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2015-05-10 22:46:32 +02:00

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package sftp
import (
// New creates a new SFTP client on conn.
func NewClient(conn *ssh.Client) (*Client, error) {
s, err := conn.NewSession()
if err != nil {
return nil, err
if err := s.RequestSubsystem("sftp"); err != nil {
return nil, err
pw, err := s.StdinPipe()
if err != nil {
return nil, err
pr, err := s.StdoutPipe()
if err != nil {
return nil, err
return NewClientPipe(pr, pw)
// NewClientPipe creates a new SFTP client given a Reader and a WriteCloser.
// This can be used for connecting to an SFTP server over TCP/TLS or by using
// the system's ssh client program (e.g. via exec.Command).
func NewClientPipe(rd io.Reader, wr io.WriteCloser) (*Client, error) {
sftp := &Client{
w: wr,
r: rd,
if err := sftp.sendInit(); err != nil {
return nil, err
return sftp, sftp.recvVersion()
// Client represents an SFTP session on a *ssh.ClientConn SSH connection.
// Multiple Clients can be active on a single SSH connection, and a Client
// may be called concurrently from multiple Goroutines.
// Client implements the github.com/kr/fs.FileSystem interface.
type Client struct {
w io.WriteCloser
r io.Reader
mu sync.Mutex // locks mu and seralises commands to the server
nextid uint32
// Close closes the SFTP session.
func (c *Client) Close() error { return c.w.Close() }
// Create creates the named file mode 0666 (before umask), truncating it if
// it already exists. If successful, methods on the returned File can be
// used for I/O; the associated file descriptor has mode O_RDWR.
func (c *Client) Create(path string) (*File, error) {
return c.open(path, flags(os.O_RDWR|os.O_CREATE|os.O_TRUNC))
const sftpProtocolVersion = 3 // http://tools.ietf.org/html/draft-ietf-secsh-filexfer-02
func (c *Client) sendInit() error {
return sendPacket(c.w, sshFxInitPacket{
Version: sftpProtocolVersion, // http://tools.ietf.org/html/draft-ietf-secsh-filexfer-02
// returns the current value of c.nextid and increments it
// callers is expected to hold c.mu
func (c *Client) nextId() uint32 {
v := c.nextid
return v
func (c *Client) recvVersion() error {
typ, data, err := recvPacket(c.r)
if err != nil {
return err
if typ != ssh_FXP_VERSION {
return &unexpectedPacketErr{ssh_FXP_VERSION, typ}
version, _ := unmarshalUint32(data)
if version != sftpProtocolVersion {
return &unexpectedVersionErr{sftpProtocolVersion, version}
return nil
// Walk returns a new Walker rooted at root.
func (c *Client) Walk(root string) *fs.Walker {
return fs.WalkFS(root, c)
// ReadDir reads the directory named by dirname and returns a list of
// directory entries.
func (c *Client) ReadDir(p string) ([]os.FileInfo, error) {
handle, err := c.opendir(p)
if err != nil {
return nil, err
defer c.close(handle) // this has to defer earlier than the lock below
var attrs []os.FileInfo
defer c.mu.Unlock()
var done = false
for !done {
id := c.nextId()
typ, data, err1 := c.sendRequest(sshFxpReaddirPacket{
Id: id,
Handle: handle,
if err1 != nil {
err = err1
done = true
switch typ {
case ssh_FXP_NAME:
sid, data := unmarshalUint32(data)
if sid != id {
return nil, &unexpectedIdErr{id, sid}
count, data := unmarshalUint32(data)
for i := uint32(0); i < count; i++ {
var filename string
filename, data = unmarshalString(data)
_, data = unmarshalString(data) // discard longname
var attr *FileStat
attr, data = unmarshalAttrs(data)
if filename == "." || filename == ".." {
attrs = append(attrs, fileInfoFromStat(attr, path.Base(filename)))
case ssh_FXP_STATUS:
// TODO(dfc) scope warning!
err = eofOrErr(unmarshalStatus(id, data))
done = true
return nil, unimplementedPacketErr(typ)
if err == io.EOF {
err = nil
return attrs, err
func (c *Client) opendir(path string) (string, error) {
defer c.mu.Unlock()
id := c.nextId()
typ, data, err := c.sendRequest(sshFxpOpendirPacket{
Id: id,
Path: path,
if err != nil {
return "", err
switch typ {
case ssh_FXP_HANDLE:
sid, data := unmarshalUint32(data)
if sid != id {
return "", &unexpectedIdErr{id, sid}
handle, _ := unmarshalString(data)
return handle, nil
case ssh_FXP_STATUS:
return "", unmarshalStatus(id, data)
return "", unimplementedPacketErr(typ)
func (c *Client) Lstat(p string) (os.FileInfo, error) {
defer c.mu.Unlock()
id := c.nextId()
typ, data, err := c.sendRequest(sshFxpLstatPacket{
Id: id,
Path: p,
if err != nil {
return nil, err
switch typ {
case ssh_FXP_ATTRS:
sid, data := unmarshalUint32(data)
if sid != id {
return nil, &unexpectedIdErr{id, sid}
attr, _ := unmarshalAttrs(data)
return fileInfoFromStat(attr, path.Base(p)), nil
case ssh_FXP_STATUS:
return nil, unmarshalStatus(id, data)
return nil, unimplementedPacketErr(typ)
// ReadLink reads the target of a symbolic link.
func (c *Client) ReadLink(p string) (string, error) {
defer c.mu.Unlock()
id := c.nextId()
typ, data, err := c.sendRequest(sshFxpReadlinkPacket{
Id: id,
Path: p,
if err != nil {
return "", err
switch typ {
case ssh_FXP_NAME:
sid, data := unmarshalUint32(data)
if sid != id {
return "", &unexpectedIdErr{id, sid}
count, data := unmarshalUint32(data)
if count != 1 {
return "", unexpectedCount(1, count)
filename, _ := unmarshalString(data) // ignore dummy attributes
return filename, nil
case ssh_FXP_STATUS:
return "", unmarshalStatus(id, data)
return "", unimplementedPacketErr(typ)
// setstat is a convience wrapper to allow for changing of various parts of the file descriptor.
func (c *Client) setstat(path string, flags uint32, attrs interface{}) error {
defer c.mu.Unlock()
id := c.nextId()
typ, data, err := c.sendRequest(sshFxpSetstatPacket{
Id: id,
Path: path,
Flags: flags,
Attrs: attrs,
if err != nil {
return err
switch typ {
case ssh_FXP_STATUS:
return okOrErr(unmarshalStatus(id, data))
return unimplementedPacketErr(typ)
// Chtimes changes the access and modification times of the named file.
func (c *Client) Chtimes(path string, atime time.Time, mtime time.Time) error {
type times struct {
Atime uint32
Mtime uint32
attrs := times{uint32(atime.Unix()), uint32(mtime.Unix())}
return c.setstat(path, ssh_FILEXFER_ATTR_ACMODTIME, attrs)
// Chown changes the user and group owners of the named file.
func (c *Client) Chown(path string, uid, gid int) error {
type owner struct {
Uid uint32
Gid uint32
attrs := owner{uint32(uid), uint32(gid)}
return c.setstat(path, ssh_FILEXFER_ATTR_UIDGID, attrs)
// Chmod changes the permissions of the named file.
func (c *Client) Chmod(path string, mode os.FileMode) error {
return c.setstat(path, ssh_FILEXFER_ATTR_PERMISSIONS, uint32(mode))
// Truncate sets the size of the named file. Although it may be safely assumed
// that if the size is less than its current size it will be truncated to fit,
// the SFTP protocol does not specify what behavior the server should do when setting
// size greater than the current size.
func (c *Client) Truncate(path string, size int64) error {
return c.setstat(path, ssh_FILEXFER_ATTR_SIZE, uint64(size))
// Open opens the named file for reading. If successful, methods on the
// returned file can be used for reading; the associated file descriptor
// has mode O_RDONLY.
func (c *Client) Open(path string) (*File, error) {
return c.open(path, flags(os.O_RDONLY))
// OpenFile is the generalized open call; most users will use Open or
// Create instead. It opens the named file with specified flag (O_RDONLY
// etc.). If successful, methods on the returned File can be used for I/O.
func (c *Client) OpenFile(path string, f int) (*File, error) {
return c.open(path, flags(f))
func (c *Client) open(path string, pflags uint32) (*File, error) {
defer c.mu.Unlock()
id := c.nextId()
typ, data, err := c.sendRequest(sshFxpOpenPacket{
Id: id,
Path: path,
Pflags: pflags,
if err != nil {
return nil, err
switch typ {
case ssh_FXP_HANDLE:
sid, data := unmarshalUint32(data)
if sid != id {
return nil, &unexpectedIdErr{id, sid}
handle, _ := unmarshalString(data)
return &File{c: c, path: path, handle: handle}, nil
case ssh_FXP_STATUS:
return nil, unmarshalStatus(id, data)
return nil, unimplementedPacketErr(typ)
// readAt reads len(buf) bytes from the remote file indicated by handle starting
// from offset.
func (c *Client) readAt(handle string, offset uint64, buf []byte) (uint32, error) {
defer c.mu.Unlock()
id := c.nextId()
typ, data, err := c.sendRequest(sshFxpReadPacket{
Id: id,
Handle: handle,
Offset: offset,
Len: uint32(len(buf)),
if err != nil {
return 0, err
switch typ {
case ssh_FXP_DATA:
sid, data := unmarshalUint32(data)
if sid != id {
return 0, &unexpectedIdErr{id, sid}
l, data := unmarshalUint32(data)
n := copy(buf, data[:l])
return uint32(n), nil
case ssh_FXP_STATUS:
return 0, eofOrErr(unmarshalStatus(id, data))
return 0, unimplementedPacketErr(typ)
// close closes a handle handle previously returned in the response
// to SSH_FXP_OPEN or SSH_FXP_OPENDIR. The handle becomes invalid
// immediately after this request has been sent.
func (c *Client) close(handle string) error {
defer c.mu.Unlock()
id := c.nextId()
typ, data, err := c.sendRequest(sshFxpClosePacket{
Id: id,
Handle: handle,
if err != nil {
return err
switch typ {
case ssh_FXP_STATUS:
return okOrErr(unmarshalStatus(id, data))
return unimplementedPacketErr(typ)
func (c *Client) fstat(handle string) (*FileStat, error) {
defer c.mu.Unlock()
id := c.nextId()
typ, data, err := c.sendRequest(sshFxpFstatPacket{
Id: id,
Handle: handle,
if err != nil {
return nil, err
switch typ {
case ssh_FXP_ATTRS:
sid, data := unmarshalUint32(data)
if sid != id {
return nil, &unexpectedIdErr{id, sid}
attr, _ := unmarshalAttrs(data)
return attr, nil
case ssh_FXP_STATUS:
return nil, unmarshalStatus(id, data)
return nil, unimplementedPacketErr(typ)
// Join joins any number of path elements into a single path, adding a
// separating slash if necessary. The result is Cleaned; in particular, all
// empty strings are ignored.
func (c *Client) Join(elem ...string) string { return path.Join(elem...) }
// Remove removes the specified file or directory. An error will be returned if no
// file or directory with the specified path exists, or if the specified directory
// is not empty.
func (c *Client) Remove(path string) error {
err := c.removeFile(path)
if status, ok := err.(*StatusError); ok && status.Code == ssh_FX_FAILURE {
err = c.removeDirectory(path)
return err
func (c *Client) removeFile(path string) error {
defer c.mu.Unlock()
id := c.nextId()
typ, data, err := c.sendRequest(sshFxpRemovePacket{
Id: id,
Filename: path,
if err != nil {
return err
switch typ {
case ssh_FXP_STATUS:
return okOrErr(unmarshalStatus(id, data))
return unimplementedPacketErr(typ)
func (c *Client) removeDirectory(path string) error {
defer c.mu.Unlock()
id := c.nextId()
typ, data, err := c.sendRequest(sshFxpRmdirPacket{
Id: id,
Path: path,
if err != nil {
return err
switch typ {
case ssh_FXP_STATUS:
return okOrErr(unmarshalStatus(id, data))
return unimplementedPacketErr(typ)
// Rename renames a file.
func (c *Client) Rename(oldname, newname string) error {
defer c.mu.Unlock()
id := c.nextId()
typ, data, err := c.sendRequest(sshFxpRenamePacket{
Id: id,
Oldpath: oldname,
Newpath: newname,
if err != nil {
return err
switch typ {
case ssh_FXP_STATUS:
return okOrErr(unmarshalStatus(id, data))
return unimplementedPacketErr(typ)
func (c *Client) sendRequest(p encoding.BinaryMarshaler) (byte, []byte, error) {
if err := sendPacket(c.w, p); err != nil {
return 0, nil, err
return recvPacket(c.r)
// writeAt writes len(buf) bytes from the remote file indicated by handle starting
// from offset.
func (c *Client) writeAt(handle string, offset uint64, buf []byte) (uint32, error) {
defer c.mu.Unlock()
id := c.nextId()
typ, data, err := c.sendRequest(sshFxpWritePacket{
Id: id,
Handle: handle,
Offset: offset,
Length: uint32(len(buf)),
Data: buf,
if err != nil {
return 0, err
switch typ {
case ssh_FXP_STATUS:
if err := okOrErr(unmarshalStatus(id, data)); err != nil {
return 0, err
return uint32(len(buf)), nil
return 0, unimplementedPacketErr(typ)
// Creates the specified directory. An error will be returned if a file or
// directory with the specified path already exists, or if the directory's
// parent folder does not exist (the method cannot create complete paths).
func (c *Client) Mkdir(path string) error {
defer c.mu.Unlock()
id := c.nextId()
typ, data, err := c.sendRequest(sshFxpMkdirPacket{
Id: id,
Path: path,
if err != nil {
return err
switch typ {
case ssh_FXP_STATUS:
return okOrErr(unmarshalStatus(id, data))
return unimplementedPacketErr(typ)
// File represents a remote file.
type File struct {
c *Client
path string
handle string
offset uint64 // current offset within remote file
// Close closes the File, rendering it unusable for I/O. It returns an
// error, if any.
func (f *File) Close() error {
return f.c.close(f.handle)
// Read reads up to len(b) bytes from the File. It returns the number of
// bytes read and an error, if any. EOF is signaled by a zero count with
// err set to io.EOF.
func (f *File) Read(b []byte) (int, error) {
var read int
for len(b) > 0 {
n, err := f.c.readAt(f.handle, f.offset, b[:min(len(b), maxWritePacket)])
f.offset += uint64(n)
read += int(n)
if err != nil {
return read, err
b = b[n:]
return read, nil
// Stat returns the FileInfo structure describing file. If there is an
// error.
func (f *File) Stat() (os.FileInfo, error) {
fs, err := f.c.fstat(f.handle)
if err != nil {
return nil, err
return fileInfoFromStat(fs, path.Base(f.path)), nil
// clamp writes to less than 32k
const maxWritePacket = 1 << 15
// Write writes len(b) bytes to the File. It returns the number of bytes
// written and an error, if any. Write returns a non-nil error when n !=
// len(b).
func (f *File) Write(b []byte) (int, error) {
var written int
for len(b) > 0 {
n, err := f.c.writeAt(f.handle, f.offset, b[:min(len(b), maxWritePacket)])
f.offset += uint64(n)
written += int(n)
if err != nil {
return written, err
b = b[n:]
return written, nil
// Seek implements io.Seeker by setting the client offset for the next Read or
// Write. It returns the next offset read. Seeking before or after the end of
// the file is undefined. Seeking relative to the end calls Stat.
func (f *File) Seek(offset int64, whence int) (int64, error) {
switch whence {
case os.SEEK_SET:
f.offset = uint64(offset)
case os.SEEK_CUR:
f.offset = uint64(int64(f.offset) + offset)
case os.SEEK_END:
fi, err := f.Stat()
if err != nil {
return int64(f.offset), err
f.offset = uint64(fi.Size() + offset)
return int64(f.offset), unimplementedSeekWhence(whence)
return int64(f.offset), nil
// Chown changes the uid/gid of the current file.
func (f *File) Chown(uid, gid int) error {
return f.c.Chown(f.path, uid, gid)
// Chmod changes the permissions of the current file.
func (f *File) Chmod(mode os.FileMode) error {
return f.c.Chmod(f.path, mode)
// Truncate sets the size of the current file. Although it may be safely assumed
// that if the size is less than its current size it will be truncated to fit,
// the SFTP protocol does not specify what behavior the server should do when setting
// size greater than the current size.
func (f *File) Truncate(size int64) error {
return f.c.Truncate(f.path, size)
func min(a, b int) int {
if a > b {
return b
return a
// okOrErr returns nil if Err.Code is SSH_FX_OK, otherwise it returns the error.
func okOrErr(err error) error {
if err, ok := err.(*StatusError); ok && err.Code == ssh_FX_OK {
return nil
return err
func eofOrErr(err error) error {
if err, ok := err.(*StatusError); ok && err.Code == ssh_FX_EOF {
return io.EOF
return err
func unmarshalStatus(id uint32, data []byte) error {
sid, data := unmarshalUint32(data)
if sid != id {
return &unexpectedIdErr{id, sid}
code, data := unmarshalUint32(data)
msg, data := unmarshalString(data)
lang, _ := unmarshalString(data)
return &StatusError{
Code: code,
msg: msg,
lang: lang,
// flags converts the flags passed to OpenFile into ssh flags.
// Unsupported flags are ignored.
func flags(f int) uint32 {
var out uint32
switch f & os.O_WRONLY {
case os.O_WRONLY:
out |= ssh_FXF_WRITE
case os.O_RDONLY:
out |= ssh_FXF_READ
if f&os.O_RDWR == os.O_RDWR {
out |= ssh_FXF_READ | ssh_FXF_WRITE
if f&os.O_APPEND == os.O_APPEND {
out |= ssh_FXF_APPEND
if f&os.O_CREATE == os.O_CREATE {
out |= ssh_FXF_CREAT
if f&os.O_TRUNC == os.O_TRUNC {
out |= ssh_FXF_TRUNC
if f&os.O_EXCL == os.O_EXCL {
out |= ssh_FXF_EXCL
return out