mirror of
synced 2025-02-05 13:28:25 +00:00
This allows creating multiple repositories with identical chunker parameters which is required for working deduplication when copying snapshots between different repositories.
1610 lines
48 KiB
1610 lines
48 KiB
package main
import (
mrand "math/rand"
rtest "github.com/restic/restic/internal/test"
func parseIDsFromReader(t testing.TB, rd io.Reader) restic.IDs {
IDs := restic.IDs{}
sc := bufio.NewScanner(rd)
for sc.Scan() {
id, err := restic.ParseID(sc.Text())
if err != nil {
t.Logf("parse id %v: %v", sc.Text(), err)
IDs = append(IDs, id)
return IDs
func testRunInit(t testing.TB, opts GlobalOptions) {
restic.TestSetLockTimeout(t, 0)
rtest.OK(t, runInit(InitOptions{}, opts, nil))
t.Logf("repository initialized at %v", opts.Repo)
func testRunBackupAssumeFailure(t testing.TB, dir string, target []string, opts BackupOptions, gopts GlobalOptions) error {
ctx, cancel := context.WithCancel(gopts.ctx)
defer cancel()
var wg errgroup.Group
term := termstatus.New(gopts.stdout, gopts.stderr, gopts.Quiet)
wg.Go(func() error { term.Run(ctx); return nil })
gopts.stdout = ioutil.Discard
t.Logf("backing up %v in %v", target, dir)
if dir != "" {
cleanup := fs.TestChdir(t, dir)
defer cleanup()
backupErr := runBackup(opts, gopts, term, target)
err := wg.Wait()
if err != nil {
return backupErr
func testRunBackup(t testing.TB, dir string, target []string, opts BackupOptions, gopts GlobalOptions) {
err := testRunBackupAssumeFailure(t, dir, target, opts, gopts)
rtest.Assert(t, err == nil, "Error while backing up")
func testRunList(t testing.TB, tpe string, opts GlobalOptions) restic.IDs {
buf := bytes.NewBuffer(nil)
globalOptions.stdout = buf
defer func() {
globalOptions.stdout = os.Stdout
rtest.OK(t, runList(cmdList, opts, []string{tpe}))
return parseIDsFromReader(t, buf)
func testRunRestore(t testing.TB, opts GlobalOptions, dir string, snapshotID restic.ID) {
testRunRestoreExcludes(t, opts, dir, snapshotID, nil)
func testRunRestoreLatest(t testing.TB, gopts GlobalOptions, dir string, paths []string, hosts []string) {
opts := RestoreOptions{
Target: dir,
Hosts: hosts,
Paths: paths,
rtest.OK(t, runRestore(opts, gopts, []string{"latest"}))
func testRunRestoreExcludes(t testing.TB, gopts GlobalOptions, dir string, snapshotID restic.ID, excludes []string) {
opts := RestoreOptions{
Target: dir,
Exclude: excludes,
rtest.OK(t, runRestore(opts, gopts, []string{snapshotID.String()}))
func testRunRestoreIncludes(t testing.TB, gopts GlobalOptions, dir string, snapshotID restic.ID, includes []string) {
opts := RestoreOptions{
Target: dir,
Include: includes,
rtest.OK(t, runRestore(opts, gopts, []string{snapshotID.String()}))
func testRunCheck(t testing.TB, gopts GlobalOptions) {
opts := CheckOptions{
ReadData: true,
CheckUnused: true,
rtest.OK(t, runCheck(opts, gopts, nil))
func testRunCheckOutput(gopts GlobalOptions) (string, error) {
buf := bytes.NewBuffer(nil)
globalOptions.stdout = buf
defer func() {
globalOptions.stdout = os.Stdout
opts := CheckOptions{
ReadData: true,
err := runCheck(opts, gopts, nil)
return buf.String(), err
func testRunDiffOutput(gopts GlobalOptions, firstSnapshotID string, secondSnapshotID string) (string, error) {
buf := bytes.NewBuffer(nil)
globalOptions.stdout = buf
defer func() {
globalOptions.stdout = os.Stdout
opts := DiffOptions{
ShowMetadata: false,
err := runDiff(opts, gopts, []string{firstSnapshotID, secondSnapshotID})
return string(buf.Bytes()), err
func testRunRebuildIndex(t testing.TB, gopts GlobalOptions) {
globalOptions.stdout = ioutil.Discard
defer func() {
globalOptions.stdout = os.Stdout
rtest.OK(t, runRebuildIndex(gopts))
func testRunLs(t testing.TB, gopts GlobalOptions, snapshotID string) []string {
buf := bytes.NewBuffer(nil)
globalOptions.stdout = buf
quiet := globalOptions.Quiet
globalOptions.Quiet = true
defer func() {
globalOptions.stdout = os.Stdout
globalOptions.Quiet = quiet
opts := LsOptions{}
rtest.OK(t, runLs(opts, gopts, []string{snapshotID}))
return strings.Split(buf.String(), "\n")
func testRunFind(t testing.TB, wantJSON bool, gopts GlobalOptions, pattern string) []byte {
buf := bytes.NewBuffer(nil)
globalOptions.stdout = buf
globalOptions.JSON = wantJSON
defer func() {
globalOptions.stdout = os.Stdout
globalOptions.JSON = false
opts := FindOptions{}
rtest.OK(t, runFind(opts, gopts, []string{pattern}))
return buf.Bytes()
func testRunSnapshots(t testing.TB, gopts GlobalOptions) (newest *Snapshot, snapmap map[restic.ID]Snapshot) {
buf := bytes.NewBuffer(nil)
globalOptions.stdout = buf
globalOptions.JSON = true
defer func() {
globalOptions.stdout = os.Stdout
globalOptions.JSON = gopts.JSON
opts := SnapshotOptions{}
rtest.OK(t, runSnapshots(opts, globalOptions, []string{}))
snapshots := []Snapshot{}
rtest.OK(t, json.Unmarshal(buf.Bytes(), &snapshots))
snapmap = make(map[restic.ID]Snapshot, len(snapshots))
for _, sn := range snapshots {
snapmap[*sn.ID] = sn
if newest == nil || sn.Time.After(newest.Time) {
newest = &sn
func testRunForget(t testing.TB, gopts GlobalOptions, args ...string) {
opts := ForgetOptions{}
rtest.OK(t, runForget(opts, gopts, args))
func testRunForgetJSON(t testing.TB, gopts GlobalOptions, args ...string) {
buf := bytes.NewBuffer(nil)
oldJSON := gopts.JSON
gopts.stdout = buf
gopts.JSON = true
defer func() {
gopts.stdout = os.Stdout
gopts.JSON = oldJSON
opts := ForgetOptions{
DryRun: true,
Last: 1,
rtest.OK(t, runForget(opts, gopts, args))
var forgets []*ForgetGroup
rtest.OK(t, json.Unmarshal(buf.Bytes(), &forgets))
rtest.Assert(t, len(forgets) == 1,
"Expected 1 snapshot group, got %v", len(forgets))
rtest.Assert(t, len(forgets[0].Keep) == 1,
"Expected 1 snapshot to be kept, got %v", len(forgets[0].Keep))
rtest.Assert(t, len(forgets[0].Remove) == 2,
"Expected 2 snapshots to be removed, got %v", len(forgets[0].Remove))
func testRunPrune(t testing.TB, gopts GlobalOptions) {
rtest.OK(t, runPrune(gopts))
func testSetupBackupData(t testing.TB, env *testEnvironment) string {
datafile := filepath.Join("testdata", "backup-data.tar.gz")
testRunInit(t, env.gopts)
rtest.SetupTarTestFixture(t, env.testdata, datafile)
return datafile
func TestBackup(t *testing.T) {
env, cleanup := withTestEnvironment(t)
defer cleanup()
testSetupBackupData(t, env)
opts := BackupOptions{}
// first backup
testRunBackup(t, filepath.Dir(env.testdata), []string{"testdata"}, opts, env.gopts)
snapshotIDs := testRunList(t, "snapshots", env.gopts)
rtest.Assert(t, len(snapshotIDs) == 1,
"expected one snapshot, got %v", snapshotIDs)
testRunCheck(t, env.gopts)
stat1 := dirStats(env.repo)
// second backup, implicit incremental
testRunBackup(t, filepath.Dir(env.testdata), []string{"testdata"}, opts, env.gopts)
snapshotIDs = testRunList(t, "snapshots", env.gopts)
rtest.Assert(t, len(snapshotIDs) == 2,
"expected two snapshots, got %v", snapshotIDs)
stat2 := dirStats(env.repo)
if stat2.size > stat1.size+stat1.size/10 {
t.Error("repository size has grown by more than 10 percent")
t.Logf("repository grown by %d bytes", stat2.size-stat1.size)
testRunCheck(t, env.gopts)
// third backup, explicit incremental
opts.Parent = snapshotIDs[0].String()
testRunBackup(t, filepath.Dir(env.testdata), []string{"testdata"}, opts, env.gopts)
snapshotIDs = testRunList(t, "snapshots", env.gopts)
rtest.Assert(t, len(snapshotIDs) == 3,
"expected three snapshots, got %v", snapshotIDs)
stat3 := dirStats(env.repo)
if stat3.size > stat1.size+stat1.size/10 {
t.Error("repository size has grown by more than 10 percent")
t.Logf("repository grown by %d bytes", stat3.size-stat2.size)
// restore all backups and compare
for i, snapshotID := range snapshotIDs {
restoredir := filepath.Join(env.base, fmt.Sprintf("restore%d", i))
t.Logf("restoring snapshot %v to %v", snapshotID.Str(), restoredir)
testRunRestore(t, env.gopts, restoredir, snapshotID)
diff := directoriesContentsDiff(env.testdata, filepath.Join(restoredir, "testdata"))
rtest.Assert(t, diff == "", "directories are not equal: %v", diff)
testRunCheck(t, env.gopts)
func TestBackupNonExistingFile(t *testing.T) {
env, cleanup := withTestEnvironment(t)
defer cleanup()
testSetupBackupData(t, env)
globalOptions.stderr = ioutil.Discard
defer func() {
globalOptions.stderr = os.Stderr
p := filepath.Join(env.testdata, "0", "0", "9")
dirs := []string{
filepath.Join(p, "0"),
filepath.Join(p, "1"),
filepath.Join(p, "nonexisting"),
filepath.Join(p, "5"),
opts := BackupOptions{}
testRunBackup(t, "", dirs, opts, env.gopts)
func removeDataPacksExcept(gopts GlobalOptions, t *testing.T, keep restic.IDSet) {
r, err := OpenRepository(gopts)
rtest.OK(t, err)
// Get all tree packs
rtest.OK(t, r.LoadIndex(gopts.ctx))
treePacks := restic.NewIDSet()
for _, idx := range r.Index().(*repository.MasterIndex).All() {
for _, id := range idx.TreePacks() {
// remove all packs containing data blobs
rtest.OK(t, r.List(gopts.ctx, restic.PackFile, func(id restic.ID, size int64) error {
if treePacks.Has(id) || keep.Has(id) {
return nil
return r.Backend().Remove(gopts.ctx, restic.Handle{Type: restic.PackFile, Name: id.String()})
func TestBackupSelfHealing(t *testing.T) {
env, cleanup := withTestEnvironment(t)
defer cleanup()
testRunInit(t, env.gopts)
p := filepath.Join(env.testdata, "test/test")
rtest.OK(t, os.MkdirAll(filepath.Dir(p), 0755))
rtest.OK(t, appendRandomData(p, 5))
opts := BackupOptions{}
testRunBackup(t, filepath.Dir(env.testdata), []string{filepath.Base(env.testdata)}, opts, env.gopts)
testRunCheck(t, env.gopts)
// remove all data packs
removeDataPacksExcept(env.gopts, t, restic.NewIDSet())
testRunRebuildIndex(t, env.gopts)
// now the repo is also missing the data blob in the index; check should report this
rtest.Assert(t, runCheck(CheckOptions{}, env.gopts, nil) != nil,
"check should have reported an error")
// second backup should report an error but "heal" this situation
err := testRunBackupAssumeFailure(t, filepath.Dir(env.testdata), []string{filepath.Base(env.testdata)}, opts, env.gopts)
rtest.Assert(t, err != nil,
"backup should have reported an error")
testRunCheck(t, env.gopts)
func includes(haystack []string, needle string) bool {
for _, s := range haystack {
if s == needle {
return true
return false
func loadSnapshotMap(t testing.TB, gopts GlobalOptions) map[string]struct{} {
snapshotIDs := testRunList(t, "snapshots", gopts)
m := make(map[string]struct{})
for _, id := range snapshotIDs {
m[id.String()] = struct{}{}
return m
func lastSnapshot(old, new map[string]struct{}) (map[string]struct{}, string) {
for k := range new {
if _, ok := old[k]; !ok {
old[k] = struct{}{}
return old, k
return old, ""
var backupExcludeFilenames = []string{
func TestBackupExclude(t *testing.T) {
env, cleanup := withTestEnvironment(t)
defer cleanup()
testRunInit(t, env.gopts)
datadir := filepath.Join(env.base, "testdata")
for _, filename := range backupExcludeFilenames {
fp := filepath.Join(datadir, filename)
rtest.OK(t, os.MkdirAll(filepath.Dir(fp), 0755))
f, err := os.Create(fp)
rtest.OK(t, err)
fmt.Fprint(f, filename)
rtest.OK(t, f.Close())
snapshots := make(map[string]struct{})
opts := BackupOptions{}
testRunBackup(t, filepath.Dir(env.testdata), []string{"testdata"}, opts, env.gopts)
snapshots, snapshotID := lastSnapshot(snapshots, loadSnapshotMap(t, env.gopts))
files := testRunLs(t, env.gopts, snapshotID)
rtest.Assert(t, includes(files, "/testdata/foo.tar.gz"),
"expected file %q in first snapshot, but it's not included", "foo.tar.gz")
opts.Excludes = []string{"*.tar.gz"}
testRunBackup(t, filepath.Dir(env.testdata), []string{"testdata"}, opts, env.gopts)
snapshots, snapshotID = lastSnapshot(snapshots, loadSnapshotMap(t, env.gopts))
files = testRunLs(t, env.gopts, snapshotID)
rtest.Assert(t, !includes(files, "/testdata/foo.tar.gz"),
"expected file %q not in first snapshot, but it's included", "foo.tar.gz")
opts.Excludes = []string{"*.tar.gz", "private/secret"}
testRunBackup(t, filepath.Dir(env.testdata), []string{"testdata"}, opts, env.gopts)
_, snapshotID = lastSnapshot(snapshots, loadSnapshotMap(t, env.gopts))
files = testRunLs(t, env.gopts, snapshotID)
rtest.Assert(t, !includes(files, "/testdata/foo.tar.gz"),
"expected file %q not in first snapshot, but it's included", "foo.tar.gz")
rtest.Assert(t, !includes(files, "/testdata/private/secret/passwords.txt"),
"expected file %q not in first snapshot, but it's included", "passwords.txt")
func TestBackupErrors(t *testing.T) {
if runtime.GOOS == "windows" {
env, cleanup := withTestEnvironment(t)
defer cleanup()
testSetupBackupData(t, env)
// Assume failure
inaccessibleFile := filepath.Join(env.testdata, "0", "0", "9", "0")
os.Chmod(inaccessibleFile, 0000)
defer func() {
os.Chmod(inaccessibleFile, 0644)
opts := BackupOptions{}
gopts := env.gopts
gopts.stderr = ioutil.Discard
err := testRunBackupAssumeFailure(t, filepath.Dir(env.testdata), []string{"testdata"}, opts, gopts)
rtest.Assert(t, err != nil, "Assumed failure, but no error occured.")
rtest.Assert(t, err == ErrInvalidSourceData, "Wrong error returned")
snapshotIDs := testRunList(t, "snapshots", env.gopts)
rtest.Assert(t, len(snapshotIDs) == 1,
"expected one snapshot, got %v", snapshotIDs)
const (
incrementalFirstWrite = 10 * 1042 * 1024
incrementalSecondWrite = 1 * 1042 * 1024
incrementalThirdWrite = 1 * 1042 * 1024
func appendRandomData(filename string, bytes uint) error {
f, err := os.OpenFile(filename, os.O_WRONLY|os.O_CREATE, 0666)
if err != nil {
fmt.Fprint(os.Stderr, err)
return err
_, err = f.Seek(0, 2)
if err != nil {
fmt.Fprint(os.Stderr, err)
return err
_, err = io.Copy(f, io.LimitReader(rand.Reader, int64(bytes)))
if err != nil {
fmt.Fprint(os.Stderr, err)
return err
return f.Close()
func TestIncrementalBackup(t *testing.T) {
env, cleanup := withTestEnvironment(t)
defer cleanup()
testRunInit(t, env.gopts)
datadir := filepath.Join(env.base, "testdata")
testfile := filepath.Join(datadir, "testfile")
rtest.OK(t, appendRandomData(testfile, incrementalFirstWrite))
opts := BackupOptions{}
testRunBackup(t, "", []string{datadir}, opts, env.gopts)
testRunCheck(t, env.gopts)
stat1 := dirStats(env.repo)
rtest.OK(t, appendRandomData(testfile, incrementalSecondWrite))
testRunBackup(t, "", []string{datadir}, opts, env.gopts)
testRunCheck(t, env.gopts)
stat2 := dirStats(env.repo)
if stat2.size-stat1.size > incrementalFirstWrite {
t.Errorf("repository size has grown by more than %d bytes", incrementalFirstWrite)
t.Logf("repository grown by %d bytes", stat2.size-stat1.size)
rtest.OK(t, appendRandomData(testfile, incrementalThirdWrite))
testRunBackup(t, "", []string{datadir}, opts, env.gopts)
testRunCheck(t, env.gopts)
stat3 := dirStats(env.repo)
if stat3.size-stat2.size > incrementalFirstWrite {
t.Errorf("repository size has grown by more than %d bytes", incrementalFirstWrite)
t.Logf("repository grown by %d bytes", stat3.size-stat2.size)
func TestBackupTags(t *testing.T) {
env, cleanup := withTestEnvironment(t)
defer cleanup()
testSetupBackupData(t, env)
opts := BackupOptions{}
testRunBackup(t, "", []string{env.testdata}, opts, env.gopts)
testRunCheck(t, env.gopts)
newest, _ := testRunSnapshots(t, env.gopts)
rtest.Assert(t, newest != nil, "expected a new backup, got nil")
rtest.Assert(t, len(newest.Tags) == 0,
"expected no tags, got %v", newest.Tags)
parent := newest
opts.Tags = []string{"NL"}
testRunBackup(t, "", []string{env.testdata}, opts, env.gopts)
testRunCheck(t, env.gopts)
newest, _ = testRunSnapshots(t, env.gopts)
rtest.Assert(t, newest != nil, "expected a new backup, got nil")
rtest.Assert(t, len(newest.Tags) == 1 && newest.Tags[0] == "NL",
"expected one NL tag, got %v", newest.Tags)
// Tagged backup should have untagged backup as parent.
rtest.Assert(t, parent.ID.Equal(*newest.Parent),
"expected parent to be %v, got %v", parent.ID, newest.Parent)
func testRunCopy(t testing.TB, srcGopts GlobalOptions, dstGopts GlobalOptions) {
copyOpts := CopyOptions{
secondaryRepoOptions: secondaryRepoOptions{
Repo: dstGopts.Repo,
password: dstGopts.password,
rtest.OK(t, runCopy(copyOpts, srcGopts, nil))
func TestCopy(t *testing.T) {
env, cleanup := withTestEnvironment(t)
defer cleanup()
env2, cleanup2 := withTestEnvironment(t)
defer cleanup2()
testSetupBackupData(t, env)
opts := BackupOptions{}
testRunBackup(t, "", []string{filepath.Join(env.testdata, "0", "0", "9")}, opts, env.gopts)
testRunBackup(t, "", []string{filepath.Join(env.testdata, "0", "0", "9", "2")}, opts, env.gopts)
testRunBackup(t, "", []string{filepath.Join(env.testdata, "0", "0", "9", "3")}, opts, env.gopts)
testRunCheck(t, env.gopts)
testRunInit(t, env2.gopts)
testRunCopy(t, env.gopts, env2.gopts)
snapshotIDs := testRunList(t, "snapshots", env.gopts)
copiedSnapshotIDs := testRunList(t, "snapshots", env2.gopts)
// Check that the copies size seems reasonable
rtest.Assert(t, len(snapshotIDs) == len(copiedSnapshotIDs), "expected %v snapshots, found %v",
len(snapshotIDs), len(copiedSnapshotIDs))
stat := dirStats(env.repo)
stat2 := dirStats(env2.repo)
sizeDiff := int64(stat.size) - int64(stat2.size)
if sizeDiff < 0 {
sizeDiff = -sizeDiff
rtest.Assert(t, sizeDiff < int64(stat.size)/50, "expected less than 2%% size difference: %v vs. %v",
stat.size, stat2.size)
// Check integrity of the copy
testRunCheck(t, env2.gopts)
// Check that the copied snapshots have the same tree contents as the old ones (= identical tree hash)
origRestores := make(map[string]struct{})
for i, snapshotID := range snapshotIDs {
restoredir := filepath.Join(env.base, fmt.Sprintf("restore%d", i))
origRestores[restoredir] = struct{}{}
testRunRestore(t, env.gopts, restoredir, snapshotID)
for i, snapshotID := range copiedSnapshotIDs {
restoredir := filepath.Join(env2.base, fmt.Sprintf("restore%d", i))
testRunRestore(t, env2.gopts, restoredir, snapshotID)
foundMatch := false
for cmpdir := range origRestores {
diff := directoriesContentsDiff(restoredir, cmpdir)
if diff == "" {
delete(origRestores, cmpdir)
foundMatch = true
rtest.Assert(t, foundMatch, "found no counterpart for snapshot %v", snapshotID)
rtest.Assert(t, len(origRestores) == 0, "found not copied snapshots")
func TestCopyIncremental(t *testing.T) {
env, cleanup := withTestEnvironment(t)
defer cleanup()
env2, cleanup2 := withTestEnvironment(t)
defer cleanup2()
testSetupBackupData(t, env)
opts := BackupOptions{}
testRunBackup(t, "", []string{filepath.Join(env.testdata, "0", "0", "9")}, opts, env.gopts)
testRunBackup(t, "", []string{filepath.Join(env.testdata, "0", "0", "9", "2")}, opts, env.gopts)
testRunCheck(t, env.gopts)
testRunInit(t, env2.gopts)
testRunCopy(t, env.gopts, env2.gopts)
snapshotIDs := testRunList(t, "snapshots", env.gopts)
copiedSnapshotIDs := testRunList(t, "snapshots", env2.gopts)
// Check that the copies size seems reasonable
testRunCheck(t, env2.gopts)
rtest.Assert(t, len(snapshotIDs) == len(copiedSnapshotIDs), "expected %v snapshots, found %v",
len(snapshotIDs), len(copiedSnapshotIDs))
// check that no snapshots are copied, as there are no new ones
testRunCopy(t, env.gopts, env2.gopts)
testRunCheck(t, env2.gopts)
copiedSnapshotIDs = testRunList(t, "snapshots", env2.gopts)
rtest.Assert(t, len(snapshotIDs) == len(copiedSnapshotIDs), "still expected %v snapshots, found %v",
len(snapshotIDs), len(copiedSnapshotIDs))
// check that only new snapshots are copied
testRunBackup(t, "", []string{filepath.Join(env.testdata, "0", "0", "9", "3")}, opts, env.gopts)
testRunCopy(t, env.gopts, env2.gopts)
testRunCheck(t, env2.gopts)
snapshotIDs = testRunList(t, "snapshots", env.gopts)
copiedSnapshotIDs = testRunList(t, "snapshots", env2.gopts)
rtest.Assert(t, len(snapshotIDs) == len(copiedSnapshotIDs), "still expected %v snapshots, found %v",
len(snapshotIDs), len(copiedSnapshotIDs))
// also test the reverse direction
testRunCopy(t, env2.gopts, env.gopts)
testRunCheck(t, env.gopts)
snapshotIDs = testRunList(t, "snapshots", env.gopts)
rtest.Assert(t, len(snapshotIDs) == len(copiedSnapshotIDs), "still expected %v snapshots, found %v",
len(copiedSnapshotIDs), len(snapshotIDs))
func TestInitCopyChunkerParams(t *testing.T) {
env, cleanup := withTestEnvironment(t)
defer cleanup()
env2, cleanup2 := withTestEnvironment(t)
defer cleanup2()
testRunInit(t, env2.gopts)
initOpts := InitOptions{
secondaryRepoOptions: secondaryRepoOptions{
Repo: env2.gopts.Repo,
password: env2.gopts.password,
rtest.Assert(t, runInit(initOpts, env.gopts, nil) != nil, "expected invalid init options to fail")
initOpts.CopyChunkerParameters = true
rtest.OK(t, runInit(initOpts, env.gopts, nil))
repo, err := OpenRepository(env.gopts)
rtest.OK(t, err)
otherRepo, err := OpenRepository(env2.gopts)
rtest.OK(t, err)
rtest.Assert(t, repo.Config().ChunkerPolynomial == otherRepo.Config().ChunkerPolynomial,
"expected equal chunker polynomials, got %v expected %v", repo.Config().ChunkerPolynomial,
func testRunTag(t testing.TB, opts TagOptions, gopts GlobalOptions) {
rtest.OK(t, runTag(opts, gopts, []string{}))
func TestTag(t *testing.T) {
env, cleanup := withTestEnvironment(t)
defer cleanup()
testSetupBackupData(t, env)
testRunBackup(t, "", []string{env.testdata}, BackupOptions{}, env.gopts)
testRunCheck(t, env.gopts)
newest, _ := testRunSnapshots(t, env.gopts)
rtest.Assert(t, newest != nil, "expected a new backup, got nil")
rtest.Assert(t, len(newest.Tags) == 0,
"expected no tags, got %v", newest.Tags)
rtest.Assert(t, newest.Original == nil,
"expected original ID to be nil, got %v", newest.Original)
originalID := *newest.ID
testRunTag(t, TagOptions{SetTags: []string{"NL"}}, env.gopts)
testRunCheck(t, env.gopts)
newest, _ = testRunSnapshots(t, env.gopts)
rtest.Assert(t, newest != nil, "expected a new backup, got nil")
rtest.Assert(t, len(newest.Tags) == 1 && newest.Tags[0] == "NL",
"set failed, expected one NL tag, got %v", newest.Tags)
rtest.Assert(t, newest.Original != nil, "expected original snapshot id, got nil")
rtest.Assert(t, *newest.Original == originalID,
"expected original ID to be set to the first snapshot id")
testRunTag(t, TagOptions{AddTags: []string{"CH"}}, env.gopts)
testRunCheck(t, env.gopts)
newest, _ = testRunSnapshots(t, env.gopts)
rtest.Assert(t, newest != nil, "expected a new backup, got nil")
rtest.Assert(t, len(newest.Tags) == 2 && newest.Tags[0] == "NL" && newest.Tags[1] == "CH",
"add failed, expected CH,NL tags, got %v", newest.Tags)
rtest.Assert(t, newest.Original != nil, "expected original snapshot id, got nil")
rtest.Assert(t, *newest.Original == originalID,
"expected original ID to be set to the first snapshot id")
testRunTag(t, TagOptions{RemoveTags: []string{"NL"}}, env.gopts)
testRunCheck(t, env.gopts)
newest, _ = testRunSnapshots(t, env.gopts)
rtest.Assert(t, newest != nil, "expected a new backup, got nil")
rtest.Assert(t, len(newest.Tags) == 1 && newest.Tags[0] == "CH",
"remove failed, expected one CH tag, got %v", newest.Tags)
rtest.Assert(t, newest.Original != nil, "expected original snapshot id, got nil")
rtest.Assert(t, *newest.Original == originalID,
"expected original ID to be set to the first snapshot id")
testRunTag(t, TagOptions{AddTags: []string{"US", "RU"}}, env.gopts)
testRunTag(t, TagOptions{RemoveTags: []string{"CH", "US", "RU"}}, env.gopts)
testRunCheck(t, env.gopts)
newest, _ = testRunSnapshots(t, env.gopts)
rtest.Assert(t, newest != nil, "expected a new backup, got nil")
rtest.Assert(t, len(newest.Tags) == 0,
"expected no tags, got %v", newest.Tags)
rtest.Assert(t, newest.Original != nil, "expected original snapshot id, got nil")
rtest.Assert(t, *newest.Original == originalID,
"expected original ID to be set to the first snapshot id")
// Check special case of removing all tags.
testRunTag(t, TagOptions{SetTags: []string{""}}, env.gopts)
testRunCheck(t, env.gopts)
newest, _ = testRunSnapshots(t, env.gopts)
rtest.Assert(t, newest != nil, "expected a new backup, got nil")
rtest.Assert(t, len(newest.Tags) == 0,
"expected no tags, got %v", newest.Tags)
rtest.Assert(t, newest.Original != nil, "expected original snapshot id, got nil")
rtest.Assert(t, *newest.Original == originalID,
"expected original ID to be set to the first snapshot id")
func testRunKeyListOtherIDs(t testing.TB, gopts GlobalOptions) []string {
buf := bytes.NewBuffer(nil)
globalOptions.stdout = buf
defer func() {
globalOptions.stdout = os.Stdout
rtest.OK(t, runKey(gopts, []string{"list"}))
scanner := bufio.NewScanner(buf)
exp := regexp.MustCompile(`^ ([a-f0-9]+) `)
IDs := []string{}
for scanner.Scan() {
if id := exp.FindStringSubmatch(scanner.Text()); id != nil {
IDs = append(IDs, id[1])
return IDs
func testRunKeyAddNewKey(t testing.TB, newPassword string, gopts GlobalOptions) {
testKeyNewPassword = newPassword
defer func() {
testKeyNewPassword = ""
rtest.OK(t, runKey(gopts, []string{"add"}))
func testRunKeyAddNewKeyUserHost(t testing.TB, gopts GlobalOptions) {
testKeyNewPassword = "john's geheimnis"
defer func() {
testKeyNewPassword = ""
keyUsername = ""
keyHostname = ""
cmdKey.Flags().Parse([]string{"--user=john", "--host=example.com"})
t.Log("adding key for john@example.com")
rtest.OK(t, runKey(gopts, []string{"add"}))
repo, err := OpenRepository(gopts)
rtest.OK(t, err)
key, err := repository.SearchKey(gopts.ctx, repo, testKeyNewPassword, 1, "")
rtest.OK(t, err)
rtest.Equals(t, "john", key.Username)
rtest.Equals(t, "example.com", key.Hostname)
func testRunKeyPasswd(t testing.TB, newPassword string, gopts GlobalOptions) {
testKeyNewPassword = newPassword
defer func() {
testKeyNewPassword = ""
rtest.OK(t, runKey(gopts, []string{"passwd"}))
func testRunKeyRemove(t testing.TB, gopts GlobalOptions, IDs []string) {
t.Logf("remove %d keys: %q\n", len(IDs), IDs)
for _, id := range IDs {
rtest.OK(t, runKey(gopts, []string{"remove", id}))
func TestKeyAddRemove(t *testing.T) {
passwordList := []string{
env, cleanup := withTestEnvironment(t)
defer cleanup()
testRunInit(t, env.gopts)
testRunKeyPasswd(t, "geheim2", env.gopts)
env.gopts.password = "geheim2"
t.Logf("changed password to %q", env.gopts.password)
for _, newPassword := range passwordList {
testRunKeyAddNewKey(t, newPassword, env.gopts)
t.Logf("added new password %q", newPassword)
env.gopts.password = newPassword
testRunKeyRemove(t, env.gopts, testRunKeyListOtherIDs(t, env.gopts))
env.gopts.password = passwordList[len(passwordList)-1]
t.Logf("testing access with last password %q\n", env.gopts.password)
rtest.OK(t, runKey(env.gopts, []string{"list"}))
testRunCheck(t, env.gopts)
testRunKeyAddNewKeyUserHost(t, env.gopts)
func testFileSize(filename string, size int64) error {
fi, err := os.Stat(filename)
if err != nil {
return err
if fi.Size() != size {
return errors.Fatalf("wrong file size for %v: expected %v, got %v", filename, size, fi.Size())
return nil
func TestRestoreFilter(t *testing.T) {
testfiles := []struct {
name string
size uint
{"testfile1.c", 100},
{"testfile2.exe", 101},
{"subdir1/subdir2/testfile3.docx", 102},
{"subdir1/subdir2/testfile4.c", 102},
env, cleanup := withTestEnvironment(t)
defer cleanup()
testRunInit(t, env.gopts)
for _, testFile := range testfiles {
p := filepath.Join(env.testdata, testFile.name)
rtest.OK(t, os.MkdirAll(filepath.Dir(p), 0755))
rtest.OK(t, appendRandomData(p, testFile.size))
opts := BackupOptions{}
testRunBackup(t, filepath.Dir(env.testdata), []string{filepath.Base(env.testdata)}, opts, env.gopts)
testRunCheck(t, env.gopts)
snapshotID := testRunList(t, "snapshots", env.gopts)[0]
// no restore filter should restore all files
testRunRestore(t, env.gopts, filepath.Join(env.base, "restore0"), snapshotID)
for _, testFile := range testfiles {
rtest.OK(t, testFileSize(filepath.Join(env.base, "restore0", "testdata", testFile.name), int64(testFile.size)))
for i, pat := range []string{"*.c", "*.exe", "*", "*file3*"} {
base := filepath.Join(env.base, fmt.Sprintf("restore%d", i+1))
testRunRestoreExcludes(t, env.gopts, base, snapshotID, []string{pat})
for _, testFile := range testfiles {
err := testFileSize(filepath.Join(base, "testdata", testFile.name), int64(testFile.size))
if ok, _ := filter.Match(pat, filepath.Base(testFile.name)); !ok {
rtest.OK(t, err)
} else {
rtest.Assert(t, os.IsNotExist(errors.Cause(err)),
"expected %v to not exist in restore step %v, but it exists, err %v", testFile.name, i+1, err)
func TestRestore(t *testing.T) {
env, cleanup := withTestEnvironment(t)
defer cleanup()
testRunInit(t, env.gopts)
for i := 0; i < 10; i++ {
p := filepath.Join(env.testdata, fmt.Sprintf("foo/bar/testfile%v", i))
rtest.OK(t, os.MkdirAll(filepath.Dir(p), 0755))
rtest.OK(t, appendRandomData(p, uint(mrand.Intn(2<<21))))
opts := BackupOptions{}
testRunBackup(t, filepath.Dir(env.testdata), []string{filepath.Base(env.testdata)}, opts, env.gopts)
testRunCheck(t, env.gopts)
// Restore latest without any filters
restoredir := filepath.Join(env.base, "restore")
testRunRestoreLatest(t, env.gopts, restoredir, nil, nil)
diff := directoriesContentsDiff(env.testdata, filepath.Join(restoredir, filepath.Base(env.testdata)))
rtest.Assert(t, diff == "", "directories are not equal %v", diff)
func TestRestoreLatest(t *testing.T) {
env, cleanup := withTestEnvironment(t)
defer cleanup()
testRunInit(t, env.gopts)
p := filepath.Join(env.testdata, "testfile.c")
rtest.OK(t, os.MkdirAll(filepath.Dir(p), 0755))
rtest.OK(t, appendRandomData(p, 100))
opts := BackupOptions{}
// chdir manually here so we can get the current directory. This is not the
// same as the temp dir returned by ioutil.TempDir() on darwin.
back := fs.TestChdir(t, filepath.Dir(env.testdata))
defer back()
curdir, err := os.Getwd()
if err != nil {
testRunBackup(t, "", []string{filepath.Base(env.testdata)}, opts, env.gopts)
testRunCheck(t, env.gopts)
rtest.OK(t, appendRandomData(p, 101))
testRunBackup(t, "", []string{filepath.Base(env.testdata)}, opts, env.gopts)
testRunCheck(t, env.gopts)
// Restore latest without any filters
testRunRestoreLatest(t, env.gopts, filepath.Join(env.base, "restore0"), nil, nil)
rtest.OK(t, testFileSize(filepath.Join(env.base, "restore0", "testdata", "testfile.c"), int64(101)))
// Setup test files in different directories backed up in different snapshots
p1 := filepath.Join(curdir, filepath.FromSlash("p1/testfile.c"))
rtest.OK(t, os.MkdirAll(filepath.Dir(p1), 0755))
rtest.OK(t, appendRandomData(p1, 102))
testRunBackup(t, "", []string{"p1"}, opts, env.gopts)
testRunCheck(t, env.gopts)
p2 := filepath.Join(curdir, filepath.FromSlash("p2/testfile.c"))
rtest.OK(t, os.MkdirAll(filepath.Dir(p2), 0755))
rtest.OK(t, appendRandomData(p2, 103))
testRunBackup(t, "", []string{"p2"}, opts, env.gopts)
testRunCheck(t, env.gopts)
p1rAbs := filepath.Join(env.base, "restore1", "p1/testfile.c")
p2rAbs := filepath.Join(env.base, "restore2", "p2/testfile.c")
testRunRestoreLatest(t, env.gopts, filepath.Join(env.base, "restore1"), []string{filepath.Dir(p1)}, nil)
rtest.OK(t, testFileSize(p1rAbs, int64(102)))
if _, err := os.Stat(p2rAbs); os.IsNotExist(errors.Cause(err)) {
rtest.Assert(t, os.IsNotExist(errors.Cause(err)),
"expected %v to not exist in restore, but it exists, err %v", p2rAbs, err)
testRunRestoreLatest(t, env.gopts, filepath.Join(env.base, "restore2"), []string{filepath.Dir(p2)}, nil)
rtest.OK(t, testFileSize(p2rAbs, int64(103)))
if _, err := os.Stat(p1rAbs); os.IsNotExist(errors.Cause(err)) {
rtest.Assert(t, os.IsNotExist(errors.Cause(err)),
"expected %v to not exist in restore, but it exists, err %v", p1rAbs, err)
func TestRestoreWithPermissionFailure(t *testing.T) {
env, cleanup := withTestEnvironment(t)
defer cleanup()
datafile := filepath.Join("testdata", "repo-restore-permissions-test.tar.gz")
rtest.SetupTarTestFixture(t, env.base, datafile)
snapshots := testRunList(t, "snapshots", env.gopts)
rtest.Assert(t, len(snapshots) > 0,
"no snapshots found in repo (%v)", datafile)
globalOptions.stderr = ioutil.Discard
defer func() {
globalOptions.stderr = os.Stderr
testRunRestore(t, env.gopts, filepath.Join(env.base, "restore"), snapshots[0])
// make sure that all files have been restored, regardless of any
// permission errors
files := testRunLs(t, env.gopts, snapshots[0].String())
for _, filename := range files {
fi, err := os.Lstat(filepath.Join(env.base, "restore", filename))
rtest.OK(t, err)
rtest.Assert(t, !isFile(fi) || fi.Size() > 0,
"file %v restored, but filesize is 0", filename)
func setZeroModTime(filename string) error {
var utimes = []syscall.Timespec{
return syscall.UtimesNano(filename, utimes)
func TestRestoreNoMetadataOnIgnoredIntermediateDirs(t *testing.T) {
env, cleanup := withTestEnvironment(t)
defer cleanup()
testRunInit(t, env.gopts)
p := filepath.Join(env.testdata, "subdir1", "subdir2", "subdir3", "file.ext")
rtest.OK(t, os.MkdirAll(filepath.Dir(p), 0755))
rtest.OK(t, appendRandomData(p, 200))
rtest.OK(t, setZeroModTime(filepath.Join(env.testdata, "subdir1", "subdir2")))
opts := BackupOptions{}
testRunBackup(t, filepath.Dir(env.testdata), []string{filepath.Base(env.testdata)}, opts, env.gopts)
testRunCheck(t, env.gopts)
snapshotID := testRunList(t, "snapshots", env.gopts)[0]
// restore with filter "*.ext", this should restore "file.ext", but
// since the directories are ignored and only created because of
// "file.ext", no meta data should be restored for them.
testRunRestoreIncludes(t, env.gopts, filepath.Join(env.base, "restore0"), snapshotID, []string{"*.ext"})
f1 := filepath.Join(env.base, "restore0", "testdata", "subdir1", "subdir2")
_, err := os.Stat(f1)
rtest.OK(t, err)
// restore with filter "*", this should restore meta data on everything.
testRunRestoreIncludes(t, env.gopts, filepath.Join(env.base, "restore1"), snapshotID, []string{"*"})
f2 := filepath.Join(env.base, "restore1", "testdata", "subdir1", "subdir2")
fi, err := os.Stat(f2)
rtest.OK(t, err)
rtest.Assert(t, fi.ModTime() == time.Unix(0, 0),
"meta data of intermediate directory hasn't been restore")
func TestFind(t *testing.T) {
env, cleanup := withTestEnvironment(t)
defer cleanup()
datafile := testSetupBackupData(t, env)
opts := BackupOptions{}
testRunBackup(t, "", []string{env.testdata}, opts, env.gopts)
testRunCheck(t, env.gopts)
results := testRunFind(t, false, env.gopts, "unexistingfile")
rtest.Assert(t, len(results) == 0, "unexisting file found in repo (%v)", datafile)
results = testRunFind(t, false, env.gopts, "testfile")
lines := strings.Split(string(results), "\n")
rtest.Assert(t, len(lines) == 2, "expected one file found in repo (%v)", datafile)
results = testRunFind(t, false, env.gopts, "testfile*")
lines = strings.Split(string(results), "\n")
rtest.Assert(t, len(lines) == 4, "expected three files found in repo (%v)", datafile)
type testMatch struct {
Path string `json:"path,omitempty"`
Permissions string `json:"permissions,omitempty"`
Size uint64 `json:"size,omitempty"`
Date time.Time `json:"date,omitempty"`
UID uint32 `json:"uid,omitempty"`
GID uint32 `json:"gid,omitempty"`
type testMatches struct {
Hits int `json:"hits,omitempty"`
SnapshotID string `json:"snapshot,omitempty"`
Matches []testMatch `json:"matches,omitempty"`
func TestFindJSON(t *testing.T) {
env, cleanup := withTestEnvironment(t)
defer cleanup()
datafile := testSetupBackupData(t, env)
opts := BackupOptions{}
testRunBackup(t, "", []string{env.testdata}, opts, env.gopts)
testRunCheck(t, env.gopts)
results := testRunFind(t, true, env.gopts, "unexistingfile")
matches := []testMatches{}
rtest.OK(t, json.Unmarshal(results, &matches))
rtest.Assert(t, len(matches) == 0, "expected no match in repo (%v)", datafile)
results = testRunFind(t, true, env.gopts, "testfile")
rtest.OK(t, json.Unmarshal(results, &matches))
rtest.Assert(t, len(matches) == 1, "expected a single snapshot in repo (%v)", datafile)
rtest.Assert(t, len(matches[0].Matches) == 1, "expected a single file to match (%v)", datafile)
rtest.Assert(t, matches[0].Hits == 1, "expected hits to show 1 match (%v)", datafile)
results = testRunFind(t, true, env.gopts, "testfile*")
rtest.OK(t, json.Unmarshal(results, &matches))
rtest.Assert(t, len(matches) == 1, "expected a single snapshot in repo (%v)", datafile)
rtest.Assert(t, len(matches[0].Matches) == 3, "expected 3 files to match (%v)", datafile)
rtest.Assert(t, matches[0].Hits == 3, "expected hits to show 3 matches (%v)", datafile)
func TestRebuildIndex(t *testing.T) {
env, cleanup := withTestEnvironment(t)
defer cleanup()
datafile := filepath.Join("..", "..", "internal", "checker", "testdata", "duplicate-packs-in-index-test-repo.tar.gz")
rtest.SetupTarTestFixture(t, env.base, datafile)
out, err := testRunCheckOutput(env.gopts)
if !strings.Contains(out, "contained in several indexes") {
t.Fatalf("did not find checker hint for packs in several indexes")
if err != nil {
t.Fatalf("expected no error from checker for test repository, got %v", err)
if !strings.Contains(out, "restic rebuild-index") {
t.Fatalf("did not find hint for rebuild-index command")
testRunRebuildIndex(t, env.gopts)
out, err = testRunCheckOutput(env.gopts)
if len(out) != 0 {
t.Fatalf("expected no output from the checker, got: %v", out)
if err != nil {
t.Fatalf("expected no error from checker after rebuild-index, got: %v", err)
func TestRebuildIndexAlwaysFull(t *testing.T) {
repository.IndexFull = func(*repository.Index) bool { return true }
type appendOnlyBackend struct {
// called via repo.Backend().Remove()
func (b *appendOnlyBackend) Remove(ctx context.Context, h restic.Handle) error {
return errors.Errorf("Failed to remove %v", h)
func TestRebuildIndexFailsOnAppendOnly(t *testing.T) {
env, cleanup := withTestEnvironment(t)
defer cleanup()
datafile := filepath.Join("..", "..", "internal", "checker", "testdata", "duplicate-packs-in-index-test-repo.tar.gz")
rtest.SetupTarTestFixture(t, env.base, datafile)
globalOptions.stdout = ioutil.Discard
defer func() {
globalOptions.stdout = os.Stdout
env.gopts.backendTestHook = func(r restic.Backend) (restic.Backend, error) {
return &appendOnlyBackend{r}, nil
err := runRebuildIndex(env.gopts)
if err == nil {
t.Error("expected rebuildIndex to fail")
func TestCheckRestoreNoLock(t *testing.T) {
env, cleanup := withTestEnvironment(t)
defer cleanup()
datafile := filepath.Join("testdata", "small-repo.tar.gz")
rtest.SetupTarTestFixture(t, env.base, datafile)
err := filepath.Walk(env.repo, func(p string, fi os.FileInfo, e error) error {
if e != nil {
return e
return os.Chmod(p, fi.Mode() & ^(os.FileMode(0222)))
rtest.OK(t, err)
env.gopts.NoLock = true
testRunCheck(t, env.gopts)
snapshotIDs := testRunList(t, "snapshots", env.gopts)
if len(snapshotIDs) == 0 {
t.Fatalf("found no snapshots")
testRunRestore(t, env.gopts, filepath.Join(env.base, "restore"), snapshotIDs[0])
func TestPrune(t *testing.T) {
env, cleanup := withTestEnvironment(t)
defer cleanup()
testSetupBackupData(t, env)
opts := BackupOptions{}
testRunBackup(t, "", []string{filepath.Join(env.testdata, "0", "0", "9")}, opts, env.gopts)
firstSnapshot := testRunList(t, "snapshots", env.gopts)
rtest.Assert(t, len(firstSnapshot) == 1,
"expected one snapshot, got %v", firstSnapshot)
testRunBackup(t, "", []string{filepath.Join(env.testdata, "0", "0", "9", "2")}, opts, env.gopts)
testRunBackup(t, "", []string{filepath.Join(env.testdata, "0", "0", "9", "3")}, opts, env.gopts)
snapshotIDs := testRunList(t, "snapshots", env.gopts)
rtest.Assert(t, len(snapshotIDs) == 3,
"expected 3 snapshot, got %v", snapshotIDs)
testRunForgetJSON(t, env.gopts)
testRunForget(t, env.gopts, firstSnapshot[0].String())
testRunPrune(t, env.gopts)
testRunCheck(t, env.gopts)
func listPacks(gopts GlobalOptions, t *testing.T) restic.IDSet {
r, err := OpenRepository(gopts)
rtest.OK(t, err)
packs := restic.NewIDSet()
rtest.OK(t, r.List(gopts.ctx, restic.PackFile, func(id restic.ID, size int64) error {
return nil
return packs
func TestPruneWithDamagedRepository(t *testing.T) {
env, cleanup := withTestEnvironment(t)
defer cleanup()
datafile := filepath.Join("testdata", "backup-data.tar.gz")
testRunInit(t, env.gopts)
rtest.SetupTarTestFixture(t, env.testdata, datafile)
opts := BackupOptions{}
// create and delete snapshot to create unused blobs
testRunBackup(t, "", []string{filepath.Join(env.testdata, "0", "0", "9", "2")}, opts, env.gopts)
firstSnapshot := testRunList(t, "snapshots", env.gopts)
rtest.Assert(t, len(firstSnapshot) == 1,
"expected one snapshot, got %v", firstSnapshot)
testRunForget(t, env.gopts, firstSnapshot[0].String())
oldPacks := listPacks(env.gopts, t)
// create new snapshot, but lose all data
testRunBackup(t, "", []string{filepath.Join(env.testdata, "0", "0", "9", "3")}, opts, env.gopts)
snapshotIDs := testRunList(t, "snapshots", env.gopts)
removeDataPacksExcept(env.gopts, t, oldPacks)
rtest.Assert(t, len(snapshotIDs) == 1,
"expected one snapshot, got %v", snapshotIDs)
// prune should fail
err := runPrune(env.gopts)
if err == nil {
t.Fatalf("expected prune to fail")
if !strings.Contains(err.Error(), "blobs seem to be missing") {
t.Fatalf("did not find hint for missing blobs")
func TestHardLink(t *testing.T) {
// this test assumes a test set with a single directory containing hard linked files
env, cleanup := withTestEnvironment(t)
defer cleanup()
datafile := filepath.Join("testdata", "test.hl.tar.gz")
fd, err := os.Open(datafile)
if os.IsNotExist(errors.Cause(err)) {
t.Skipf("unable to find data file %q, skipping", datafile)
rtest.OK(t, err)
rtest.OK(t, fd.Close())
testRunInit(t, env.gopts)
rtest.SetupTarTestFixture(t, env.testdata, datafile)
linkTests := createFileSetPerHardlink(env.testdata)
opts := BackupOptions{}
// first backup
testRunBackup(t, filepath.Dir(env.testdata), []string{filepath.Base(env.testdata)}, opts, env.gopts)
snapshotIDs := testRunList(t, "snapshots", env.gopts)
rtest.Assert(t, len(snapshotIDs) == 1,
"expected one snapshot, got %v", snapshotIDs)
testRunCheck(t, env.gopts)
// restore all backups and compare
for i, snapshotID := range snapshotIDs {
restoredir := filepath.Join(env.base, fmt.Sprintf("restore%d", i))
t.Logf("restoring snapshot %v to %v", snapshotID.Str(), restoredir)
testRunRestore(t, env.gopts, restoredir, snapshotID)
diff := directoriesContentsDiff(env.testdata, filepath.Join(restoredir, "testdata"))
rtest.Assert(t, diff == "", "directories are not equal %v", diff)
linkResults := createFileSetPerHardlink(filepath.Join(restoredir, "testdata"))
rtest.Assert(t, linksEqual(linkTests, linkResults),
"links are not equal")
testRunCheck(t, env.gopts)
func linksEqual(source, dest map[uint64][]string) bool {
for _, vs := range source {
found := false
for kd, vd := range dest {
if linkEqual(vs, vd) {
delete(dest, kd)
found = true
if !found {
return false
return len(dest) == 0
func linkEqual(source, dest []string) bool {
// equal if sliced are equal without considering order
if source == nil && dest == nil {
return true
if source == nil || dest == nil {
return false
if len(source) != len(dest) {
return false
for i := range source {
found := false
for j := range dest {
if source[i] == dest[j] {
found = true
if !found {
return false
return true
func TestQuietBackup(t *testing.T) {
env, cleanup := withTestEnvironment(t)
defer cleanup()
testSetupBackupData(t, env)
opts := BackupOptions{}
env.gopts.Quiet = false
testRunBackup(t, "", []string{env.testdata}, opts, env.gopts)
snapshotIDs := testRunList(t, "snapshots", env.gopts)
rtest.Assert(t, len(snapshotIDs) == 1,
"expected one snapshot, got %v", snapshotIDs)
testRunCheck(t, env.gopts)
env.gopts.Quiet = true
testRunBackup(t, "", []string{env.testdata}, opts, env.gopts)
snapshotIDs = testRunList(t, "snapshots", env.gopts)
rtest.Assert(t, len(snapshotIDs) == 2,
"expected two snapshots, got %v", snapshotIDs)
testRunCheck(t, env.gopts)
func copyFile(dst string, src string) error {
srcFile, err := os.Open(src)
if err != nil {
return err
defer srcFile.Close()
dstFile, err := os.Create(dst)
if err != nil {
return err
defer dstFile.Close()
_, err = io.Copy(dstFile, srcFile)
return err
var diffOutputRegexPatterns = []string{
"Files: +2 new, +1 removed, +1 changed",
"Dirs: +3 new, +2 removed",
"Data Blobs: +2 new, +1 removed",
"Added: +7[0-9]{2}\\.[0-9]{3} KiB",
"Removed: +2[0-9]{2}\\.[0-9]{3} KiB",
func TestDiff(t *testing.T) {
env, cleanup := withTestEnvironment(t)
defer cleanup()
testRunInit(t, env.gopts)
datadir := filepath.Join(env.base, "testdata")
testdir := filepath.Join(datadir, "testdir")
subtestdir := filepath.Join(testdir, "subtestdir")
testfile := filepath.Join(testdir, "testfile")
rtest.OK(t, os.Mkdir(testdir, 0755))
rtest.OK(t, os.Mkdir(subtestdir, 0755))
rtest.OK(t, appendRandomData(testfile, 256*1024))
moddir := filepath.Join(datadir, "moddir")
submoddir := filepath.Join(moddir, "submoddir")
subsubmoddir := filepath.Join(submoddir, "subsubmoddir")
modfile := filepath.Join(moddir, "modfile")
rtest.OK(t, os.Mkdir(moddir, 0755))
rtest.OK(t, os.Mkdir(submoddir, 0755))
rtest.OK(t, os.Mkdir(subsubmoddir, 0755))
rtest.OK(t, copyFile(modfile, testfile))
rtest.OK(t, appendRandomData(modfile+"1", 256*1024))
snapshots := make(map[string]struct{})
opts := BackupOptions{}
testRunBackup(t, "", []string{datadir}, opts, env.gopts)
snapshots, firstSnapshotID := lastSnapshot(snapshots, loadSnapshotMap(t, env.gopts))
rtest.OK(t, os.Rename(modfile, modfile+"3"))
rtest.OK(t, os.Rename(submoddir, submoddir+"2"))
rtest.OK(t, appendRandomData(modfile+"1", 256*1024))
rtest.OK(t, appendRandomData(modfile+"2", 256*1024))
rtest.OK(t, os.Mkdir(modfile+"4", 0755))
testRunBackup(t, "", []string{datadir}, opts, env.gopts)
snapshots, secondSnapshotID := lastSnapshot(snapshots, loadSnapshotMap(t, env.gopts))
_, err := testRunDiffOutput(env.gopts, "", secondSnapshotID)
rtest.Assert(t, err != nil, "expected error on invalid snapshot id")
out, err := testRunDiffOutput(env.gopts, firstSnapshotID, secondSnapshotID)
if err != nil {
t.Fatalf("expected no error from diff for test repository, got %v", err)
for _, pattern := range diffOutputRegexPatterns {
r, err := regexp.Compile(pattern)
rtest.Assert(t, err == nil, "failed to compile regexp %v", pattern)
rtest.Assert(t, r.MatchString(out), "expected pattern %v in output, got\n%v", pattern, out)