mirror of https://github.com/octoleo/restic.git synced 2024-06-04 18:10:50 +00:00
Michael Eischer 2ec0f3303a backup/diff/dump/restore/stats: List snapshots before index
During a backup the index is written before the corresponding snapshots.
To ensure that a concurrent/later restic run can read a snapshot's data,
restic thus must first load the snapshots and only afterwards the index.
Otherwise it is not possible to ensure that the loaded index is recent
enough to cover all of the snapshot's data.
2022-04-09 12:24:09 +02:00

191 lines
5.2 KiB

package main
import (
var cmdDump = &cobra.Command{
Use: "dump [flags] snapshotID file",
Short: "Print a backed-up file to stdout",
Long: `
The "dump" command extracts files from a snapshot from the repository. If a
single file is selected, it prints its contents to stdout. Folders are output
as a tar (default) or zip file containing the contents of the specified folder.
Pass "/" as file name to dump the whole snapshot as an archive file.
The special snapshot "latest" can be used to use the latest snapshot in the
Exit status is 0 if the command was successful, and non-zero if there was any error.
DisableAutoGenTag: true,
RunE: func(cmd *cobra.Command, args []string) error {
return runDump(dumpOptions, globalOptions, args)
// DumpOptions collects all options for the dump command.
type DumpOptions struct {
Hosts []string
Paths []string
Tags restic.TagLists
Archive string
var dumpOptions DumpOptions
func init() {
flags := cmdDump.Flags()
flags.StringArrayVarP(&dumpOptions.Hosts, "host", "H", nil, `only consider snapshots for this host when the snapshot ID is "latest" (can be specified multiple times)`)
flags.Var(&dumpOptions.Tags, "tag", "only consider snapshots which include this `taglist` for snapshot ID \"latest\"")
flags.StringArrayVar(&dumpOptions.Paths, "path", nil, "only consider snapshots which include this (absolute) `path` for snapshot ID \"latest\"")
flags.StringVarP(&dumpOptions.Archive, "archive", "a", "tar", "set archive `format` as \"tar\" or \"zip\"")
func splitPath(p string) []string {
d, f := path.Split(p)
if d == "" || d == "/" {
return []string{f}
s := splitPath(path.Join("/", d))
return append(s, f)
func printFromTree(ctx context.Context, tree *restic.Tree, repo restic.Repository, prefix string, pathComponents []string, d *dump.Dumper) error {
// If we print / we need to assume that there are multiple nodes at that
// level in the tree.
if pathComponents[0] == "" {
if err := checkStdoutArchive(); err != nil {
return err
return d.DumpTree(ctx, tree, "/")
item := filepath.Join(prefix, pathComponents[0])
l := len(pathComponents)
for _, node := range tree.Nodes {
// If dumping something in the highest level it will just take the
// first item it finds and dump that according to the switch case below.
if node.Name == pathComponents[0] {
switch {
case l == 1 && dump.IsFile(node):
return d.WriteNode(ctx, node)
case l > 1 && dump.IsDir(node):
subtree, err := repo.LoadTree(ctx, *node.Subtree)
if err != nil {
return errors.Wrapf(err, "cannot load subtree for %q", item)
return printFromTree(ctx, subtree, repo, item, pathComponents[1:], d)
case dump.IsDir(node):
if err := checkStdoutArchive(); err != nil {
return err
subtree, err := repo.LoadTree(ctx, *node.Subtree)
if err != nil {
return err
return d.DumpTree(ctx, subtree, item)
case l > 1:
return fmt.Errorf("%q should be a dir, but is a %q", item, node.Type)
case !dump.IsFile(node):
return fmt.Errorf("%q should be a file, but is a %q", item, node.Type)
return fmt.Errorf("path %q not found in snapshot", item)
func runDump(opts DumpOptions, gopts GlobalOptions, args []string) error {
ctx := gopts.ctx
if len(args) != 2 {
return errors.Fatal("no file and no snapshot ID specified")
switch opts.Archive {
case "tar", "zip":
return fmt.Errorf("unknown archive format %q", opts.Archive)
snapshotIDString := args[0]
pathToPrint := args[1]
debug.Log("dump file %q from %q", pathToPrint, snapshotIDString)
splittedPath := splitPath(path.Clean(pathToPrint))
repo, err := OpenRepository(gopts)
if err != nil {
return err
if !gopts.NoLock {
lock, err := lockRepo(ctx, repo)
defer unlockRepo(lock)
if err != nil {
return err
var id restic.ID
if snapshotIDString == "latest" {
id, err = restic.FindLatestSnapshot(ctx, repo, opts.Paths, opts.Tags, opts.Hosts, nil)
if err != nil {
Exitf(1, "latest snapshot for criteria not found: %v Paths:%v Hosts:%v", err, opts.Paths, opts.Hosts)
} else {
id, err = restic.FindSnapshot(ctx, repo, snapshotIDString)
if err != nil {
Exitf(1, "invalid id %q: %v", snapshotIDString, err)
sn, err := restic.LoadSnapshot(gopts.ctx, repo, id)
if err != nil {
Exitf(2, "loading snapshot %q failed: %v", snapshotIDString, err)
err = repo.LoadIndex(ctx)
if err != nil {
return err
tree, err := repo.LoadTree(ctx, *sn.Tree)
if err != nil {
Exitf(2, "loading tree for snapshot %q failed: %v", snapshotIDString, err)
d := dump.New(opts.Archive, repo, os.Stdout)
err = printFromTree(ctx, tree, repo, "/", splittedPath, d)
if err != nil {
Exitf(2, "cannot dump file: %v", err)
return nil
func checkStdoutArchive() error {
if stdoutIsTerminal() {
return fmt.Errorf("stdout is the terminal, please redirect output")
return nil