnames", func(context interface{}) {
path := context.(string)
if path != testdir {
t.Logf("in hook, removing test file %v", testdir)
ranHook = true
OK(t, os.RemoveAll(testdir))
testRunBackup(t, []string{filepath.Join(env.testdata, "0", "0")}, BackupOptions{}, gopts)
testRunCheck(t, gopts)
Assert(t, ranHook, "hook did not run")
snapshots := testRunList(t, "snapshots", gopts)
Assert(t, len(snapshots) > 0,
"no snapshots found in repo (%v)", datafile)
files := testRunLs(t, gopts, snapshots[0].String())
Assert(t, len(files) > 1, "snapshot is empty")
func includes(haystack []string, needle string) bool {
for _, s := range haystack {
if s == needle {
return true
return false
func loadSnapshotMap(t testing.TB, gopts GlobalOptions) map[string]struct{} {
snapshotIDs := testRunList(t, "snapshots", gopts)
m := make(map[string]struct{})
for _, id := range snapshotIDs {
m[id.String()] = struct{}{}
return m
func lastSnapshot(old, new map[string]struct{}) (map[string]struct{}, string) {
for k := range new {
if _, ok := old[k]; !ok {
old[k] = struct{}{}
return old, k
return old, ""
var backupExcludeFilenames = []string{
func TestBackupExclude(t *testing.T) {
withTestEnvironment(t, func(env *testEnvironment, gopts GlobalOptions) {
testRunInit(t, gopts)
datadir := filepath.Join(env.base, "testdata")
for _, filename := range backupExcludeFilenames {
fp := filepath.Join(datadir, filename)
OK(t, os.MkdirAll(filepath.Dir(fp), 0755))
f, err := os.Create(fp)
OK(t, err)
fmt.Fprintf(f, filename)
OK(t, f.Close())
snapshots := make(map[string]struct{})
opts := BackupOptions{}
testRunBackup(t, []string{datadir}, opts, gopts)
snapshots, snapshotID := lastSnapshot(snapshots, loadSnapshotMap(t, gopts))
files := testRunLs(t, gopts, snapshotID)
Assert(t, includes(files, filepath.Join("testdata", "foo.tar.gz")),
"expected file %q in first snapshot, but it's not included", "foo.tar.gz")
opts.Excludes = []string{"*.tar.gz"}
testRunBackup(t, []string{datadir}, opts, gopts)
snapshots, snapshotID = lastSnapshot(snapshots, loadSnapshotMap(t, gopts))
files = testRunLs(t, gopts, snapshotID)
Assert(t, !includes(files, filepath.Join("testdata", "foo.tar.gz")),
"expected file %q not in first snapshot, but it's included", "foo.tar.gz")
opts.Excludes = []string{"*.tar.gz", "private/secret"}
testRunBackup(t, []string{datadir}, opts, gopts)
snapshots, snapshotID = lastSnapshot(snapshots, loadSnapshotMap(t, gopts))
files = testRunLs(t, gopts, snapshotID)
Assert(t, !includes(files, filepath.Join("testdata", "foo.tar.gz")),
"expected file %q not in first snapshot, but it's included", "foo.tar.gz")
Assert(t, !includes(files, filepath.Join("testdata", "private", "secret", "passwords.txt")),
"expected file %q not in first snapshot, but it's included", "passwords.txt")
const (
incrementalFirstWrite = 20 * 1042 * 1024
incrementalSecondWrite = 12 * 1042 * 1024
incrementalThirdWrite = 4 * 1042 * 1024
func appendRandomData(filename string, bytes uint) error {
f, err := os.OpenFile(filename, os.O_WRONLY|os.O_CREATE, 0666)
if err != nil {
fmt.Fprint(os.Stderr, err)
return err
_, err = f.Seek(0, 2)
if err != nil {
fmt.Fprint(os.Stderr, err)
return err
_, err = io.Copy(f, io.LimitReader(rand.Reader, int64(bytes)))
if err != nil {
fmt.Fprint(os.Stderr, err)
return err
return f.Close()
func TestIncrementalBackup(t *testing.T) {
withTestEnvironment(t, func(env *testEnvironment, gopts GlobalOptions) {
testRunInit(t, gopts)
datadir := filepath.Join(env.base, "testdata")
testfile := filepath.Join(datadir, "testfile")
OK(t, appendRandomData(testfile, incrementalFirstWrite))
opts := BackupOptions{}
testRunBackup(t, []string{datadir}, opts, gopts)
testRunCheck(t, gopts)
stat1 := dirStats(env.repo)
OK(t, appendRandomData(testfile, incrementalSecondWrite))
testRunBackup(t, []string{datadir}, opts, gopts)
testRunCheck(t, gopts)
stat2 := dirStats(env.repo)
if stat2.size-stat1.size > incrementalFirstWrite {
t.Errorf("repository size has grown by more than %d bytes", incrementalFirstWrite)
t.Logf("repository grown by %d bytes", stat2.size-stat1.size)
OK(t, appendRandomData(testfile, incrementalThirdWrite))
testRunBackup(t, []string{datadir}, opts, gopts)
testRunCheck(t, gopts)
stat3 := dirStats(env.repo)
if stat3.size-stat2.size > incrementalFirstWrite {
t.Errorf("repository size has grown by more than %d bytes", incrementalFirstWrite)
t.Logf("repository grown by %d bytes", stat3.size-stat2.size)
func testRunKeyListOtherIDs(t testing.TB, gopts GlobalOptions) []string {
buf := bytes.NewBuffer(nil)
globalOptions.stdout = buf
defer func() {
globalOptions.stdout = os.Stdout
OK(t, runKey(gopts, []string{"list"}))
scanner := bufio.NewScanner(buf)
exp := regexp.MustCompile(`^ ([a-f0-9]+) `)
IDs := []string{}
for scanner.Scan() {
if id := exp.FindStringSubmatch(scanner.Text()); id != nil {
IDs = append(IDs, id[1])
return IDs
func testRunKeyAddNewKey(t testing.TB, newPassword string, gopts GlobalOptions) {
testKeyNewPassword = newPassword
defer func() {
testKeyNewPassword = ""
OK(t, runKey(gopts, []string{"add"}))
func testRunKeyPasswd(t testing.TB, newPassword string, gopts GlobalOptions) {
testKeyNewPassword = newPassword
defer func() {
testKeyNewPassword = ""
OK(t, runKey(gopts, []string{"passwd"}))
func testRunKeyRemove(t testing.TB, gopts GlobalOptions, IDs []string) {
t.Logf("remove %d keys: %q\n", len(IDs), IDs)
for _, id := range IDs {
OK(t, runKey(gopts, []string{"rm", id}))
func TestKeyAddRemove(t *testing.T) {
passwordList := []string{
withTestEnvironment(t, func(env *testEnvironment, gopts GlobalOptions) {
testRunInit(t, gopts)
testRunKeyPasswd(t, "geheim2", gopts)
gopts.password = "geheim2"
t.Logf("changed password to %q", gopts.password)
for _, newPassword := range passwordList {
testRunKeyAddNewKey(t, newPassword, gopts)
t.Logf("added new password %q", newPassword)
gopts.password = newPassword
testRunKeyRemove(t, gopts, testRunKeyListOtherIDs(t, gopts))
gopts.password = passwordList[len(passwordList)-1]
t.Logf("testing access with last password %q\n", gopts.password)
OK(t, runKey(gopts, []string{"list"}))
testRunCheck(t, gopts)
func testFileSize(filename string, size int64) error {
fi, err := os.Stat(filename)
if err != nil {
return err
if fi.Size() != size {
return errors.Fatalf("wrong file size for %v: expected %v, got %v", filename, size, fi.Size())
return nil
func TestRestoreFilter(t *testing.T) {
testfiles := []struct {
name string
size uint
{"testfile1.c", 100},
{"testfile2.exe", 101},
{"subdir1/subdir2/testfile3.docx", 102},
{"subdir1/subdir2/testfile4.c", 102},
withTestEnvironment(t, func(env *testEnvironment, gopts GlobalOptions) {
testRunInit(t, gopts)
for _, test := range testfiles {
p := filepath.Join(env.testdata, test.name)
OK(t, os.MkdirAll(filepath.Dir(p), 0755))
OK(t, appendRandomData(p, test.size))
opts := BackupOptions{}
testRunBackup(t, []string{env.testdata}, opts, gopts)
testRunCheck(t, gopts)
snapshotID := testRunList(t, "snapshots", gopts)[0]
// no restore filter should restore all files
testRunRestore(t, gopts, filepath.Join(env.base, "restore0"), snapshotID)
for _, test := range testfiles {
OK(t, testFileSize(filepath.Join(env.base, "restore0", "testdata", test.name), int64(test.size)))
for i, pat := range []string{"*.c", "*.exe", "*", "*file3*"} {
base := filepath.Join(env.base, fmt.Sprintf("restore%d", i+1))
testRunRestoreExcludes(t, gopts, base, snapshotID, []string{pat})
for _, test := range testfiles {
err := testFileSize(filepath.Join(base, "testdata", test.name), int64(test.size))
if ok, _ := filter.Match(pat, filepath.Base(test.name)); !ok {
OK(t, err)
} else {
Assert(t, os.IsNotExist(errors.Cause(err)),
"expected %v to not exist in restore step %v, but it exists, err %v", test.name, i+1, err)
func TestRestoreLatest(t *testing.T) {
withTestEnvironment(t, func(env *testEnvironment, gopts GlobalOptions) {
testRunInit(t, gopts)
p := filepath.Join(env.testdata, "testfile.c")
OK(t, os.MkdirAll(filepath.Dir(p), 0755))
OK(t, appendRandomData(p, 100))
opts := BackupOptions{}
testRunBackup(t, []string{env.testdata}, opts, gopts)
testRunCheck(t, gopts)
OK(t, appendRandomData(p, 101))
testRunBackup(t, []string{env.testdata}, opts, gopts)
testRunCheck(t, gopts)
// Restore latest without any filters
testRunRestoreLatest(t, gopts, filepath.Join(env.base, "restore0"), nil, "")
OK(t, testFileSize(filepath.Join(env.base, "restore0", "testdata", "testfile.c"), int64(101)))
// Setup test files in different directories backed up in different snapshots
p1 := filepath.Join(env.testdata, "p1/testfile.c")
OK(t, os.MkdirAll(filepath.Dir(p1), 0755))
OK(t, appendRandomData(p1, 102))
testRunBackup(t, []string{filepath.Dir(p1)}, opts, gopts)
testRunCheck(t, gopts)
p2 := filepath.Join(env.testdata, "p2/testfile.c")
OK(t, os.MkdirAll(filepath.Dir(p2), 0755))
OK(t, appendRandomData(p2, 103))
testRunBackup(t, []string{filepath.Dir(p2)}, opts, gopts)
testRunCheck(t, gopts)
p1rAbs := filepath.Join(env.base, "restore1", "p1/testfile.c")
p2rAbs := filepath.Join(env.base, "restore2", "p2/testfile.c")
testRunRestoreLatest(t, gopts, filepath.Join(env.base, "restore1"), []string{filepath.Dir(p1)}, "")
OK(t, testFileSize(p1rAbs, int64(102)))
if _, err := os.Stat(p2rAbs); os.IsNotExist(errors.Cause(err)) {
Assert(t, os.IsNotExist(errors.Cause(err)),
"expected %v to not exist in restore, but it exists, err %v", p2rAbs, err)
testRunRestoreLatest(t, gopts, filepath.Join(env.base, "restore2"), []string{filepath.Dir(p2)}, "")
OK(t, testFileSize(p2rAbs, int64(103)))
if _, err := os.Stat(p1rAbs); os.IsNotExist(errors.Cause(err)) {
Assert(t, os.IsNotExist(errors.Cause(err)),
"expected %v to not exist in restore, but it exists, err %v", p1rAbs, err)
func TestRestoreWithPermissionFailure(t *testing.T) {
withTestEnvironment(t, func(env *testEnvironment, gopts GlobalOptions) {
datafile := filepath.Join("testdata", "repo-restore-permissions-test.tar.gz")
SetupTarTestFixture(t, env.base, datafile)
snapshots := testRunList(t, "snapshots", gopts)
Assert(t, len(snapshots) > 0,
"no snapshots found in repo (%v)", datafile)
globalOptions.stderr = ioutil.Discard
defer func() {
globalOptions.stderr = os.Stderr
testRunRestore(t, gopts, filepath.Join(env.base, "restore"), snapshots[0])
// make sure that all files have been restored, regardeless of any
// permission errors
files := testRunLs(t, gopts, snapshots[0].String())
for _, filename := range files {
fi, err := os.Lstat(filepath.Join(env.base, "restore", filename))
OK(t, err)
Assert(t, !isFile(fi) || fi.Size() > 0,
"file %v restored, but filesize is 0", filename)
func setZeroModTime(filename string) error {
var utimes = []syscall.Timespec{
return syscall.UtimesNano(filename, utimes)
func TestRestoreNoMetadataOnIgnoredIntermediateDirs(t *testing.T) {
withTestEnvironment(t, func(env *testEnvironment, gopts GlobalOptions) {
testRunInit(t, gopts)
p := filepath.Join(env.testdata, "subdir1", "subdir2", "subdir3", "file.ext")
OK(t, os.MkdirAll(filepath.Dir(p), 0755))
OK(t, appendRandomData(p, 200))
OK(t, setZeroModTime(filepath.Join(env.testdata, "subdir1", "subdir2")))
opts := BackupOptions{}
testRunBackup(t, []string{env.testdata}, opts, gopts)
testRunCheck(t, gopts)
snapshotID := testRunList(t, "snapshots", gopts)[0]
// restore with filter "*.ext", this should restore "file.ext", but
// since the directories are ignored and only created because of
// "file.ext", no meta data should be restored for them.
testRunRestoreIncludes(t, gopts, filepath.Join(env.base, "restore0"), snapshotID, []string{"*.ext"})
f1 := filepath.Join(env.base, "restore0", "testdata", "subdir1", "subdir2")
fi, err := os.Stat(f1)
OK(t, err)
Assert(t, fi.ModTime() != time.Unix(0, 0),
"meta data of intermediate directory has been restore although it was ignored")
// restore with filter "*", this should restore meta data on everything.
testRunRestoreIncludes(t, gopts, filepath.Join(env.base, "restore1"), snapshotID, []string{"*"})
f2 := filepath.Join(env.base, "restore1", "testdata", "subdir1", "subdir2")
fi, err = os.Stat(f2)
OK(t, err)
Assert(t, fi.ModTime() == time.Unix(0, 0),
"meta data of intermediate directory hasn't been restore")
func TestFind(t *testing.T) {
withTestEnvironment(t, func(env *testEnvironment, gopts GlobalOptions) {
datafile := filepath.Join("testdata", "backup-data.tar.gz")
testRunInit(t, gopts)
SetupTarTestFixture(t, env.testdata, datafile)
opts := BackupOptions{}
testRunBackup(t, []string{env.testdata}, opts, gopts)
testRunCheck(t, gopts)
results := testRunFind(t, gopts, "unexistingfile")
Assert(t, len(results) != 0, "unexisting file found in repo (%v)", datafile)
results = testRunFind(t, gopts, "testfile")
Assert(t, len(results) != 1, "file not found in repo (%v)", datafile)
results = testRunFind(t, gopts, "test")
Assert(t, len(results) < 2, "less than two file found in repo (%v)", datafile)
func TestRebuildIndex(t *testing.T) {
withTestEnvironment(t, func(env *testEnvironment, gopts GlobalOptions) {
datafile := filepath.Join("..", "..", "restic", "checker", "testdata", "duplicate-packs-in-index-test-repo.tar.gz")
SetupTarTestFixture(t, env.base, datafile)
out, err := testRunCheckOutput(gopts)
if !strings.Contains(out, "contained in several indexes") {
t.Fatalf("did not find checker hint for packs in several indexes")
if err != nil {
t.Fatalf("expected no error from checker for test repository, got %v", err)
if !strings.Contains(out, "restic rebuild-index") {
t.Fatalf("did not find hint for rebuild-index comman")
testRunRebuildIndex(t, gopts)
out, err = testRunCheckOutput(gopts)
if len(out) != 0 {
t.Fatalf("expected no output from the checker, got: %v", out)
if err != nil {
t.Fatalf("expected no error from checker after rebuild-index, got: %v", err)
func TestRebuildIndexAlwaysFull(t *testing.T) {
repository.IndexFull = func(*repository.Index) bool { return true }
func TestCheckRestoreNoLock(t *testing.T) {
withTestEnvironment(t, func(env *testEnvironment, gopts GlobalOptions) {
datafile := filepath.Join("testdata", "small-repo.tar.gz")
SetupTarTestFixture(t, env.base, datafile)
err := filepath.Walk(env.repo, func(p string, fi os.FileInfo, e error) error {
if e != nil {
return e
return os.Chmod(p, fi.Mode() & ^(os.FileMode(0222)))
OK(t, err)
gopts.NoLock = true
testRunCheck(t, gopts)
snapshotIDs := testRunList(t, "snapshots", gopts)
if len(snapshotIDs) == 0 {
t.Fatalf("found no snapshots")
testRunRestore(t, gopts, filepath.Join(env.base, "restore"), snapshotIDs[0])
func TestPrune(t *testing.T) {
withTestEnvironment(t, func(env *testEnvironment, gopts GlobalOptions) {
datafile := filepath.Join("testdata", "backup-data.tar.gz")
fd, err := os.Open(datafile)
if os.IsNotExist(errors.Cause(err)) {
t.Skipf("unable to find data file %q, skipping", datafile)
OK(t, err)
OK(t, fd.Close())
testRunInit(t, gopts)
SetupTarTestFixture(t, env.testdata, datafile)
opts := BackupOptions{}
testRunBackup(t, []string{filepath.Join(env.testdata, "0", "0", "1")}, opts, gopts)
testRunBackup(t, []string{filepath.Join(env.testdata, "0", "0", "2")}, opts, gopts)
testRunBackup(t, []string{filepath.Join(env.testdata, "0", "0", "3")}, opts, gopts)
snapshotIDs := testRunList(t, "snapshots", gopts)
Assert(t, len(snapshotIDs) == 3,
"expected one snapshot, got %v", snapshotIDs)
testRunForget(t, gopts, snapshotIDs[0].String())
testRunPrune(t, gopts)
testRunCheck(t, gopts)